Harker, A. 1904. The Tertiary igneous rocks of Skye. HMSO for the Geological Survey.
Appendix: Bibliography of the Tertiary igneous rocks of Skye
[This list is meant to include all the more important works dealing exclusively or partially with the Tertiary Igneous Rocks of the island: mere compilations are excluded, and incidental references are cited only when they are deemed to be of some importance. In addition to general geology, petrology, and mineralogy, a few entries are given which have to do with allied subjects, such as metamorphism, rock-magnetism, the topography of the mountains, etc.
Papers contributed to Societies are, as far as possible, entered under the date of reading, that of publication being given after the entry.]
1. THOMAS PENNANT. A Tour to Scotland and Voyage to the Hebrides, MDCCLXXII., 4to, pp. viii + 379, pl. XLIV.; Chester, 1774 [and later editions]. For extracts from other early travellers see W. Douglas, "Early Descriptions of Skye", Scott. Mount. Club Journ., vol. v., pp. 205–230; 1899.
2. ROBERT JAMESON. Mineralogy of the Scottish isles", with Mineralogical Observations made in a Tour through different parts of the Mainland of Scotland, and Dissertations upon Peat and Kelp. 2 vols. 4to, pp. xxvii + 243, iv + 289; Edinburgh, 1800. [A German translation by Heinrich Wilhelm Mender, under the title Herr Robert Jameson's Mineralogische Reise durch Schottland and die Schottisches Inseln. 1 vol. 4to, pp. xlviii + 257; Leipzig, 1802.]
3. [ROBERT] JAMESON. Mineralogical Queries, proposed by Prof. Jameson. Mem. Wern. Soc., vol. i., pp. 107–125; 1808.
4. [ROBERT] JAMESON. On Porphyry. Mem. Wern. Soc.; vol. ii., pp. 217–220; pub. 1818.
5. J. MACULLOCH Miscellaneous Remarks accompanying a Catalogue of Specimens transmitted to the Society. Trans. Geol. Soc., vol. ii., pp. 338–449, pl. 31–32; 18] 4.
6. JOHN MACULLOCH. A Sketch of the Mineralogy of Sky. Trans. Geol. Soc., vol. iii., pp. 1–111, pl. 1–4; 1816.
7. J. MACCULLOCH. Corrections and Additions to the Sketch of the Mineralogy of Sky, published in the third volume of the Transactions of the Geological Society. Trans. Geol. Soc., vol. iv., pp. 156–192, pl. 9; 1817.
8. [ANONYMOUS.] Hypersthene Rock. Phil. Mag., vol. xlix., pp. 464–466; 1817.
9. JOHN MACCULLOCH. A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland, including the Isle of Man: comprising an account of their Geological Structure; with Remarks on their Agriculture, Scenery, and Antiquities. 3 vols [2 8vo vols of text and 4to atlas of plates], pp. xv + 587, vii. + 589, 91 + XXXIII. plates and ten maps; London, 1819. [Skye, vol. i., pp. 262–419.]
10. AMI BOUÉ. Essai géologique sur l'Ecosse 8vo, pp. x + 521, with seven folding plates and two maps; Paris, -no date (S1820)
11. KARL CAESAR VON LEONHARD. Charakteristik der Felsarten. 8vo, pp. lxxx + 772; Heidelberg, 1823–4.
12. JOHN MACCULLOCH. List of the Localities of some of the rarer Scottish Minerals. Edin. Journ. Sci., vol. i., pp. 225–236; 1824.
13.JOHN MACCULLOCH. The Highlands fund Western Isles of Scotland. …in Letters to Sir Walter Scott, Bart., 4 vols 8vo; London, 1824. [Skye, vol. iii., pp. 370–484.]
14. RODERICK IMPEY MURCHISON. On the Coal-field of Brora in Sutherlandshire, and some other Stratified Deposits in the North of Scotland. Trans. Geol. Soc. (2), vol. ii., pp. 293326, pl. XXXI., XXXII.; pub. 1828.
