Lawrence, D. J. D. 1990. Limestone Landscapes — a geodiversity audit and action plan for the Durham Magnesian Limestone Plateau. British Geological Survey open report OR/09/007.

Appendix 2 GCR, SSSI, County Geology Sites and RIGS within the area

Geological Conservation Review (GCR) Sites

Code Name Block Grid Ref
3016 Blackhalls Rocks Marine Permian [NZ468 395]
2086 Claxheugh Rock, Claxheugh (Ford) Cutting and Ford Quarry Marine Permian [NZ 362 574]
2985 Crime Rigg Quarry Permian–Triassic [NZ 344 416]
3017 Dawson's Plantation Quarry, Penshaw Marine Permian [NZ 336 546]
1966 Fulwell Hills Quarries Marine Permian [NZ 382 598]
1963 Gilleylaw Plantation Quarry Marine Permian [NZ 375 537]
1975 Hawthorn Quarry Marine Permian [NZ 435 463]
2832 High Moorsley Quarry Marine Permian [NZ 334 455]
1784 Humbledon Hill Quarry Marine Permian [NZ 382 553]
1962 Hylton Castle Cutting Marine Permian [NZ 358 589]
1944 Marsden Bay Coastal Geomorphology of England [NZ 400 650]
2174 Middridge Quarry Permian - Triassic Reptilia [NZ 252 252]
302 Middridge Quarry Palaeozoic Palaeobotany [NZ 252 252]
2986 Raisby Quarries Marine Permian [NZ 346 354]
1976 Seaham Marine Permian [NZ 430 499]
2015 Shippersea Bay, Easington Quaternary of North-East England [NZ 443 453]
3019 Stony Cut, Cold Hesledon Marine Permian [NZ 417 472]

Sites of Special Scientific Interest for which site details and management plans are held by Natural England

Each may contain more than one GCR site

Claxheugh Rockand Ford Limestone Quarry

CrimeRigg and Sherburn Quarries

Dawsons Plantation Quarry

Fulwelland Carley Hill Quarries

Gilleylaw Quarry

Hawthorn Quarry

High Moorsley

Humbledon Hill Quarry

Hylton Castle Cutting

Middridge Quarry

RaisbyHill Quarry

Seaham Harbour

Stony Cut, Cold Hesledon (ED) Durham

Trimdon Grange Quarry

Trow Point to Whitburn Steel

Tunstall Hills and Ryhope Cutting

Wear River Bank

Durham County geology sites

Beacon Hill Exposure/railway cutting
Bishop Middleham Quarry Quarry
Castle Eden Dene Exposures
Chilton Quarry Abandoned quarry
Dene Holme Exposure
Dropswell Farm Feature Deposit Tufa mound
Easington Raised Beach Exposure
Ferryhill Gap Geomorphological
Hesleden Dene Exposure
MIddridge Railway Cutting Cutting
Old Town Quarry Abandoned quarry
Old Quarrington Quarry Abandoned quarry
Raisby Rail Cutting Old railway cutting
Rough Furze Quarry Disused dolomite quarry
Sheraton Kames geomorphological
Shotton Valley East Side Surface Build up
Thornley-Kelloe Meltwater Channels Geomorphological
Thrislington Quarry Active Quarry
Townfield Quarry, Easington Disused Quarry
Easington Colliery Underground Tunnel Disused tunnel;
Houghton Hill, Cut and Scarp [NZ 342 504], [NZ 343 504], [NZ 343 504] The RIGS designation includes areas adjoining the SNCI site to the north, consisting of two thin strips on each side of the A690. This area cuts through the Permian Escarpment and displays interesting Stratigraphy, Lithology and Sedimentology.
North Dock Tufa [NZ 407 585] The area contains a recently discovered geologi-cal tufa dome which represents the best example of such a structure within the area. The tufa is a calcified dome consisting of various materials which is growing from the North Dock harbour wall as a result of an unknown water source. The feature is created by calcified water in the same way that stalactites and stalagmites are formed.
Roker Cliffs And Parson's Rocks [NZ 408 597], [NZ 408 592], [NZ 408 599] This rocky shore is considered to be of great geological interest with its Magnesian Limestone cliffs and "Cannonball Limestone". The site is also of value to wading birds for feeding and roosting. The RIGS boundary extends ap­proximately 0.3 km further south than the SNCI and includes the cliffs at the eastern entrance of Roker Park.
Ryhope Beach [NZ 416 542], [NZ 421 519] The site is an area of sea cliffs with a wave cut platform that is largely obscured by coastal sand and extensive deposits of cobble and boulder. The cliffs exhibit several erosional features of interest as well as four different geological and geomorphological rock types.
Whelley Hill Quarry [NZ 449 340] Quarry face exposure of Magnesian limestone
Crimdon Dene [NZ 471 371] Deep gorge environment revealing exposures of Magnesian limestone. The gorge forms steep sides consisting of face of Magnesian limestone in a fluvial environment. Glacial erratics can be found in the stream bed.
Naisberry Quarry [NZ 477 333] Old quarry revealing various exposures of Magnesian limestone
Hartlepool Headland [NZ 524 344] Wave washed platform of Magnesian limestone. The exposure reveals examples of stack and pillar coastal features.

This list of RIGS is based on information provided at the time of the study — it is possible that other sites may have been proposed as RIGS.
