Barron, H. F., Browne, M. A. E. and Finlayson, A. 2005. West Lothian Geodiversity. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/06/008N. 190pp.

WLGS 26 Petershill Quarries (Mixed SSSI — Petershill, RIGS) [NS 9849 6952] (Figure 87), (Figure 88), (Figure 89), (Figure 90)

WLC site description

Part of the Clackmannan Group sites

Other designations: WS (Petershill); SWTR (Petershill); AGLV

Petershill Quarries are located in the Bathgate Hills about 1 km north-east of Bathgate and show a sequence of bedded and slightly argillaceous limestones through the Petershill Limestone of the Lower Limestone Formation. The limestone is a classic locality famous for its well-preserved marine fossils including corals, brachiopods, bivalves and echinoids. These faunas are of immense taxonomic significance, and many type species have been described from this location.

A quiet sedimentary environment is indicated by the good fossil preservation. The lateral and vertical facies variations of the Petershill Limestone are of great interest to carbonate sedimentologists and palaeoecologists. Massive limestones (biohermal buildup) occur at the southern end of the quarry. Petershill Quarries are well-known and a lot of material has been removed in the past by fossil collectors. The site is a GCR (Dinantian of Scotland) site.

The site is a mixed SSSI designated for the largest area of species rich limestone grassland in Lothians. Grassland of this type is a very scarce habitat in the region, and this site is the only example of any size in West Lothian. Woodland, scrub pools and marsh add to the diversity of habitat within the site. The limestone rocks support one of the richest assemblages of bryophytes in the district.

(Figure 87) Entrance sign to Petershill Reservoir Quarry, off the Bathgate to Bangour road [NS 9849 6952] (WLGS 26).

(Figure 88) General view within Petershill Reservoir Quarry with bullrushes (Typha latifolia) [NS 9849 6952] (WLGS 26).

(Figure 89) Bedding plane outcrop of fossiliferous Petershill Limestone in the Petershill Reservoir Quarry [NS 9852 6969] (WLGS 26).

(Figure 90) Fossil corals from Petershill Quarries (WLGS 26). A: Aulophyllum B: Siphonodendron junceum.