15. RODERICK IMPEY MURCHISON. Supplementary Remarks on the Strata of the Oolitic Series, and the Rocks associated with them, in the Counties of Sutherland and Ross, and in the Hebrides. Trans. Geol. Soc. (2), vol. ii., pp. 352–368, pl. XXXV.; pub. 1829.
16 ADAM SEDGWICK and RODERICK IMPEY MURCHISON. On the Structure and Relations of the Deposits contained between the Primary Rocks and the Oolitic Series in the North of Scotland. Trans Geol. Soc. (2), vol. iii., pp. 125–160, pl. XIII,–XVII. [Pl. XIII. is a Sketch of a Geological Map of the North of Scotland.]
17. [C.] VON OEYNHAUSEN and [H.] VON DECHEN. Die Insel Skye. Karsten's Archiv für Min. etc., vol. i., pp. 56–104, pl. I.-III.; 1829.
18. [H.] VON DECHEN. [Eigenschwere basaltartiger Gesteine Englands.] Neu. Jahrb. Min. 1833, pp. 59–61.
19. WILLIAM KNIGHT. Account of the Granite Quarries of Aberdeenshire; and Remarks on Marble and Serpentine. Trans. Highl. Soc., vol. x. (N.S. vol. iv.), pp. 54–80; 1835.
20. [ROBERT] JAMESON. Syenite or Granitel of Skye, Craig of Ailsa, St Kilda, Arran, etc. Edin. New Phil. bourn., vol. xviii., p, 393; 1835.
21. THOMAS THOMSON. Outlines of Mineralogy, Geology, and Mineral Analysis. 8vo, 2 vols., pp. ix 4. 727, viii + 566; London, 1836.
22. J. CARMICHAEL. An account of the Principal Marble, Slate, Sandstone, and Greenstone Quarries in Scotland. Trans. Highl. Soc., vol. xi. (N.S. vol. v.), pp. 398–416; 1837.
23. L. A. NECKER. Notes on some rare Scottish Minerals. Edin. New Phil. Journ., vol. xxix., pp. 75–77; 1840.
23a. [JonN MAcCunLocn.] A Geological Map of Scotland by Dr MacCulloch, F.R.S., etc., etc., etc. Published by order of the Lords of the Treasury. By S. Arrowsmith, Hydrographer to King. [Scale, 4 miles to an inch.]
24. WILLIAM RHIND. The Geology of Scotland, and its Islands; with a coloured geological map, and numerous sections. 8vo, pp. viii + 168: Edinburgh, 1842.
25. W. DELFFS. Analyse des Leonhardits. Pogg. Ann., vol. lix., pp. 339–342; 1843. [? Skye.]
26. JAMES NICOL. Guide to the Geology of Scotland; caltaining an account of the character, distribution, and more interesting appearances of its rocks and minerals. With a geological map and plates. 8vo, p. 272, pl. X.; Edinburgh, 1844.
27. J. D. FORBES. Notes on the Topography and Geology of the Cuchullin Hills in Skye, and on the traces of Ancient Glaciers which they present. Edin. Yew Phil. Journ., vol. xl., pp. 76–99, pl. IV., V.; pub. 1846. [Abstract in Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin. vol. ii., pp. 54–56; 1846. This paper has been reprinted, in full or in part, in guide books: see Black's "Guide to the Isle of Skye", 1854, and Maclure and Macdonald's "Oban to the Isle of Skye", Glasgow, no date [1874?].]
28. THOMAS ANDERSON. Description and Analysis of Gyrolite, a new Mineral Species. Phil. Mag. (4), vol. i., pp. 111–113; 1851.
29. EDWARD FORBES. On the Estuary Beds and the Oxford Clay at Loch Staffin, in Skye. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. vii., pp. 104–113, pl. V.; 1851.
30. A. J. SCOTT. Analyses of Indian Ores of Manganese, and of some Scottish Zeolites. Edin. New Phil. Journ., vol. liii., pp. 277–284; 1852.
