Barron, H. F., Browne, M. A. E. and Finlayson, A. 2005. West Lothian Geodiversity. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/06/008N. 190pp.

Appendix 6 GIS data layers supplied to West Lothian Council and SNH

(Appendix 6 Table 1)

File name Format File date Description
BGS_Geodiversity_sites- 23Mar06.shp ESRI shape, point 23-Mar-06 122 geodiversity audit sites for West Lothian
BGS GD sites by value.lyr ESRI layer 23-Mar-06 122 geodiversity audit sites for West Lothian ?by site value
BGS GD sites by type.lyr ESRI layer 23-Mar-06 122 geodiversity audit sites for West Lothian ?by site type
BGS GD sites by staff.lyr ESRI layer 23-Mar-06 122 geodiversity audit sites for West Lothian ?by field auditor name
BGS_Audit_Sites.shp ESRI shape, point 08-Mar-06 Sites selected from West Lothian desk study as potential targets for the geodiversity audit
BGS_Audit_Sites.lyr ESRI layer 10-Mar-06 122 geodiversity audit sites for West Lothian
I nverclyde Gp Sites.shp ESRI shape, point 26-Jan-06 6 geodiversity audit sites for the I nverclyde Group, West Lothian
I nverclyde Gp Sites.lyr ESRI layer 10-Feb-06 6 geodiversity audit sites for the Inverclyde Group, West Lothian
Strathclyde Gp Sites.shp ESRI shape, point 26-Jan-06 68 geodiversity audit sites for the Strathclyde Group, West Lothian
Strathclyde Gp Sites.lyr ESRI layer 10-Feb-06 68 geodiversity audit sites for the Strathclyde Group, West Lothian
Bathgate Gp Sites2.shp ESRI shape, point 02-Mar-06 5 geodiversity audit sites for the Bathgate Group, West Lothian
Bathgate Gp Sites2. lyr ESRI layer 02-Mar-06 5 geodiversity audit sites for the Bathgate Group, West Lothian
Clackmannan Gp Sites2.shp ESRI shape, point 02-Mar-06 18 geodiversity audit sites for the Clackmannan Group, West Lothian
Clackmannan Gp Sites2. lyr ESRI layer 02-Mar-06 18 geodiversity audit sites for the Clackmannan Group, West Lothian
Coal Measures Gp Sites.shp ESRI shape, point 26-Jan-06 4 geodiversity audit sites for the Coal Measures Group, West Lothian
Coal Measures Gp Sites. lyr ESRI layer 10-Feb-06 4 geodiversity audit sites for the Coal Measures Group, West Lothian
Vents and Plugs Sites.shp ESRI shape, point 26-Jan-06 2 geodiversity audit sites for the volcanic vents and plugs of West Lothian
Vents and Plugs Sites. lyr ESRI layer 10-Feb-06 2 geodiversity audit sites for the volcanic vents and plugs of West Lothian
Alkali dolerite sills Sites.shp ESRI shape, point 26-Jan-06 6 geodiversity audit sites for the alkali dolerite sills of West Lothian
Alkali dolerite sills Sites. lyr ESRI layer 10-Feb-06 6 geodiversity audit sites for the alkali dolerite sills of West Lothian
Quartz dolerite sills Sites.shp ESRI shape, point 26-Jan-06 13 geodiversity audit sites for the quartz dolerite sills of West Lothian
Quartz dolerite sills Sites.lyr ESRI layer 10-Feb-06 13 geodiversity audit sites for the quartz dolerite sills of West Lothian
WL_Quat_landscape_charshp ESRI shape, polygon 14-Dec-05 BGS Quaternary Landscape Characterisation
WL Quat landscape char.lyr ESRI layer 08-Mar-06 BGS Quaternary Landscape Characterisation