Bailey, E.B. and Maufe, H.B. 1960. The geology of Ben Nevis and Glen Coe and the surrounding country. 2nd. Revised Edition. Edinburgh: HMSO
Chapter 9 Metamorphic rocks Ardgour district
The metamorphic rocks of the Ardgour district, north-west of Loch Linnhe in Sheet 53 (Geol.), were mapped by Grant Wilson, except those within a considerable triangle south-west of Sgùrr nan Cnamh
In the absence of detailed local knowledge it has been thought wise to retain most of the old description, including its quotations from Summaries of Progress, in this new edition, printing it in small type, and to append comments to establish contact with up to date research. It has been a great encouragement to realise how valuable Wilson's pioneer work has proved. It must be remembered that it was accomplished rapidly, much of it before the close of the last century and that the geology is of quite exceptional difficulty. It has proved impossible in a short chapter to do full justice to the more modern work, and readers must consult the originals, more particularly for petrological descriptions and discussions.
Altered sediments and structural. relations
In the main the metamorphic rocks are altered sediments, but they also inlude the Glen Scaddle complex of epidiorite and other igneous rocks, the Sgùrr Dhomhnuill
The West Highland Unit of the Geological Survey has reported that an injection area starts at about twelve miles west of Sheet 53 and increases in intensity eastwards (Sum. Prog. 1931, p. 63; Kennedy 1946, see our
Drever as often as not speaks of the Glen Scaddle "epidiorite" as diorite-gneiss (1940, p. 152). Most of it, however, is free from metamorphic foliation. Perhaps diorite or gabbro-diorite would be a better term for the rock since according to Drever it often retains unaltered pyroxenes. In the present description, to keep contact with the published map, the term "epidiorite" will be retained, but always between inverted commas. Moreover Teall has said that a specimen submitted to him (S8233)
The metamorphic sediments of this district are of the following main types:
- Siliceous gneisses of 'Moine' type, with a considerable proportion of felspar and mica accompanying the quartz; these represent banded, impure, arenaceous sediments.
- Highly micaceous gneisses; these represent argillaceous sediments.
- Quartz-granulites; these represent exceptionally pure sandstones.
- Marble; this is of restricted occurrence and represents a thick, pure limestone or dolomite.
The structural and stratigraphical relations of these various types are very imperfectly known. Their variations of dip and strike are sufficiently indicated on the map. (1916 edition)
At the northern boundary of Sheet 53, dips in the main outcrop of the siliceous gneisses (a) are often as low as 20° or 15°, though they become steep towards the micaceous gneisses on the north-west and Loch Linnhe on the south-east. The belt of low dips is about six miles broad, and reaches south-westwards for two to six miles until Cona Glen
Beyond the western boundary of the map MacGregor and Kennedy have found that, "where the country rocks have a regional strike nearly normal to the margin" of the Strontian Pluton west of its crossing of Gleann Feith 'n Amean
(a) The siliceous gneisses form the bulk of the country. As far south as Glen Gour
Drever (1940, p. 151) correlated the main outcrop of siliceous gneisses (including the part mapped by Grant Wilson as "felspathised sedimentary gneiss" bordering the Glen Scaddle "epidiorite") with the Upper Psammitic Group of Moines established by Richey and Kennedy in the Morar district further north (1939). Rightly or wrongly, this view has also been advanced by Leedal further north-east (1952, pp. 36, 38), and by Harry in Ardgour itself (1954, pp. 287, 308). The last-named bases his correlation on certain talc-silicate ribs (quartz, basic plagioclase, epidote, garnet) which he has found in a marginal position relative to the outcrop of highly micaceous gneisses (b) (1954, p. 288, pl. xiv). By analogy these talc-silicate ribs lead him to correlate the sedimentary background of the micaceous gneisses (which are much granitised) with the Pelitic Group of Morar, which has been shown by current-bedding in its home region to be older than the Upper Psammitic Group. He then proceeds to interpret these micaceous gneisses as rising in an anticline from under their psammitic associates (1954, p.291). He tacitly assumes, it would appear, that there has been no great inversion and that an anticline must be an antiform.
