Ellen, R. and Callaghan, E. 2015. Geodiversity Audit of Spireslack and Mainshill Wood Surface Coal Mines. British Geological Survey Commerical Report CR/15/126. 70pp.

3.3.1 Scheduled Monuments within Spireslack SCM

The Glenbuck Ironworks is protected as a Scheduled Ancient Monument, situated in the south of the Spireslack SCM. The designation is shown in (Figure 7), and covers the area of bell-pit mines to the south of the main access road (where ironstone was historically mined), and the old ironworks furnace to the north of the road. The ironworks were the earliest phase of mining activity at Glenbuck, and were exploited from 1795 to 1813. The furnace itself is mostly buried beneath mine waste and rubbish but its retaining wall is still visible. The bell-pits are still visible, and have not been covered by more recent mining operations.

(Figure 7) Location map of the Glenbuck Ironworks Scheduled Ancient Monument site. © BGS, NERC

(Figure 8) Bell-pits at southern edge of Spireslack SCM. View looking toward the south-west. These disused bell-pits were historically associated with ironstone and limestone mining. © BGS, NERC

(Figure 9) The ruins of the Glenbuck Ironworks Furnace are visible at the base of the tree in the centre left of the photo. The furnace has been buried by later generations of mine waste. Photo copyright Mike Browne.