31. M. FORSTER HEDDLE and R. P. GREG. On British Pectolites. Phil. Mag. (4), vol. ix., pp. 248–253; 1855.
32. M. FORSTER HEDDLE. On Uigite, a new mineral (?). "The Witness", March 12th, 1856. [A. paper read before the Roy Phys. Soc. Edin., 1855; abstract in Edin. New Phil. Journ. (2), vol. iv., p. 162; 1856: paper reprinted in Min. Mag., 1880, see below No. 79.]
33. J. W. MALLET. On a Zeolitic mineral (allied to Stilbite) from the Isle of Skye, Scotland. Amer. Journ. Sci (2), vol. xxii., p, 179, and Phil. Mag. (4), vol. xii., pp. 406, 407; 1856.
34. [M. F.] HEDDLE. Note on the new Zeolite from Skye, analysed by Mallet. Phil. Mag. (4), vol. xii., pp, 552, 553; 1856.
35. M. F. HEDDLE. The Minerals of the Storr. Trans. Edin. Geol. Soc., vol. vii., pp. 328–331; 1899. [Posthumous publication, in partly abridged form, of paper read before the Society in 1856.]
36. [M. F.] HEDDLE. On Mesolite and Faroëlite (Mesole). Phil. Mag. (4), vol. xiii., pp. 50–55; 1857.
37. A. GEIKIE. On the Geology of Strath, Skye. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xiv., pp. 1–23, pl. I,; pub. 1858.
38. SAMUEL HAUGHTON. Notes on Mineralogy. — No. V. On Hypostilbite and Stilbite. Phil. Mag. (4), vol. xiii., pp. 509, 510; 1857.
39. ADMIRALTY CHART. No. 2498. Southern Part of the Sound of Raasay and Inner Sound. (Revised 1876, etc.)
40. ROBERT PHILIPS GREG and WILLIAM G. LETTSOM. Manual of the Mineralogy of Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo, pp. xvi + 483; London, 1858.
41. [M. F.] HEDDLE. On the Crystal-Form of Faroëlite. Phil. Mag. (4), vol. xiv., p. 28; 1858.
42. HUGH MILLER. The Cruise of the Betsey; or a summer ramble among the fossiliferous deposits of the Hebrides. With the Rambles of a Geologist; or ten thousand miles over the fossiliferous deposits of Scotland. 8vo, pp. ii + 486; Edinburgh, 1858. [Edited by W. S. Symonds from a series of articles in "The Witness".]
43. BALFOUR STEWART. On some Results of the Magnetic Survey of Scotland in the years 1857 and 1858, undertaken, at the request of the British Association, by the late John Welsh, Esq., F.R.S. Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1859, pp. 167–190, pI. VI.; pub. 1860.
44. ARCHIBALD GEIKIE. On the Chronology of the Trap Rocks of Scotland (Abstract). Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1859, Sections, p 106; pub. 1860: also Edin. New Phil. Journ. (2), vol. xi., p. 132; 1860.
45. SIR RODERICK I. MURCHISON. First Sketch of a new Geological Map of the North of Scotland; and Explanation of the Geological Map of the North of Scotland. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xv., pl. XII., and pp. 419*–421*; issued 1860, [Scale not given, about 27 miles to an inch.]
46. ARCHIBALD GEIKIE. On the Chronology of the Trap-Rocks of Scotland. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. xxii., pp. 633–653, p1. XXXVIII. (map); pub. 1861. Abstract in Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. iv., pp. 309–311; 1862.
47. ARCHIBALD GEIKIE. Additional Observations on the Chronology of the Trap-Rocks of Scotland. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. iv., pp. 453, 454; 1862: also Edin. New Phil. Journ. (2), vol. xiv., pp. 143, 144; 1861.
48. SIR RODERICK I. MURCHISON and ARCHIBALD GEIKIE. First Sketch of a New Geological Map of Scotland with Explanatory Notes. 22 8vo pp. and folding map [scale 15 miles to an inch]; Edinburgh, 1861.
