Richey, J.E. and Thomas, H.H. 1930. The geology of Ardnamurchan, north-west Mull and Coll. Memoir for geological sheet 51, part 52 (Scotland). Edinburgh: [HMSO for the Geological Survey] Ardnamurchan Central Complex 1:25,000 geological map. British Geological Survey, 2009.
Chapter 20 Tertiary ring-dykes of Centre 3, Ardnamurchan (Continued)
The intrusions to be described in this chapter are as follows (see Index Map, p. 201
(D) Porphyritic Gabbro of Meall nan Con screen
(E) Great Eucrite
(E′) Outer Eucrite
(F) Quartz-gabbro of Meall an Tarmachain summit
(F') Quartz-gabbro, south side of Meall an Tarmachain
The Porphyritic Gabbro (D) forms the southern part of the Meall nan Con screen, which separates the Outer Eucrite (E′) from the Great Eucrite (E). It is evidently earlier than the two Eucrites, along the contact with which it is obviously baked except at its south end, where its separation from the Eucrites becomes a difficult matter. South of Meall nan Con, the Quartz-gabbro of Meall an Tarmachain (F) intervenes intrusively between the two Eucrites. Where the Eucrites come together, north and south of the Meall nan Con screen, it was not found possible to locate their actual contact, although there are indications north of Meall nan Con of the later age of the Great Eucrite. Since it is a feature of both intrusions that they are practically unchilled at their contacts with older rock-masses, it is not surprising to find that their mutual junction cannot be exactly determined.
(D) Porphyritic Gabbro of Meall Nan Con Screen
The southern portion of the Meall nan Con ridge, which is formed of granulitized agglomerate, is flanked to west and east by arm-like masses of fine-textured gabbro with felspar phenocrysts. These arms are apparently connected with a fairly large mass of coarser-grained porphyritic gabbro that occupies lower ground immediately south of the ridge. The arms are highly contact altered adjacent to the Outer Eucrite (E′) and the Great Eucrite (E), and are consequently easy to separate in the field from these intrusions. The contact alteration becomes less marked in the main mass of the Porphyritic Gabbro. At its southern extremity, the gabbro is coarser in texture and less apparently porphyritic. It is consequently very difficult there to distinguish it from the Eucrites, as already mentioned.
This marked decrease southwards in the contact metamorphism of the Porphyritic Gabbro is a remarkable feature. Possibly those parts of the intrusion next to the much older agglomerates of Meall nan Con had in consequence become colder, and so were more readily metamorphosed than parts farther away. The metamorphism will be dealt with in detail later together with that of other portions of the Meall nan Con screen (p. 315).
(E) Great Eucrite
This massive ring-dyke has been already frequently referred to. On the Memoir-map it will be seen that it forms a complete ring encircling a complex of other intrusions (the Interior Complex). As compared with the intrusions within and outside it, the Eucrite is highly resistant to weathering. Numerous crush-lines directed north to north-west cross the intrusion, and their positions are marked by hollows of erosion. Except for such discontinuities, the Eucrite forms a complete ring-ridge that surrounds a central area of low relief occupied by the Interior Complex. A striking sectional view of this great rock-wall is obtained from the Kilchoan–Achnaha road, which follows a deeply cut erosion-hollow between the towering purplish-tinted mass of Creag an Airgid to the east, and Beinn na h'Imeilte to the west. Little vegetation grows upon these rocky hills, which remain much as the ice-sheet left them, with conspicuous roches moutonées on which striae are frequently preserved. The road a little farther north emerges from this rocky defile into the broad, low-lying central area. At this point, the inner side of the eucrite wall extends to left and right as two curving lines of high crags that can be followed with the eye around to the north where they rejoin one another and so complete the circle (see
The typical rock may be described as a coarse felspathic gabbroid rock containing both augite and olivine; but the proportion in which these two ferromagnesian constituents occur varies greatly, and often abruptly. Where olivine becomes abundant and augite subsidiary, the rock may be termed an allivalite. The crystals of olivine are always conspicuous in size. Indeed, in some places this mineral forms crystal-aggregates a foot long, as for instance about 500 yds. south-west of the summit of Meall nan Con. The augite frequently occurs as large plates that ophitically enclose the felspar.
A local variation in type only noted at a high level along the south-eastern portion of the Beinn na h'Imeilte ridge may be mentioned. There, about 900 yds. east-south-east of the summit, the rock becomes finer grained and contains plentiful iron-ore, having some resemblance to the quartz-gabbroid marginal portion of the intrusion (p. 204 Xenolithic material is often abundant in this vicinity. Possibly we may be here approaching a local top to the mass. Towards the outside of the intrusion, east of Creag an Airgid, a pale or white variety closely allied to quartz-gabbro (S22686)
Pale, felspathic eucrite may be seen at almost any point along the ring-dyke, often in irregular areas, but frequently forming broad bands. There is no difference in texture between the pale areas and the normal darker rock, but their mutual margins are usually well defined. As a rule, the pale bands are aligned more or less parallel to the course of the ring-dyke. Their elongate form is presumably due to flow-movement, perhaps at a late stage in the intrusion of the magma, since the bands are broad in relation to their length.
