Barron, H F, Gillespie, M R and Merritt, J W 2011. Geodiversity of the Cairngorms National Park. British Geological Survey Open Report, OR/10/019

A PDF of this report is available from the NORA, the NERC archive

Site no.: Q53

Site name: Tomintoul

Grid reference: [NJ 17583 08608]

Locality: Confluence of the Marl Burn and River Avon, 650 m NW of Inchrory

GCR Status: Confirmed

GCR No.: 1247

Type: Natural sections

Description: A 6 m tufa deposit laid down by the Marl Burn containing 6 soil horizons, one of which contains charcoal which gave a radiocarbon date of 7360 ± 60 B.P. A unique site in Scotland contrasting strongly with English localities & their mollusc diagrams.

Justification: Quaternary of Scotland, GCR site 1247 (Gordon and Sutherland, 1993).
