Arkley, S. L. B., Browne, M. A. E., Albornoz-Parra, L. J. and Barron, H. F. 2011. East Dumbartonshire Geodiversity Audit. British Geological Survey Open Report, OR/09/19. 265pp.

5 East Dunbartonshire's Geodiversity Site Results

In total 36 sites were visited and assessed. Of these, 34 are recommended as Local Geodiversity Sites. These sites have a good geographical spread across East Dunbartonshire, encompassing both urban and rural areas. Together they show typical geological strata, structure and features of all the geological units present immediately beneath the surface of East Dunbartonshire.

Although all the rocks seen at outcrop in East Dunbartonshire are Carboniferous in age, together the sites expose much of the Carboniferous sequence which underlies Central Scotland.

The sites, chosen primarily for their geology, have revealed numerous links to the character of the landscape, historical structures, ecology, and the economic and cultural history of the area.

Many of these sites could be enhanced to encourage visitors and students to learn more about the geology beneath their feet and how the geology, as the foundations of our landscape, has influenced the form and nature of what lies at the surface; from the inter-drumlin depressions which have created a wetland habitat to the ironstones and fireclays which were exploited as raw materials for the heavy industry which flourished around Glasgow, resulting in the development of large conurbations.

Scored out of 10, the 34 sites assigned geodiversity values of between 3 and 8 are recommended for designation as Local Geodiversity Sites.

(Table 7) Geological scores for the Geodiversity Sites.

Locality Geoscientific Merit Community Value Education Value Culture, Heritage & Economic Value Total Score Geodiversity Value Local Geodiversity Site
Twechar Quarry EDC 1 41 10 6 5 62 6 Yes
Castle Hill Quarry EDC 2 22 10 4 16 52 5 Yes
Board Craig Quarry EDC 3 22 8 4 4 38 3 Yes
Lenzie?Torphichen Dyke EDC 4 29 9 6 3 47 4 Yes
Meltwater Channel EDC 5 11 5 5 2 23 3 Yes
Bardowie Loch EDC 6 12 9 5 4 30 3 Yes
River Kelvin Meanders EDC 7 11 10 4 3 28 3 Yes
Kilmardinny Loch EDC 8 10 10 5 3 28 3 Yes
Craigdhu Burn EDC 9 0 10 2 2 14 0 No
Manse Burn SSSI EDC 10 74 9 10 2 95 8 Yes
West Mugdock Quarry EDC 11 24 9 4 6 43 4 Yes
Barraston Quarry EDC 12 24 6 3 5 38 4 Yes
Blairskaith Quarry EDC 13 46 6 8 8 68 7 Yes
Auld Wives' Lifts EDC 14 34 7 5 13 59 6 Yes
Gallow Hill EDC 15 16 10 3 3 32 3 Yes
Finniescroft Wood EDC 16 31 5 4 8 48 5 Yes
Pattie's Bught EDC 17 30 5 5 9 49 5 Yes
Crow Road EDC 18 40 10 6 4 60 7 Yes
Campsie Glen EDC 19 59 10 6 10 85 8 Yes
Cowies Glen EDC 20 52 2 5 4 63 6 Yes
Burniebrae Burn EDC 21 55 4 5 5 69 7 Yes
Spouthead Burn EDC 22 25 3 4 3 35 4 Yes
Douglas Muir Quarry EDC 23 37 2 6 7 52 6 Yes
Roman Baths EDC 24 5 9 5 11 30 6 Yes
Linn of Baldernock EDC 25 50 6 8 8 72 8 Yes
Craigangawn Quarry EDC 26 31 5 7 6 49 6 Yes
East Mugdock Quarry EDC 27 45 10 6 8 69 7 Yes
Baldernock Mill EDC 28 45 6 6 7 64 6 Yes
Inchbelle Quarry EDC 29 25 0 4 6 35 4 Yes
Craigen Glen EDC 30 27 9 5 8 49 5 Yes
Wilderness Plantation EDC 31 32 5 6 7 50 6 Yes
Cawder Quarry EDC 32 9 10 2 6 27 2 No
Bishopbriggs No2 Gravel Pit EDC 33 43 5 2 5 55 5 Yes
Baldow Glen EDC 34 45 8 3 6 62 6 Yes
Glenwynd EDC 35 36 9 2 8 55 5 Yes
Torrance Meanders EDC 36 11 3 5 11 30 3 Yes

(Table 8) Geological features at the Geodiversity Sites.

Ballagan Formationn Clyde Plateau Volcanic Formation Kirkwood Formation Lawmuir Formation Lower Limestone Formation Limestone Coal Formation Upper Limestone Formation Passage Formation Early Carboniferous Volcanic Plugs and vents Carboniferous to Early Permian Sills Carboniferous to Early Permian Dykes Geological structures Fossils and palaeontology Geomorphology Quaternary Deposits/Feature Economic Heritage Built Heritage
Twechar Quarry EDC 1 × × × ×
Castle Hill Quarry EDC 2 × × × ×
Board Craig Quarry EDC 3 × ×
Lenzie–Torphichen Dyke EDC 4 × ×
Meltwater Channel EDC 5 × ×
Bardowie Loch EDC 6 × ×
R Kelvin Meanders EDC 7 × ×
Kilmardinny Loch EDC 8 × ×
Craigdhu Burn EDC 9
Manse Burn SSSI EDC 10 × × ×
West Mugdock Quarry EDC 11 × × ×
Barraston Quarry EDC 12 × ×
Blairskaith Quarry EDC 13 × × × ×
Auld Wives' Lifts EDC 14 × × × × ×
Gallow Hill EDC 15 × ×
Finniescroft Wood EDC 16 × × ×
Pattie's Bught EDC 17 × × × ×
Crow Road EDC 18 × × × ×
Campsie Glen EDC 19 × × × × × ×
Cowies Glen EDC 20 × × × × × ×
Burniebrae Burn EDC 21 × × × × × ×
Spouthead Burn EDC 22 × × × ×
Douglas Muir Quarry EDC 23 × × ×
Roman Baths EDC 24 ×
Linn of Baldernock EDC 25 × × × × ×
Craigangawn Quarry EDC 26 × × × ×
East Mugdock Quarry EDC 27 × × × × × × ×
Baldernock Mill EDC 28 × × × × × ×
Inchbelle Quarry EDC 29 × × ×
Craigen Glen EDC 30 × × × × × ×
Wilderness Plantation EDC 31 × × ×
Cawder Quarry EDC 32 × ×
Bishopbriggs No2 Gravel Pit EDC 33 × × × ×
Baldow Glen EDC 34 × × × × × ×
Glenwynd EDC 35 × × × × × ×
Torrance Meanders EDC 36 × ×
