Barron, H. F., Browne, M. A. E. and Finlayson, A. 2005. West Lothian Geodiversity. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/06/008N. 190pp.

Appendix 4 Potential sites from desk study

The table is in 9 parts

(Appendix 4 Table 1)

(Appendix 4 Table 2)

(Appendix 4 Table 3)

(Appendix 4 Table 4)

(Appendix 4 Table 5)

(Appendix 4 Table 6)

(Appendix 4 Table 7)

(Appendix 4 Table 8)

(Appendix 4 Table 9)


Site Name MB Score MB No AM No Lithostratigraphy Page No SW corner NE corner Accuracy m Easting Northing Note Reference
Auchinoon Quarry 4 156 3 dolerite, metamorphic: qT 277 [NT 0905 6170] [NT 0920 6180] 100 309125 661750 [NT 09125 61750] Edin Mem 1910, p277; Hardrock Aggregate Resources, p62
Beecraigs quarry 4 140 10 columnar dyke qD

dyke qD 1

[NT 0080 7390] [NT 0085 7393] 100 300825 673915 [NT 00825 73915] Lothian geol, Excur Guide
Binny Craig 4 161 12 sill, step, dyke, hydrocarbon, crag and tail, scree 283 [NT 0420 7330] [NT 0470 7400] 100 304450 673650 [NT 04450 73650] Edin Mem 1910, p283, 328
Binny Quarry (golf) 4 53 13 Binny Sandstone 10 [NT 0565 7310]


[NT 0580 7340] 100 305725 673250 [NT 05725 73250] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p10
Coalheugh Head,Torphin Bridge 4 22 32 Dalmahoy Shale? 34 [NT 0340 6100] [NT 0370 6160] 100 303550 661300 [NT 03550 61300] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p34
Cockleroy 4 136 33 qD sill transgressing 91 [NS 9875 7425] [NS 9915 7480] 100 298950 674525 [NS 98950 74525] Cent Coalfield Area III, p91; Edin Mem
Craigton (Hill) Quarry 4 162 40 qD faulted, off, contacts 283 [NT 0745 7675] [NT 0770 7697] 100 307575 676860 [NT 07575 76860] Edin Mem 1910, p 283, Wartime Pamphlet 45 p24

!Pamphlet 45, p24

Easter Inch Moss and Seafield Law 4 185


55 basin peat workings; artificial crag and tail 34 [NS 9910 6610] [NT 0090 6690] 100 300000 666500 [NT 00000 66500] Wartime Pamphlet 45 p34
Harwood Water Calder 4 72 66 Fells Limestone 93 [NT 0250 6250] [NT 0265 6275] 100 302575 662625 [NT 02575 62625] Edin Mem 1910 p93
Hilderston Silver Mine 4 131 71 limestone, minerals, qD, tuff, limestone 122,123 [NS 9890 7150] [NS 9925 7170] 100 299075 671600 [NS 99075 71600] Area VI Cent Coalfield p122, 123; Hilderston Mine, WL: mining history
Hillhouse Quarry & Mine 4 97 72 Petershill Limestone, dolerite, Hillhouse Basalt type sec, sedis 34, 35, 89,113 [NT 0040 7485] [NT 0060 7525] 100 300500 675050 [NT 00500 75050] Cent Coalfield Area III p34, 35, 89, 113; Edin Mem 1910 p112, 113, 282; Loth geol, Excur Guide p216
Levenseat quarries 4 117 85 silica sandstones 71, 113 [NS 9400 5730] [NS 9455 5855] 100 294275 657925 [NS 94275 57925] Area VI Cent Coalfield p71, 113; Falkirk Mem 1998 p30; Special Sand resources
Levenseat quarries & mines 4 112 86 Castlecary Limestone 43, 44 [NS 9440 5770] [NS 9485 5840] 100 294625 658050 [NS 94625 58050] Area VI Cent Coalfield p43, 44; Edin Mem 1910 p137; The Limestones of
Levenseat quarries & mines 4 113 87 Curdly Ironstone/Roman cement, Glenboig 69, 70 [NS 9450 5910] [NS 9460 5940] 100 294550 659250 [NS 94550 59250] Area VI Cent Coalfield p69, 70; Area VI Cent Coalfield p71
Linhouse Water (Calderwood RIGS) 4 63, 172 1 89 Broxburn Shale & Marl, Calder Fault 49 [NT 0790 6705] [NT 0800 6735]


100 307950 667200 [NT 07950 67200] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p49, 50; Edin Mem 1910 p87
Linhouse Water (Calderwood RIGS) 4 173 89 Calder Fault branch 2 seen Langton Ft 50 [NT 0775 6660] [NT 0780 6663] 100 307775 666615 [NT 07775 66615] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p50
Linhouse Water above Carstairs Rail Viaduct 4 6 90 Cementstone Group sandy top unit; lava 41 [NT 0700 6400] [NT 0760 6450] 100 307300 664250 [NT 07300 64250] Edin Neighbourhood 1962 p41
Linhouse Water, Linhouse; Corston 4 9 93 Corston Hill volcanics, waterfalls 84,85 [NT 0640 6300] [NT 0650 6320] 100 306450 663100 [NT 06450 63100] repetitions Edin Mem 1910 p84, 85
Longford Burn 4 124 100 LSC Woodmuir Smithy Coal [NS 9825 6075] [NS 9835 6090] 100 298300 660825 [NS 98300 60825] map
Midhope Burn to Hopetoun shores 4 24 102 Pumpherston Shale, BDH , Camps, Dunnet, Broxburn 79, 80 [NT 0815 7915] [NT 0930 7960] 100 308725 679375 [NT 08725 79375] Oil Shales of the Lothians 3rd edit p79, 80
Midhope Society shore 4 41 102 Dunnet Sandstone, Shale & Marl 99 [NT 0965 7910] [NT 1000 7920] 100 309825 679150 [NT 09825 79150] Edin Mem 1910 p99


