Farrant, A R. 2008.A walkers’ guide to the geology and landscape of eastern Mendip. Book and map at 1:25 000 scale. (Keyworth, Nottingham: British Geological Survey.) This guide is available to purchase from the British Geological Survey https://shop.bgs.ac.uk/Shop/Product/BSP_BEMEND
Holwell and Nunney
The village of Holwell is renowned by palaeontologists for the discovery in 1867 of one of the world's earliest mammals. Holwell is a small village on the A361, south-east of Frome, situated in a narrow valley where the Nunney Brook has cut into the Carboniferous Limestone. The limestone here has been quarried for over 150 years, creating a complex of active and abandoned quarries on either side of the A361. These quarries [88]
The Carboniferous Limestone here dips to the south at about 20°–50° and is cut by many vertical fissures lined with large calcite crystals.
These fissures, which are also known as ‘Neptunian dykes’, are infilled with younger, Triassic and Jurassic sediment. They developed as 'pull- apart' structures along joints in the limestone when the Mendip region was subject to tectonic extension in Late Triassic and Early Jurassic times. It has been estimated that the region has been extended by about 4.7 per cent during this time.
Neptunian dykes
- The Carboniferous Limestone is folded into a large upfold, known as the Beacon Hill Pericline, and eroded during the Triassic.
- Regional extension in Triassic times causes fissures to open up in the Carboniferous Limestone. These are infilled with land- derived sediment, mostly red mudstone.
- As extension continues, a shallow sea floods over the area towards the end of the Triassic, creating the Mendip archipelago. Marine sediment infills the fissures.The remains of reptiles and rare mammals derived from nearby islands are swept into these fissures. Eventually, the region is buried beneath the Inferior Oolite.
This type of fissure was first described from here in 1867 by Charles Moore after a visit to Holwell Quarry by the British Association in 1864. In the sediments infilling the fissures, Moore discovered the remains of one of the earliest known mammals. After sieving through three tons of fissure sediments, he found over 45 000 fish teeth and 27 tiny teeth of a mammal known as Haramiya. A further 19 teeth were found by the German palaeontologist Walter Kuhne in 1939. The fissure fills have also yielded vertebrate fossils of Late Triassic age as well as fragments of Jurassic reptiles and the dinosaurs Thecodontosaurus and Palaeosaurus.
North of the A361, the crags on the east side of the valley expose the Oxwich Head Limestone. Close by, a roadside exposure [730 449] on the slip road towards Frome [89]
Just north of Holwell, at the end of a minor lane, is a long-disused quarry [90]
Here a large east–west-trending fissure in the Carboniferous Limestone is exposed along the length of the quarry wall. The fissure was filled with red and yellow-coloured sediments of Triassic and Early Jurassic age and broken blocks of Carboniferous Limestone, which probably fell in as the fissure opened. Late Triassic fish remains have been discovered in the fissure fill. The rocks here are veined with calcite and baryte, and some cavities are lined with well formed calcite crystals.
In the valley floor there are a series of springs known as Holwell Risings [91]
The active quarries at Holwell comprise four pits clustered around the village, divided by the A361 and minor roads. Three of these pits are connected by two tunnels. A fifth pit, known as Cloford Quarry, lies about 500 m to the south-west. The quarry produces around 600 000 tonnes of aggregate each year for a range of materials used as concrete products, and in the building and construction industries. Jurassic Inferior
Oolite rests on Carboniferous Limestone in this area, and is stripped off by the quarry company, thus revealing the unconformity surface and the Carboniferous Limestone below. This is the same unconformity seen in Vallis Vale and Tedbury Camp Quarry. A viewing platform [92]
The unconformity is also well exposed in the road cutting 0.5 km to the north-east [93]
In the centre of Nunney are the impressive remains of Nunney Castle [94]
Several possible ‘sarsen’ stones occur at the end of the lane between the castle gate and the footbridge. Sarsens are boulders of silicified sandstone which were used in the construction of Stonehenge. These boulders, of Palaeogene age, are the remnants of an outcrop that was once more extensive and long since eroded away.
North-west of Nunney is a disused quarry [95]