Barron, H. F., Browne, M. A. E. and Finlayson, A. 2005. West Lothian Geodiversity. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/06/008N. 190pp.

WLGSs West Lothian Geodiversity Sites WLGAP West Lothian Geodiversity Action Plan WLLP West Lothian Local Plan

West Lothian Geodiversity Volume 2 — Figures

Geology and Landscape North Programme Commissioned Report CR/06/008N

British Geological Survey, Geology and Landscape North Programme Commissioned Report CR/06/008N

H F Barron, M A E Browne and A Finlayson

The National Grid and other Ordnance Survey data are used with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Licence No: 100017897/2006.

Keywords Geodiversity; West Lothian.

(Cover photograph) Five Sisters Bing, West Calder

Bibliographical reference Barron, H F, Browne, M A E, and Finlayson, A. 2005. West Lothian Geodiversity. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/06/008N8N. 190pp.

Copyright in materials derived from the British Geological Survey's work is owned by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and/or the authority that commissioned the work. You may not copy or adapt this publication without first obtaining permission. Contact the BGS Intellectual Property Rights Section, British Geological Survey, Keyworth,

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Maps and diagrams in this book use topography based on Ordnance Survey mapping.


S L B Arkley, S M Clarke, A Matthewson, A Pickering and K I G Lawrie and E K Hyslop

Editor D J D Lawrence

© NERC 2006. All rights reserved Keyworth, Nottingham British Geological Survey 2006


(Figure 1) A: Part of the geological timescale with colour bars representing the rocks of West Lothian. Yellow bar = Carboniferous sedimentary rocks; red bars = extrusive igneous rocks; green bars = intrusive igneous rocks. B: Classification of Carboniferous strata in West Lothian.

(Figure 2) Bedrock geology of West Lothian.

(Figure 3) Maximum limits of Late Devensian glaciation in Britain. Solid line — mapped limit; dotted line — inferred confluence with Scandinavian ice.

(Figure 4) Superficial deposits of West Lothian.

(Figure 5) Soil Associations of West Lothian. ©The Macaulay Institute 2005.

(Figure 6) Major Soil Sub-Groups of West Lothian. © The Macaulay Institute 2005.

(Figure 7) Mines and Quarries from the BGS BritPits database and the Scottish Quarries database.

(Figure 8) Potential West Lothian geodiversity sites from desk study.

(Figure 9) Geological and landscape designations of West Lothian.

(Figure 10) NEXTMap Orthorectified radar Digital Surface Model of West Lothian.

(Figure 11) SNH Landscape Character Assessment of West Lothian.

(Figure 12) Biological designations and other biodiversity sites of West Lothian.

(Figure 13) Scheduled Monuments and archaeological sites of West Lothian.

(Figure 14) West Lothian Geodiversity Sites (WLGS).

(Figure 15) Inverclyde Group geodiversity sites of West Lothian.

(Figure 16) View across Harperrig Reservoir from Auchinoon Quarry (WLGS 36) beside the A70. The south-east boundary of West Lothian runs along the skyline from East Cairn Hill to West Cairn Hill. Inverclyde Group rocks form the hills and most of the low ground beyond the reservoir.

(Figure 17) Section in gently dipping mudstones, siltstones and thin sandstones of the Ballagan Formation (Inverclyde Group) capped by glacial till. Section approximately 5 m high. Baad Park Burn (WLGS 1) [NT 1125 6014], south-east of Harperrig Reservoir

(Figure 18) West Lothian's highest hill — West Cairn Hill (562m) from Baad Park Burn, south-east of Harperrig Reservoir. West Cairn Hill is formed from Kinesswood Formation (Inverclyde Group) sandstones. WLGS 2 is located close to the break of slope on the right skyline of the hill.

(Figure 19) East Cairn Hill (561 m summit) from Baad Park Burn (WLGS 1), south-east of Harperrig Reservoir. The gently-inclined Kinesswood Formation (Inverclyde Group) sandstones show small-scale scarp featuring.