Site Name MB Score MB No AM No Lithostratigraphy Page No SW corner NE corner Accuracy m Easting Northing Note Reference
Petershill quarries 4 91 117 Petershill Limestone etc 195 [NS 9845 6935] [NS 9865 6990] 100 298550 669625 [NS 98550 69625] The Lsts of Scot p195; Area VI Cent Coalfield; p22, 23; Edin Mem 1910 p109, Falkirk Mem 1998 p17, 1 8; Lst Res
River Almond (Almondell RIGS) 4 31 126 Burdiehouse Limestone 48 [NT 0850 6825] [NT 0865 6845] 100 308575 668350 [NT 08575 68350] Camps Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p48; Limestones of Scot p142, 195
Upper Uphall 4 67 138 Grey Shale sitts [NT 0530 7215] [NT 0570 7235] 100 305500 672250 [NT 05500 72250]
Wairdlaw quarry 4 99 139 Wairdlaw limestone, TOHO. SHLS 23 [NS 9950 7305] [NS 9960 7335] 100 299550 673200 [NS 99550 73200] Are VI Cent Coalfield p23; Edin Mem p111; Falkirk Mem 1998 p18
Wallace's Cave 4 178 140 natural arch in sdst [NS 9455 7300] [NS 9460 7310] 100 294575 673050 [NS 94575 73050] map
Witch Craig viewpoint 4 152 151 qD, wall [NS 9870 7245] [NS 9915 7300] 100 298925 672725 [NS 98925 72725] map
Binny Quarry (burn) 3 54 13 Binny Sandstone 10 [NT 0590 7310] [NT 0595 7315] 100 305925 673125 [NT 05925 73125] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p10
Bowden Hill mines 3 111 18 Castlecary Limestone, striae, qD sill, glacial striae 194 [NS 9760 7430] [NS 9795 7460] 100 297775 674450 [NS 97775 74450] Limestones of Scot p194; Cent Coalfield Area III p113; Cent Coalfield III p99
Braehead quarries 3 130 19 Glacial till LCMS sandstones 1939 119 [NS 9190 6035] [NS 9220 6075] 100 292050 660550 [NS 92050 60550] Area IV, Cent Coalfield p119; Wartime Pamphlet 45 p20; Building Stones of
Breich Mines and river 3 114 Curdly Ironstone/Lower [NS 9510 6055] [NS 9540 6090] 100 295250 660700 [NS 95250 60700] map
Brox Burn Bang our Resvr, The Gullet 3 77 26 Ashes, lavas BHV WLO 101 [NT 0135 7125] [NT 0200 7160] 100 301675 671425 [NT 01675 71425] Edin Mem 1909 p101
Carribber mine, Muiravonside 3 109 29 Calmy Limestone 113 [NS 9685 7515] [NS 9695 7520] 100 296900 675175 [NS 96900 75175] Cent Coalfield Area III p113; The Limestones of Scot p194; Edin Mem
Carsie Hill 3 142 30 vents in the landscape, HHL 93 [NT 0140 7540] [NT 0180 7555] 100 301600 675475 [NT 01600 75475] Cent Coalfield Area III p93
Clifton Hall, R Almond, canal 3 155 31 qD sill/dyke, Pumpherston Shale 87 [NT 1040 7040] [NT 1070 7100] 100 310550 670700 [NT 10550 70700] Edin Mem 1910 p87
Cockleroy 3 190 landslip, head [NS 9870 7435] [NS 9885 7470] 100 298775 674525 [NS 98775 74525] map
Craigton quarry & rail cutting 3 59 41 Binny Sandstone 72 [NT 0670 7665] [NT 0690 7675] 100 306800 676700 [NT 06800 76700] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p 72
East Kirkton Quarry 3 82 54 EKL 109 [NS 9895 6892] [NS 9944 6926] 10 299250 669080 [NS 99250 69080] Edin ,p10-13; Mem 1910 p109; Falkirk Mem 1998 Loth geol, Excur Guide p209
Gormyre burn 3 110 62 Calmy Limestone, tuff [NS 9780 7315] [NS 9790 7350] 100 297850 673325 [NS 97850 73325] map
Harwood Water bed 3 68 66 Broxburn Marl, Fells Shale 27 [NT 0250 6250] [NT 0265 6275] 100 302575 662625 [NT 02575 62625] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p 27; E din 1910 p93; Oil shale of the Lothians
Harwood Water Limefield House 3 36 66 Camps Shale 30 [NT 0330 6420] [NT 0335 6430] 100 303325 664250 [NT 03325 64250] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p30
Harwood Water Murray's Pool Bridge 3 62 66 Broxburn Shale waste 27 [NT 0250 6250] [NT 0285 6315] 100 302675 662825 [NT 02675 62825] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p27
Harwood Water north of Hermand 3 48 66 Dunnet Shale 30 [NT 0275 6360] [NT 0285 6370] 100 302800 663650 [NT 02800 63650] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p30
Harwood Water north of Hermand 3 66 Dunnet Shale, also Dunnet marl 92 [NT 0275 6360] [NT 0285 6370] 100 302800 663650 [NT 02800 63650] Edin Mem 1910 p92