True flow banding is fairly frequent along the inner side of the south-eastern portion of the intrusion, though of rare occurrence elsewhere. The bands are usually inclined at an angle of 45 degrees, in some places inwards towards Centre 3, in others outwards from it.
An internal feature of special interest are pegmatite veins. These are met with around the whole intrusion, and are best developed in its exterior portions. They are usually rich in augite, sometimes to such a degree that the vein-rock may be termed pyroxenite. They are sometimes composite. For example, a thick vein east-northeast of Meall an Fhir-eòin consists of augite-rich marginal portions and a felspathic centre, 2 inches and 8 inches wide respectively. The normal augite-rich veins are usually much narrower than this, but among them are numbers of straight-running individuals as much as 2 or 3 inches across. In direction these relatively wide veins are everywhere parallel to the course of the ring-dyke. Further, they are either vertical or else highly inclined. Augite-rich pegmatite similar to that forming the veins is often found in irregular masses of considerable size enclosed in the normal eucrite, and continuity between such masses and pegmatite veins has sometimes been observed. For example, on the ridge half a mile north of Meall Meadhoin, and just south of the south end of a quartz-dolerite intrusion lettered gD on the Memoir-map, a pegmatite vein inclined at 80 degrees towards Centre 3 widens out rapidly at its north-west end into a mass of pegmatite. The pegmatite masses must represent residu4.l liquid portions of the intrusion in which fluxes had become concentrated, which may have acted as reservoirs from which the cracks that developed in the cooling and contracting mass were filled.
Though the longitudinal pegmatite veins are the most striking, others can be recognized, thinner and less regular, which run mainly at right angles to the direction of the Ring-dyke. Good examples of such cross-veining may be seen along the top of the Eucrite ridge one third of a mile north of Meall Meadhoin, directed towards the Achnaha Centre (3). They are usually steeply inclined or vertical. The two sets of pegmatite veins, aligned as they are with reference to the Achnaha Centre and to the course of their parent ring-dyke, appear to provide convincing internal evidence of the steep nature of this intrusion. The longitudinal veins are so persistently vertical, or nearly so, that it seems impossible not to conclude that the walls of the intrusion are correspondingly steep.
Two easily accessible localities at which to examine the longitudinal veins may be mentioned. The first is along the walls of a west-north-west cleft, a short distance north of the new road from Achnaha to Sanna, on the Sanna side of the Eucrite ridge. The veins there seen deviate little from the vertical, excepting one that is inclined north-west at 60 degrees. The other locality lies east of a loch (Lochan an Dobhrain) a mile north of Glendrian farm, where there are fine examples of the longitudinal veins, spaced a few yards apart. The absence of pegmatite veins from the inner half of the Eucrite can be demonstrated in this vicinity, south of the loch above mentioned.
The longitudinal pegmatite veins may frequently be seen to traverse the broad bands and patches of pale eucrite already described. In some cases the direction of the bands and the veins practically coincides, as, for example, on the western slopes of the Eucrite ridge about two thirds of a mile north-north-east of Achosnich. More usually there is a small divergence of direction between them. For instance, east of the Kilchoan–Achnaha road, about 600 yds. south-west of Creag an Airgid summit, elongate masses of the pale eucrite are directed N. 30° E., while the pegmatite veins traversing them run E. 10° to 20° N.
Marginal relations
The marginal relations of the Great Eucrite are of special importance in Ardnamurchan geology, on account of this intrusion being in contact with so many different rock-masses. Evidence that the Eucrite is older than the Interior Complex of Ring-dykes which it encloses will be discussed in the next chapter. Along the greater part of its outer margin, it is considered to be intruding the various rocks that border it. While age relations are in some cases easily determined, in others much difficulty is experienced, for, notwithstanding the unchilled nature of the Eucrite at its outer margin, it has frequently effected little contact alteration of earlier gabbros. The relations of the outer margin in regard to each of these rock-bodies are described below, beginning with the Meall nan Con screen and proceeding in a clockwise direction round to the Cone-sheet Complex west of Faskadale Bay.
