Stephenson, D., Leslie, A.G., Mendum, J.R., Tanner, P.W.G., Treagus, J.E. (Editors) 2013. The Dalradian of Scotland. "Accepted manuscript" version. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association Vol. 124 Issues 1–2
7 St John’s Church, Loch Leven
J.E. Treagus
Published in: The Dalradian rocks of the central Grampian Highlands of Scotland. PGA 124 (1–2) 2013 Also on NORA
7.1 Introduction
The St John’s Church GCR site, on the south shore of Loch Leven 1.5 km south-east of the Ballachulish Bridge, provides a rare section across one of the ‘slides’ (synmetamorphic low-angled faults) that are a major feature of the Dalradian in the western part of the Central Grampian Highlands. An Appin Group succession from the lower part of the Leven Schists up to the base of the Appin Quartzite, is exposed across the core of one of the major recumbent nappes of the area, the Ballachulish Syncline; the Ballachulish Slide occurs on the lower limb of this fold. Here the fold core and the slide are turned into a steeply dipping attitude as a result of later folding.
The exposures were described and the structure was illustrated by Bailey (1960, pp. 58–59, figure 7G); Roberts (1976) and Roberts and Treagus (1977b) have described the general context.
7.2 Description
The exposures on the eastern side of the GCR site provide a section from the Ballachulish Slates through transitional beds (the Appin Transition Formation) at the base of the Appin Quartzite, which lies on what was originally the upper limb of the Ballachulish Syncline. To the west, two tectonic junctions bring in respectively, a thin slice of Ballachulish Limestone and the basal facies of the Leven Schists
A group of exposures on the first peninsula on the south-east side of the GCR site (
After a gap of some 50 m, the rocks at the south-eastern end of the second peninsula (
7.3 Interpretation
According to Bailey (1960, pp.55–59) the succession of Ballachulish Slates and the Appin Transition Formation, described above, is corrugated by intermediate-scale folds subsidiary to the Ballachulish Syncline (an F1fold in modern nomenclature). The core of this syncline lies close to the junction of the transitional beds with the Ballachulish Limestone; the Ballachulish Limestone and Leven Schist exposures to the west belong to the lower limb. The minor folds and cleavage/bedding relationships, seen in the section of Ballachulish Slates and transitional beds, certainly show varying vergence directions, suggesting such intermediate-scale folds of perhaps several tens of metres wavelength. S0/S1intersections appear to be parallel to the steeply pitching stretching lineation. However, the D1 age of these structures has not been confirmed in thin section in any of the more-recent studies. In fact the existence of the syncline has not been confirmed in current studies, either from minor folds and cleavage/bedding relationships, or from sedimentary way-up structures, (although the synformal structure is clear from the regional stratigraphical context
According to Bailey (1960) the Ballachulish Syncline, which was originally recumbent, has been rotated into its present steep, NW-dipping, upward- and SE-facing, attitude by the secondary folding of the region. Some of the folds seen in the section described above are associated with a crenulation cleavage, and their south-westerly plunge and ‘Z’ geometry agree with them being F2 folds on the western limb of the major F2 Stob Ban Synform, similar to those described in the Tom Meadhoin and Doire Ban GCR site to the north-east.
Although the junction between the Appin Transition Formation and the Ballachulish Limestone to its west is obscured by a microdiorite dyke, the increase in quartzite content towards the junction certainly supports the concept that this junction is a ‘slide’ (the regional Sgorr a’Choise Slide, a minor branch of the Ballachulish Slide according to Bailey (1960). The axial trace of the Ballachulish Syncline, according to Bailey, lies within the outcrop of the Ballachulish Limestone. Minor folds in this outcrop show reversals of vergence that would be expected in D1 structures.
The junction to the west between the limestone and the few centimetres of quartzitic Leven Schists, does not exhibit the usual transition from metalimestone into the pelitic top of the Leven Schists and according to Bailey represents the Ballachulish Slide on the western limb of the syncline. The exposure of the ‘slide’, although only one metre in length, shows a slight discordance of bedding orientation across it, between the limestone and the flaggy schist
Since the Ballachulish Slide occurs on the lower limb of a once recumbent syncline and involves no repetition of strata, Bailey (1960) noted that it would have to have originated as a low-angle normal fault (i.e. a lag) and not as a thrust as would have been associated traditionally with nappe structures. This is a common occurrence in the nappes of the Central Grampian Highlands and led Soper and Anderton (1984) to suggest that such ‘slides’ might have originated as synsedimentary extensional faults. Further research at this locality might help to resolve this debate.
7.4 Conclusions
The St John’s Church, Loch Leven GCR site contains one of the few exposures across a major dislocation (the Ballachulish Slide) of the type that has disrupted many of the major early folds of the Grampian Fold-belt. These ‘slides’ are of great interest since the faults might have been initiated at the time of sedimentation and developed further during the onset of folding, when they translated the rocks above for many kilometres. The section is well exposed in coastal outcrops that are much visited by student and professional geologists and would benefit from further research.