Site Name MB Score MB No AM No Lithostratigraphy Page No SW corner NE corner Accuracy m Easting Northing Note Reference
Harwood Water S of Langside 3 45,177 66 Langside-Blackburn Fault, 'under' Dunnet, Langside Fault 37 [NT 0295 6500] [NT 0325 6550] 100 303100 665250 [NT 03100 65250] Barracks Ash Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p37
Harwood Water, Limefield 3 30 66 Burdiehouse Limestone & 92 [NT 0330 6380] [NT 0350 6445] 100 303400 664125 [NT 03400 64125] Edin Mem 1910 p92; Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p30
Harwood Water, Limefield House 3 39 66 Dunnet Sandstone 30 [NT 0330 6380] [NT 0345 6460] 100 303375 664200 [NT 03375 64200] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p30
Hermand Quarry 3 52 68 Binny Sandstone 10,30 [NT 0280 6340] [NT 0295 6355] 100 302875 663475 [NT 02875 63475] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p10, 30; !
Hilderston Silver Mine Quarry 3 94 Petershill Limestone etc [NS 9905 7125] [NS 9925 7170] 100 299150 671475 [NS 99150 71475]
Hopetoun limestone quarries 3 33 74 Burdiehouse Limestone [NT 0820 7795] [NT 0835 7840] 100 308275 678175 [NT 08275 78175] dark, Lingula !map .
Hopetoun Obelisk ,Quarry 3 42 75 Dunnet Sandstone 7 [NT 0940 7860] [NT 0950 7875] 100 309450 678675 [NT 09450 78675] SL80/6; Sdst Res of western part Lothian Region p7; Building Stones of Edinburgh
Hopetoun White Quarry 3 61 76 Binny Sandstone, boulder clay 55 [NT 0730 7730] [NT 0740 7740] 100 307350 677350 [NT 07350 77350] Building Stones of Edin p55; Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p72
Kettlestoun Braehead Quarry 3 133 80 sedi breccia with qD, spotted shale, qD sill, fine, top and raft contacts WAR notebook A 92,115 [NS 9875 7590] [NS 9885 7605] 100 298800 675975 [NS 98800 75975] LocCent Coalfield Area III p92, 115; Cent Coalfield Area III p91; Edin Mem 1910 p359; Wartime Pamphlet 45 p24
Kildimmery Quarry=Nancys Hill Quarry 3 144 81 qD dyke 93, 115 [NT 0275 7595] [NT 0295 7600] 100 302850 675975 [NT 02850 75975] Cent Coalfield Area III p93,115
Linhouse Water 3 20 89 Granton Sandstones1 55 [NT 0740 6600] [NT 0800 6700] 100 307700 666500 [NT 07700 66500] Edin Neighbourhood 1962 p55
Linhouse Water, Carstairs Rail Viaduct 3 5 90 Cementstone Group 141,193 [NT 0750 6450] [NT 0800 6490] 100 307750 664700 [NT 07750 64700] The Limestones of Scot p141, 193
Linhouse Water, Blackraw 3 4 90 Cementstone Group 50 [NT 0770 6545] [NT 0780 6562] 100 307750 665535 [NT 07750 65535] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p50; Edin Neighbourhood 1962 p41; Edin Mem
Linhouse Water, Camilty Mill 3 160 91 sill , qT contact at Red Craig 277 [NT 0620 6165] [NT 0625 6190] 100 306225 661775 [NT 06225 61775] Edin Mem 1910 p277
Linhouse Water, Corston 3 10 92 Corston Hill volcanics (inc. Markle) . 51 [NT 0700 6400] [NT 0735 6430] 100 307175 664150 [NT 07175 64150] Edin Neighbourhood 1962 p51
Linhouse Water, Glasgow Rail viaduct 3 17 89 Abbeyhill Shales 85,86 [NT 0730 6560] [NT 0770 6620] 100 307500 665900 [NT 07500 65900] Edin Mem 1910 p85, 86
Linhouse Water, Glasgow Rail Viaduct 3 159 89 unclassed sill basal contact [NT 0760 6550] [NT 0785 6575] 100 307725 665625 [NT 07725 65625] map
Linhouse Water, Mid Calder 3 8 90 Corston Hill volcanics? 50 [NT 0730 6605] [NT 0735 6615] 100 307325 666100 [NT 07325 66100] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p50
Linhouse Water, Oakbank 3 176 89 Murieston Fault (context) 87 [NT 0765 6655] [NT 0780 6680] 100 307725 666675 [NT 07725 66675] Edin Mem 1910 p87
Midhope to Banks shore 3 34 120 white trap, sandstone dyke or intrusive tuff at Camps 67 [NT 1000 7865] [NT 1135 7910] 100 310675 678875 [NT 10675 78875] CEC? map; Edin Neighbourhood 1962 p67


Site Name MB Score MB No AM No Lithostratigraphy Page No SW corner NE corner Accuracy m Easting Northing Note Reference
Midhope Burn 3 78 Raeburn Shale, ash, Houton Marl [NT 0560 7780] [NT 0620 7815] 100 305900 677975 [NT 05900 77975] map
Midhope to Society 3 35 102 Burdiehouse Limestone 98 [NT 0870 7930] [NT 0945 7915] 100 309050 679225 [NT 09050 79225] Edin Mem 1910 p98
Midhope, Abercorn and Queensferry 3 32 102 Burdiehouse Limestone 195,196 [NT 0815 7915] [NT 1000 7960] 100 309075 679375 [NT 09075 79375] The Limestones of Scotland p195, 196
Murieston Water 3 64 106 Broxburn Shale 49 [NT 0740 6690] [NT 0775 6770] 100 307575 667300 [NT 07575 67300] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p49
Murieston Water 3 174 106 Calder Fault branch 2 seen; Langton Ft 50 [NT 0730 6657] [NT 0745 6660] 100 307375 666585 [NT 07375 66585] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p50
Murieston Water Skivo 3 175 107 Murieston Fault, BLLS, ASV 34 [NT 0500 6360] [NT 0525 6410] 100 305125 663850 [NT 05125 63850] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p34
Murieston Water, Calderwood 3 11 106 Corston Hill volcanics (tuff only) 51 [NT 0720 6650] [NT 0735 6660] 100 307275 666550 [NT 07275 66550] Edin Neighbourhood 1962 p51


