Lawrence, D.J. et al. 2007. Northumberland National Park Geodiversity Audit and Action Plan. British Geological Survey Commisioned report CR/07/037N. A PDF of the full report can be obtained from the Northumberland National Park website
Selected bibliography
Most of the references listed below are held in the Library of the British Geological Survey at Keyworth, Nottingham. Copies of the references may be purchased from the Library subject to the current copyright legislation. Only key references and those from which diagrams have been derived are listed.
Coverage of BGS 1:50 000 scale geological maps and explanatory memoirs for the district
Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain Sheets 3 & 5 Carruthers, R G, Burnett, G A, Anderson, W and Thomas, H H. 1932. The geology of the Cheviot Hills.
Sheet 4 Carruthers, R G, Dinham, B A, Burnett G A and Maden, J. 1927. The Geology of Belford, Holy Island and the Farne Islands.
Sheet 6 Carruthers, R G, and Anderson, W. 1930. The Geology of the Alnwick District.
Sheet 7 Clough, C T. 1889. The Geology of Plashetts and Kielder.
Sheet 8 Miller, H. 1887. The Geology of the country around Otterburn and Elsdon.
Sheet 9 Fowler, A. 1936. The geology of the country around Rothbury, Amble and Ashington.
Sheet 12 Day, J B W. 1970. Geology of the country around Bewcastle.
Sheet 13 Frost, D V, and Holliday, D W. 1980. Geology of the country around Bellingham.
Sheet 18 Trotter, F M, and Hollingworth, S E. 1932. The geology of the Brampton District.
Volumes of the Geological Conservation Review Series Vol. 1 Ellis, N V. (ed). 1996. An introduction to the Geological Conservation review.
Vol. 11 Cleal, C J and Thomas, B A. 1996. British Upper Carboniferous Stratigraphy.
Vol. 13 Gregory, K J. (Ed.) 1997. Fluvial Geomorphology of Great Britain.
Vol. 25 Huddart, D and Glasser, N F. 2002. Quaternary of Northern England.
Vol. 27 Stephenson, D, Loughlin, S C, Millward, D, Waters, C N and Williamson, I T. 2003. Carboniferous and Permian Igneous Rocks of Great Britain, North of the Variscan Front.
Vol. 29 Cossey, P J, Adams, A E, Purnell, M A, Whiteley, M J, Whyte, M A and Wright, V P. 2004. British Lower Carboniferous Stratigraphy.
Reports by English Nature
English Nature. 2004. Linking geology and biodiversity. Research Report, No 562.
English Nature. 2004. Local Geodiversity Action Plans – sharing good practice.
Prosser, C, Murphy, M and Larwood, J. 2006. Geological conservation: a guide to good practice.
Stace, H, & Larwood, J G. 2006. Natural foundations: geodiversity for people, places and nature.
Webber, M, Christie, M and Glasser, N. 2006. The social and economic value of the UK’s geodiversity. Research Report, No 709.
Selected books, reports and papers in scientific journals Many of these contain extensive lists of references to earlier publications.
Beckensall, S. 2001. Prehistoric Rock Art in Northumberland. (Stroud: Tempus.)
Benn, D I and Evans, D J A. 1998. Glaciers and Glaciation. (Arnold, London.)
Bott, M H P, Swinburne, P M and Long, R E. 1984. Deep structure and origin of the Northumberland and Stainmore troughs. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, Vol. 44, 479-495.
Boulton, G S, Jones, A S, Clayton, K M and Kenning, M J. 1977. A British ice-sheet model and patterns of glacial erosion and deposition in Britain. 231-246 in: Shotton, F.W. (ed). British Quaternary Studies, Recent Advances. (Clarendon Press, Oxford.)
Brenchley, P J and Rawson, P F. (eds). 2006. The geology of England and Wales. (The Geological Society, London.)
Carr, S J, Holmes, R, van der Meer, J J M and Rose, J. 2006. The Last Glacial Maximum in the North Sea Basin: micromorphological evidence of extensive glaciation. Journal of Quaternary Science, Vol. 21, 131-153.
Clapperton, C M. 1971. The pattern of deglaciation in parts of northern Northumberland. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Vol. 53, 67-78.
Clark, C D and Stokes, C R. (2003) Palaeo-ice stream landsystem. 204-227 in Evans, D J A. (Ed). Glacial Landsystems. (Arnold, London.)
Clark, C D, Evans, D J A, Khatwa, A, Bradwell, T, Jordan, C J, Marsh, S H, Mitchell, W A and
Bateman, M D. 2004. BRITICE: Map and GIS database of landforms and features related to the last British ice-sheet. Boreas, 33, 359-375.
Clark, R P K. 1971-2. Landforms and landscapes in the Cheviot Hills. Proceedings of the Cumberland Geological Society, Vol. 3, 87-97.
Clough, P W L. 1982. Notes on the Silurian (Wenlock) strata of Coquet Head, Northumberland and Roxburghshire. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumbria, Volume 48.
Craig, G Y. (ed). 1991. The Geology of Scotland. (The Geological Society, London.)