Meall nan Con Screen
Basalt lavas, agglomerates, tuffs, and intrusions all form part of this screen, and have been already briefly described under their respective headings. A character common to all is their intensely baked condition, amounting in many places to complete granulitization. This makes the diagnosis of the rocks in the field often a matter of great difficulty, more especially the distinction of basalt lavas from fine-grained tuffs. Large felspars that occur in the tuffs of the south part of the screen give these rocks a pseudo-porphyritic appearance. At first sight they might be mistaken for the adjoining, highly baked porphyritic gabbro (D), but a closer scrutiny discloses their heterogeneous, fragmental nature. Brown-weathering dolerite in broad outcrops is associated with the grey-weathering tuffs, and probably represents cone-sheets. Such rocks are to be seen 600 yds. south of the summit of Meall nan Con, but owing to the masking of their original character by granulitization their mapping could not be carried out. The highly altered condition of these Meall nan Con rocks emphasizes the pre-Eucrite nature of the mass as a whole. It is an easy matter to trace the line of junction of the baked rocks, that form a conspicuous ridge, with the Great Eucrite to the west, and with the Outer Eucrite to the east. To north and south the screen extends downhill sufficiently far to show that the junction is steep, and the granulitized rocks truly screen-like.
Immediately north of the screen, the Great Eucrite comes into contact with the Outer Eucrite. At this point there is some evidence of an intrusive relationship between the two Eucrites. Acid net-veins are found throughout the rocks composing the screen, and are especially abundant next to the two Eucrite intrusions on either side, though never plentiful in the Eucrites themselves. North of the screen, however, extending downhill from its termination, a line can be drawn between what is taken to be the margin of the Great Eucrite with a little acid veining and a gabbroid rock of somewhat different appearance in which net-veins are profuse, and which is mapped with the Outer Eucrite. The change in character is abrupt along this line, but no intrusive contact could be located between the two Eucrites. It is perhaps an impossible task to find a junction between two such coarse-textured and essentially similar rocks, but without such direct evidence it cannot be definitely said that they are different injections, likely though this may be.
At some junctions between Great Eucrite and screen the only change in the former at the actual contact is a slight decrease in coarseness of grain. Such a contact may be seen on the north side of Meall nan Con, 460 yds. north-north-west of the summit. A finer-grained margin is found farther south, east of a small loch on a watershed between two streams that flow respectively north and south parallel to the west side of the screen
From the watershed at the small loch, the junction between Eucrite and screen continues southwards, keeping at first a straight course downhill along the base of the marginal scarp. It then must deviate from this course and passes around a highly granulitized little mass on lower ground below the scarp. This projecting tongue of the screen is the most highly altered portion of it. The interior of the tongue, which shows less alteration than the margins, consists of porphyritic fine-grained gabbro. This gabbro, as shown by frequent outcrops, is in continuity with the less altered porphyritic gabbro (D), already described (p. 294), which forms the southern part of the screen. Traced towards the margins of the tongue, the much altered porphyritic gabbro becomes finally a banded granulite at the actual contact with the Eucrite, which is unchilled. Transitional stages are found between the banded granulite and the porphyritic granulitized gabbro, a conclusion confirmed by microscopic examination of material collected (p. 316). At the junction with the Eucrite, layers of coarse rock resembling eucrite alternate with the finer-grained banded granulite, as though eucrite magma had been injected simultaneously with the flow-movement of a plastic mass. A similar interbanding is found at one other point along the outer margin of the Great Eucrite, at a contact with the Hypersthene-gabbro (a) (p. 303).
As already mentioned (p. 294), the separation of the porphyritic gabbro of the screen at its south end from the Great Eucrite and Outer Eucrite proved difficult, and the exact limits of the screen in this direction could not be accurately fixed. It is certain, however, that the screen ends in. the low ground separating Meall nan Con from Meall an Tarmachain, and that the Great Eucrite and Outer Eucrite there come together again. At this point the Outer Eucrite appears to be more prone to vary in composition than the Great Eucrite, but it has not been found possible to locate any intrusive contact between them.
Meall an Tarmachain screen
This screen forms a conspicuous ridge that bounds the central peak of Meall an Tarmachain to the north-west, and overlooks lower ground to the north occupied by the Great Eucrite. It forms a definite outer limit to the Great Eucrite at this locality, and separates it from an intrusion of quartz-gabbro (F) that constitutes the central peak of Meall an Tarmachain. Its rocks are greatly contact altered, but are perhaps chiefly agglomerate, as is shown by their frequently observed heterogeneous nature. The north-east end of the screen, as mapped, is partly at least composed of quartz-dolerite (p. 320). The relations between this baked quartz-dolerite and the Quartz-gabbro (F) could not be decided in the field. It is not impossible for this quartz-dolerite to be the margin of the Quartz-gabbro (F), baked by the Great Eucrite. At another point, however, quartz-gabbro included with (F) is intrusive against eucrite that appears to be continuous with (E) (see p. 318).
