Lawrence, D. J. D. 1990. Limestone Landscapes — a geodiversity audit and action plan for the Durham Magnesian Limestone Plateau. British Geological Survey open report OR/09/007.
Appendix 3 Working quarries
Marsden Quarry — Owen Pugh Aggregates Ltd -T: 0191 529 2441 Whitburn, Sunderland Tyne and Wear SR6 7NG Owen Pugh Aggregates Ltd acquired Marsden limestone quarry situated in Tyne & Wear in September 2000. The company provides limestone aggregates and agricultural lime to customer specific requirements, and also operates an inert waste landfill site as part of a long term quarry restoration scheme.
Bishop Middleham Quarry W & M Thompson (Quarries) Ltd Tel: 01740 654128 Bishop Middleham, Ferryhill, County Durham DL17 9EB
Aycliffe Quarry — John Wade Group, Aycliffe Village, Darlington, Co.Durham DL5 6NB
Crime Rigg Quarry — Sherburn Stone Co. Ltd. Shadforth, Durham, County Durham, DH6 1LE
Thrislington Quarry — LaFarge Aggregates, West Cornforth Ferryhill County Durham DL17 9EY
Coxhoe Quarry — Tarmac 0191 377 0611
Hepplewhite (Cold Knuckes) Quarry — Tarmac 0191 377 9546