Mykura, W. and Newsier, J. 1976. The Geology of Western Shetland (Explanation of One-inch Geological Sheet Western Shetland; comprising Sheet 127 and parts of 125, 126 and 128). Edinburgh HMSO. Provided courtesy of the British Geological Survey. Crown copyright, 1976. 'Systematic Series hand specimens' and 'List of Geological Survey Photographs' both Copyright UKRI.
Chapter 11 Middle Old Red Sandstone volcanic rocks and sediments of Papa Stour
The island of Papa Stour
The greater part of the island is formed of rhyolite, which reaches a thickness of over 300 ft (90 m) and forms the upper part of the Papa Stour Volcanic Series. The rhyolite was considered to be an intrusive sill by both Geikie (1879, p. 420) and Peach and Horne (1884, p. 371), but was shown by Finlay (1930, p. 681) to be a thick lava flow. Wilson (Summ. Prog. 1935, p. 69) stated that the mapping of the Geological Survey showed that there are, in fact, two rhyolite flows separated by a bed of tuff and agglomerate, which locally attains a thickness of 40 ft (12 m). The lower flow was thought to be 80 to 100 ft (24–30 m) thick, and the upper, the top of which is not seen, over 200 ft (60 m).
The lower rhyolite rests on an undulating, eroded surface
The generalized sequence and the approximate thickness of the various groups is as follows:
Thickness feet | metres | |
R2 Upper Rhyolite | 280+ | 85+ |
T2 Inter-rhyolitic Tuff and Agglomerate | 8–80+ | 2.4–24+ |
(average 30 | 9) | |
R1 Lower Rhyolite | 0 to 150 | 0–40 |
T1 Lower Tuff and tuffaceous sandstone (western J half of island) | 0 to 40 | 0–12 |
SST Sandstone with tuffaceous bands (eastern half of island) | 0 to 100+ | 0–30+ |
B Basalt (up to 4 flows seen) | 80+ | 24+ |
The index letters are those shown in |
Field relationships
The basic lavas of Papa Stour are intensely weathered basalts and dolerites which vary in texture from medium- to coarse-grained in the central parts of the flows to aphanitic in the scoriaceous tops. Along the northern shores of the island only one very thick flow appears to be exposed, but on the south shore up to four flows with a total exposed thickness of 80 ft (24 m) have been recorded. As the base of the basalts is nowhere seen the total thickness of the group is unknown. Individual flows have in most places thick scoriaceous upper zones and in some exposures they are vesicular throughout. Vesicles are filled with chalcedony, calcite, baryte and locally, zeolites. Agates with cores of baryte are common in some exposures. The cracks and hollows of several flows are filled with pink or purplish sandstone and the topmost parts of some flows consist of irregular fragments of scoriaceous basalt embedded in a sandy matrix. The upper surface of the basalt series is highly variable. At the north-west shore of Housa Voe, where the basalt is overlain by sandstone, the lavas are cut by a clean erosion surface which is inclined at an angle of 40° to the dip of the flows. At the north end of Aesha Bight on the other hand, vesicular basalt is overlain by 15 ft (4.5 m) of basaltic rubble composed of subangular basalt blocks up to 3 ft (0.9 m) in diameter embedded in a matrix of reddish brown sandstone
The Koam, west shore of Hamna Voe
Here three flows of intensely weathered basalt with sandstone veins are seen. The lowest flow has an exposed thickness of 15 ft (4.6 m) and is scoriaceous throughout. Its upper surface is uneven, and its topmost 3 to 8 ft (0.9–2.4 m) contain sandstone-filled cavities and irregular sandstone veins. It is overlain by a waterlaid deposit, up to 8 ft (2.4 m) thick, which fills the depressions on the basalt surface, and is composed of irregular fragments of basalt slag set in a pale purple sandy matrix. The second flow has a fairly even base, which dips gently to the south-west. Its lower part is composed of sparsely vesicular basalt with a number of near-vertical cracks which are bounded by intensely red-stained zones up to 1 ft (30 cm) wide and locally contain thin veinlets of hematite. The upper 3 to 7 ft (0.9–2.1 m) of the flow is highly vesicular, but virtually devoid of sandstone veins and cavity-fillings. A thin bed of basaltic tuff, containing basalt and sandstone clasts up to 1 cm in diameter, separates the second and third flows at the southern end of the exposure. The third flow is over 25 ft (7.5 m) thick and composed almost entirely of non-vesicular medium-grained dolerite.
