Barron, H. F., Browne, M. A. E. and Finlayson, A. 2005. West Lothian Geodiversity. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/06/008N. 190pp.

WLGS 39 Witch Craig Wall and Viewpoint (RIGS) [NS 9908 7275](Figure 130), (Figure 131), (Figure 132), (Figure 133), (Figure 134)

WLC site description

Part of the Quartz-dolerite sills and dykes group of sites

Other designations: AGLV; WS (Witch Craig Meadow); CP (adjacent to Beecraigs Wood); AWI (Witch Craig Wood); SNWI

Witch Craig Viewpoint is situated above Witch Craig Wood and about 1 km north-east of Cairnpapple Hill. Access is by a path from the car park at the Scottish Korean War Memorial. On the summit a stone shelter ((Figure 130), 131) incorporates 43 rock specimens from locations visible from this site, bringing the geodiversity across the Midland Valley to this one place (Figure 132). The site is a current RIGS site with a RIGS leaflet explaining the stones gathered at the shelter. There is a 'refuge stone' at [NS 9910 7273]. This is one of a number of stones that formed a circle at a distance of a mile around Torphichen Preceptory. All of the space within the circle formed by these stones formed a legal church sanctuary.

(Figure 130) Witch Craig Viewpoint stone shelter [NS 9908 7275] (WLGS 39). Cockleroy can be seen above right-hand end of shelter.

(Figure 131) Witch Craig Viewpoint [NS 9908 7275] (WLGS 39) and view north-west to Lochcote Reservoir.

(Figure 132) Witch Craig Viewpoint display board [NS 9908 7275] (WLGS 39).

(Figure 133) View from Witch Craig Viewpoint [NS 9908 7275] (WLGS 39) towards Grangemouth.

(Figure 134) Torphichen Preceptory 'refuge stone' with cross, Witch Craig [NS 9910 7273] (WLGS 39).