Murieston Water 3 7 107 Corston Hill volcanics 51 [NT 0510 6350] [NT 0520 6390] 100 305150 663700 [NT 05150 63700] Edin Neighbourhood 1962 p51; Oil shale of the Lothians
Murieston Water,


3 16 107 AbbeyhillCementstone Shales (fault seen), Abbeyhill Shales (as Group) 34, (50) [NT 0500 6310] [NT 0530 6370] 100 305150 663400 [NT 05150 63400] (Linhouse Water) Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p34. (50); Edin Mem 1910 p85
Murieston Water, Torphin-Annetscross bridges 3 21 108 (GullaneFm) coarse sandstones 34 [NT 0375 6170] [NT 0500 63107] 100 304375 662400 [NT 04375 62400] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p34
Ochiltree Mill quarry 3 132 114 sill cut by qD dyke:1 281 [NT 0300 7405] [NT 0325 7415] 100 303125 674100 [NT 03125 74100] Edin Memoir1910 p281 Cent Coalfield
Priestinch Rail Cutting

taken as Craigton Quarry

3 Binney Sandstone 64 [NT 0670 7665] [NT 0690 7675] 100 306800 676700 [NT 06800 76700] (black) Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p64
Rifle Range Quarries 3 92 125 Petershill Limestone 212 [NS 9835 7015] [NS 9900 7095] 100 298675 670550 [NS 98675 70550] Lothian geology, Excursion Guide p212
Rusha quarry 3 153 126 picrite (soles of baker's ovens) 117 [NS 9945 6080] [NS 9955 6095] 100 299500 660875 [NS 99500 60875] Area VI Cent Coalfield p117; Edin Mem 1910 p280, 281, 359; Falkirk Mem 1998
Skolie Burn SSSI 3 100 132 Hosie limestones. Johnstone Shell-bed 106 [NS 9850 6190] [NS 9890 6280] 100 298700 662350 [NS 98700 62350] Edin Mem 1910 p106; Area V1 Cent.Coalfield p34, 35; Falkirk Mem 1998 p16; GCR Lower Carboniferous p58, 59
The Knock 3 137 135 qD dyke? BHV, viewpoint, qD sill, dyke?= step upstep up 55 [NS 9900 7100] [NS 9915 7120] 100 299075 671100 [NS 99075 71100] Falkirk Mem 1998 p55; Edin Mem 1910 p284; Loth geol, Excursion Guide p213, 214
West Torphin 3 23 144 Pumpherston Shale? curious brecciated limy kingle 35 [NT 0300 6040] [NT 0345 6105] 100 303225 660725 [NT 03225 60725] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p35
Woodmuir Burn 3 123 152 sandy marine band [NS 9703 6129] 100 297030 661290 [NS 97030 61290] map
Airngath Hill Red Coal crop 3 104 2 Limestone CoalFm/BHV pillows 86 [NT 0045 7898] 100 300450 678980 [NT 00450 78980] Cent Coalfield Area III p86
Band Park Burn 3 3 5 Cementstone Group [NT 1095 6010] [NT 1125 6050] 100 311100 660300 [NT 11100 60300] map
Bangour Knunes 3 151 8 qD 117 [NT 0255 7085] [NT 0265 7095] 100 302600 670900 [NT 02600 70900] Area VI Cent Coalfield p117
Binny.Quarry. (east) 3 56 13 Binny Sandstone 8 [NT 0580 7290] [NT 0595 7305] 100 305875 672975 [NT 05875 72975] SL80/6;Sdst Res of western part
Blackburn, River 3 89 15 Main and Foul Hosie 34 [NS 9865 6525] [NS 9895 6535] 100 298800 665300 [NS 98800 65300] Area VI Cent Coalfield p34, 35
Breichdykes 3 76 21 Two Foot Coal 32 [NT 0020 6315] [NT 0055 6325] 100 300375 663200 [NT 00375 63200] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p32


