North Pennines — Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and European Geopark: a geodiversity audit. North Pennines Natural Landscape, 2010.


(Figure 1) Map of the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Beauty

(Figure 2) Jeffrey's chimney above Ramshaw Elizabeth Pickett/NPAP

(Figure 3) North of Nenthead — Charlie Hedley © Countryside Agency.

(Figure 4) Dufton Pike (left), Knock Pike (right) and Dufton Fell — Charlie Hedley © Countryside Agency.

(Figure 5) Geological time. Stratigraphic column

(Figure 6) A simplified geological map of the North Pennines AONB

(Figure 7) Park Level, Killhope © Elizabeth Pickett/NPAP

(Figure 8) Outcrop of Ordovician and Silurian rocks

(Figure 9) The currently accepted classification of the Ordovician and Silurian rocks of the AONB is shown in the table above.

(Figure 10) Keisley Limestone Quarry, Dufton. © S. Clarke, BGS, NERC.

(Figure 11) Knock Pike and Dufton Pike. © B. Young, BGS, NERC.

(Figure 12) Outcrop of Devonian rocks

(Figure 13) Exposure of the 'polygenetic Conglomerate' near Melmerby. © B. Young, BGS, NERC

(Figure 14) Stratigraphy of the Carboniferous table

(Figure 15) The formation of Yoredale Cyclothems. © Elizabeth Pickett

(Figure 16) Namurian shales in old ironstone workings © B. Young, BGS, NERC.

(Figure 17) Outcrop of Dinatian rocks

(Figure 18) Falcon Clints, Teesdale. Conglomerates and shales of the Orton Group. © B. Young, BGS, NERC.

(Figure 19) Hilton Mines, Scordale. Crags of Whin Sill overlying Melmerby Scar Limestone. © B.Young, BGS, NERC.

(Figure 20) Outcrop of Namurian rocks

(Figure 21) Chaetetes Band, River Nent, Nenthead Mines. © D. Millward, BGS, NERC.

(Figure 22) Characteristic terraced hillside, Blagill, Nent Valley. S.Clarke © BGS, NERC

(Figure 23) Middleton Common. Heather moorland on outcrop of Namurian Rocks. © Charlie Hedley, Countryside Agency.

(Figure 24) Outcrop of Westphalian rocks

(Figure 25) Carboniferous swamp. © Elizabeth Pickett

(Figure 26) Plenmeller Opencast Coal Site in 1980's. © B. Young, BGS, NERC.

(Figure 27) Outcrop of Permo-Triassic rocks

(Figure 28) St Bees sandstone in Croglin Quarry Charlie Hedley © Countryside Agency

(Figure 29) Outcrop of intrusive igneous rocks

(Figure 30) Photomicrograph of thin section of Weardale Granite © H. Emeleus, Durham University.

(Figure 31) High Force, Whin Sill overlying Tynebottom Limestone — NPAP.

(Figure 32) The Little Whin Sill exposed in the abandoned Greenfoot Quarry, Weardale. © B. Young, BGS, NERC

(Figure 33) Crags of columnar jointed Whin Sill, Holwick Scar, Teesdale © BGS, NERC.

(Figure 34) Raft of altered sandstone in Whin Sill, Wynch Bridge, Teesdale. © S. Clarke, BGS, NERC

(Figure 35) Outcrops of 'Sugar Limestone' Widdybank Fell © B. Young, BGS, NERC.

(Figure 36) Major geological structures

(Figure 37) Normal fault in Great Limestone and overlying beds, Heights Quarry, Eastgate, Weardale © B. Young, BGS, NERC.

(Figure 38) Folded limestones adjoining the barites deposit, Closehouse Mine, Lunedale in 1984. © B. Young, BGS, NERC

(Figure 39) Outcrop of mineral veins

(Figure 40) Witherite vein, Scraithole Vein, Scraithole Mine, Carr Shield © BGS P601083.

(Figure 41) Slitt Vein and worked — out ironstone flats, West Rigg, Westgate, Weardale © B. Young, BGS, NERC.

(Figure 42) Miner-farmer landscape, upper Weardale. © Elizabeth Pickett/NPAP

(Figure 43) Spring Sandwort © B. Young, BGS, NERC

(Figure 44) Discharge of brown iron-rich minewater entering Rookhope Burn near Ripsey Mine, 2007. © B. Young, BGS, NERC

(Figure 45) Lady's Rake Mine, an extremely important mineralogical site with mining history interest. © B. Young, BGS, NERC.

(Figure 46) Diagram showing the maximum extent of ice in the British Isles during the Devensian glaciation.

(Figure 47) Boulder clay in river bank, Haugh Hill, Harwood Beck,Teesdale © B.Young, BGS, NERC.

(Figure 48) Large limestone erratic, Herdship Fell, Teesdale © B. Young, BGS, NERC.

(Figure 49) Pre-glacial channel of the River Tees (in background) Cauldron Snout © B.Young, BGS, NERC.

(Figure 50) Peat overlying boulder clay, Plenmeller Opencast Coal Site © BGS, NERC

(Figure 51) The Great Whin Sill at High Cup Nick above Dufton on the Pennine Way © Countryside Agency.

(Figure 52) Stone Stripes, Knock Fell. © C. Vye, BGS, NERC.

(Figure 53) The large landslip at Mason's Holes, Scordale. © B.Young, BGS, NERC

(Figure 54) Limestone pavement, Stainmore. © Elizabeth Pickett/NPAP

(Figure 55) God's Bridge, a natural limestone bridge over the River Greta. © Elizabeth Pickett/NPAP

(Figure 56) Fossilised stump of a Namurian tree, preserved in Stanhope Churchyard © B. Young, BGS, NERC.

(Figure 57) Trace fossils found at Scordale, probably formed small molluscs or worms around 320 million years ago.(See PDF)

(Figure 58) Barytocalcite crystals, Clargill Mine, Alston © BGS, NERC.

(Figure 59) Fluorite crystals, Weardale. Rob Lavinsky, – CC-BY-SA-3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

(Figure 60) The Rookhope Borehole, 1960-61. Image courtesy of © Durham University.

(Figure 61) “Ancient Ironstone Workings, Cowshill, Weardale” © B. Young, BGS, NERC.

(Figure 62) Old Quarry in the Great Limestone, Bollihope Common — Charlie Hedley © Countryside Agency.

(Figure 63) Surface plant, Groverake Mine (now disused), Rookhope © B. Young, BGS, NERC.

(Figure 64) The original stone-arched entrance to Cambokeels Mine, Weardale, driven in the mid-19th Century. © B. Young, BGS, NERC

(Figure 65) Spoil Heaps, Coalcleugh Mine © B. Young, BGS, NERC.

(Figure 66) Croglin. Use of local sandstone including St. Bees sandstone from the village quarry. Charlie Hedley © Countryside Agency

(Figure 67) Blanchland — use of locally worked sandstones as building and roofing stone' © B. Young, BGS, NERC

(Figure 68) Pillars of polished Shap Granite, St Augustine's Parish Church, Alston. © B. Young, BGS, NERC.

(Figure 69) Frosterly Marble, polished surface © BGS, NERC

(Figure 70) Font in Frosterly Church © B. Young, BGS, NERC

(Figure 71) Spar box with North Pennines minerals (See PDF)

(Figure 72) Thomas Sopwith with a selection of his wooden geological models © BGS, NERC.

(Figure 73) British Steel's mine model for Allenheads. © Elizabeth Pickett/NPAP