Jackson, Ian. Cumbria Rocks — 60 extraordinary rocky places that tell the story of the Cumbrian landscape. Newcastle upon Tyne : Northern Heritage, 2022.

The richly illustrated and accessible book series of Cumbria, Northumberland and Durham Rocks are available to purchase from Northern Heritage.

Earthquakes and folded rocks

24 Arnside — bounding fault

25 Brothers Water — bounding fault

26 Causey Pike — Iapetus Suture — Causey Pike Fault

27 Dufton Pike — Cross fell inlier

28 Hartside — Pennine Boundary Fault

29 Mosedale and Upper Caldew valley — Granite and folded metamorphosed rocks

30 Penton Linns

31 Shap Summit A6 — deformed Silurian greywackes

32 Tarn Hows — deformed Silurian limestones

33 Trusmadoor — Skiddaw Group sediments and graptolites


(Photo 00-10) 60 sites in 5 themes.