(Figure 20) Laminated and cross-bedded red sandstones of the Ballagan Formation (Inverclyde Group). Baad Park Burn (WLGS 1) [NT 1103 6037], south-east of Harperrig Reservoir. East Cairn Hill in background.

(Figure 21) Strathclyde Group geodiversity sites of West Lothian.

(Figure 22) Sign beside entrance gate [NS 9895 6891] to East Kirkton Quarry, Bathgate (WLGS 4).

(Figure 23) Quarry face in East Kirkton Quarry [NS 9901 6913], East Kirkton Limestone, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation (WLGS 4).

(Figure 24) Quarry face in East Kirkton Quarry [NS 9901 6913], East Kirkton Limestone, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation (WLGS 4).

(Figure 25) The same face as (Figure 24), taken in 1994. BGS Photograph P2882 © NERC. WLGS 4.

(Figure 26) West Lothian's most distinctive landmarks — the Five Sisters oil-shale bings [NT 009 641] (WLGS 5) near West Calder, viewed from the south-west. The bings are 91 m in height with a summit altitude of 240 m. They are protected as a Scheduled Monument.

(Figure 27) Five Sisters oil-shale bings [NT 009 641] (WLGS 5) from the south. Burnt oil-shale is initially dark blue-grey ("blaes"), but rapidly oxidises to a characteristic red colour in contact with the elements.

(Figure 28) Greendykes (Broxburn) [NT 087 736] oil-shale bing viewed from the west (WLGS 7).

(Figure 29) South-west face of Seafield Law [NT 005 667] (WLGS 6), Seafield. This oil-shale bing has been re-profiled to replicate one of the most distinctive natural landforms of West Lothian — a 'crag and tail' glacial feature.

(Figure 30) Weathered spent oil-shale on Seafield Law [NT 005 667] (WLGS 6).

(Figure 31) Sluice weir on the River Almond 500 m upstream from the Almond Valley Heritage Centre [NT 0325 6689] (WLGS 8).

(Figure 32) Sandstone and siltstone beds of the Gullane Formation exposed in the bank of the Murieston Water [NT 0733 6658] (WLGS 9). The section is approximately 3 m high and the beds show fault-related deformation from the Calder Fault.

(Figure 33) Stigmaria tree root fossil in Calders Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation, Almondell [NT 0887 6885] (WLGS 10).

(Figure 34) View of steeply dipping Burdiehouse Limestone [NT 0860 6840] (WLGS 10). Calders Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation, Almondell.

(Figure 35) Overfold in Broxburn Shale [NT 0790 6710], Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation, Calderwood (WLGS 10).

(Figure 36) Small oil-shale bing at Upper Uphall [NT 0550 7225]. Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil Shale formation (WLGS 11).

(Figure 37) Sitts resulting from the collapse of underground stoop and room working. Upper Uphall [NT 0550 7225] (WLGS 11). Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil Shale formation.

(Figure 38) Ironstone nodules, Upper Uphall [NT 0550 7225] (WLGS 11). Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil Shale formation.

(Figure 39) Obelisk Quarry, Hopetoun [NT 0942 7859] (WLGS 13). Quarry face in Dunnet Sandstone (Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation).

(Figure 40) Obelisk Quarry, Hopetoun [NT 0942 7859] (WLGS 13). Close-up of (Figure 39). Fine grained sandstone with interbeds of very fine grained sandstone and laminated carbonaceous siltstone ("tiger-stripe").

(Figure 41) Obelisk Quarry, Hopetoun [NT 0942 7862] (WLGS 13). Fluvial channel features in Dunnet Sandstone.

(Figure 42) Entrance to Obelisk Quarry, Hopetoun [NT 0942 7862] (WLGS 13).

(Figure 43) Society East Shore 2. Sandstone overlying oil-shale, Dunnet Sandstone, Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation [NT 1058 7879] (WLGS 14).

(Figure 44) Society East Shore 3. Sandstone with carbonate nodules overlying limestone. Dunnet Sandstone, Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation [NT 10538 78805] (WLGS 14).

(Figure 45) Society East Shore 4. Cross-bedded sandstone. Dunnet Sandstone, Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation [NT 1052 7882] (WLGS 14).

