Bridgland, D.R. 1994. Quaternary of the Thames. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 7. JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 0 412 48830 2. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Southminster, Goldsands Road Pit
D.R. Bridgland
This pit exposes typical gravel of the post-diversion Thames-Medway, deposited by the Thames, downstream from its confluence with the Medway, as it flowed north-eastwards across this part of Essex. This stretch of the river's course was formerly part of the Medway valley but was adopted by the Thames upon its diversion. The Asheldham Gravel at Southminster is believed to equate with both the Black Park Gravel and the Boyn Hill Gravel of the Middle Thames (the former underlying the latter in the Southminster area), the first two formations to be deposited by the river after its diversion during the Anglian Stage.
Exposures at Goldsands Road Pit, Southminster, reveal the Asheldham Gravel, the highest and oldest formation of the Low-level East Essex Gravel Subgroup, which is attributed to the post-diversion Thames-Medway (Bridgland, 1983a, 1983b, 1988a;
Southminster lies in the south-eastern corner of the Dengie Peninsula, which separates the Crouch and Blackwater estuaries. The Asheldham Gravel is the most extensively preserved terrace formation on this peninsula, largely because later Thames-Medway deposition seems to have been confined, onshore, to the area further south. Higher deposits to the west belong to the High-level East Essex Gravel Subgroup, the product of the tributary Medway system (
The exposures in the Goldsands Road Pit show mainly matrix-supported, massive and cross-stratified sandy gravel, interbedded with sands and clayey sands
A total thickness of over 4.5 m of Pleistocene sediments overlies London Clay at 15.5 m O.D. in the GCR site. Gruhn and Bryan, who worked here at a time of more extensive quarrying, reported a sloping 'bench' beneath the gravel of the area, ranging between 9.7 and 10.7 m O.D., with the highest bedrock level in the north-east (Gruhn et al., 1974, unpublished appendix). Three Geological Survey boreholes in the vicinity add to the general picture of variable relief. A borehole to the north-west of Goldsands Road Pit showed 3.8 m of sandy, silty clay and soil, overlying 2.4 m of gravel, the London Clay being reached at 14.4 m O.D. Another, 350–400 m to the south-west, showed only 3 m of Pleistocene sediments overlying the London Clay at 16.3 m O.D. The third borehole, near Newmoor
Clast-lithological analysis of the Asheldham Gravel at Southminster reveals the combination of local, southern and exotic lithologies that characterizes the Low-level East Essex Gravel Subgroup (Bridgland, 1983a, 1983b, 1988a;
The buried channel underlying the Asheldham Gravel, revealed by various bedrock surface data, is part of a complex feature recognized by Lake et al. (1977) as their 'Burnham Buried Channel'. However, the feature they described incorporates a deep channel, eroded to well below ordnance datum, beneath 'First Crouch Terrace' (Barling/Dammer Wick Gravel) deposits in the Burnham-on-Crouch area (see
The older channel, underlying the Asheldham Gravel, has been redefined as the Asheldham Channel (Bridgland, 1988a). The deposits filling this channel comprise a basal gravel (Ash-eldham Channel Gravel) and an overlying sequence of fine-grained, fossiliferous deposits (Asheldham Channel interglacial deposits). The type locality for these units (and for the Asheldham Gravel) is a gravel pit at Asheldham
The deposits to the west of Southminster and at Asheldham, which, at up to 25 m O.D., are the highest within the Asheldham Gravel (Bridgland, 1983a), were assigned by Gruhn et al. to their Asheldham Terrace. Other deposits now included in the Asheldham Gravel, those at Burnham, to the east of Southminster, west of Tillingham and south-west of Bradwell, have considerably lower surface elevations and were included by Gruhn et al. in their Southminster Terrace. Their long-profile diagram (Gruhn et al., 1974, fig. 10) showed these two terraces as vertically overlapping aggradations with an altitudinal separation of 3–5 m. However, the more detailed bedrock surface information available as a result of the recent Geological Survey borehole programme indicates that the differences in bedrock surface level, interpreted by Gruhn et al. as evidence for two distinct terraces, merely reflect different positions relative to the cross-profile of the Asheldham Channel. Indeed, the upper part of the Asheldham Gravel extends laterally away from the channel in a number of areas and overlies a separate, higher 'bench' (Bridgland, 1983a). The difference in surface level between gravels assigned by Gruhn et al. to their Asheldham and Southminster Terraces probably results, therefore, from differential erosion. Thus the deposits underlying both terraces can be variously reinterpreted as Asheldham Gravel or Asheldham Channel Gravel