49. T. STERRY HUNT. On the Chemical and Mineralogical Relations of Metamorphic Rocks. Journ. Geol. Soc. Dubl., vol x., pp. 85–95; pub. 1864. [Skye, p. 95: see also p. 33 of "Chemical and Geological Essays", 2nd ed., 1878.
50. AMI BOUÉ. Ueber das saùlenförmigen Gesteine, einige Porphyrdistricte Schottlands, so wie über die vier Basaltgruppen des nördlichen Irlands and der Hebriden. Sitz. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien (2), vol. xlix., pp. 439–452; 1864.
51. SAMUEL HAUGHTON. Geological Notes on some of the Islands of the West of Scotland. Dubl. Quart. Journ. Sci., vol. v., pp. 93–96; 1865: also Journ. Roy. Geol. Soc. Irel. (2), vol. i., pp. 28–31; 1865.
52. ARCHIBALD GEIKIE. The Scenery of Scotland viewed in connexion with its Physical Geology. 8vo, pp. xv + 360, with geological map; London and Cambridge, 1865: 2nd ed. in 1887; 3rd ed. in 1901.
53. WILLIAM KING and T. H. ROWNEY. On the So-called "Eozoonal Rock". Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxii., pp. 185–218, pl. XIV., XV.; 1866.
54. FERDINAND VON HOCHSTETTER. Ueber des Vorkommen von EOZOOD. im Krystallinischen Kalke von Krummau im südlichen Bohmen. Sztz. k. Akad. Wigs. Wien, Math-Nat. Cl., vol. liii., part I., pp. 14–25; 1866 [" Hypersthenfels" of Skye].
55. ARCHIBALD GEIKIE. On the Tertiary Volcanic Rocks of the British Islands. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. vi., pp. 71–75; pub. 1869.
56. ARCHIBALD GEIKIE. Address by the President [of Section C, Geology]. Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1867, Sections, pp. 49–54; pub. 1868.
57. TOWNSHEND M. HALL. The Mineralogist's Directory: or A Guide to the Principal Mineral Localities in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo, pp. xii + 168; London, 1868.
58. WILLIAM KING and T. H. ROWNEY. On "Eozoon Canadense". Proc. Roy. Ir. Acad., vol. x., pp. 506–551, pl. XLI.-XLIV.; pub. 1870.
58. FERDINAND ZIRKEL. Untersuchungen über die Mikroskopische Zusammensetzung and Structur der Basaltgesteine. 8vo, p. 208, pl. III.; Bonn, 1870.
60. T. STERRY HUNT. On Norite or Labradorite Rock. Amer. Journ. Sci. (2), vol. xlix., pp. 180–186; 1870.
61. [W.] KING and [T. H.] ROWNEY. On some Points in the Geology of Strath, Skye (Abstract). Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1870, Sections, p. 78; pub. 1871.
62, FERDINAND ZIRKEL. Geologische Skizze von der Westkuste Schottlands. Zeits. deuts. geol. Ges., vol. xxiii., pp. 1–124, pl. I.-IV.; 1871.
63. J. W. DAWSON. Note on Eozoon Canadense. (In Reply to Professors King and Rowney). Proc. Roy. Ir. Acad. (2), vol. i., pp. 117–123; 1871.
64. W. KING and T. H. ROWNEY. On the Geological Age and Microscopic Structure of the Serpentine Marble or Ophite of Skye. Proc. Roy. Ir. Acad. (2), vol i., pp. 132–139, pl. XIV.; 1871.
65. W. KING and T. H. ROWNEY. On the Mineral Origin of the so-called "Eozoon Canadense". Proc. Roy. Ir. Acad. (2), vol. i., pp. 140–153; 1871.
66. JAMES BRYCE. On the Jurassic Rocks of Skye and Raasay. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxix., pp. 317–339, pl. XI.; 1873.
67. JOHN W. JUDD. The Secondary Rocks of Scotland. Second Paper. On the Ancient Volcanoes of the Highlands and the Relations of their Products to the Mesozoic Strata. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxx., pp. 220, 301, pl. XXII., XXIII.; 1874.