Site Name MB Score MB No AM No Lithostratigraphy Page No SW corner NE corner Accuracy m Easting Northing Note Reference
Bridgend quarry 2 66 23 Broxburn Shale [NT 0440 7515] [NT 0465 7530] 100 304525 675225 [NT 04525 75225] map
Broom yk nowes 2 84 25 marine shale with goniatites [NT 0190 7427] 10 301900 674270 [NT 01900 74270] map
Cockmuir quarry by canal 2 60 34 Binny Sandstone 72 [NT 0665 7656] 10 306650 676560 [NT 06650 76560] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p72
Colzium East and West burns junction 2 14 35 Corston porph lavas as well; cornstone 51 [NT 0855 5875] [NT 0940 5890] 100 308975 658825 [NT 08975 58825] Edin Neighbourhood 1982 p51
Colzium East and West burns junction 2 180 boulder clay 51 [NT 0855 5875] [NT 0870 5890] 100 308625 658825 [NT 08625 58825] Edin Neighbourhood 1962 p51
Crosswood Burn 2 18 43 top :and Cementstone, arenaceous, LOSG volcs, coal 85,86 [NT 0615 5640] [NT 0630 5665] 100 306225 656525 [NT 06225 56525] Edin Mem 1910 p85, 86
Crosswood Reservoir 2 15 44 pebbly sandstone (coal) LOSG 5 [NT 0535 5760] [NT 0565 5775] 100 305500 657675 [NT 05500 57675] SL80/6; Sdst resources of western part of Lothian Region p.5
Dean Burn quarry 2 170 46 Seafield-Deans Ash [NT 0110 6615] [NT 0120 6640] 100 301150 666275 [NT 01150 66275] map
Dechmont House 2 170 48 Seafield-Deans Ash and lava [NT 0260 6915] [NT 0280 6935] 100 302700 669250 [NT 02700 69250] map
Dechmont Law, Rockview Quarry? 2 163 49 qD sill, leaves, baked mudstone 28 [NT 0310 6960] [NT 0345 6995] 100 303275 669775 [NT 03275 69775] Wartime Pamphlet 45 p28
Duntarvie (Ballies Muir) freestone quarry 2 58 52 Binny Sandstone 64 [NT 0895 7680] [NT 0928 7690] 100 309115 676850 [NT 09115 76850] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p64
Dykefoot stream 2 47 53 Under, Dunnet, Broxburn, Fells . 27 [NT 0225 6225] [NT 0285 6315] 100 302550 662700 [NT 02550 62700] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p27
Ecclesmachan burn 2 74 57 Houston Marls & Broxburn Marls 68 [NT 0515 7370] [NT 0570 7410] 100 305425 673900 [NT 05425 73900] (Oatridge) Oil shale of the Lothians Coalfield of the Lothians 3rd edit p68; Cent Area III p16
Harburn Mine landfilled 2 25 64 Burdiehouse Limestone, sitts 142,143,193 [NT 0340 5935] [NT 0370 5990] 100 303550 659625 [NT 03550 59625] The Limestones of Scot p142, 143, 193
Harburnhead 2 27 27 Burdiehouse Limestone, sitts 9,21 [NT 0380 5850] [NT 0430 5910] 100 304050 658800 [NT 04050 58800] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p9, 21
Harwood Water Limefield House 2 40 40 sandstone above Camps 6 [NT 0338 6388] 100 303380 663880 [NT 03380 63880] SL80/6; Sdst Res of ,ne stern part Region p6
Harwood Water, Dykefoot 2 44 44 Under, Dunnet, Broxburn, Fells 27 [NT 0280 6340] [NT 0295 6355] 100 302875 663475 [NT 02875 63475] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p27
Hilderston Farm Sandstone Quarry infilled 2 106 70 sandstone and mined ground [NS 9795 7135] [NS 9825 7175] 100 298100 671550 [NS 98100 71550] Map
Hillhouse Sdst Quarry 2 101 73 LLGS sdst 111 [NT 0105 7525] [NT 0120 7540] 100 301125 675325 [NT 01125 75325] Cent Coalfield Area III p111; Edin Mem
Houston House, Brox Burn 2 75 77 Houston Marls [NT 0515 7140] [NT 0540 7145] 100 305275 671425 [NT 05275 71425] map
Little Vantage Quarry 2 2 96 Cementstone Group [NT 1010 6300] [NT 1030 6315] 100 310200 663075 [NT 10200 63075] map
Longford Burn 2 103 99 Black Metals Marine [NS 9698 5945] [NS 9732 5995] 100 297170 659700 [NS 97170 59700] map
Midhope Burn 2 65 103 Broxburn Shale (and marl) 72,79,80 [NT 0750 7860] [NT 0805 7920] 100 307775 678900 [NT 07775 78900] Oil-shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p72, 79, 80