(Figure 46) Society East Shore 6. Dunnet Sandstone outcrops with Forth bridges beyond. Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation [NT 1048 7884] (WLGS 14).

(Figure 47) Trough cross-bedded sandstone at Society Point. Binny Sandstone, Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation [NT 1009 7902] (WLGS 15).

(Figure 48) Steps cut in cross-bedded sandstone at Society Point. Binny Sandstone, Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation [NT 1009 7902] (WLGS 15).

(Figure 49) Sandstone dyke and carbonaceous lags in cross-bedded sandstone at Society Point. Binny Sandstone, Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation [NT 1009 7902] (WLGS 15).

(Figure 50) A: Damage to sandstone caused by core-cutting. B: Close-up of (Figure 49) — carbonaceous lags (plant debris) in sandstone. Society Point, Binny Sandstone, Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation [NT 1009 7902] (WLGS 15).

(Figure 51) Stigmaria tree root fossil at Society Shore 1 [NT 0967 7910] (WLGS 16). Barracks Limestone, Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation.

(Figure 52) Blending in — wall of local sandstone built on eastward-dipping Dunnet Sandstone at Society Shore 2 [NT 0954 7913] (WLGS 16). Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation.

(Figure 53) Easterly-dipping sandstone on the east limb of the Hopetoun anticline at Hopetoun Shore 1 [NT 0935 7919] (WLGS 17). Calders Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation.

(Figure 54) Ripple-marked sandstone bedding-plane — close-up of (Figure 53). Hopetoun Shore 1 [NT 0935 7919] (WLGS 17). Calders Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation.

(Figure 55) Burdiehouse Limestone on the west limb of the Hopetoun anticline. Hopetoun Shore 3 [NT 0894 7935] (WLGS 17), Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation.

(Figure 56) Small fault in Burdiehouse Limestone — close up of (Figure 55). Hopetoun Shore 3 [NT 0894 7935] (WLGS 17), Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation.

(Figure 57) Small-scale open fold in Burdiehouse Limestone — close up of (Figure 55). Hopetoun Shore 3 [NT 0894 7935] (WLGS 17), Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation.

(Figure 58) Outcrop of Binny Sandstone at Abercorn Point 1 [NT 0843 7950] (WLGS 18). Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation.

(Figure 59) Cross-bedding in sandstones at Abercorn Point 3 [NT 0827 7954] (WLGS 18).Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation.

(Figure 60) The Forth Bridges from Abercorn Point (WLGS 18).

(Figure 61) Coarsening-up sequence Midhope Burn 2 [NT 0784 7981] (WLGS 19). Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation.

(Figure 62) Midhope Burn 2 [NT 0784 7981] (WLGS 19). Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation. Section is to the right of that in (Figure 61).

(Figure 63) Broxburn Shale at Midhope Burn 1 [NT 0787 7898] (WLGS 19). Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation.

(Figure 64) Bathgate Group geodiversity sites of West Lothian.

(Figure 65) Stone circle and burial cairn on Cairnpapple Hill, viewed from the south-west. Rock types used are mainly local — basalt from the Bathgate Hills Volcanic Formation and quartz-dolerite from nearby intrusions [NS 9872 7174] (WLGS 20).

(Figure 66) Stone circle and burial cairn on Cairnpapple Hill, viewed from the south-east. The cairn is a reconstruction representing the original Bronze Age cairn. [NS 9872 7174] (WLGS 20).

(Figure 67) Stone circle and and satellite burial chambers on Cairnpapple Hill. Rock types used are mainly local — basalt from the Bathgate Hills Volcanic Formation and quartz-dolerite from nearby intrusions [NS 9872 7174] (WLGS 20).

(Figure 68) Historic Scotland interpretation board at Cairnpapple (WLGS 20).

(Figure 69) Well-preserved lime kilns at Wairdlaw Quarry [NS 9955 7304] (WLGS 21).

(Figure 70) View eastwards to Arthur's Seat from the northern boundary of Wairdlaw Quarry [NS 9952 7313] (WLGS 21).

