Lawrence, D. J. D. 1990. Limestone Landscapes — a geodiversity audit and action plan for the Durham Magnesian Limestone Plateau. British Geological Survey open report OR/09/007.
Wingate Quarry [NZ 374 375]
Disused Quarry
Managed by Durham County Council.
Quarry faces in Ford Formation. Faces generally in fairly poor condition. Has good biodiversity links.
Proposed action Would need work to clean faces and make them accessible
Existing designations LNR MAGical
Existing on site interpretation None
Major geodiversity interest Large disused quarry. 24m of Ford Formation granular textured dolomitic limestones that show a felted recrystallisation texture commonly. Due to steepness of quarry faces it is difficult to examine the whole sequence and the locality is limited for teaching purposes. Sedimentary structures and ooliths are rare, but dedolomitisation adjacent to joints and faulting is of interest.
Biodiversity interest Has good bioiversity interest
Other heritage links None
Additional comment None
Date of photography 2003