Barron, H F, Gillespie, M R and Merritt, J W 2011. Geodiversity of the Cairngorms National Park. British Geological Survey Open Report, OR/10/019 A PDF of this report is available from the NORA, the NERC archive
Site no.: Q24
Site name: Gynack Channels
Grid reference:
Locality: The ground between Loch Gynack and Glen Banchor, 2 km NW of Kingussie
GCR Status: N/A
GCR No.: N/A
Type: Natural landform assemblage
Description: A complex network of branching and anastomosing glacial meltwater channels cut across the hillsides and incised deeply into bedrock. The channels are associated with boulder-strewn moraine ridges and eskers.
Justification: Good examples of channels thought to have been eroded at, or closely within the margins of receding, typically cold-based, subpolar ice sheets or outlet glaciers. Features such as these are important for reconstructing the characteristics of the last ice sheet to cover the area, and the pattern of deglaciation.