Lawrence, D. J. D. 1990. Limestone Landscapes — a geodiversity audit and action plan for the Durham Magnesian Limestone Plateau. British Geological Survey open report OR/09/007.

Figures, plates and photographs


(Front cover)

(Figure 1) Geological map of the area showing bedrock.

(Figure 2) Schematic diagram to show general relationship of geological units (adapted from Smith 1994).

(Figure 3) Map showing the position of Zechstein Sea in relation to present day geography (adapted from Pettigrew,1980) Greenland is shown in its inferred position before continental drift.

(Figure 4) Idealized section through the Quaternary sequence exposed on the Durham coast (after Bridgland et al., 1999) 1 Fissure infills; 2 Scandinavian Drift; 3. Easington Raised Beach; 4. Lower Till; 5. Middle Sands and Gravels; 6. Upper Till; 7. Upper Gravels.

(Figure 5) Schematic section of coast showing Easington Raised Beach (after Bridgland et al., 1999).


(Plate 1) Yellow Sands beneath the Ford Formation Reef at Claxheugh Rock, Sunderland.

(Plate 2) Searching for fossil fish in the Marl Slate at Hepplewhites (Cold Knuckles) Quarry.

(Plate 3) Palaeoniscid fish from the Marl Slate Formation at Quarrington, found in 2006 (photo © G. Easterbrook, may be used freely, with acknowledgement, in 'not for profit' publications).

(Plate 4) Dolomitic limestone of the Raisby Formation at Aycliffe Quarry.

(Plate 5) Ford Formation Reef Limestone at Tunstall Hill.

(Plate 6) The Concretionary Limestone overlying slide debris in the Ford Formation at Trow Point.

(Plate 7) The Seaham Formation at Seaham Harbour.

(Plate 8) The Easington Raised Beach at Shippersea Bay.

(Plate 9) Coastal stacks in the Roker Dolomite Formation seen from Lizard Point.

(Plate 10) Collapse breccia in the cliffs at Marsden Bay.

(Plate 11) The Escarpment seen from the south-west.

(Plate 12) Till (Boulder Clay) slippage in the cliffs north of Seaham (November 2008).

(Plate 13) Wire mesh protection of the cliffs near the steps at Marsden Bay. The nature of the rocks can still be seen through the stabilisation measures (February 2009).

(Plate 14) Information Board at Trimdon Grange Quarry – note mention of the importance of the Ford Formation (detail), but no further explanation of why it is geologically important.

(Plate 15) Rock textures exposed in Fulwell Quarry and surroundings.

(Plate 16) Example of wheelchair accessible trail incorporating description of rocks suitable for the visually handicapped. Karoo Botanic Garden, South Africa.

(Plate 17) Schematic interpretation of rock exposed in Middridge Quarry.

(Plate 18) Use of magnesian limestone as building stone in Whitburn.

(Plate 19) Display board on cycleway near Haswell.

(Plate 20) The Seaham 3 Pits sculpture and a detail from the panel.

(Plate 21) Magnesian Limestone (Raisby Formation) overlying the Marl Slate Formation (the grey layer) above the Yellow Sands Formation in the working Hepplewhites Quarry.

(Plate 22) Fossil found by a young person during RSPB organized visit to the working Thrislington Quarry in 2003.

(Plate 23) 'Walking Works Wonders' board south of Lizard point.

(Plate 24) Cross-bedding in Permian Yellow Sands Formation at Crime Rigg Quarry.

(Plate 25) Modern desert dunes in the United Arab Emirates.


(Photo 1) Fulwell & Carley Hill quarries.

(Photo 2) Tunstall Hills and Ryhope Cutting.

(Photo 3) Middridge Quarry.

(Photo 4) Claxheugh Rock.

(Photo 5) Ford Quarry.

(Photo 6) Bishop Middleham Quarry.

(Photo 7) Trimdon Grange Quarry.

(Photo 8) Wingate Quarry .

(Photo 9) Marsden Old Quarry.

(Photo 10) Hepplewhites (Cold Knuckles) Quarry.

(Photo 11) Crime Rigg Quarry.

(Photo 12) Thrislington Quarry.

(Photo 13) Trow Point to Frenchman's Bay.

(Photo 14) Frenchman's Bay.

(Photo 15) Marsden Bay.

(Photo 16) Lizard Point and Marsden Limekiln.

(Photo 17) Seaham Harbour.

(Photo 18) Blackhall Rocks.