Aesha Bight
The readily accessible shore exposures between Hirdie Geo and Aesha Head are formed of four flows of basalt ranging from 12 to 20 ft (3.6–6 m) in thickness. All but the highest have highly scoriaceous tops. That of the second flow is 6 to 7 ft (1.8–2.1 m) thick, and its cavities and vesicles are filled with hematite-stained fine-grained sediment which forms up to 30 per cent of its total volume. The third flow is 15 to 20 ft (4.5–6 m) thick, vesicular throughout, and has a highly scoriaceous top, 3 to 10 ft (1–3 m) thick. Many vesicles are highly elongated and a proportion are filled with an outer zone of red and white banded agate and a core of baryte. The largest agate-baryte amygdales are 4 in (10 cm) in diameter. A little violet-blue fluorspar is present in some amygdales. Successive flows are not separated by thin beds of sediment, but at the north end of the exposure the highest flow is overlain by up to 15 ft (4.5 m) of coarse basaltic breccia with a sandy matrix.
Culla Voe
The basalt and dolerite exposed on the shores of Culla Voe and on the north-west shore of West Voe probably form a single thick flow with a central portion, about 50 ft (15 m) thick, of relatively coarse-grained spheroidally weathering dolerite, passing up into fine-grained basalt with columnar jointing. In some places the flow has a 30 ft (9.1 m) thick scoriaceous top, but elsewhere its upper part is sparsely amygdaloidal. On the east shore of Culla Voe the basalt is overlain by basaltic tuff and tuffaceous sandstone.
Housa Voe
Along the north shore of Housa Voe two basalt flows are exposed. The upper part of the higher flow is scoriaceous and contains elongated inclusions of purple sandstone as well as large sandstone veins. The vesicles in the highest 6 ft (1.8 m) of the lava are empty, but in the 3 to 4 ft (0.9–1.2 m) thick zone beneath they are filled with calcite. The lower part of the flow contains a number of large irregular sandstone enclaves, which appear to be blocks of previously consolidated sediment caught up in the lava.
Kirk Sand
A small outcrop of highly amygdaloidal basalt underlies the rhyolite exposed just west of Kirk Sand. From this outcrop Heddle (1878, pp. 115–6) has recorded druses filled with calcite, baryte and fluorspar, which form pale violet and dark purple cubes, as well as chalcedony and saponite. Heddle also recorded fair specimens of cockscomb-baryte in druses, red heulandite in minute crystals coating some druses, and a single crystal of white stilbite. He recorded psilomelane coated with wad in veins at the east end of the exposure.
Scarvi Taing
The basalt and dolerite forming Scarvi Taing between 300 and 1100 yd (275–1000 m) SW of the west end of Kirk Sand is both overlain and underlain by sandstone and tuffaceous sandstone (p. 161). There is also an intercalation of sandstone, up to 12 ft (3.6 m) thick, between successive lava flows.
The basalt flows of Papa Stour are intercalated with tuff and sediment in the south-south-eastern part of the island. The sedimentary intercalations become progressively thicker and the basalts progressively thinner in a south-easterly direction.