Consideration of its elevation suggests that the lower part of the sequence observed at Southminster may belong to the Asheldham Channel Gravel rather than the Asheldham Gravel. The interglacial sediments that separate the Asheldham Channel Gravel and the Asheldham Gravel are not present throughout the area; where they are absent, distinction between the two gravel units is extremely difficult. Fine-grained sediments occur between lower and upper gravels at Goldsands Road Pit, but it is impossible to ascertain whether these occupy the stratigraphical position of the Asheldham Channel interglacial deposits. There is nothing in the clast composition of samples collected from the lower and upper gravels
A further piece of evidence of possible relevance to the identity of the lower gravel unit is the discovery in it of the butt-half of a rolled hand-axe by P. Harding (Bridgland, 1983a, p. 227; Wymer, 1985b). Two such broken artefacts were in fact discovered at the site during the cleaning of the sections for the visit of the Quaternary Research Association in April 1983, a broken point of a hand-axe, less rolled, being recovered from the upper gravel on the same occasion. The occurrence of hand-axes (Acheulian Industry) in the Asheldham Gravel is no surprise; numerous examples are recorded from its upstream equivalents, the Southchurch Gravel of the Southend area (Bridgland, 1983a; Wymer, 1985b), the Orsett Heath Gravel of the Lower Thames (Chapter 4) and the Boyn Hill Gravel of the Middle Thames (Chapter 3). The Asheldham Channel Gravel, on the other hand, is believed to correlate (Bridgland, 1988a;
The correlations proposed in this volume, based on terrace stratigraphy, imply that aggradation of the Asheldham Formation spanned the period from the late Anglian (late Oxygen Isotope Stage 12) to early Oxygen Isotope Stage 10, when rejuvenation to the level of the Barling Formation occurred (Chapter 1). The Asheldham Formation and its upstream correlative in the Lower Thames, the Orsett Heath Formation, are considered to correlate with the Boyn Hill Formation of the Middle Thames (see Chapter 4). They are also believed to incorporate, in their lower parts, downstream equivalents of the late Anglian Black Park Gravel of the Middle Thames, the earliest post-diversion formation, which appears to have been graded to a very low base level (see Chapter 4, Wansunt Pit). It must be emphasized that the degree of complexity implied by this interpretation is indicated by regional stratigraphical evidence (summarized in
Fluvial gravels occurring at this locality contain a mixture of rocks from Kent, to the south, and from the north-west, carried down the main Thames valley. This is because they were deposited by the combined Thames-Medway river, formed by the confluence of the Medway and the Thames in the area south of Southend. Older deposits in the Southminster area show that this part of Essex was formerly in the Medway valley, at a time when that river extended from Kent to the Clacton area, where it joined the old (pre-diversion) Thames. When diverted, the Thames adopted the old Medway valley between Southend and Clacton, depositing gravels of the type found at Southminster. The GCR site at Goldsands Road Pit provides exposures in the Asheldham Gravel and, possibly, in the Asheldham Channel Gravel. The study of these deposits is of considerable importance in reconstructing the evolution of the river system in this area during the Middle Pleistocene. This area of eastern Essex provides an important link between the Lower Thames sequence, with its abundance of fossiliferous and Palaeolithic sites, and the Tendring Plateau, where a comparable wealth of information also exists.