S Engering, S and Barron, H.F. (2007) Doncaster Geodiversity Assessment Volumes 1&2. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report CR/07/025N. For planning purposes consult Doncaster City Council The report is also available as a PDF download from NERC NORA

7 Sources of information

The following sources of information were used in this project:

7.1 BGS maps

1:50 000 scale

E78 Wakefield (S&D) 1998, E78 Wakefield (SwD) 1978

E79 Goole (S&D) 1971, E79 Goole (SwD) 1972

E87 Barnsley (S&D) 1976

E88 Doncaster (S&D) 1969, E88 Doncaster (SwD) 1969

E100Sheffield (S&D) 1974

E101 East Retford (S&D) 1967

7.2 South Yorkshire RIGS Group

Inventory of Regionally Important Geological Sites Doncaster 1997

7.3 Doncaster Council

Doncaster Museum Geological Site Inventory (Geosite1.xls)

Doncaster Museum Geological Sites featured in BGS memoir (Geosite2.xls)

7.4 Project GIS

The following files were used in the project GIS:

Table 3 Digital datasets used in the project GIS.

Dataset Figure No. Format Supplier Licence req. for BGS use Licence fee
Earth science
Digital Geology (DiGMapGB-50 & 10) 3, 4, 6 ESRI shape files BGS No No
Quaternary domains and lithostratigraphy 5, 7 ESRI shape files BGS No No
BritPits database of mines and quarries 10 ESRI shape file BGS No No
Index of onshore petroleum wells 11 ESRI shape file BGS No No
Wellmaster database of water wells 12 ESRI shape file BGS No No
Geological Conservation Review sites (GCR) 13 Web table JNCC No No
Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) 8 ESRI shape files NE Yes No
Regionally Important Geological and Geomorphological Sites (RIGS) 13 Excel table DMBC No No
Topography and landscape
NEXTMap Britain DSM from radar altimetry 9 Raster images Intermap, but processed by BGS Yes Yes
1:250k, 1:50k, 1:25k, 1:10k topography, National Grid, Admin Meridian Raster and vector OS Yes. PGA Yes
Natural Areas 8 ESRI shape files E Yes No