The basalts and dolerites of Papa Stour have a considerable range in grain size and texture. The coarsest varieties from Culla Voe (S30944)
Most of the compact centres of lava flows are porphyritic holocrystalline basalts with scattered plagioclase phenocrysts ranging in diameter from 1.6 to 0.7 mm, set in a groundmass of generally senate laths of sericitized or kaolinized plagioclase, which range in size from 0.6 mm x 0.2 mm to 0.12 mm x 0.02 mm and may be randomly orientated or, more rarely, have a fluidal or variolitic texture. These are enclosed in a matrix which forms up to 35 per cent of the total volume. In the case of the freshest specimens from the west shore of Culla Voe (S30946)
In the vast majority of specimens examined both the feldspars and ferromagnesian minerals are altered. The feldspars are albitized and patchily sericitized and kaolinized. Shapeless patches composed of carbonate and chlorite pseudomorph the interstitial ferromagnesian minerals. In many instances the carbonate and chlorite have partially replaced the adjoining feldspars. Iron ores are partially altered to hematite which forms a fine dusting throughout the specimens. Some thin sections contain small interstitial patches of secondary quartz (S30699)
In the fine-grained amygdaloidal upper parts of the flows stumpy plagioclase laths and rare plagioclase phenocrysts are set in an almost completely opaque hematite-stained matrix (S30936)
Lower tuffs and sandstones
South-East Papa Stour
Housa Voe
Along the shores of Housa Voe a considerable thickness of sandstone and tuffaceous sandstone separates the basalt lavas from the overlying rhyolite. Both the upper and lower junctions of the sediment are seen to be highly undulating erosion surfaces and it is probable that within 500 yd (450 m) SW of Housa Voe the base of the rhyolite transgresses the entire thickness of the sediment and rests directly on various horizons of the basalt series
On the north-west shore of Housa Voe the basalt is overlain by the following sequence of sediments :
feet | metres | |
Alternating cosets of tuffaceous sandstone and purple silty sandstone | 16 | 4.9 |
Tuffaceous sandstone, becoming coarser upwards | 9 | 2.7 |
Sandstone, planar-bedded, banded grey and purple, with thin silty partings. Junction with basalts irregular, locally highly inclined | 15 to 20 | 4.6–6.0 |
The sandstone forming the lower half of this section contains only a few thin bands full of rhyolite debris. It is generally planar-bedded, but has a few ripple-marked surfaces and a number of sets up to 3 in (7.5 cm) thick, with convolute lamination. In the overlying tuffaceous sandstone, rhyolite clasts up to 5 in (12.7 cm) in diameter are set in a matrix of alternate laminae of sandstone and fine rhyolitic grit. The topmost 16 ft (4.9 m) of the section consist of alternate cosets up to 4 ft (1.2 m) thick, of:
- Purple and grey colour-laminated sandstone and sandy siltstone containing some sets up to 6 in (15 cm) thick with small-scale disturbed bedding, closely resembling the possible bioturbation structures in the Melby Formation at Djubabery (p. 147), and
- thin bands and lenses of tuffaceous sandstone with rhyolite clasts in a flaggy fine-grained sandstone. The tuffaceous rocks locally fill small irregular channels in the sandstone.
Sandstone and tuffaceous sandstone is exposed at intervals along the west and south shores of Housa Voe. In the tuffaceous beds rhyolite clasts, up to 2 in (5 cm) in size, predominate, but there are also scattered fragments of sediment and rare clasts of basalt. There is also one exposure of a 6-ft (1.8-m) bed of fine-grained irregularly laminated, disturbed, possibly bioturbated silty sandstone. The presence of these disturbed sediments supports the proposed correlation of the Papa Stour beds with the sediments underlying the Ness of Melby Rhyolite (p. 147).
The junction of the sandstone with the overlying rhyolite is exposed at Lambar Banks, 200 yd (180 m) NW of Brei Holm, where it is erosive and highly undulating, 8 ft (24 m) of sediments having been cut out within a horizontal distance of 20 yd (18 m). Locally the inclination of the erosion surface reaches 60°
Scarvi Taing
At least 82 ft (25 m) of sediment, consisting of about 70 ft (21 m) soft purplish red micaceous sandstone and over 12 ft (3.6 m) of grey micaceous sandstone, overlies the basalt along the south-west shore of Scarvi Taing. This sediment thins out completely northwards within a distance of 500 yd (450 m) and thins westwards along the coast to less than 10 ft (3 m).
