Barron, H. F., Browne, M. A. E. and Finlayson, A. 2005. West Lothian Geodiversity. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/06/008N. 190pp.

WLGS 17 Hopetoun Shore (Proposed RIGS) [NT 1009 7902] (Figure 53), (Figure 54), (Figure 55), (Figure 56), (Figure 57)

WLC site description

Part of the Strathclyde Group sites

Other designations: HGDL (Hopetoun House); LWS (adjacent to Hopetoun Estate); adjacent to AWI (Bog Wood); AGLV

On the foreshore opposite Hopetoun House and its grounds, both limbs of the Hopetoun anticline can be seen (Figure 53), (Figure 55). Ripple-marked sandstone bedding planes can be seen at Hopetoun Shore 1 [NT 0935 7919] (Figure 54). Small-scale folding and faulting are visible in the Burdiehouse Limestone on the west limb [NT 0894 7935] (Figure 56), (Figure 57).

(Figure 53) Easterly-dipping sandstone on the east limb of the Hopetoun anticline at Hopetoun Shore 1 [NT 0935 7919] (WLGS 17). Calders Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation.

(Figure 54) Ripple-marked sandstone bedding-plane — close-up of (Figure 53). Hopetoun Shore 1 [NT 0935 7919] (WLGS 17). Calders Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation.

(Figure 55) Burdiehouse Limestone on the west limb of the Hopetoun anticline. Hopetoun Shore 3 [NT 0894 7935] (WLGS 17), Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation.

(Figure 56) Small fault in Burdiehouse Limestone — close up of (Figure 55). Hopetoun Shore 3 [NT 0894 7935] (WLGS 17), Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation.

(Figure 57) Small-scale open fold in Burdiehouse Limestone — close up of (Figure 55). Hopetoun Shore 3 [NT 0894 7935] (WLGS 17), Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation.

WLGS 17 Hopetoun Shore 2 (Proposed RIGS) [NT 0932 7918] (Figure 123)

WLC site description

Part of the alkali-dolerite sill group of sites

Other designations: AGLV; LWS (adjacent to Hopetoun Estate); HLDG (adjacent to Hopetoun House); AWI (adjacent to East Shore Wood)

A teschenitic dolerite sill intruded into the Calders Member of the West Lothian Oil-shale Formation outcrops on the Hopetoun foreshore 450 m north-east of Hopetoun House [NT 0932 7918]. The Calders Member at this locality forms the core of the Hopetoun anticline ((Figure 53), 55).

(Figure 123) Teschenitic dolerite sill intruded into the core of the Hopetoun anticline at Hopetoun Shore 2 [NT 0932 7918] (WLGS 17).