(Figure 71) Main quarry face at Wairdlaw Quarry. Wairdlaw Limestone ((Lower Limestone Formation, Clackmannan Group) above lava of Bathgate Hills Volcanic Formation [NS 9952 7313] (WLGS 21).

(Figure 72) Wairdlaw Quarry — small quartz dolerite quarry to north-west of main quarry [NS 9953 7320] (WLGS 21).

(Figure 73) Drystone dyke of Wairdlaw Limestone at Wairdlaw Quarry [NS 9952 7313] (WLGS 21).

(Figure 74) Siphonodendron coral fossil in the Wairdlaw Limestone at Wairdlaw Quarry [NS 9952 7313] (WLGS 21).

(Figure 75) Wairdlaw Quarry flora — wild raspberry (Rubus idaeus var. strigosus), blaeberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) and Scottish Bluebell (Campanula rotundifolia) [NS 9952 7313] (WLGS 21).

(Figure 76) Clackmannan Group geodiversity sites of West Lothian.

(Figure 77) Levenseat Sandstone above bedded black siltstones and mudstones. Quarry face is approximately 15 m high. Passage Formation, Levenseat working quarry 2 [NS 9397 5748] (WLGS 23).

(Figure 78) Levenseat Sandstone, Passage Formation. Quarry face is approximately 15 m high. Levenseat working quarry 2 [NS 9397 5748] (WLGS 23).

(Figure 79) Large fluvial channel in Levenseat Sandstone, Passage Formation. Quarry face is approximately 15 m high. Levenseat working quarry 1 [NS 9410 5763] (WLGS 23).

(Figure 80) Old mine entrance in Castlecary Limestone, Upper Limestone Formation, Levenseat quarries & mines [NS 9547 5799]. Fauldhouse can be seen in the distance (WLGS 24).

(Figure 81) Old mine entrance in Castlecary Limestone, Upper Limestone Formation, Levenseat quarries & mines [NS 9547 5799] (WLGS 24). Close-up of (Figure 78).

(Figure 82) Levenseat landfill site from Leven Seat hill [NS 9540 5762] (WLGS 24).

(Figure 83) Skolie Burn [NS 9871 6240] (WLGS 25). View north from bridge to section in Lower Limestone Formation.

(Figure 84) Skolie Burn [NS 9871 6240] (WLGS 25). Section in Lower Limestone Formation immediately north of bridge.

(Figure 85) Skolie Burn [NS 9871 6240] (WLGS 25) section beneath the bridge. A picrite sill can be seen in the bed of the burn, overlain by sandstones and the Top Hosie Limestone of the Lower Limestone Formation.

(Figure 86) Fossiliferous mudstone from the Lower Limestone Formation, Skolie Burn [NS 9871 6240] (WLGS 25).

(Figure 87) Entrance sign to Petershill Reservoir Quarry, off the Bathgate to Bangour road [NS 9849 6952] (WLGS 26).

(Figure 88) General view within Petershill Reservoir Quarry with bullrushes (Typha latifolia) [NS 9849 6952] (WLGS 26).

(Figure 89) Bedding plane outcrop of fossiliferous Petershill Limestone in the Petershill Reservoir Quarry [NS 9852 6969] (WLGS 26).

(Figure 90) Fossil corals from Petershill Quarries (WLGS 26). A: Aulophyllum B: Siphonodendron junceum.

(Figure 91) Looking south-west in the Rifle Range Quarries [NS 9890 7087] (WLGS 27). Petershill Limestone, Lower Limestone Formation.

(Figure 92) Main quarry face in the Rifle Range Quarries [NS 9890 7087] (WLGS 27). Petershill Limestone, Lower Limestone Formation.

(Figure 93) Fossiliferous Limestone from the Rifle Range Quarries [NS 9890 7087] (WLGS 27). Petershill Limestone, Lower Limestone Formation.

(Figure 94) Gigantoproductid brachiopod fossils from the Rifle Range Quarries [NS 9890 7087] (WLGS 27). Petershill Limestone, Lower Limestone Formation.