West Papa Stour
On the west coast of Papa Stour, between Hirdie Geo and Akers Geo, the basalt, which locally has a brecciated top, is overlain by rhyolitic agglomerate interbedded with tuff and tuffaceous sandstone. As is shown on
The stack at the west end of Hirdie Geo
There is no rhyolitic tuff between the basalt or basaltic tuff and the overlying rhyolite exposed on the shores of Culla Voe in the north of the island. On the shores of Sholma Wick, however, the Lower Tuff may be present, but appears to be directly overlain by agglomerate of the Upper Tuff Group (
In all exposures nearly all the coarser clasts are composed of rhyolite, whereas large fragments of basalt are very rare. Both the tuff and tuffaceous sandstone have a matrix of quartz and feldspar grains and sedimentary structures which indicate that they were deposited by water. It is likely that the larger rhyolite clasts were ejected by a volcanic explosion and have since either remained where they fell or have been transported for only short distances by water. The fine-grained rhyolite detritus is without doubt retransported and partially sorted by water, but the fact that the tuff is highly compressed above and below large blocks suggests that the smaller clasts were relatively uncompacted at the time of deposition.
Rhyolites and inter-rhyolitic tuff
Field relationships
The evidence for the existence of two separate flows of rhyolite is confined to the north-west and north-east shores of the island, where there are a number of exposures of a thick and variable deposit of rhyolitic tuff and agglomerate which is both overlain and underlain by rhyolite. It is, however, not known whether the tuff exposures on the north-west and north-east shores of the island are part of the same bed, or if this tuff originally extended southwards over the area of the entire island. The mapping of a lower and upper rhyolite sheet, as attempted in
Lower rhyolite
As is shown in
As over the greater part of the area either the top or the base of the flow is not exposed, it is not possible to estimate its range in thickness. At Fogla Skerry, in the extreme west, the Lower Rhyolite forms unbroken cliffs over 100 ft (30 m) high, near Wilma Skerry and Calsgeo Taing close to the west and east shores of Hamna Voe it is at least 70 ft (21 m) thick, and on the north-east shore, close to Ram's Geo, its estimated minimum thickness is 150 ft (46 m). Between Shaabergs and Sholma Wick, on the north coast of the island, however, the rhyolite has been deeply eroded and at Sholma Wick the Inter-rhyolitic Tuff (T2) appears to rest directly on the Lower Tuff (T1) (p. 165). The original (i.e. pre-folding) base of the flow varied from almost level, as at the west coast of the island between Aesha Head and Akers Geo, to highly undulating, as at Lambar Banks near Brei Holm (p. 161). At Aesha Head the basal 10 to 15 ft (3–4.6 m) of the rhyolite are autobrecciated, but in most other exposures of the base of the flow there is no sign of brecciation.
The Lower Rhyolite forms orange-red cliffs with marked columnar jointing. It is commonly banded, the banding being emphasized by the presence of alternate orange and purple laminae. Though the strike and dip of the banding is in many cases consistent over several hundred metres, it bears no relation to the dip of the rhyolite sheet. In some areas, as on the north-west and north-east shores of Hamna Voe and the shore between Cribbie and Skaabergs, the inclination of the banding ranges from 70° to vertical
The upper surface of the Lower Rhyolite is well exposed in several sections on the north-west and north-east shores of the island. On the south shore of the Geo of Bordie the top of the rhyolite is undulating and deeply weathered to a depth of 15 ft (4.6 m). The weathered rhyolite is soft, and has a pale greenish colour, which contrasts strongly with that of its orange-red feldspar phenocrysts.