At the south-western end of the screen, above a little loch that lies in a hollow in the Great Eucrite, the margin of the latter turns abruptly eastwards across the direction of the screen. It then comes against quartz-gabbro included with (F), as above referred to.
Meall an Tarmachain capping
This capping overlies the Quartz-gabbro of Faskadale (A). Along the short distance that the Great Eucrite is in contact with it, their junction is steep or vertical. This junction is marked by a hollow eroded in the margin of the Eucrite, which extends straight down a steep hillside. The marginal rock, though coarse in grain, is more acid than the normal eucrite, since it contains a certain amount of acid mesostasis and also iron-ore, while olivine is somewhat scarce. It is in fact a basic type of quartz-gabbro. Acid net-veining is especially profuse in the granulitized rocks of the capping immediately next to the Eucrite, and probably emanated from this acid marginal portion of the intrusion.
Quartz-gabbro of Faskadale (A)
The fact that the Great Eucrite cuts across the Meall an Tarmachain capping that overlies the Quartz-gabbro (A), suggests that the Eucrite is the later of these two intrusions
This marginal rock is a brown-weathering fine-grained gabbro, often with porphyritic felspar, which on fractured surfaces has a peculiar dark-green colour that seems to mark some degree of contact alteration. Under the microscope, as investigated by Dr. Thomas, it is sometimes obviously granulitized (S22687)
In a knoll on the east side of the Kilchoan–Achnaha road, the marginal rock, a porphyritic fine-grained gabbro (S22366)
At a higher level than the exposures described above, immediately below the Meall an Tarmachain capping, the only direct evidence of the prior age of the Quartz-gabbro (A) is forthcoming.
Here the Quartz-gabbro comes directly into contact with the Great Eucrite. It is found to be clearly altered, its weathered surfaces having that grey-black hue characteristic of baked rocks.
Under the microscope, it resembles closely in rock-type another specimen collected from the Quartz-gabbro in this vicinity (S21587)
The Great Eucrite west of Meall an Tarmachain exhibits the same quartz-gabbroid marginal variation as it does next to the capping. Adjoining the Kilchoan–Achnaha road, this marginal type passes gradually into the normal eucrite in a distance of about 50 yds.
South-west of Loch na Crannaig, the Kilchoan–Achosnich road runs along the base of a high scarp that is composed of fine-grained quartz-gabbro, often porphyritic, baked in appearance and profusely net-veined. It was not found possible to separate this rock from the main portion of the Quartz-gabbro (A) to the south-east, to which it most probably belongs. The junction with the Great Eucrite must lie near or at the base of this scarp.
Quartz-gabbro of Aodann (d)
A narrow belt of quartz-gabbro separates the Great Eucrite from the Old Gabbro (b), and connects the area of the Quartz-gabbro (A), as mapped, with that of the Aodann Quartz-gabbro (d). Its significance is not known. It is separated from the Old Gabbro (b) by a strip of granulitized porphyritic rock that microscopically resembles cone-sheet types (S21562)
Farther north-west, a junction is exposed between coarse-textured eucrite and the fine-grained porphyritic variety of the Aodann Quartz-gabbro. This junction is situated about 80 yds.. southwest of the Achosnich road, 550 yds. east of Aodann. The margin of the Quartz-gabbro here forms a rocky feature that extends somewhat obliquely along the hill-slope, below which eucrite is frequently exposed. At the contact located, only a small outcrop of eucrite is seen, but it suffices to show that the junction is inclined at 70 degrees to the south-west, outwards from the Achnaha Centre (3). The Quartz-gabbro at the contact has that dark-green hue on fractured surfaces already noted in the case of the fine gabbro that separates the Quartz-gabbro (A) from the Great Eucrite (p. 301). Under the microscope, it is found to be granulitized (S22333)
From this point north-westwards to Achosnich, no satisfactory evidence of age relations could be obtained. But alongside the northmost house in this village, the marginal type of the Eucrite, containing iron-ore, is found to invade and enclose as xenoliths a fine-grained quartz-gabbro with porphyritic felspar. There is no doubt whatever about the intrusive character of the Eucrite, but owing to discontinuity of exposure the relationship between the porphyritic rock and the normal coarse-textured type of the Quartz-gabbro (d), exposed a few yards away, cannot be determined. Possibly the porphyritic rock may be an early injection of the Great Eucrite, as already suggested for the similar marginal porphyritic gabbro found west of Meall an Tarmachain (p. 30,).
Younger Quartz-gabbro of Beinn Bhuidhe (h).