Structural relations will be further discussed under headings (c) and (d). Meanwhile it may be noted that Drever has indicated four localities for calcsilicate ribs (quartz, basic plagioclase, pyroxene or hornblende, garnet) outside Grant Wilson's "felspathised" zone, but far from marginal to the micaceous gneisses (b) (1940, fig. 3, pp. 144, 146).
(b) The highly micaceous, or pelitic, gneisses occur near the western border of the map, and their outcrop, so far as it is included in the present district, terminates in a tongue extending southwards from Glen Gour
The above description, if translated into modern terms, means that much of the band shown from the northern margin of Sheet 53 to beyond Glen Tarbert
(c) The quartz-granulites are only shown separately on the map in a belt reaching south across Glen Tarbert
It is quite uncertain whether the siliceous gneisses of type (a) lying on the west and south of the main outcrop of quartz-granulite are on the same horizon as those on the east and north. which come into contact with the micaceous gneiss (b). A good example of the interfolding of the western siliceous gneisses and the quartz-granulite is afforded on the mountain west of Maol Odhar
The quartz-granulite (c) is relatively untouched by injection. The fact that its patches on Meall a' Chuilinn
A problem is presented by the three-sided nature of the main outcrop of siliceous gneisses (a) as presented in Sheet 53. On one side we have the micaceous gneisses (b); on another the quartz-granulites (c); and on still another the marble-bearing group (d). No firm answer to this problem can be given. It is possible, for instance, that the quartz-granulites (c) outcrop in the surrounds of the Glen Scaddle "epidiorite", but not with sufficiently marked character to be separated by Grant Wilson from associated siliceous gneisses. At first sight this view seems supported by Dreyer, who has used the name quartzite for everything he saw of Grant Wilson's siliceous gneisses in the Glen Scaddle country; but he has explained that he calls quartzo-felspathic rocks quartzite so long as "the amount of quartz present is distinctly greater than that of felspar" (1940, pp. 147, 161). Other alternatives suggest themselves, for instance that the marble-bearing group (d) may be introduced by a sedimentary or tectonic discordance. Quartzite will presently be mentioned in group (d), but its associates seem to negative correlation with that of group (c).
(d) The Ardgour Marble was discovered by Mr. Wilson in 1902. It consists of a thick bed or beds of crystalline marble weathering pale grey [one bed measures 23 ft (Drever 1939, p. 502)]. The outcrops lie between Glen Gour
The marble is everywhere closely associated with portions of the Glen Scaddle igneous complex. It is accompanied in some of its outcrops by a thinly bedded series of slightly calcareous grey pelitic sediments, containing quartzose bands. These sediments have quartz veins developed along their bedding planes, but their degree of regional metamorphism is certainly not very high. Dr. Peach (in Sum. Prog. 1904, p. 66) has accordingly suggested that they have been protected through having been contact-altered by the Glen Scaddle intrusions prior to the period of movement. (Compare the protection of hornfels round the augen-gneiss of Inchbae, Ross-shire, first interpreted by Peach. Clough, Crampton, Flett 1910; 1912, chaps. v, vi.) As will appear immediately it is certain that the introduction of the Glen Scaddle Complex antedated a large part of the schist-making movement; it is doubtful, however, whether it is older than the whole of the movement. In one locality the dioritic rock is crowded with inclusions of quartzite, gneiss, etc., including some of pelitic character containing much kyanite [corrected to sillimanite, Drever 1940, p. 145; cf. (S41717)
This last observation was due to Clough and the writer. It was based upon an exposure within a fork of the Bealach Choire nam Muc
A specially good marble outcrop runs for 300 yd along the more north-easterly of the two streams of the fork, and there are several others; but, most of the sediment seen is non-calcareous pelite and quartzite, and it usually occurs as enclosures in what is spoken of above as dioritic rock. The exposure to which Clough and the writer directed attention is near the more south-westerly stream, 200 yd upstream from the fork, and there are many like it.