Site Name MB Score MB No AM No Lithostratigraphy Page No SW corner NE corner Accuracy m Easting Northing Note Reference
Muldron Farm burn 2 118 104 fault, marine band, [NS 9225 5835] [NS 9225 5835] 100 292250 658225 [NS 92250 58225] map
North Cobbinshaw Reservoir burn 2 50 111 Dunnet Shale pebbly sandstones [NT 0265 5950] [NT 0275 5975] 100 302700 659625 [NT 02700 59625] map
North Coust n sa r il 2 183 112 glaciofluvial sagr 81 [NS 9515 7115] [NS 9555 7160] 100 295350 671375 [NS 95350 71375] Falkirk Mem 1 998 p81
Parkly Craigs quarries 2 143 116 qD dyke 93 [NT 0100 7590] [NT 0135 7595] 100 301175 675925 [NT 01175 75925] Cent Coalfield Area III p93
Raven Craig 2 139 122 qD contacts 285 [NS 9900 7010] [NS 9960 7065] 100 299300 670375 [NS 99300 70375] Edin memoir. 1910 p285; Loth geol, Excur Guide p.211
Riccarton farm 2 83 123 Under limestone 17 [NT 0215 7525] [NT 0220 7530] 100 302175 675275 [NT 02175 75275] Cent Coalfield Area SI p17; Oil-shale of the Lothians 3rd edit
Riccarton stream 2 79 124 (Raeburn Shale?)?)/ash/(Two Foot Coal) 74 [NT 0235 7450] [NT 0240 7460] 100 302375 674550 [NT 02375 74550] Oil-shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p 74
River Almond Ponds, west of Livingston 2 46 127 Under Dunnet 38 [NT 0208 6619] [NT 0222 6640] 100 302200 666200 [NT 02200 66200] Barracks Ash & Limestone Oil-shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p38
Selm s quarries 2 1 129 cornstone, (qD) CYD BGN, KNW?? 50 [NT 0830 6600] [NT 0885 6617] 100 308575 666085 [NT 08575 66085] Oil-shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p 50; The Limestones of Scot p141, 193; E din
Shear Burn 2 19 131 top Cementstone arenaceous LOSG and volcs, coal 85,86 [NT 0570 5770] [NT 0665 5870] 100 306175 658200 [NT 06175 58200] Edin Mem 1910 p85, 86
Torphin Quarry landfill 2 26 136 Burdiehouse Limestone 142,143,193 [NT 0280 5980] [NT 0320 6000] 100 303000 659900 [NT 03000 59900] The Limestone of Scotland p142, 143 193
Whitebaulks quarries & Carsie Hill 2 98 146 Petershill;Hurlet/Tartr aven? 112 [NT 0020 7435] [NT 0045 7480] 100 300325 674575 [NT 00325 74575] Edin Mem 1910 p112; Cent Coalfield III p32, 33,113
Addievrell 1 88 1 (Hurlet Limestone & Coal) 143 [NS 9920 6275] [NS 9950 6240] 100 299350 662575 [NS 99350 62575] The Limestones of Scotland p143; Area VI Cent Coalfield p.33ield p33
Bead's Mill 1 189 6 Chalybeate Well, HON, coal [NT 0000 5915] [NT 0030 5960] 100 300150 659375 [NT 00150 59375] map
Blackburn, Hopefield, River Almond 1 86 15 (Hurlet) 33 [NS 9905 6525] [NS 9910 6530] 100 299075 665275 [NS 99075 65275] Are VI Cent Coalfield p33
Breich Water 1 21 Houston Coal 31 [NT 0055 6325] [NT 0070 6340] 100 300625 663325 [NT 00625 63325] Oil-shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p31
Breich Water below 1 72 21 Houston Marls (poor) 32 [NT 0020 6315] [NT 0055 6325] 100 300375 663200 [NT 00375 63200] Oil-shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p32
Broxburn north 1 73 27 meltwater channels [NT 0640 7250] [NT 0780 7325] 100 307100 672875 [NT 07100 72875]
Cairnpapple 1 138 28 qD step, BHV, qD sill dyke 284 [NS 9840 7145] [NS 9895 7190] 100 298675 671675 [NS 98675 71675] Edin Mem 1910 p284; Hardrock Resources p39
Corston Hill 1 12 36 porphyritic lavas 84 [NT 0937 6350] 100 309370 663500 [NT 09370 63500] Edin Mem 1910 p84
Corston Hill 1 13 37 basalts & mugearites 46 [NT 0800 6380] 100 308000 663800 [NT 08000 63800] Hardrock Aggrgate Resources p46
Crow Moss 1 186 45 hagged peat [NT 0800 5700] [NT 0900 5750] 100 308500 657250 [NT 08500 57250] map
Dedridge Quarry pond 1 37 50 Camps Shale (BDH) 47 [NT 0505 6580] [NT 0520 6595] 100 305125 665875 [NT 05125 65875] Oil-shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p47
Galabraes Quarry 1 93 59 Petershill Limestone [NS 9855 6990] [NS 9870 7010] 100 298625 670000 [NS 98625 70000]
Glenbare Quarry 1 96 60 Petershill Limestone [NS 9845 6900] [NS 9855 6910] 100 298500 669050 [NS 98500 69050] map
Glendevon quarries 1 57 61 Binny Sandstone 64 [NT 0765 7505] [NT 0777 7512] 10 307710 675085 [NT 07710 75085] Oil-shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p64
Harburn House 1 169 63 Crosswood Ash [NT 0440 6067] 10 304400 660670 [NT 04400 60670] map
Harwood water Mossend stream (HW) 1 69 67 Broxburn Marl 29 [NT 0110 6080] [NT 0140 6100] 100 301250 660900 [NT 01250 60900] Oil-shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p29