West of the track to Portuairk, 700 yds. north-west of Achosnich, a slight ridge of fine-grained non-porphyritic gabbro, extremely hard and baked in aspect (S22352)
Fluxion Gabbro of Portuairk (i)
An apparent contact between this intrusion and the Eucrite occurs along the shore, at which the Fluxion Gabbro (S22374)
Hypersthene-gabbro (a)
Towards the neck of a promontory on the north-east side of Sanna Bay, formed of the Hypersthene-gabbro, this rock is highly contact altered and finally becomes a banded granulite. Exposures of eucrite are seen a few yards away, belonging to the Great Eucrite, which is evidently responsible for the alteration. The banded granulites are traversed by gabbroid veins.
East-north-east of Plocaig, where the outer margin of the Hypersthene-gabbro turns southwards and is cut across by the outer edge of the Great Eucrite, the Hypersthene-gabbro together with the Cone-sheet Complex in contact is highly baked.
Outer Cone-sheet Complex of Centre 2, west of Faskadale
The intense contact alteration affecting these rocks marks them as older than the Eucrite alongside. Alteration is evident even as far north as the coast. If it is all due to the Great Eucrite, it shows how greatly such pre-ring-dyke rocks are affected as compared with the Quartz-gabbro Ring-dykes that bound the Eucrite to the south. For the highly altered rocks west of Faskadale, though largely fine-grained and therefore easily affected, include also the Quartz-gabbro of Centre 1 (p. 145).
The margin of the Eucrite against these baked rocks may be seen, for example, 1000 yds. west of Faskadale Bay. At this point the Eucrite has its customary marginal facies of quartz-gabbro with conspicuous iron-ore, and becomes finer in texture, at its extreme outer margin (S24013)
Petrology of the Great Eucrite
(Anal. III,
The Great Eucrite of Centre 3, both petrographically and scenically, is one of the most important rock-bodies of Ardnamurchan. Like most of the other gabbros, it shows considerable variation both in structure and composition, and these variations have been already discussed in the foregoing account of the field relations. It has been pointed out that we may encounter felspathic masses approaching anorthosite in character, olivine-rich bodies of considerable dimensions, and other masses in which iron-ore appears to have segregated to a greater extent than elsewhere. Further, it has been suggested that this heterogeneity, in part at least, is due to movement within a partially differentiated mass.
In its most typical development the eucrite is a grey moderately coarse-grained gabbroid rock, in which dark ferromagnesian constituents and a greasy-lustred felspar occur in approximately equal proportions. The average grain-size is from a quarter to half an inch, but the felspars occasionally attain larger dimensions and show well-developed twin-lamellation in the hand-specimen. On a weathered surface olivine is frequently rendered conspicuous by the separation of limonitic decomposition products.
The rock consists of olivine, augite, a basic plagioclase felspar, and, usually quite subordinate, iron-ore, while hypersthene is an occasional constituent. The three main components occur in variable proportions, and this variation, coupled with changes in the basicity of the plagioclase, leads to the production of allivalitic and anorthositic types on the one hand, and normal olivine-gabbros on the other.
In the usual eucritic type the olivine occurs as irregularly bounded grains that may be an eighth of an inch in greatest dimensions (S22675)
The basic plagioclase in the normal eucrite varies from a basic labradorite to bytownite. It is usually zoned and much twinned, and occurs as mutually interfering somewhat elongated crystals. Where in contact with augite, however, or when completely enveloped by this mineral, it has had an opportunity of developing idiomorphic outlines. Frequently all the felspar has an optically negative sign, indicating the bytownite-anorthite end of the plagioclase series, but in other varieties of the rock the optical sign is variable, showing that, in such, labradorite-bytownite is the dominant species (S22675)
Hypersthene occurs usually, in subordinate amount, in close association with olivine. It often forms what appears to be a reaction zone between olivine and felspar. At other times it occurs bordering olivine or occupying the place of this mineral in intimate association with magnetite (S22364)
Accessory minerals are rare in the eucrite. Iron-ore is sparingly represented except along the outer margin and in certain segregations; apatite is almost universally absent except in the acid veins and gabbro-pegmatites described below (p. 308). The presence of apatite can usually be explained by the intervention of a partial magma in which this mineral was concentrated concurrently with magmatic volatile constituents.