One of the two days the writer spent with Johnstone in 1956 was devoted to this critical area. We took the precaution in advance to ornament the outcrops on Drever's map, which otherwise are very difficult to read. Anyone, however, without this map will find in Sheet 53 a rough and ready guide sufficient for intelligent sampling of the field evidence. Exposures are numerous and easily accessible, and clearly lie just about the margin of the Coire nam Muc
Above we have referred to Peach's suggestion that the Ardgour marble and associated sediments had been "contact-altered by the Glen Scaddle intrusion prior to the period of movement". It so happens that Peach, in conversation with Crampton over hand-specimens, had been the first to suggest the pre-movement date of hornfelsing round the Inchbae — Càrn Chuinneag augen-gneiss of Ross-shire, an idea since brilliantly vindicated. It was natural therefore that he should hazard a similar interpretation in connexion with the hornfelses that Grant Wilson found adjoining the Glen Scaddle "epidiorite". Now however, it is thought that this interpretation requires important adjustment, and that the regional metamorphism later than the Glen Scaddle "epidiorite" is of the nature of a minor recurrence.
This change of outlook started when Clough and the writer, as recorded above, suggested that some regional metamorphism antedated the intrusion of the "epidiorite", although we considered the degree of this pre-hornfels metamorphism to be "certainly not very high". Dreyer, with incomparably fuller knowledge of the district, has also been satisfied "that in Ardgour the rocks have been subjected to regional metamorphism on two occasions separated by a period when a large mass of basic magma invaded and thermally altered the limestone-pelite group" (1940, p. 164). To the evidence already cited he added the observation" that relics of pelitic hornfels and limestone entirely enclosed in diorite-gneiss [his usual term for the Glen Scaddle "epidiorite"] are often flat-folded or highly contorted" (1940, p. 164). This, he pointed out, is "a feature of the Ardgour hornfelses which has no parallel in the Càrn-Chuinneag area" (1940, p. 168).
In regard to the intensity of the pre-hornfels regional metamorphism, Drever was cautiously prepared to admit that it might have been considerably higher than Clough and the writer had envisaged. "The presence of basic plagioclase in the calc-silicate rocks not associated with the diorite-gneiss, and the development of sillimanite in the thin rare bands of pelitic schist at some distance from the diorite-gneiss, and the relative coarseness of grain exhibited by the quartzites are features", he says, "which might conceivably be ascribed to the effect of a more general regional metamorphism of a high (sillimanite) grade", (1940, pp. 163–4) — and of pre-hornfels date. The calc-silicate rocks here mentioned are the ribs referred to above under heading (a). The sillimanite is fibrolitic sillimanite, not the stout prisms common in the hornfelses, and it is associated "with injection or segregation veins principally composed of potash felspar". Drever gives the locality as Glen Gour
Drever has dealt rather fully with the petrology of both the calcareous and pelitic hornfelses. The more characteristic minerals of the former have been mentioned already. Those of the latter include garnet, sillimanite, spinel, cordierite, oligoclase, biotite, corundum (1940, p. 159). The reader is referred to the original accounts. Let us here concentrate on a matter upon which, so far as ultimate interpretation is concerned, agreement has not yet been reached. It concerns the "dioritic rock", recorded by Clough and the writer as "crowded with inclusions of quartzite, gneiss, etc". This problematical rock constitutes most of the exposures in the type area within the designated stream-fork of Coire nam Muc
For Clough and the writer, and again for Johnstone and the writer, this "dioritic rock" appears to be a marginal extension of the Glen Scaddle "epidiorite", enclosing and baking adjacent sediments through which in places it manifestly breaks. At the same time specimens sliced in 1956 from the Clough-Bailey exposure show that it is far from being normal Glen Scaddle "epidiorite" with pyroxenes and amphiboles. Instead it is an abnormal garnetiferous biotitediorite rich in oligoclase accompanied by subordinate quartz and orthoclase (S41716a)