It has a number of near-vertical fissures filled with greenish, slightly indurated sandstone. On the north shore of the Geo of Bordie the upper surface of the rhyolite has been eroded into a number of roughly north-east trending ridges and depressions
Along the north-east coast of Papa Stour, at Ram's Geo and Doun Hellier, the top of the flow has not been affected by erosion and the original structures of its upper part have been preserved. Here the topmost 10 to 20 ft (3–6 m) of the rhyolite consist of a jumbled mass of greenish-weathered rhyolite blocks and pillow-like ovoids up to 1 ft 6 in (45 cm) in diameter, with the spaces filled with either rhyolitic detritus or a greenish sandy sediment. This rubbly zone is underlain by a 10 ft (3 m) thick zone composed of large pillow-like masses of rhyolite which are up to 6 ft (1.8 m) long and elongated in a north-west to southeast direction. These 'pillows' characteristically have a ropy surface. Below them the rhyolite is massive, purplish-weathering and sparsely porphyritic.
Inter-rhyolitic tuff and agglomerate
The tuff and agglomerate which separates the two rhyolite flows gives rise to spectacular cliff sections at both the Geo of Bordie and Sholma Wick (
The highly irregular rhyolite surface between Shaabergs and Sholma Wick is overlain by agglomerate with irregular bedding and some very large rhyolite blocks, which also contains some thin beds of flaggy sandstone. The agglomerate is coarsest in the eastern part of the section, where it is banked up against the steep erosion surface cutting the rhyolite (p. 163). In the cliff forming the west shore of Sholma Wick
Between Sholma Wick and Lamba Ness the tuff is on average 20 ft (6 m) thick and is composed of dark greenish lapilli-tuff irregularly interbanded with sandstone.
The tuff exposed on the north-east coast at Doun Hellier and Ram's Geo ranges in thickness from 12 to 18 ft (3.6–5.5 m). It is evenly bedded and composed of thin beds of fine-grained tuffaceous sandstone alternating with beds up to 18 in (0.45 m) thick, of agglomerate with rhyolite clasts up to 6 in (15 cm) (and, exceptionally, 2 ft (60 cm)) in size.
Upper rhyolite
The upper flow of rhyolite is strongly banded and, in its eastern outcrop, sparsely porphyritic. It lacks the zones packed with spherical lithophyses, which are characteristic of the lower flow. If the interpretation of the structure shown in
The relatively constant thickness of the Papa Stour rhyolites and their probable wide extent well beyond the limits of the island are features more characteristic of incandescent ash-flow deposits than of acid lavas which consolidated in situ from a molten state. Incandescent ash flow or nuée ardente deposits give rise to welded vitric tuffs and sillars (non-welded vitric tuffs), both of which are generally called ignimbrite (Marshall 1935; Gilbert 1938, p. 1833). Ignimbrites are recognized in thin section by the presence of glass shards and pumice fragments which are flattened and welded to varying degrees, depending on their position within the flow and the temperature of the flow, together with varying proportions of crystal clasts (usually broken and with embayed margins), lithic clasts and interstitial vitric dust (Rast 1962, pp. 97–8). In many of the older ignimbrites the original vitroclastic texture is, however, to some extent obliterated by recrystallization during devitrification, which has led to the formation of crystalline silica and sanidine and to the development of spherulitic and axiolitic textures (Enlows 1955) and of branching plumes of sanidine and tridymite crystallites.