Quite frequently a diminution in the proportion of augite in the eucrite gives rise to rocks of allivalitic nature. They are texturally similar to the eucrite and contain an identical olivine, but the plagioclase is generally more basic and less obviously zoned (S22629)
By the increase of felspar at the expense of both olivine and augite the eucrite becomes anorthositic (S21511)
Amongst the more felspathic types occurring along the outer margin, or as segregations in the interior (S22319)
Such slight acidification of the eucrite must be regarded as an effect produced by its own acid residuum. For instance, near its junction with the Quartz-gabbro of Aodann (p. 303), the eucrite is a normal, coarse-grained, olivine-rich variety with fresh olivine and a greenish diallagic augite (S22325)
Alongside the road between Aodann and Achosnich there has been a certain amount of shattering of the mass at or near its outer margin, and bands of the rock have been reduced to a comminuted condition (S22322)
It has already been mentioned that hypersthene is sometimes a constituent of the eucrite and appears as a reaction zone surrounding olivine. Hypersthene is also characteristic of the outer margin of the intrusion, south of Sanna Bay, where the rocks show fluxion structure and have a mixed aspect; and although some of these hypersthene-bearing rocks have a normal appearance (S22361)
Pegmatite veins
The Eucrite is frequently traversed by veins of pegmatitic nature (p. 296). Sometimes these are merely a coarsely crystalline variety of eucrite, containing the usual essential minerals, and at other times they are of special mineral constitution and show clearly the influence of an acid residual partial magma. The ordinary pegmatitic eucrite consists of a coarsely crystalline mass of olivine, augite, and basic plagioclase with a little iron-ore (S21583)
Sometimes hypersthene is an important constituent of the pegmatites (S21545)
The more purely pyroxenic veins (S21499)
In most of these veins and patches there has been a segregation of apatite, which often occurs as large crystals.
Granulitic and xenolithic masses within the Great Eucrite
The granulitic and xenolithic masses enclosed by the Great Eucrite are sparsely distributed, mainly along the outer margin of the mass, and are represented in the collections by specimens from the neighbourhood of Aodann, Achosnich, and Sanna. These rocks form a most interesting and instructive suite, for they give some indication of the nature of early consolidations of the eucrite-magma, and also present structures that are due to reheating and attempted assimilation. As a general rule it may be stated that most of the granulitic inclusions are more basic, that is to say, richer in ferromagnesian constitutents than the normal eucrite that surrounds them. One of such. rocks, collected near Aodann (S22330)
Other strips of granulitic material appear to be remnants of quartz-dolerite cone-sheets (S22344)
An unusual type of rock has been encountered towards the western margin of the mass and appears to be a gabbro-granophyre hybrid (S21526)
A somewhat remarkable rock occurs as a lenticle near the junction of the Eucrite with the Quartz-gabbro, just north of Aodann (S22321)
A very beautiful olivine-augite-magnetite-granulite has been collected from a point 750 yds. south-west of the summit of Meall nan Con (S22658)
Metamorphism by the Great Eucrite
The metamorphic effects of the Great Eucrite, as might be expected, were general and widespread. It has wrought definite changes in most of the other igneous rocks with which it is in contact, but perhaps the most marked effects have been produced in the Lias shales and cone-sheets, which form its northern boundary to the east of Rudha Groulin, and in the complex that forms the screen of Meall nan Con (p. 312).
As in the case of the Liassic sediments (Pabba Shales) metamorphosed by the Hypersthene-gabbro (a) of Centre 2 (p. 235), these same shales, where in contact with the Great Eucrite, have suffered an identical type of metamorphism and have been converted into an interesting series of biotite-hypersthene-hornfelses (S22621)
The nature of the original sediments and the mineralogical characters assumed by them on metamorphism have been discussed in connexion with the metamorphism effected by the Hypersthene-gabbro (p. 235).
Certain fine-grained granulitic rocks (S22637)
Acid veins in and around the Great Eucrite
Acid veins (S22305)
Certain thin acid minor intrusions that traverse the Eucrite may be referred to here, because it is more than possible that they belong to the eucrite-magma. They are likewise usually of granophyric nature and are composed essentially of acid plagioclase, alkali-felspar, and quartz. Their graphic structure is frequently quite coarse, as in the case of a dyke at the southern extremity of Sanna Bay (S22360)
A remarkable rock (S22274)
The augite is a deeply coloured olive-green variety, strongly pleochroic in shades of green and brownish-yellow, subophitic to hypidiomorphic in habit. In the basic band, crystals are equidimensional and reach a millimetre or so in size. They are associated with small crystals of labradorite, large patches of pink pleochroic sphene, and some epidote. In the coarse felspathic portion, the felspars show signs of disruption and acidification, and there has been a concentration of apatite in moderately large prisms close to the basic band and also within the adjacent augite. In character and mode of origin the rock recalls the Camphouse Augite-diorite (p. 153) and certain modified rocks occurring near the outer margin of the Hypersthene-gabbro (p. 228). H.H.T.
