Barron, H F, Gillespie, M R and Merritt, J W 2011. Geodiversity of the Cairngorms National Park. British Geological Survey Open Report, OR/10/019 A PDF of this report is available from the NORA, the NERC archive
Site no.: B26
Site name: Kinloch Laggan Road
Grid reference:
Locality: Beside the A86 road at Kinloch Laggan
GCR Status: Proposed
GCR No.: 0
Type: Natural exposure
Description: A small roche moutonnée beside the A86 is the type locality for the Kinlochlaggan Boulder Bed, which occurs within a near-vertical, NNE-striking succession of quartzite, metasemipelite, metacarbonate-rock and calcsilicate rock. The Neoproterozoic boulder bed is interpreted to be of glacial origin. The GCR volume 'Dalradian rocks of Scotland' (Stephenson et al., 2010) contains a full description of the site.
Justification: The site is of national importance in demonstrating the earliest recorded glacial influence within the Dalradian succession.
The significance of this and other boulder beds in the Dalradian succession lies in the record they preserve of Earth's glacial history and in their potential value as chronostratigraphical markers.