1 |
2 |
SiO2 |
71.23 |
69.12 |
TiO2 |
0.61 |
n.d. |
Al2O3 |
11.08 |
14.55 |
Fe2O3 |
4.18 |
1.70 |
FeO |
0.59 |
0.14 |
MnO |
0.01 |
n.d. |
(Co.Ni)O |
Nil |
n.d. |
MgO |
Nil |
0.52 |
CaO |
0.05 |
1.57 |
BaO |
Nil |
n.d. |
Na2O |
1.80 |
1.27 |
K2O |
8.77 |
10.17 |
H2O >105° |
1.22 |
0.67 |
H2O< 105° |
0.12 |
P2O5 |
0.12 |
0.05 |
CO2 |
0.12 |
n.d. |
FeS2 |
0.43 |
0.12 |
Total |
100.21 |
100.00 |
1 |
2 |
Q |
28.81 |
19.56 |
C |
0.00 |
0.00 |
or |
51.83 |
60.10 |
ab |
8.17 |
10.75 |
an |
0.00 |
3.96 |
ac |
6.22 |
0.00 |
di |
0.00 |
2.72 |
hy |
0.00 |
0.03 |
ol |
0.00 |
0.00 |
mt |
0.17 |
0.45 |
hm |
1.91 |
1.39 |
ilm |
1.16 |
0.00 |
ap |
0.09 |
0.12 |
pr |
0.43 |
0.12 |
Others |
1.42 |
0.79 |
Total |
100.21 |
100.00 |
Q |
32.44 |
21.64 |
or |
58.36 |
66.47 |
ab |
9.20 |
11.89 |
Total |
100.00 |
100.00 |
or |
86.39 |
80.34 |
ab |
13.61 |
14.36 |
an |
0.00 |
5.30 |
Total |
100.00 |
100.00 |
ab |
100.00 |
73.05 |
an |
0.00 |
26.95 |
Total |
100.00 |
100.001. |
The Papa Stour rhyolites are completely devitrified and, if vitroclastic textures were ever present within either of the two flows, they have been obliterated. The feldspar and quartz phenocrysts within the flows are almost invariably unbroken, and there is no noticeable variation of texture within the vertical profile of either flow. The only recognizable glass shards and pumice fragments occur in the tuff bands immediately above the lower flow (S30955)
Finlay (1930, pp. 679–81) has stated that two rock types occur; a compact, highly porphyritic, felsitic type in the south and south-west, and a more vitreous type with platy jointing, 'flow-banding', and spherulitic and lithophysar structures in the north and north-west. This distinction is not true, as spherulitic and strongly banded rhyolites are present in both flows, both in the north and south of the island, and considerable areas with closely packed 'lithophyses' occur in the lower flow at both Cribbie in the north-west and Hamna Voe in the south. Abundant feldspar phenocrysts are confined to the lower flow and plagioclase laths occur only in the eastern part of the island. Porphyritic quartz crystals are present in significant numbers only in the upper flow.
There is a great range in the texture of the groundmass of the rhyolite, and all the main textural types are present in both flows throughout the island. Basically the groundmass consists of minute simple or branching laths or microlites of potash feldspar ( ?sanidine) in a micropoikilitic base of quartz. The size of individual crystals varies greatly and the texture ranges from cryptocrystalline to poikilitic or micropegmatitic with distinct feldspar laths. The feldspars are commonly stained orange by hematite and the micropoikilitic aggregate contains minute grains or needles of iron ore (magnetite) which in many cases form a fibrous or branching network. Interspersed with this aggregate are irregular patches or veinlets of quartz which form either fine-grained mosaics or aggregates of larger irregular crystals which have a shadowy extinction and areas full of minute inclusions (S30698)
The arrangement of the laths or microlites within the quartz base gives rise to a variety of textures. Where the laths are randomly orientated or arranged in plumose branching aggregates, the quartz base commonly forms patches in which the extinction direction is uniform, thus producing a mosaic effect under crossed nicols (S30937)
Individual microlites normally extend from the centre to the periphery of the spherulite. They vary in shape from thin needles to distinct laths with square ends. The outer ends of the laths are euhedral and the laths are slightly uneven in length, forming a finely micropegmatitic intergrowth with the quartz patches adjoining the spherulites (S30931)
Spherulites normally occur in closely packed clusters or irregular bands separated by interstitial areas of coarse or mosaic quartz. The volume percentage of the quartz areas within the rhyolite is very variable, and the banded rhyolites are commonly formed of alternate irregular quartz-rich zones with loosely scattered spherulites and quartz-poor zones with tightly packed spherulites.
Individual bands are 1 to 1.5 mm thick. In all cases examined the banded structures are of secondary origin, and as in many cases the inclination of the banding is at a high angle to the inclination of the rhyolite sheet, it seems unlikely to be connected with true flow banding.