(E′) Outer Eucrite
Typical olivine-rich eucrite forms a large part of this mass, At its northern end, alongside a stream that runs north-north-west along its outcrop, biotite is a common constituent. Acid veining is frequent here as well as farther to the south-east. Near the head of this stream, quartz-dolerite containing porphyritic felspar and biotite (S22651)
A variety frequently met with east of Meall an Tarmachain, at the southern end of the mass, consists of a coarse network of felspathic eucrite, with meshes of normal eucrite. The felspathic eucrite contains augite, but not olivine (S21599)
The relations of the Outer Eucrite to the Great Eucrite have been already discussed (p. 298). It has been shown that the Outer Eucrite is distinct from the Fluxion Gabbro of Faskadale, and perhaps of later age (p. 290). That it must be later than the granulitized agglomerates and basalt lavas of the Meall nan Con screen is evident, but some details concerning the intrusions belonging to the screen may be given here. The grey-black gabbro cutting obliquely across the screen at its north end is certainly baked throughout, and its porphyritic margin against basalt to the north is granulitized (p. 315). The Porphyritic Gabbro (D) alongside the Outer Eucrite is very highly baked, though, as already mentioned (p. 300), at the extreme southern end of the screen the alteration of the Porphyritic Gabbro appears much less intense. J.E.R.
The Outer Eucrite is petrologically similar to the Great Eucrite. Normally it is an olivine-rich rock, sometimes allivalitic with olivine and bytownite in about equal proportions. The olivine and basic plagioclase are not far separated from each other as regards the time of their crystallization, for they frequently exhibit mutual interference, and although felspar for the most part appears to follow olivine a basic plagioclase was sometimes the first mineral to crystallize. This early felspar phase is clearly enveloped by olivine, which in turn had a later plagioclase moulded upon it (S22655)
This Eucrite has suffered the same type of local acidification by its own residual partial magma as has the outer margin of the Great Eucrite. Where acid material has permeated it the felspars are albitized and zoned with less basic varieties, augite is deschillerized and fringed with hornblende (S22652)
The Meall Nan Con screen
The chief interest attaching to the rocks that form the Meall nan Con screen lies in their relative antiquity and the metamorphism that has been impressed upon them by the later intrusions on either side, namely, by the Great and Outer Eucrites. The screen is of a composite nature and comprises basalt lavas, agglomerates, and cone-sheets, most of which are reduced to the state of granulites; and old gabbro intrusions that plainly show modification and the effects of thermal metamorphism. From north to south, the screen is composed of basalt lavas at the extreme northerly end, then the old gabbro of Meall nan Con (Centre 1), followed by basalt lavas, agglomerates, and cone-sheets, and at the extreme south a moderately large mass of porphyritic gabbro (D).
The basalt lavas
The basalt lavas have suffered changes of an identical kind to those exhibited by the basalts which came within the metamorphic influence of the Hypersthene-gabbro (a) of Centre 2, to the north of Kilchoan, and south of Beinn na Seilg (p. 237). Their porphyritic and arnygdaloidal structures are still discernible in the hand-specimens, but the rocks have a cleaner and more finely crystalline appearance and tougher texture than their unaltered representatives. The outcrop within the screen includes both porphyritic and non-porphyritic types, both of which have invariably passed over into granulites. In the porphyritic lavas that are perhaps most prevalent, the porphyritic felspars have suffered little change except slight albitization and a ragged marginal regrowth. The fine-grained matrix, however, has been more or less completely recrystallized into a finely granular aggregate of augite, hypersthene, plagioclase felspar, and magnetite, with frequent plates of biotite which embrace all the other constituents. The rhombic pyroxene often tends to segregate on or near the larger felspars (S22298)
The non-porphyritic types (S22307)
The agglomerates
On account of the highly metamorphosed condition of the screen it is not at all easy to be certain of the rock-types originally present amongst the agglomeratic material, but it would appear that the usual trachytic or bostonitic and basaltic types formed the greater number of fragments. The acid fragments (S22308)
Within the screen, especially in that portion occupied by agglomerate, occur a number of other granulitic types which point to an acidification of the basic rocks, probably basalt lava, either before or during metamorphism.
There is plenty of evidence that the material of the screen was invaded from time to time by granophyric matter that emanated from later intrusions. The result of this invasion has been the formation of granulites, richer in the acid plagioclases and alkali-felspar, which carry biotite and hornblende as characteristic minerals. Microporphyritic basalts have usually been completely granulitized, but where traversed by acid strings, and in quartzo-felspathic areas, the rocks have developed large plates of deep-brown biotite and aggregates of recrystallized alkali-felspar and quartz (S21593)
Cone-sheets cutting the screen, especially within the agglomerate-region, have likewise come within the metamorphosing influence of the Eucrites. They have suffered a good deal of recrystallization with the formation of hornblende and biotite, but their original structure in a great measure is preserved (S22651)
Old Gabbro of Meall nan Con (see p. 145)
This mass is a moderately coarse-textured olivine-gabbro (S21514)
Acidification is noticeable in the felspars, which have their exteriors resorbed and replaced by oligoclase; also, this mineral makes irregular clear patches within the older turbid labradorite. Small patches of micrographic orthoclase and quartz, rich in apatite, occur interstitially, and augite where in contact with this material has reacted with the formation of biotite. The acidified areas often have a microgranulitic structure determined by the recrystallization of pyroxene and felspar. This structure suggests that the rock continued to be under metamorphic influence, or was subjected to fresh metamorphosing conditions, after the acidification had been accomplished. This is also borne out by the appearance of the felspars which show much more pronounced modification by solid solution than is usual in simple cases of acidification.