68. ALEXANDER NICOLSON. The Isle of Skye. Good Words for 1875, pp. 344–350, 384–392, 457–462, 561–568.
69. DAVID CORSE GLEN and JOHN YOUNG, JUN. List of Minerals and Rock Specimens found in the Central, Southern, and Western, Districts of Scotland: pp. 156–164 of Catalogue of the Western Scottish Fossils, compiled by James Armstrong, John Young, and David Robertson; Glasgow, 1876.
70. ADMIRALTY CHART. No. 2507. Ardnamurchan Point to Loch Bhreatal, Skye.
71. ARCHIBALD GEIKIE. Geological Hap of Scotland. (Topography by W. and A. K. Johnston. Scale 10 miles to an inch); Edinburgh and London, 1876.
72. M. FORSTER HEDDLE. Chapters on the Mineralogy of Scotland. Chapter Second. The Felspars. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. xxviii., pp. 197–271, pl. XVII., XVIII.; 1877.
73. M. FORSTER HEDDLE. Chapters on the Mineralogy of Scotland. Chapter Fourth. Augite, Hornblende, and Serpentinous Change. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. xxviii., pp. 453–555; 1878.
74. HENRY HOW. Contributions to the Mineralogy of Nova Scotia. Min. Mag., vol. ii, pp. 134–141.
75. ADMIRALTY CHART. No. 2551. Isle of Skye northward of Loch Ainneart and Sleat Sound with adjacent sounds and lochs.
76. M. FORSTER HEDDLE. Chapters on the Mineralogy of Scotland. Chapter Sixth. "Chloritic Minerals". Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. xxix., pp. 55–118; 1879.
77. ARCHIBALD GEIKIE. The Lava-Fields of North-Western Europe. Nature, vol. xxiii., pp. 3–5; 1880. Reprinted in Geological Sketches at Home and Abroad, pp. 274–285; 1882.
78. [M. F.] HEDDLE. ix–xiii; 1880 Field Meeting at Skye. Min. Mag., vol. iv., pp.
79. [M. F.] HEDDLE. On some Ill-determined Minerals. Min. Mag., vol. iv., pp. 26–31, 1880.
80. [M. F.] HEDDLE. Preliminary Notice of Substances which may prove to be New Minerals. Part Second. Min. Mag., vol. iv., pp. 117–123; 1 880.
81. [M. F.] HEDDLE. Minerals New to Britain. Min. Mag., vol. v., pp. 1–25; pub. 1882. Also a slip headed "Errata to No. 22" published with No. 23, 1882.
82. JOHN W. JUDD. Volcanoes: what they are and what they teach. 8vo, pp. xvi + 381; London, 1881.
83. W. KING and T. H. ROWNEY. An Old Chapter of the Geological Record. 8vo, pp. lvii + 142, pl. IX.; London, 1881.
84. M. FORSTER HEDDLE. Chapters on the Mineralogy of Scotland. Chapter Seventh. Ores of Manganese, Iron, Chromium, and Titanium. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. xxx., pp. 427–466; 1882.
85. [M. F.] HEDDLE. On a New Mineral Locality. Min. Mag., vol. v., pp. 115–120; pub. 1883.
86. [M. F.] HEDDLE. [Note on the occurrence of wollastonite at Allt Ghoiridh.] Min. Mag., vol. v., p. 279; pub. 1883.
87. [M. F.] HEDDLE. [Note on asphalte in the dolerite of Skye.] Min. Mag., vol. v., p. 324; pub. 1883.
88. JOHN W. JUDD and GRENVILLE A. J. COLE. On the Basalt-Glass (Tachylyte) of the Western Isles of Scotland. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxix., pp. 444–464, pl. XIII., XIV.; 1883.
89. F. HERWIG. Einiges über die optische Orientirung der Mineralien der Pyroxen-Amphibolgruppe. Progr. d. k. Gymnas. Saarbracken, 1884. Abstract in Zeits. Kryst., vol. xi., pp. 67, 68; 1886.