At Cribbie in the north-west of the island and on the north-west shore of Hamna Voe the banded rhyolite contains closely spaced spherical bodies which range in diameter from 1.5 mm to well over 20 mm
The Lower Rhyolite sheet is highly feldspar-phyric throughout, and over the greater part of the island only potash feldspar phenocrysts are present. The latter are generally euhedral, unbroken, and normally range in diameter from 3 to 0.4 mm, the smaller phenocrysts being more or less equidimensional in outline (
Apart from iron ore (magnetite, ilmenite, leucoxene, hematite) the only mafic minerals recorded in the Papa Stour rhyolites are isolated small plates of strongly pleochroic green biotite (S30959)
Specimens from the top of the lower flow are amygdaloidal with the original vesicles elongated possibly parallel to the direction of flow, and filled with mosaic quartz (S30924)
The agglomerate and tuff between the two flows of rhyolite in the northwestern part of the island almost invariably has a sandy matrix. Along the northeast coast, however, the matrix of the tuff is generally fine-grained, locally argillaceous. In some instances it is a non-welded vitric tuff. An example of the latter, from Ram's Geo, north-east of Hoo Field (S30955)
Though the volcanic series of Papa Stour has a number of very gentle flexures its overall disposition is virtually horizontal, as is shown by the fact that the base of the Lower Rhyolite is exposed at intervals all round the shore of the island
Papa Stour is cut by a large number of faults with relatively small throw and a great range of directional trend. The faults with the largest displacement have a north-westerly trend and a downthrow to the north-east, which effectively cancels out the south-westerly or southerly dip of the formations. The most important of the north-west trending faults is that extending from Akers Geo towards Dutch Loch. This has a possible maximum throw of over 200 ft (60 m) at Akers Geo. Due to the very variable thickness of the various groups it is difficult to calculate the throw of any of the faults.
In addition to the faults with discernible displacement there are a number of wide zones which contain numerous sub-parallel near-vertical crush planes, which in the rhyolite and Lower Tuff form zones of weakness along which the geos and extensive caves of the west coast have been excavated.
Mineral veins carrying mainly baryte have been emplaced along a number of these crush belts in the area just north-west of Hamna Voe and on the west coast of Vidra Field.
Geology of Forewick Holm
The small island of Forewick Holm off the south-east coast of Papa Stour
The tuffaceous sediment appears to be cut by two north-north-west trending faults the more easterly of which separates it from rhyolite, which forms the eastern extremity of the Holm. The two formations, which dip at 30° to west-north-west, are probably the equivalents of the tuffaceous sandstone and Lower Rhyolite, which form the East Bigging peninsula of Papa Stour.
BRYAN, W. H. 1965. Spherulites and Allied Structures. Part V. Proc. R. Soc. Queensland, 76, 15–25.
ENLOWS, H. E. 1955. Welded tuffs of Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona. Bull. geol. Soc. Am., 66, 1215–46.
FINLAY, T. M. 1930. The Old Red Sandstone of Shetland. Part II: North-western Area. Trans. R. Soc. Edinb., 56, 671–94.
FLINN, D., MILLER, J. A., EVANS, A. L. and PRINGLE, I. R. 1968. On the age of the sediments and contemporaneous volcanic rocks of western Shetland. Scott. inl Geol., 4, 10–19.
GEIKIE, A. 1879. On the Old Red Sandstone of Western Europe. Trans. R. Soc. Edinb., 28, 345–452.
GILBERT, C. M. 1938. Welded tuff in eastern California. Bull. geol. Soc. Am., 49, 1829–62.
HEDDLE, M. F. 1878. The County Geognosy and Mineralogy of Scotland, Orkney and Shetland. Truro.
MARSHALL, P. 1935. Acid rocks of the Taupo–Rotorua district. Trans. R. Soc. N.Z., 64, 323–66.
PEACH, B. N. and HORNE, J. 1884. The Old Red Volcanic Rocks of Shetland. Trans. R. Soc. Edinb., 32, 359–88.
BAST, N. 1962. Textural evidence for the origin of Ignimbrites. Lpool Manchr geol. 3, 97–108.
SUMMARY OF PROGRESS 1935. Mem. geol. Surv. Gt Br. Summ. Prog. for 1934.