Site Name MB Score MB No AM No Lithostratigraphy Page No SW corner NE corner Accuracy m Easting Northing Note Reference
Howden Quarry 0 158 78 qD all in contact nearby with tD [NT 0515 6575] [NT 0520 6585] 100 305175 665800 [NT 05175 65800] map
Kettleston Avontoun Quarry 0 134 79 qD sill, 12m partly pegmatitic 70 [NS 9840 7595] [NS 9855 7610] 100 298475 676025 [NS 98475 76025] Hardrock Aggregate Resources p70; Cent Coalfield Area III p115
Kipps Hill, Cathlaw 0 108 83 BHV lavas, qD dyke 30 [NS 9845 7365] [NS 9890 7400] 100 298675 673825 [NS 98675 73825] Area IV Cent Coalfield p30
Langcraig Quarry 0 149 84 qD dyke, South Cathlaw Dyke 117 [NS 9755 7197] [NS 9770 7205] 100 297625 672010 [NS 97625 72010] Area IV VI Cent Coalfield p117
Linhouse quarry 0 147 88 qD. sill 116 [NS 9060 7115] [NS 9075 7130] 100 290675 671225 [NS 90675 71225] Area IV Cent Coalfield p116
LinlithgowBridge 0 107 94 Index Limestone / lava-ash 139 [NS 9855 7800] [NS 9870 7810] 100 298625 678050 [NS 98625 78050] Edin Mem 1910 p139; Cent Coalfield; Area III p58
Livingston Mill 0 181 98 terrace on till 336 [NT 0300 6680] [NT 0350 6700] 100 303250 666906 [NT 03250 66906] Edin Mem 1910 p336
Mid Calder area 0 188 101 meltveter channels 114,plate IV [NT 0400 6300] [NT 0500 6500] 100 304500 664000 [NT 04500 64000] Edin Neighbourhood 1962 p114, plate IV
Muldron Quarry landfill 0 119 105 sandstone PGP [NS 9145 5745] [NS 9165 5780] 100 291550 657625 [NS 91550 57625] map
Newark & Murieston Mines pond 0 28 109 Burdiehouse Limestone 9,35 [NT 0440 6360] [NT 0530 6450] 100 304850 664050 [NT 04850 64050] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p 9, 35
North Cobbinshawold quarries 87 110 (Hurlet Limestone & Coal) [NT 0105 5750] [NT 0130 5775] 100 301175 657625 [NT 01175 57625] map
North Mine Quarry 0 95 113 dyke, sandstone, lava, baked limestone, Petershill [NS 9925 7175] [NS 9950 7220] 100 299375 671975 [NS 99375 71975] Loth geol, Excur Guide p215
Pilgrim's Hill, east Linlithgow 0 140 118 vents in the landscape 93,115 [NT 0120 7695] [NT 0165 7720] 100 301425 677075 [NT 01425 77075] Cent Coalfield Area III p93, 115
Quarry south of Kipps 0 167 121 lava with augite 148 [NS 9897 7325] 100 298970 673250 [NS 98970 73250] possible loc..fpossib Edin Mem 1910 p.148
Selms Rowanbrae Quarry 0 164 130 qD sill [NT 0915 6623] [NT 0922 6629] 100 309185 666260 [NT 09185 66260] map
Tartraven quarries 0 90 134 Blackhall Limestone 16,17,18 [NT 0060 7250] [NT 0080 7270] 100 300700 672600 [NT 00700 72600] Falkirk Mem 1 998 p16-18
West Foulshiels quarry 0 120 142 Glenboig Lower 5.2.5; [NS 9635 6370] [NS 9655 6385] 100 296450 663775 [NS 96450 63775] Fireday Resources CSMP 5.2.5
Auldcathie Rail Bridge Cutting 0 70 4 Broxburn Marl 64 [NT 0800 7620] [NT 0820 7630] 100 308100 676250 [NT 08100 76250] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p 64
Balbardie rail cutting 0 (Index Limestone) 137 [NS 97 69] 100 297000 689000 [NS 97000 89000] no location Edin Mem 1910. p137; Area VI Cent
Ballencrieff Mine 0 116 7 Glenboig Lower 83 [NS 9635 6945] [NS 9640 6955] 100 296375 669500 [NS 96375 69500] Falkirk Mem1998 p83; Fireclay
Barbauchlaw Burn quarries 0 126 9 sandstone below Mill Coal 105 [NS 9290 6905] [NS 9295 6910] 100 292925 669075 [NS 92925 69075] Area VI Cent Coalfield p105
Barbauchlaw Quarry 0 125 9 sandstone above Mill Coal 105 [NS 9180 6820] [NS 9190 6830] 100 291850 668250 [NS 91850 68250] Area VI Cent Coalfield p105
Binns Hill 0 166 11 vents in the landscape, 2 plugs [NT 0480 7835] [NT 0600 7885] 100 305400 678600 [NT 05400 78600] map
Binny Quarry (landfill) 0 55 13 Binny Sandstone 149, 148,149,150,198 [NT 0565 7275] [NT 0585 7300] 100 305750 672875 [NT 05750 72875] Building Stones of Edin p148, 149, 150, 198


Site Name MB Score MB No AM No Lithostratigraphy Page No SW corner NE corner Accuracy m Easting Northing Note Reference
Blackburn Mains infilled quarry 0 154 14 picrite (soles of baker's ovens) 38 [NS 9850 6525] [NS 9855 6530] 100 298525 665275 [NS 98525 65275] Hardrock Aggregate Resources p38
Blackmire Rail Cutting 0 29 16 Burdiehouse 30 [NT 0375 6400] [NT 0400 6415] 100 303875 664075 [NT 03875 64075] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p30; Edin
Blowshennie Quarry 0 135 17 qD siull, some coarse [NS 9720 7515] [NS 9730 7525] 100 297250 675200 [NS 97250 75200] map
Bridgend old daypits 0 184 22 drift? [NT 0415 7500] [NT 0425 7510] 100 304200 675050 [NT 04200 75050] map
Broompark quarry 0 148 24 qD sill, a few metres 117 [NS 9605 7210] [NS 9610 7215] 100 296075 672125 [NS 96075 72125] Area VI Cent Coalfield p117
Camps 0 Buckie fake 48 [NT 1010 6805] 100 310100 668050 [NT 10100 68050] Tapprox Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p 48
Camps brickworks 0 till worked for brick 350 [NT 1040 6810] 100 310400 668100 [NT 10400 68100] Edin Mem 1910 p350
Cousdon (Broompark) former claypits 0 182 38 brick clay (no sec) 120 [NS 9560 7160] [NS 9600 7180] 100 295800 671700 [NS 95800 71700] Area VI Cent Coalfield p120
Craigs quarries, Livingston; Broxburn sill, prob built over 0 157 39 dolerite, teschenitic 277 [NT 0545 6845] [NT 0595 6860] 100 305700 668525 [NT 05700 68525] Edin Mem 1910 p277
Deans Barracks quarry, infilled 0 43 47 Barack's Limestone 44 [NT 0180 6780] [NT 0215 6790] 100 301975 667850 [NT 01975 67850] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edition p 44
Drum, Whitburn 0 opencast LCMS [NS 957 660] 100 295700 666000 [NS 95700 66000] Fireclay Resources CSMP 5.3.3
Drumbowie quarry 0 146 51 qD sill infilled 116 [NS 9070 6980] [NS 9090 6990] 100 290800 669850 [NS 90800 69850] Area VI Cent Coalfield p116
Eastfield quarry ex- landfill 0 128 56 LCMS sandstones 114 [NS 9345 6180] [NS 9365 6195] 100 293550 661875 [NS 93550 61875] Area VI Cent Coalfield p114
Fallahill Quarry 0 129 58 LCMS sandstones 114 [NS 9205 6075] [NS 9220 6100] 100 292125 660875 [NS 92125 60875] Area VI Cent Coalfield p114
Hilderston farm infilled quarry 0 105 69 (Index Limestone) 29 [NS 9780 7110] [NS 9785 7120] 100 297825 671150 [NS 97825 71150] Area VI Cent Coalfield 29; Edin Mem p139
Kingscavil Quarry infilled 0 81 82 sandstone of Linlithgow Palace 102, 356 [NT 0265 7630] [NT 0280 7660] 100 302725 676450 [NT 02725 76450] Edin Mem 1910 p102, 356; Cent Coalfield Area III p17; Wartime
Linlithgow Palace 0 179 95 glacial sagr mounds, kettle Avon buried 103 [NS 9965 7715] [NT 0085 7790] 100 300250 677525 [NT 00250 77525] Central Coalfield Area III p103
Pardovan Quarry, infilled 0 80 115 sandstone above Fells, below Houston 17 [NT 0380 7725] [NT 0400 7735] 100 303900 677300 [NT 03900 77300] Central Coalfield Area III p17; Wartime Pamphlet 45 p18
Porterside Quarry east of Linlithgow 0 102 119 LLGS sdst 111 [NT 0175 7660] 100 301750 676600 [NT 01750 76600] possible site Central Coalfield Area III p111
Pottishaw Mine former 0 121 120 Glenboig Lower [NS 9690 6630] [NT 0605 6635] 100 296925 666325 [NS 96925 66325] map
Tar Hill 0 165 133 vents in the [NT 0590 7380] [NT 0635 7410] 100 306125 673950 [NT 06125 73950] map
Triangulation Point,Rifle Range Quarries 0 168 137 1avas 212 [NS 9875 7115] 100 298750 671150 [NS 98750 71150] trig point Loth geol, Excur Guide p212
Wallhouse Fireclay Mine former 0 115 141 Glenboig Lower [NS 9550 7250] [NS 9560 7255] 100 295550 672525 [NS 95550 72525] no ref
West Kirkton Quarry infilled 0 85 143 urlet &BH V 22 [NS 9880 6870] [NS 9890 6895] 100 298850 668825 [NS 98850 68825] Area VI Cent Coalfield p22; Edin Mem 1910 p108, 109, 146,147
Wester Hillhouse infilled (Torphichen) 0 150 145 qD sill 38 [NS 9170 7065] [NS 9190 7090] 100 291800 670775 [NS 91800 70775] Hardrock Aggrgate Resources p38
Whitrigg Mine former 0 155 147 Glenboig Lower [NS 9615 6515] [NS 9670 6525] 100 296425 665200 [NS 96425 65200] map
Winchburgh brickpit pond 0 49 148 Dunnet Shale, till worked for brick, Broxburns?, glacial till 63 [NT 0875 7510] [NT 0900 7545] 100 308875 675275 [NT 08875 75275] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edition 3rd edit p 63; Edin Mem 1910 p350; Resources of Clay and Mudstone for Brickmaking 6.5.1 b.1;