90. J. STARKIE GARDNER. On the Evidence of Fossil Plants regarding the Age of the Tertiary Basalts of the North-East Atlantic. Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xxxviii., pp. 14–23; pub. 1885.
91. JAMES WHITE. A Glimpse of Skye: with Remarks on Volcanic Action. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasg., vol. viii, pp. 105–111; pub. 1886.
92. JOHN W. JUDD. On the Tertiary and Older Peridotites of Scotland. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xli., pp. 354–418, pl. X.-XIII.; 1885.
93. J. STARKIE GARDNER. Second Report on the Evidence of Fossil Plants regarding the Age of the Tertiary Basalts of the North-East Atlantic. Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xxxix., pp. 412–415; pub. 1886.
94. EDUARD SUESS. Das Antliz der Erde; Prag, 1885. [Skye, vol. i., pp. 204–206. See also French translation, La face de la terre, vol. i., pp. 201–203, 1897, with notes by A. Michel-Levy.]
95. JOHN W. JUDD. On the Gabbros, Dolerites, and Basalts, of Tertiary Age, in Scotland and Ireland. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlii., pp. 49–95, pl. IV.-VII.; pub. 1886.
96. ARCHIBALD GEIKIE. On the Age of the Altered Limestone of Strath, Skye. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliv., pp. 62–73; pub. 1888.
97. CHARLES PILKINGTON. The Black Coolins. Alp. Journ., vol. xiii., pp. 433–446; pub. 1888. See also a sketch-map of "The Cuchullin Hills" on the scale of two inches to a mile, based on the one-inch Ordnance map, with some of the peaks and ridges corrected; separately published. Heywood, Manchester, 1890.
98. ARCHIBALD GEIKIE. The History of Volcanic Action during the Tertiary Period in the British Isles. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. xxxv., pp. 21–184, p1. I., II.; 1888. Abstract in Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. xv., pp. 344–348; 1888.
99. GRENVILLE A. J. COLE. On some additional Occurrences of Tachylyte. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliv., pp. 300–307, pl. XI.; 1888.
100. J. J. HARRIS TEALL. British Petrography; with special reference to the Igneous Rocks. Roy. 8vo., pp. viii + 469, pl. XLVII.; London, 1888.
101. E. REYER. Theoretische Geologie: Stuttgart, 1888. [Skye pp. 369–372.]
101a. MARCEL BERTRAND. Sur la distribution géographique des roches éruptives en Europe. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fra. (3), vol. xvi., pp. 573–617; 1888.
102. JOHN W. JUDD. On the Growth of Crystals in Igneous Rocks after their Consolidation. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv., pp. 175–186, pl. VII.; 1889.
103. JOHN W. JUDD. The Tertiary Volcanoes of the Western Isles of Scotland. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv., pp. 187–218; 1889.
104. A. W. RUCKER and T. E. THORPE. A Magnetic Survey of the British Isles for the Epoch January 1, 1886. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. (A), vol. 181., pp. 53–328, pl. 1–14; pub. 1890.
105. JOHN W. JUDD. The Propylites of the Western Isles of Scotland, and their Relation to the Andesites and Diorites of the District. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlvi., pp. 341–384, pl. XIV., XV.; 1890.
106. JOHN W. JUDD. On the Relations between the Gliding Planes and the Solution Planes of Augite. Min. Mag., vol. ix., pp. 192–196; 1890.
107. A. W. RUCKER and T. E. THORPE. Preliminary Note on Supplementary Magnetic Surveys of Special Districts in the British Isles. Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xlvii., pp. 443–445: 1890.
108. A. W. RUCKER. On the Relation between the Magnetic Permeability of Rocks and Regional Magnetic Disturbances. Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xlviii., pp. 505–535; 1890.
109. SIR ARCHIBALD GEIKIE. The Anniversary Address of the President [History of Volcanic Action within the area of the British Isles]. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlviii., Proc. pp. 60–179; 1892.
