Barron, H. F., Browne, M. A. E. and Finlayson, A. 2005. West Lothian Geodiversity. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/06/008N. 190pp.

WLGS 25 Skolie Burn (GCR, Mixed SSSI, Proposed RIGS) [NS 984 619][NS 987 624] (Figure 83), (Figure 84), (Figure 85), (Figure 86)

WLC site description

Part of the Clackmannan Group sites

Other designations: LWS (Breich Water)

Skolie Burn, a tributary of the Breich Water south of Stoneyburn, provides the best section of the upper part of the Lower Limestone Formation and the basal beds of the Limestone Coal Formation on the eastern side of the central coalfield of the Midland Valley. The section lies above an intrusive picrite sill (alkali-dolerite) and the basal beds are baked at the contact with the sill (Figure 85). The 20 m thick sequence dips to the west and is and dominated by mudstone with several beds of sandstone and at least three marine limestones. The sequence is fossiliferous and these fossils are of vital stratigraphical importance in correlating late Dinantian and early Silesian rocks of the Midland Valley. Skolie Burn is a GCR (Dinantian of Scotland) site.

The site is a mixed SSSI designated for one of the largest areas of herb rich unimproved grassland in West Lothian, supporting over a hundred plant species. Species-rich grassland of this type is an unusual habitat in the Lothians. The site supports regionally uncommon plants, including the Greater Butterfly Orchid; scrub and marsh vegetation add diversity to the area.

(Figure 83) Skolie Burn [NS 9871 6240] (WLGS 25). View north from bridge to section in Lower Limestone Formation.

(Figure 84) Skolie Burn [NS 9871 6240] (WLGS 25). Section in Lower Limestone Formation immediately north of bridge.

(Figure 85) Skolie Burn [NS 9871 6240] (WLGS 25) section beneath the bridge. A picrite sill can be seen in the bed of the burn, overlain by sandstones and the Top Hosie Limestone of the Lower Limestone Formation.

(Figure 86) Fossiliferous mudstone from the Lower Limestone Formation, Skolie Burn [NS 9871 6240] (WLGS 25).