Site Name MB Score MB No AM No Lithostratigraphy Page No SW corner NE corner Accuracy m Easting Northing Note Reference
Winchburgh Quarry, Swineburn; fishery 0 51 149 Binny Sandstone 8 [NT 0965 7590] [NT 0975 7605] 100 309700 675975 [NT 09700 75975] Sdst Res of western part Lothian Region p8
Winchburgh- Philpstoun Rail Cutting 0 71 150 Broxburn Marl 61,62 [NT 0550 7706] [NT 0605 7610] 100 305775 676500 [NT 05775 76500] Oil shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p61 62
Banks shore 2 raised beach features' [NT 1000 7865] [NT 1135 7910] 100 310675 678875 [NT 10675 78875] map
Binny Quarry 0 Binny Sandstone 148, 149, 150,198 [NT 0575 7328] 10 305750 673280 [NT 05750 73280] infilled Building Stones of Edin p148, 149, 150
Cockmuir quarry by canal 2 BinnySandstone 55 [NT 0660 7645] [NT 0670 7660] 100 306650 676525 [NT 06650 76525] Building Stones of Edin p55
Craigton quarry 2 Binny Sandstone 151, 152, 199 [NT 0678 7674] 100 306780 676740 [NT 06780 76740] Building Stones of Edin p55, 151, 52, 199
Hermand Quarry 1 Binny Sandstone [NT 0287 6350] 100 302870 663500 [NT 02870 63500] SL80/6 Sdst Res of western part
Kildimmery Quarry nr Kingscavil; fishery 3 145 qD dyke Nancy's Hill neck, qD dyke and agglomerate 114 [NT 0215 7600] [NT 0240 7610] 100 302275 676050 [NT 02275 76050] Cent Coalfield Area III.;Hardrock :Aggregate Resources p60; Wartime Pamphlet 45 p29
Linhouse Water 3 cornstone, (qD), CYD, BGN , KNW?? 141,193 [NT 0830 6600] [NT 0885 6617] 100 308575 666085 [NT 08575 66085] The Limestones of Scot p141, 193
Livingston Burn (? Loc) 1 38 97 Dunnet Sandstone 43 [NT 0310 6715] [NT 0355 6755] 100 303325 667350 [NT 03325 67350] Barracks Limestone Oil Shale of the Lothians 3rd edit p43
Midhope Society shore 3 102 anticlinal fold 100 [NT 0815 7915] [NT 1000 7960] 100 309075 679375 [NT 09075 79375] Edin Mem 1910 p100
Niddry Castle 3 vents in the [NT 0935 7410] [NT 0965 7450] 100 309500 674300 [NT 09500 74300] map
Westfield quarries Westfield quarries 0 qD dyke dyke 117 [NS 967 720] 100 296700 672000 [NS 96700 72000] Area IV Cent Coalfield p117
South Couston opencast? 0 LCMS base [NS 950 699] 295000 669900 [NS 95000 69900] no locality Fireday Resources CSMP