Farther to the north the gabbro passes more or less insensibly into what must have been a quartz-dolerite facies (S21594)
In this portion of the gabbro-mass the results of thermal metamorphism are most apparent. The whole rock, with the exception of the larger felspars, has suffered recrystqllization, and even these felspars have been modified to a considerable extent.
The Porphyritic Gabbro (D, see p. 294)
Although the greater portion of this gabbro, which forms the southern end of the screen, has suffered great metamorphic changes, there are areas, situated some distance from the junctions with later intrusions, in which the original nature of the mass can be demonstrated. Such areas yield rocks of eucritic nature in which fresh olivine is a plentiful constituent (S22661)
In the fine-grained: granulites a banding, probably due to partial fusion, is a conspicuous feature near and at a junction with the Great Eucrite (p. 300). The constituent minerals are mainly the same as before, namely, augite, hypersthene, magnetite, and labradorite, but the chief differences lie in the absence of olivine, the parallel orientation of the felspars, and in the alternation of finely and coarsely crystallized material from band to band (S22657)
Close to the Outer Eucrite, on the eastern side of the screen, some very beautiful olivine-spinel-granulites have been detected (S26671)
It is interesting to note the petrological similarity of this granulitized gabbro of the Meall nan Con screen to the lenticles and schlieren of granulitic character which occur in the marginal portion of the Hypersthene-gabbro of Centre 2 (p. 229), as well as in the peripheral. portions of the Great Eucrite (p. 308).
The basalt-agglomerate screen west of Faskadale
The rocks forming this screen are highly granulitized, and as basaltic material enters largely into its composition, both as lavas and agglomerate, pyroxene-granulites preponderate. The basaltic material has passed over to fine-textured pyroxene-granulites (S26740)
The screen is traversed by acid veins, many probably emanating from the Great Eucrite, and the thicker of these are of granophyre with very beautiful micrographic structures (S26738)
(F) Quartz-gabbro of Meall An Tarmachain summit
This mass forms the central peak of Meall an Tarmachain, and is for the most part a quartz-gabbro with well-developed acid mesostasis. Olivine is present as a rule, and where the acid mesostasis becomes sparse the rock approximates to eucrite. Exposures are generally good, but fail along the greater portion of the margin. Two contacts, however, have been established, one with the Outer Eucrite (E′), the other less well seen with the Great Eucrite (E). The contact with the Outer Eucrite is situated 200 yds. E. 30° S. of the summit. The Quartz-gabbro becomes rapidly finer grained towards its irregular junction with the coarser textured Eucrite, and encloses xenoliths of eucrite
About a quarter of a mile north of Meall an Tarmachain summit, small masses of porphyritic quartz-dolerite are surrounded by the Great Eucrite. The rock composing them is unbaked (S22685)
The gabbro is a moderately coarse doleritic rock composed essentially of labradorite and a subophitic augite, both minerals having an equally coarse type of crystallization (S22689)
A similar fine-grained porphyritic type (S22685)
The mass, to the north of Meall an Tarmachain, is separated from the Great Eucrite by a narrow screen that is mainly composed of agglomerate, but which, at its north-east end, includes granulitized olivine-bearing quartz-dolerite (S22684)
(F') Quartz-gabbro, south side of Meall An Tarmachain
South of the central peak of Meall an Tarmachain, a ridge of quartz-gabbro extends southwards. It is bounded to the east by the Outer Eucrite and to the west by the large capping of basalt lavas and agglomerates. On the north, it is separated from the Quartz-gabbro (F) by a continuation of the rocks of the capping, which extend up the hillside in screen-like fashion.
This mass passes into a fuzzy-weathering quartz-dolerite at its margins to west and north. It appears to be breaking through the capping to the west, for the base of the capping abuts against the base of the ridge formed of the Quartz-gabbro. Its age relative to the Outer Eucrite (E′) is unknown.
To the south, the Fluxion Gabbro of Faskadale is mapped as a separate intrusion from the Quartz-gabbro (F'), on account of the difference in composition of the two rocks, though no contact between them was located, J.E.R.