This dioritic rock is apparently Drever's "oligoclase-quartz-garnet-chlorite rock" (the chlorite secondary after biotite), which he treats as a local variety of what he calls in his text and on his map "sillimanite-gneiss". Of the latter he says (1940, p. 165), apart from the general coarser grain of the composite gneiss the main difference between it and the relics of pelitic hornfels lies in the absence in the former of cordierite and the development of relatively large sillimanites which may form clusters". He thinks of this "sillimanite-gneiss" as essentially a sedimentary rock, affected by "a certain amount of permeation" from adjoining "epidiorite"; and he gives two analyses, which certainly recall sediment rather than "epidiorite" (
From what we saw of the variety at Coire nam Muc
I | A | II | III | |
SiO2 | 51.79 | 51.75 | 54.02 | 60.28 |
Al2O3 | 11.88 | 13.7 | 22.15 | 18.72 |
Fe2O3 | 0.67 | {9.5} | 0.77 | 0.30 |
FeO | 10.66 | 6.64 | 6.03 | |
MgO | 8.51 | 9.2 | 2.22 | 2.68 |
CaO | 7.92 | 8.5 | 1.54 | 2.44 |
Na2O | 2.37 | 2.0 | 214 | 3.43 |
K2O | 1.22 | 1.0 | 5.93 | 2.60 |
H2O+ | 0.70 | 2.68 | 1.45 | |
H2O− | 0.30 | 0.75 | 0.65 | |
TiO2 | 2.92 | c.1.2 | 1.06 | 1.07 |
P2O5 | 0.64 | tr. | tr. | |
MnO | 0.19 | 0.16 | 0.15 | |
CO2 | — | — | — | — |
Total | 99.77 | 100.6 | 99.80 | |
Sp. Gr. | 3.00 | 2.78 | 2.73 |
Analyses I, II, III by W. H. Herdsman, quoted from Drever (1940, pp. 153, 157).
I. "Epidiorite", Glen Scaddle.
A. Corresponding "average rock" of Devonian igneous series deduced from graphs,
II Sillimanite-gneiss "marginal" to "epidiorite", Coire nam Muc
III Sillimanite-gneiss", mixed from Coire nam Muc
Let us pass on. Drever has made an important point in claiming that the limestone-pelite group, with its associated "epidiorite" which in its main outcrops he interprets as a mighty sill, structurally overlies all other rocks of the district (1940, pp. 149, 151). He bases largely on dips south-west of Bealach Choire nam Muc
Having made a good case for interpreting the main "epidiorite" outcrops in Coire nam Muc
In the Bealach Choire nam Muc
A similar termination of the main "epidiorite" outcrop is found north of Glen Scaddle, but marginal association with limestone or pelite has not been noted at this locality (1940, fig. 2). Beyond to the west, Sheet 53 shows a detached major outcrop of "epidiorite" crossing the end of Druim Leathad nam Fias. While this has not been reinvestigated, its position on the map suggests a reappearance of the Bealach Choire nam Muc
Returning to the main Glen Scaddle outcrop of "epidiorite", we get a further strong suggestion of synformal disposition on comparing the southwestern and north-eastern margins, along both of which limestone-pelite association has been established. The external schists dip inwards on the south-west side whereas they stand almost vertical on the north-east. Altogether Drever's conception of a Glen Scaddle Synform striking north-west, and furnished with a core of the limestone-pelite group intruded by "epidiorite", seems well grounded on the local evidence. It receives further strong support from the probability, already indicated, that the siliceous gneisses (a) to the north-west structurally overlie the micaceous gneisses (b) of Meall nan Damh
If we accept the Glen Scaddle Synform as a reality, then we must regard the siliceous gneisses (a), outcropping to the north in the "steep belt" of Cona Glen
Drever considers that he has recognised a minor stratigraphical break at the base of the limestone-pelite group, but it is safer to regard the whole question of relationship as unsettled. He has further suggested that while the rocks below should be considered as Moines, the limestone-pelite group may be Dalradian (1940, p. 151). If comparison be restricted to the north-west side of the Great Glen Fault, it is tempting to look for the allies of the Ardgour limestone-pelite group in the varied assemblage of Shetland.
The rocks entering into the Glen Scaddle Complex have been classified by Mr. Wilson (1901, p. 45) as follows:
1. Epidiorite.
2. Granulitic gneiss [feispathised sedimentary gneiss of Sheet 53].
3. Diorite dykes, cutting granulitic gneiss and the surrounding gneissose flagstones [group (a) of this chapter].
4. Grey basic dykes, now represented by hornblende-biotite-schists; these cut (1), (2), (3) and the gneissose flagstones.
