Lawrence, D. J. D. 1990. Limestone Landscapes — a geodiversity audit and action plan for the Durham Magnesian Limestone Plateau. British Geological Survey open report OR/09/007.

Hepplewhites (Cold Knuckles) Quarry [NT 328 380]

Active Quarry


Excellent section from Yellow Sands Formation to Ford Formation. Fossil fish have been found here recently. Links with Old Quarrington quarry.

Proposed action Stockpile Marl Slate and maintain access for supervised parties. Consider open days. Possible viewing and interpretation point.

Existing designations None

Existing on site interpretation None

Major geodiversity interest The basal unconformity is sometimes revealed. Very good and accessible section in Yellow Sands Formation. Faulting can be seen in west face. The Marl Slate Formation has yielded good specimens of fossil fish. Overlying beds of Raisby and Ford formations well displayed in higher parts of faces.

Biodiversity interest None

Other heritage links None

Additional comment Used by Open University for geology Summer School. Marl Slate Formation fish can be collected from weathered material. The quarry is working towards the old face at Old Quarrington Quarry — it is highly desirable that arrangements are made to keep a representative section of the complete< sequence somewhere in the overall quarry.

Date of photography 2003 and 2004

Fossil fish photo copyright G. Easterbrook

(Photo 10) Hepplewhites (Cold Knuckles) Quarry.

(Plate 2) Searching for fossil fish in the Marl Slate at Hepplewhites (Cold Knuckles) Quarry.

(Plate 3) Palaeoniscid fish from the Marl Slate Formation at Quarrington, found in 2006 (photo © G. Easterbrook, may be used freely, with acknowledgement, in 'not for profit' publications).

(Plate 21) Magnesian Limestone (Raisby Formation) overlying the Marl Slate Formation (the grey layer) above the Yellow Sands Formation in the working Hepplewhites Quarry.