110. SIR ARCHIBALD GEIKIE. Geological Map of Scotland (Topography by John Bartholomew; scale 10 miles to an inch); with Explanatory Notes to accompany a new Geological Map of Scotland, pp. 23; Edinburgh, 1892.
111. M. FORSTER HEDDLE. On Pectolite and Okenite from New Localities: the former with New Appearances. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasg., vol. ix., pp. 241–255; 1893.
112. J. NORMAN COLLIE. On the Height of some of the Black Cuchullins in Skye. Scott. Mount. Club Journ., vol ii., pp. 168–173; 1893.
113. SIR ARCHIBALD GEIKIE. On Structures in Eruptive Bosses which resemble those of ancient Gneisses. Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1893, pp. 754, 755; pub. 1894.
114. JOHN W. JUDD. On Inclusions of Tertiary Granite in the Gabbro of the Cuillin Hills, Skye; and on the Products resulting from the Partial Fusion of the Acid by the Basic Rock. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlix., pp. 175–195, pl. II., III.' 1893. [See also remarks by A. Lacroix, p. 654 of Les enclaves des roches volcaniques, Macon, 1893.]
115. SIR ARCHIBALD GEIKIE. On the Relations of the Basic and Acid Rocks of the Tertiary Volcanic Series of the Inner Hebrides, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. 1., pp. 212–229, pl. XIII., XIV.; 1894.
116. SIR ARCHIBALD GEIKIE and J. J. H. TEALL. On the Banded Structure of some Tertiary Gabbros in the Isle of Skye. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. 1., pp., 645–659, pl. XXVI.-XXVIII.; 1894.
117. SIR ARCHIBALD GEIKIE. Annual Report of the Geological Survey and Museum of Practical Geology for the year ending December 31, 1894. Appendix E (pp. 267–300) to 42nd Report of the Dept. of Science and Art; pub. 1895. [II. B. Woodward. p. 286.]
118. SIR ARCHIBALD GEIKIE. The Latest Volcanoes of the British Isles. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasg., vol. x., pp. 179–197; pub. 1896.
119. SIR ARCHIBALD GEIKIE, Annual Report of the Geological Survey and Museum of Practical Geology for the year ending December 31, 1895. Appendix E to 43rd Report of the Dept. of Science and Art; pub, 1896. [A. Harker, pp. 30, 31; C. T. Clough, p. 31.]
120. GREENVILLE A. J. COLE, Open-Air Studies: an Introduction to Geology Out-of doors: Svo, London, 1895. [Skye, pp. 208–212.]
121. ALFRED HARKER. On certain Granophyres, modified by the Incorporation of Gabbro-Fragments, in Strath (Skye). Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. lii., pp. 320–328, pl. XIII., XIV.; 1896.
122. SIR ARCHIBALD GEIKIE. The Tertiary Basalt-plateaux of Northwestern Europe. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. lii., pp. 331405, pl. XV.-XIX.; 1896.
123. SIR ARCHIBALD GEIKIE. Scottish Mountains, Scott. Mount. Club Journ., vol. iv., pp. 113–125, with five plates; 1896.
124. H. ROSENBUSCH. Mikroskopische Physiographie der Massigen Gesteine, 3rd ed. 8vo., pp. xiv + 1360, pl. VI.; Stuttgart, 1896.
125. A. T. METCALFE. The Tertiary Lava-Fields of the West Coast of Scotland. 44th Ann. Rep. Nott. Nat. Soc., pp. 1–12; 1896.
126. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF SCOTLAND. Sheet 81 (Applecross) of the one-inch Geological Map of Scotland [including coast of Skye near Portree and part of Raasay: Tertiary igneous rocks by H. B. Woodward.]
127. SIR ARCHIBALD GEIKIE. Annual Report of the Geological Survey and Museum of Practical Geology for the year ending December 31, 1896. Appendix E to 44th Report of the Dept. of Science and Art; pub. 1897. [A. Harker, pp. 73, 74; C. T. Clough, L. W. Hinxman, p. 74.]