(Figure 95) View south-east from Cairnpapple Hill (WLGS 20) to Hilderston Silver Mine and Quarry [NS 9908 7135] (WLGS 28). Pentland Hills in distance.

(Figure 96) View north from Hilderston Quarry [NS 9908 7135] (WLGS 28) to Hilderston Silver Mine [NS 9917 7158] (WLGS 29). Silver was worked here intermittently from 1606 to the late 1800s.

(Figure 97) View north-east across Hilderston Silver Mine [NS 9917 7158] (WLGS 29).

(Figure 98) Main quarry face at Hilderston Quarry [NS 9908 7135] (WLGS 28). Excellent coarsening upward sequences in mudstones, siltstones and sandstones of the Lower Limestone Formation above Petershill Limestone.

(Figure 99) Hilderston Quarry [NS 9908 7135] (WLGS 28). A: Thalassinoides trace-fossils. B: Small-scale cross-bedding in sandstone, Lower Limestone Formation.

(Figure 100) Lead-Zinc mine adit at Hilderston Silver Mine [NS 9917 7158] (WLGS 29).

(Figure 101) Lead-Zinc mine adit at Hilderston Silver Mine [NS 9917 7158] (WLGS 29).

(Figure 102) Notice board at Beecraigs Country Park. Hillhouse Quarry and Mine [NT 0046 7487] (WLGS 30) is located immediately north of the 'you are here' arrow.

(Figure 103) View north-east from Hillhouse Quarry and Mine [NT 0046 7487] (WLGS 30).

(Figure 104) Stoop and room workings in Hillhouse Limestone, Lower Limestone Formation, Hillhouse Quarry and Mine[NT 0046 7487] (WLGS 30).

(Figure 105) Thistle and Willowherb at Hillhouse Quarry and Mine [NT 0046 7487] (WLGS 30).

(Figure 106) Small quarry to the north-west of the mine, Hillhouse Quarry and Mine [NT 0029 7517] (WLGS 30).

(Figure 107) Wallace's Arch, River Avon [NS 9459 7305] (WLGS 32). A natural arch in Passage Formation sandstone.

(Figure 108) Wallace's Arch, River Avon [NS 9459 7305] (WLGS 32). A natural arch in Passage Formation sandstone.

(Figure 109) Coal Measures (Scotland) Group geodiversity sites of West Lothian.

(Figure 110) Braehead Quarry [NS 9205 6055] west of Fauldhouse, an infilled and landscaped former building stone quarry.

(Figure 111) Volcanic vents and plugs geodiversity sites of West Lothian.

(Figure 112) View south-west from Jock's Hill towards the volcanic vent of Carsie Hill [NT 0150 7547] (WLGS 35) (low hill in middle distance). Carsie Hill is also a Crag and Tail.

(Figure 113) Pyroclastic breccia in volcanic vent on Carsie Hill [NT 0150 7547] (WLGS 35).

(Figure 114) Outcrop of pyroclastic breccia in the Society Shore vent. Society Point can be seen in the distance to the right of the trees. Society East Shore 8 [NT 1021 7886] (WLGS 13).

(Figure 115) Close-up of pyroclastic breccia from the Society Shore vent. Society East Shore 8 [NT 10218 78863] (WLGS 13).

(Figure 116) Alkali-dolerite sills geodiversity sites of West Lothian.

(Figure 117) Auchinoon Hill from south-east of Harperrig Reservoir. Auchinoon Quarry (WLGS 36) left of centre.

(Figure 118) Auchinoon Quarry [NT 0919 6175] (WLGS 36) with the Pentland Hills beyond. Dolerite sill in lower part of quarry with Gullane Formation laminated siltstones above.

(Figure 119) Auchinoon Quarry [NT 0919 6175] (WLGS 36). 5 m of dolerite sill in lower part of quarry face with thermally metamorphosed laminated siltstones of the Gullane Formation above.

(Figure 120) Centre section of Auchinoon Quarry [NT 0919 6175] (WLGS 36). Approximately 5 m of dolerite sill in lower part of quarry face with thermally metamorphosed laminated siltstones of the Gullane Formation above.

