Stephenson, D., Leslie, A.G., Mendum, J.R., Tanner, P.W.G., Treagus, J.E. (Editors) 2013. The Dalradian of Scotland. "Accepted manuscript" version. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association Vol. 124 Issues 1–2
5 Tom Mheadhoin and Doire Ban
J.E. Treagus
Published in: The Dalradian rocks of the central Grampian Highlands of Scotland. PGA 124 (1–2) 2013 Also on NORA
5.1 Introduction
The GCR site at Tom Meadhoin and Doire Ban occupies a summit ridge between Loch Leven and Gleann Righ to the north
The rocks were described in some detail by Bailey (1960), who identified the Tom Meadhoin Antiform as an ‘early’ structure, but a stratigraphical revision was made by Roberts (1976) who also provided the structural detail reported here.
5.2 Description
The stratigraphical succession of this site
The transitional facies from the Binnein Quartzite to the Binnein Schists consists of impure quartzites (commonly cross-bedded) and dark pelite and semipelite (commonly graded), as seen in the Rubha Cladaich GCR site. These lithologies are well seen at the north-eastern end of the antiform
A thin feldspathic quartzite can be traced from the shore at Loch Leven, north-eastwards along the south-east side of the outcrop of the Binnein Quartzite and Binnein Schists on Tom Mheadhoin
The Leven Schists and younger formations to the east and north of the succession described above are not well exposed in the area of this GCR site. However, the Ballachulish Slide, which brings the younger formations (the Ballachulish Limestone, the Ballachulish Slates and the Appin Quartzite) against the Leven Schists can be located within the area. In a gully of a burn draining east from Doire Ban, about
5.3 Interpretation
Perhaps the most important aspects of this GCR site are the re-interpretation of the quartzite of Tom Meadhoin as the Binnein Quartzite, surrounded by the Binnein Schists, and the identification of the dominant structure as an F1 fold core by Roberts (1976). Bailey (1960) had interpreted both this outcrop of quartzite and the quartzite outcrop to its south-east as the Glen Coe Quartzite, occupying two antiformal cores, with a synform in the intervening schists (his Leven Schists). He interpreted the three folds as comprising the upward-facing hinge of the Kinlochleven Anticline, one of the major early recumbent nappes folded into an upright position by the secondary Stob Ban Synform (see the Stob Ban GCR site report). The relations of the S1 penetrative cleavage to bedding seen at this GCR site confirm that the Tom Meadhoin Antiform is indeed a D1structure and a true anticline (Roberts, 1976). However, the quartzite in the fold core on Tom Meadhoin is undoubtedly the Binnein Quartzite, from its clean, white, well-bedded character and its characteristic transition to the Binnein Schists. This revision of the stratigraphy removes the need for the two folds to the south-east of Tom Meadhoin. It also confirms the progressive thinning of the Glen Coe Quartzite from 2 km at its type locality on the south side of Loch Leven, to a few hundred metres north of Mam Gualainn (118 638)
A second important structural observation is that the two NE-plunging folds of the outcrop of the Glen Coe Quartzite on Doire Ban are associated with a crenulation cleavage and are therefore of D2 age in the regional deformation sequence. These folds are subsidary folds to the regional SW-plunging F2 Stob Ban Synform, which crops out to the south-east (see
As Bailey (1960) pointed out, the Ballachulish Slide appears to be contemporary with the early (D1) deformation in this area, which is confirmed by the observations at this GCR site. However, as Bailey also pointed out, the slide must be an original low-angle normal fault rather than a thrust, as it thins the upper limb of a major anticline, the Kinlochleven Anticline. Soper and Anderton (1984) have suggested that such movements may have taken place during sedimentation. Further research at the site might help to shed more light on this problem.
5.4 Conclusions
The Tom Meadhoin and Doire Ban GCR site is of critical importance for the light that it sheds on both stratigraphical and structural arguments in the Dalradian on the west side of the Grampian fold-belt. As well as clarifying the local stratigraphical succession, it enables the dramatic thinning of one formation, the Glen Coe Quartzite, to be reconstructed. It also provides an unusually complete view of the hinge area of one of the major folds of the region, the F1 Kinlochleven Anticline. This fold, which was originally flat-lying, extends over a distance of at least 15 km from Tom Meadhoin eastwards to the River Leven GCR site. A further period of deformation was responsible for the bending of this fold from its original flat-lying attitude into its present upright position and the superimposed structures associated with this D2 event can be well demonstrated. One of the major structural dislocations of the region, the Ballachulish Slide, is contemporary with the earlier folding and is also well seen. This GCR site promises to be important for future investigations of the structure of the region.