128. JOHN W. JUDD. The Student's Lyell: a Manual of Elementary Geology [edited by J. W. J.]; London, 1896 [pp. 490–492, 518, 521, 530].
129. W. A. TILDEN. On the Gases enclosed in Crystalline Rocks and Minerals. Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. lx., pp. 453–457, and Chem. News, vol. lxxv,, pp. 169, 170; 1897.
130. W. DOUGLAS. Names, Heights, and Positions of the Coolin Peaks. Scott. Mount. Club Journ., vol. iv., pp. 209–213; 1897. See also a map of "The Coolins, Skye", on the scale of four inches to a mile, reduced from the six-inch Ordnance map, with additional names and heights, issued with No. 25 of the Journal, January, 1898.
131. SIR ARCHIBALD GEIKIE. The Ancient Volcanoes of Great Britain. Roy. 8vo, 2 vols, pp. xxiv + 477, viii + 492, with seven maps; London, 1897.
132. M, F. HEDDLE. On Analcime with New Forms. Trans. Edin. Geol. Soc., vol. vii., pp. 241–243, pl. XII.; 1897, issued 1898.
133. SIR ARCHIBALD GEIKIE. Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom for 1897; pub. 1898. [A. Harker, pp. 131–137; C. T. Clough, pp. 137, 138.]
134. C. T. CLOUGH and ALFRED HARKER. On a Coarsely Spherulitic ("Variolitic") Basalt in Skye. Trans. Edin. Geol. Soc., vol. vii., pp. 381–389, p1. XXIII.; pub. 1899.
135. SIR ARCHIBALD GEIKIE. Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom for 1898; pub. 1899. [A. Harker, pp. 146–150.]
136. LIONEL W. HINXMAN. The Geology of the Scottish Mountains from a Climbing Point of View. Scott. Mount. Club Journ., vol. v., pp. 269–286; 1899.
137. SIR ARCFIIBALD GEIKIE. Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom for 1899; pub. 1900. [A. Harker, pp. 141–145; W. Pollard, pp. 172–174.]
138. ALERED HARKER. Notes, Geological and Topographical on the Cuillin Hills, Skye. Scott. Mount. Club Journ., vol. vi., pp. 1–13; 1900.
139. ALFRED HARKER. Magnetic Disturbances in the Isle of Skye. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., vol. x., pp. 268–278, pl. XI., XII.; 1900.
140. SIR ARCHIBALD GEIKIE. Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom for 1900; pub. 1901. [A. Harker, pp. 126, 127; W. Pollard, pp. 156, 157.]
141. M. FORSTER HEDDLE. The Mineralogy of Scotland [posthumous publication], edited by J. G. Goodchild: 2 vols, roy. 8vo, pp. lviii + 148 and viii + 247, with many plates; Edinburgh, 1901.
142. ALFRED HARKER. The Sequence of the Tertiary Igneous Rocks of Skye. Geol. Mag., 1901, pp. 506–509.
143. J. H. L. VOGT. Weitere Untersuchungen fiber die Ausscheidungen von Titan-Eisenerzen in basischen Eruptivgesteinen. Zeits. prakt Geol., vol. ix.[Skye, pp. 182, 186]; 1901.
144. J. J. H. TEALL. Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom for 1901; pub. 1902. [W. Pollard, pp. 86–88; A. Harker, pp. 131, 132, 147–149; C. T. Clough, p. 149; G. Barrow, p. 152.]
145. ALFRED HARKER. Petrology for Students, 3rd ed.; 8vo, Cambridge, 1902.
146. WILLIAM JOHNSON SOLLAS. A Process for the Mineral Analysis of Rocks. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. lviii., pp. 163–176; 1902.
147. J. J. H. TEALL. Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom for 1902; pub. 1903. [W. Pollard, pp. 60, 61.]
148. TEMPEST ANDERSON. Volcanic Studies in Many Lands, being reproductions of photographs 4to, pp. xxviii. + 202, with cv plates; London, 1903. [Skye, pl. XCIII., XCIV.]