5. Granulitic gneiss and Aplite (Porphyrite) dykes; these cut (1), (2), (3), (4) and the gneissose flagstones. (1916 edition)
The granulitic gneiss (2) of the above list may be taken first, as it is considered to be largely sedimentary — in the index of Sheet 53 it is shown as "felspathized sedimentary gneiss". The joint visit by Cough and the writer was undertaken largely to form an opinion as to its nature, and as to the propriety of separating it on the forthcoming one-inch map. Clough approached the difficult problem with intimate experience of what are mapped at Glenelg (Sheet 71) as Moines "permeated by pegmatites" — usually classed as injection products. His conclusion was that Wilson's mapping supplied a valuable approximation, that the rock should be separately shown on Sheet 53 with the title quoted above, and that the writer should insert the following paragraph in the 1916 memoir.
The more important epidiorite outcrops are surrounded by a felspathised zone of granulitic gneiss (S8235)
Drever apparently considers the so-called felpathised sedimentary gneisses as mere sedimentary variants of the more siliceous gneisses, without significant late introduction of felspathic substance. The felspars, he finds, are orthoclase and oligoclase in any proportion (1940, p. 162). Interbanding of more or less felspathic types he attributes to interbedding. Contact with his "sillimanite-gneiss" (p. 121) he describes as gradual. On the whole, he says, the felspathic granulite becomes coarser on approach to the main "epidiorite", but its most interesting feature in this position is that it contains, fragments, which though distinguishable, are still closely similar to itself. This reminds him of how the "sillimanite-gneiss" commonly includes fragments of sillimanite-hornfels (1940, pp. 147, 149).
Drever finds complex folding in the felspathic zone away from immediate proximity of the "epidiorite". "Much, if not all, of this folding"he regards as"clearly due to slumping" (1940, p. 149). He has also noted that the part of the felspathic granulite adjacent to, or interbanded with, the "sillimanite-gneiss" holds fragments of banded heavy-mineral sediment, rich in sphene and iron ore. These, he says, "were formed almost undoubtedly by original slumping" (1940, p. 163); but it may be well to suspend judgement. Drever further realises that quartzo-felspathic veins traverse some of the fragments in a manner suggesting that mobile granitic material existed in the granulite during its crystallisation.
On comparing Clough's and Drever's interpretations of the felspathic gneiss or granulite, it will be noted that they agree in holding that the felspathic zone roughly corresponds with a group that originally differed from the underlying more siliceous Moines. Clough was prepared to believe that there had been considerable chemical modification by introduced felspar constituents — he probably was quite doubtful as to how much. Drever seems to have thought that there was little or no reinforcement from outside.
The difference may be less than appears at first sight, for Clough was one who thought auto-injection an important possibility. Thus, speaking of the Moines "permeated by pegmatites" at Glenelg, he notes that they occur in regions of high metamorphism, and continues: "As the pegmatite patches are usually edged with a sheath of rock which is much richer in biotite than the rock further away, it is suggested that they represent segregations derived from the immediately adjoining rock, rather than injections of foreign materials. This suggestion is, perhaps, somewhat strengthened by the frequent occurrence of small pegmatitic spots or augen, varying in size from a hazel nut to a duck's egg, which appear to be quite isolated in the rock" (1910, p. 83). Most authors, however, think that the injection complexes of Glenelg, etc., have received a large proportion of their quartzo-felspathic material from a distance. On the other hand, the Glen Scaddle felspathic granulites are not normal injected products. Their felspar is distributed, rather than concentrated. "It is a point of importance", Drever says (1940, p. 149), "that pegmatite veins are not a prominent feature though occurring in certain places"; and he categorically states that the felspathic granulite "is not confined to the belt which surrounds the epidiorite masses, but occurs again in thick and extensive beds farther up Glen Gour".
The writer agrees with Clough and Drever that the rocks of the felspathic zone have not been developed through alteration of siliceous gneisses of group (a); and he is also inclined to favour Drever's view that their peculiar chemical composition is an original sedimentary feature.
