Lawrence, D. J. D. 1990. Limestone Landscapes — a geodiversity audit and action plan for the Durham Magnesian Limestone Plateau. British Geological Survey open report OR/09/007.

Crime Rigg Quarry 434400 541600

Active Quarry

Owned by Sherburn Stone Co Ltd.

This working quarry displays probably the most important site in the Lower Permian Yellow Sands Formation, with overlying Marl Slate Formation and Raisby Formation.

Proposed action Interpretation. Possible viewpoint to Yellow Sands Formation?

Existing designations SSSI GCR

Existing on site interpretation None

Major geodiversity interest A very thick exposure of Yellow Sands Formation displaying cross bedding.

Cemented in upper beds, passing up through Marl Slate Raisby and Ford formations.(25/48m). The Marl Slate Formation is exposed at the top of a great thickness of Yellow Sands Formation in a similar situation to Quarrington. Well exposed basal and middle units of Raisby Formation in north of quarry. Large faces in the quarry show the complex, interdigitating cross-bedding typical of the Yellow Sand Formation.

Biodiversity interest None

Other heritage links None

Additional comment Quarry owner is well aware of, and sympathetic to, the geological importance of the site

Date of photography 2003

(Photo 11) Crime Rigg Quarry.

(Plate 24) Cross-bedding in Permian Yellow Sands Formation at Crime Rigg Quarry.