(Figure 121) Auchinoon Quarry [NT 0919 6175] (WLGS 36). Dolerite sill in lower part of quarry with Gullane Formation laminated siltstones above. Siltstones have been thermally metamorphosed to calc-silicate hornfels by contact with sill. Face approximately 4 m high.

(Figure 122) The Dalmahoy Sill (alkali-dolerite) in the bank of the Linhouse Water. Linhouse Water Glasgow Viaduct 2 site [NT 0772 6562] (WLGS 37).

(Figure 123) Teschenitic dolerite sill intruded into the core of the Hopetoun anticline at Hopetoun Shore 2 [NT 0932 7918] (WLGS 17).

(Figure 124) Quartz-dolerite sills geodiversity sites of West Lothian.

(Figure 125) Panoramic view east to south-east from The Knock (305 m) [NS 9906 7114] (WLGS 38) towards Edinburgh and the Pentland Hills.

(Figure 126) The Knock from the north-west [NS 9906 7114] (WLGS 38). Quartz-dolerite sill on the summit intrudes basalt lavas of the Bathgate Hills Volcanic Formation.

(Figure 127) Quartz-dolerite sill, south-east face of The Knock [NS 9906 7114] (WLGS 38). The chilled contact with the basalt lavas of the Bathgate Hills Volcanic Formation can be seen here.

(Figure 128) Sphaeroidal weathering in dolerite on The Knock [NS 9906 7114] (WLGS 38).

(Figure 129) Millenium Stone circle, Knock Farm [NS 9912 7130] (WLGS 38). Cairnpapple Hill on top left (WLGS 20).

(Figure 130) Witch Craig Viewpoint stone shelter [NS 9908 7275] (WLGS 39). Cockleroy can be seen above right-hand end of shelter.

(Figure 131) Witch Craig Viewpoint [NS 9908 7275] (WLGS 39) and view north-west to Lochcote Reservoir.

(Figure 132) Witch Craig Viewpoint display board [NS 9908 7275] (WLGS 39).

(Figure 133) View from Witch Craig Viewpoint [NS 9908 7275] (WLGS 39) towards Grangemouth.

(Figure 134) Torphichen Preceptory 'refuge stone' with cross, Witch Craig [NS 9910 7273] (WLGS 39).

(Figure 135) A misleading (pre- outdoor access code) sign on Cockleroy [NS 9894 7437] (WLGS 40).

(Figure 136) Quartz-dolerite outcropping on the slopes of Cockleroy [NS 9894 7437] (WLGS 40). Cockleroy is composed of Bathgate Hills Volcanic Formation basalts intruded by a quartz-dolerite sill.

(Figure 137) View west from Cockleroy [NS 9894 7437] (WLGS 40). Cockleroy is composed of Bathgate Hills Volcanic Formation basalts intruded by a quartz-dolerite sill.

(Figure 138) Cockleroy [NS 9894 7437] (WLGS 40) rocks and flowers A: Vesicular basalt B: Scottish Bluebell (Campanula rotundifolia).

(Figure 139) Entrance sign at Beecraigs Country Park [NT 0071 7425] (WLGS 41).

(Figure 140) Beecraigs Quarry face climbing wall [NT 0080 7390] (WLGS 41) composed of quartz-dolerite, Beecraigs Country Park.

(Figure 141) Dry stone dyke composed of quartz-dolerite. Beecraigs Quarry [NT 0080 7390] (WLGS 41), Beecraigs Country Park.

(Figure 142) Panoramic view Binny Craig from the south — a classic 'Crag and Tail' landform sculpted from a basalt sill intruding the West Lothian Oil Shale Formation. 'Crag' on left and 'Tail' on right [NT 0432 7346] (WLGS 42).

(Figure 143) Binny Craig Sill displaying columnar jointing in basalt. Binny Craig [NT 0432 7346] (WLGS 42).

(Figure 144) View south from Binny Craig summit [NT 0432 7346] (WLGS 42) to the Pentland Hills.

(Figure 145) Basalt of the Binny Craig Sill overlying baked shales of the West Lothian Oil shale Formation [NT 0432 7346] (WLGS 42).

