Barron, H. F., Browne, M. A. E. and Finlayson, A. 2005. West Lothian Geodiversity. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/06/008N. 190pp.

WLGS 37 Linhouse Water–Glasgow Viaduct 2 [NT 0772 6562] (Figure 122)

WLC site description

Part of the alkali-dolerite sill group of sites

Other designations: AGLV; LWS (Linhouse Water); AWI (Linhouse Water); SNWI

At this locality the Dalmahoy Sill is well-exposed in the north-east bank of the Linhouse Water around 200 m upstream from the railway viaduct east of Oakbank. The sill forms a prominent cliff above the river and marked ridge in the hillside above. The base contact may be exposed but the cliff section is inaccessible and can only be viewed from the opposite river bank.

(Figure 122) The Dalmahoy Sill (alkali-dolerite) in the bank of the Linhouse Water. Linhouse Water Glasgow Viaduct 2 site [NT 0772 6562] (WLGS 37).