Crane, T. 1979. Newcastle Stone. (Ealing Publications.) Douglas, T. 1991. Glacial deposits of Northumbria. In Ehlers et al. Glacial Deposits of Great Britain and Ireland, Balkema.
English Nature, Quarry Products Association and Silica Moulding Sands Association. 2003. Geodiversity and the minerals industry –Conserving our geological heritage. (Entek UK Ltd.)
Everest, J D, Bradwell, T, and Golledge, N R G. 2006. Subglacial Landforms of the Tweed Palaeo-Ice Stream. Scottish Geographical Journal, 121(2), 163-173.
Everest, J D and Lawrence D J D. 2006. Geological Landscape Character Assessment, Northumberland National Park and surrounding area. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/06/108. 23pp.
Frodsham, P. 2004. Archaeology in Northumberland National Park. Council for British Archaeology Research Report, 136.
Gradstein, F M and Ogg, J. 1996. A Phanerozoic timescale. Episodes Vol.19, 3-5.
Gray, M. 2004. geodiversity: valuing and conserving abiotic nature. (West Sussex: Wiley)
Holmes, A and Harwood, H F. 1929. The tholeiite dykes of the north of England. Mineralogical Magazine, Vol. 22, 1-52.
Johnson, G A L. (ed). 1995. Robson’s Geology of North East England. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumbria. Vol. 56, Part 5.
Johnson, G A L. 1997. Geology of Hadrian’s Wall. Geologist’s Association Guide, No. 59.
Leake, R C and Haslam, H W. 1978. A geochemical survey of the Cheviot area in Northumberland and Roxburghshire using panned mineral concentrates. Report of the Institute of Geological Sciences, No. 78/4. Linton, D L. 1955. The problem of tors. Geographical Journal, Vol. 121, 470-487.
Liss, D, Owens, W H, and Hutton, D H W. 2004. New palaeomagnetic results from the Whin Sill complex: evidence for a multiple intrusion event and revised virtual geomagnetic poles for the late Carboniferous of the British Isles. Journal of the Geological Society, London, Vol. 161, 927-938.
Lunn, A. 2004. Northumberland with Alston Moor. (Harper Collins, London.)
McMillan, A A, Gillanders, R J and Fairhurst, J A. 1999. Building Stones of Edinburgh. (Edinburgh: Edinburgh Geological Society.)
North of England Soils Discussion Group. 1992. Deep weathering and soils; meeting at Wooler, 1988. Proceedings of the North of England Soils Discussion Group, 25.
North Pennines AONB Partnership. 2004. A Geodiversity Audit and Action Plan 2204-2009.
Palmer, J A and Nielsen, R A. 1962. The origin of granite tors on Dartmoor, Devonshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, Vol. 33, 315-339.
Pevsner, N and Richmond, I. 2001. The Buildings of England: Northumberland. 2nd edition (Yale University Press, London.)
Pickett, E, Young, B, Lawrence, D, Clarke, S, Everest, J, Thompson, P and Young, R. Ancient Frontiers - Exploring the geology and landscape of the Hadrian’s Wall area. (Keyworth, Nottingham: British Geological Survey.)
Randall, B A O. 1989. Dolerite-pegmatites from the Whin Sill near Barrasford, Northumberland. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, Vol. 47, 249-265.
Robson, D A. 1976. A guide to the geology of the Cheviot Hills. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Vol. 43, 1-23.
Robson, D A. 1956. A sedimentary study of the Fell Sandstones of the Coquet valley, Northumberland. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, London, Vol. 112, 241-262.
Robson, D A. 1977. The structural history of the Cheviot and adjacent regions. Scottish Journal of Geology, Vol. 13, 255-262.
Scott, W P, Shail, R, Nicholas, C, Roche, D. 2007. The Geodiversity Profile Handbook. (David Roche Geo Consulting, Exeter.)
Scrutton, C T. 1995. (ed). Northumbrian Rocks and Landscape. (Ellenbank Press and Yorkshire Geological Society.)
Stokes, C R and Clark, C D. 2001. Palaeo-ice streams. Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 20, 1437-1457.
Tate, G. 1867. The geology of the district traversed by the Roman Wall. In Bruce, J C. The Roman Wall (3rd edition), (London, Longmans.)
Topley, W and Lebour, G A. 1877. On the intrusive character of the Whin Sill in Northumberland. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, London, Vol. 33, 406-421.
Turner, B R, Younger, P L and Fordham, C E. 1993. Fell Sandstone Group lithostratigraphy south-west of Berwick-upon-Tweed: implications for the regional development of the Fell Sandstone. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, Vol. 49, Part 4, 269-281.
Winch, N J. 1817. Observations on the geology of Northumberland and Durham. Transactions of the Geological Society of London, Vol. 4, 1-101.
Winch, N J. 1831. Remarks on the distribution of the indigeneous plants of Northumberland and Durham, as connected with the geological structure of these counties. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumbria, Volume 1, 50-57.
Young, B and Lawrence, D J D. 2002. Geology of the Morpeth district. Sheet explanation of the British Geological Survey. Sheet 14 (England and Wales).
Young, B. 1997. Special minerals of the Northern Pennines. 45-49 in Chambers, B. Out of the Pennines. (Friends of Killhope: Killhope.)