(Figure 146) Exposure of a quartz-dolerite dyke in Kildimmery Fishery Quarry [NT 0220 7603] (WLGS 43).

(Figure 147) Exposure of a quartz-dolerite dyke in Kildimmery Fishery Quarry [NT 0220 7603] (WLGS 43).

(Figure 148) Exposure of a quartz-dolerite dyke in the Linhouse Water at Linhouse Water — Calderwood 1 [NT 0790 6705] (WLGS 45).

(Figure 149) Quaternary landscape characterisation of West Lothian.

(Figure 150) A: Oblique hill-shaded digital surface model showing Binny Craig (outlined) and surrounding crag and tails (dashed lines). Contours at 25 metre intervals. B: Binny Craig clearly showing the outcrop of resistant basalt and 'tail' of protected softer rock (WLGS 42).

(Figure 151) Deep channels cut by glacial meltwater along faults in Torphichen Hill [NS 975 725] (WLGS 46).

(Figure 152) Drumlinized zone to the west of West Lothian. A transition from the drumlin zone to the crag and tail topography occurs where igneous rocks outcrop at the surface.

(Figure 153) Streamlining of upland terrain around Leven Seat.

(Figure 154) Post-glacial cemented raised beach deposits above the modern beach at Abercorn Point 2 [NT 0835 7952] (WLGS 18).

(Figure 155) Linlithgow Loch and Linlithgow Palace. The loch is very large kettle hole formed by the melting of a large detached mass of ice trapped within glacial deposits [NT 004 776] (WLGS 47).

(Figure 156) A glacial erratic of dolerite on the shore at Abercorn Point 3 [NT 0827 7954] (WLGS 18).

(Figure 157) View west-south-west from Seafield Law to Easter Inch Moss [NT 0010 6666] (WLGS 50).

(Figure 158) View west-south-west from Seafield Law to Easter Inch Moss [NT 0010 6666] (WLGS 50).

(Figure 159) Seafield Law from Easter Inch Moss from [NT 0010 6666] (WLGS 50).

(Figure 160) Peat on Easter Inch Moss [NT 0010 6666] (WLGS 50).

(Figure 161) Soil on terraced gravel on glacial till in an area of active erosion and deposition. Linhouse Water [NT 0734 6613].

(Front cover)

(Cover photograph) Five Sisters Bing, West Calder


(Table 1) Digital datasets used in the project GIS.

(Table 2) Ranking criteria for BGS geodiversity audits.

(Table 3) West Lothian Geodiversity Sites (WLGS) and explanation of abbreviations.

(Table 4) Draft West Lothian Geodiversity Action Plan (WLGAP). SESEF–Scottish Earth Science Education Forum, SAGT–Scottish Association of Geography Teachers, ESTA– Earth Science Teachers Association, British Waterways Scotland, CEC–City of Edinburgh Council, MLC–Midlothian Council FCS–Forestry Commission Scotland, CSF–Central Scotland Forestry Trust.

(Appendix 4 Table 1)

(Appendix 4 Table 2)

(Appendix 4 Table 3)

(Appendix 4 Table 4)

(Appendix 4 Table 5)

(Appendix 4 Table 6)

(Appendix 4 Table 7)

(Appendix 4 Table 8)

(Appendix 4 Table 9)

(Appendix 5 Table 1) GeoDiversitY database — browser window

(Appendix 5 Table 2) GeoDiversitY database — locality data entry window

(Appendix 5 Table 3)> GeoDiversitY database — main geodiversity data entry window

(Appendix 5 Table 4) GeoDiversitY database — ranking criteria window

(Appendix 5 Table 5) GeoDiversitY database — variables and ID window

(Appendix 5 Table 6) GeoDiversitY database — dictionary window

(Appendix 5 Table 7) GeoDiversitY database — Form for field use at geodiversity sites page 1

(Appendix 5 Table 8) GeoDiversitY database — Form for field use at geodiversity sites page 2

(Appendix 6 Table 1) Appendix 6 GIS data layers supplied to West Lothian Council and SNH