Let us now turn back to the "epidiorite", item (1) in the table on p. 124:
1. The main epidiorite mass [of Glen Scaddle] is of somewhat irregular shape. It stretches north-westwards from Loch Linnhe, with one important interruption, for about half a dozen miles, and it has a maximum breadth of rather less than three miles. In texture the epidiorite varies from coarse to medium, and is generally of a dark grey colour, which, at several points not far from the margin, gives place to red. It appears to have been originally a diorite and, to a large extent, it has escaped conspicuous alteration. It is often massive or imperfectly foliated (S8233)
There are many isolated masses of epidiorite in connection with the Glen Scaddle Complex, and perhaps the numberless lenticles of hornblende-schist found intruded among the sedimentary gneisses of the Glen Tarbert
The structural significance of the association of the Glen Scaddle "epidiorite" with limestone and pelite, especially well seen at Bealach Choire nam Muc
Drever has supplied an analysis from Glen Scaddle, quoted on p. 122. Except that it has quite unusually high TiO2, it agrees wonderfully closely with Analysis A placed alongside for comparison. This latter gives the composition expected of an "average rock" of like silica percentage in the Devonian suite of chapter 17. One notices especially the low alumina, high magnesia and rather high potash. Drever says: "The essential minerals are the two pyroxenes (which are present in about equal amount) and plagioclase. The amount of hornblende and biotite is variable. Ilmenite, apatite and interstitial quartz are prominent minor constituents, and microperthite found irregularly replacing plagioclase or forming antiperthitic structure is very often present but in variable amount. Myrmekite may be found associated with microperthite. A specimen from Coire nam Muc
The question naturally arises as to whether the Glen Scaddle "epidiorite" may not belong to this Devonian suite — which, it is thought, may have started to intrude in pre-Devonian times. Perhaps an answer will eventually come based on physical rather than geological research. Meanwhile it must be remembered that a monzonitic diorite in Colonsay (60 miles to the south-west) has been shown by Wright (1908; Wright and Bailey 1911, chaps. v, vii) to be intermediate in date between two cleavage-making movements that have folded the local Torridonian. This Colonsay associated with kentallenite and appinitic hornblendite, so that its place in the Devonian suite is admitted by all.
The following comments concern Items (3) to (5) of the table on p. 124:
"(3) In Cona Glen
"(4) Eleven foliated grey basic dykes, now represented by hornblende-biotite-schists, were mapped last year on the southern slopes of Glen Scaddle (S8236)
"(5) On the south side of Glen Scaddle
Just as there are abundant lenticles and sills of hornblende-schist, the connection of which with the Glen Scaddle Complex is uncertain, so too, there are abundant pegmatite veins cutting the surrounding sedimentary gneisses, which can only be assigned to this complex with a certain amount of hesitation. These veins are, some of them, massive, some foliated, and the same vein may be massive in one part of its course and foliated in another. One pegmatite may often be seen cutting another. Small sills of hornblende-schist intruded into quartz-granulite [Group a] and cut by pegmatite may be seen in the crags north of Loch nan Gabhar
Drever points out that sheets of "epidiorite" and hornblende-schist of variable dimensions occur both in the "felspathised sedimentary gneisses" of Sheet 53 and in Wilson's flagstones (Group a) alongside; and that they are sometimes so numerous as to constitute a basic injection complex (1940, p. 149). He also gives details of appinite occurring as sheet-like masses in the former (1940, p. 145).
The 1916 edition includes a short account of the Sgùrr Dhomnuill augen-gneiss, which it says has a very irregular margin against adjacent schists, in part due to injection. Later work ascribes the gneiss to injection phenomena (p. 116). The statement by Peach and Wilson that "it is seen to cut some small masses of epidiorite and hornblende-schist, but in turn is pierced by later dykes of that material" (Sum. Prog. 1904, p. 68) presumably still holds.
Small portions of the Strontian Granodiorite Complex projecting into Sheet 53 from the west, and certain red granite outcrops along Loch Linnhe will be dealt with shortly in chapter 15. The latter are accompanied by felspathised border rocks, which are locally responsible for outcrops included on Sheet 53 under the title "felspathised sedimentary gneisses". E. B. B.