Stephenson, D., Leslie, A.G., Mendum, J.R., Tanner, P.W.G., Treagus, J.E. (Editors) 2013. The Dalradian of Scotland. "Accepted manuscript" version. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association Vol. 124 Issues 1–2
20 Slatich
J.E. Treagus
Published in: The Dalradian rocks of the central Grampian Highlands of Scotland. PGA 124 (1–2) 2013 Also on NORA
20.1 Introduction
The Slatich GCR site, on the low slopes of middle Glen Lyon, provides exceptional exposures across the hinge-zone of a major F2antiform. It also exhibits minor structures of both the preceding D1phase and the succeeding D3phase. These exposures also give a rare, accessible section across three formations of the Argyll Group, from the calcareous schists of the Ben Lawers Schist Formation up through the Farragon Volcanic Formation into the kyanite-garnet schists of the Ben Lui Schist Formation (Table 1).
The major F2 fold, the Ruskich Antiform, is the correlative of the Ben Lui Fold of the South-west Grampian Highlands, one of the major structures of the Grampian fold-belt. This correlation was first made by Bailey and McCallien (1937) and observations of the minor structures and development of the major structural context have been made by Nell (1984) and by Treagus (1987, 1999).
20.2 Description
The Ruskich Antiform in the area of the GCR site is represented by the zig-zag outcrop pattern of three formations of the Argyll Group, which define its hinge-zone
The Ben Lui Schist can be characterized generally as a semipelitic garnet-quartz-mica schist, alternating with pelites and psammites on scales from centimetres to several metres. The formation is typically garnetiferous but, unusually for the area, also contains local kyanite, best seen in crags around
The principal interest of the site is in the closure of the Farragon Volcanic Formation around the Ben Lui Schist in the core of the Ruskich Antiform
The limb south-east of the hinge is considerably corrugated by co-axial intermediate-scale folds (tens of metres limb length), which are well exposed on the hillside north-east of Slatich, around
20.3 Interpretation
The Ruskich Fold was first recognized by Bailey and McCallien (1937) in their perceptive paper on the Schiehallion–Glen Lyon district. They interpreted the fold as a major primary nappe closure below that of the ‘Iltay Nappe’ (now the Tay Nappe) and thus equivalent to the Ben Lui Fold of the Dalmally district in the South-west Grampian Highlands (Bailey, 1922). However, the fold has been re-interpreted from a subsequent investigation of the associated minor structures by Nell (1984) and Treagus (1987) as a major F2 fold. The dominant penetrative schistosity is axial planar to the abundant minor folds which are sympathetic in vergence to the major fold. This schistosity is associated with the growth of garnet and can be correlated with the S2 fabric, which dominates the pelitic rocks of the South-west and Central Grampian Highlands. Only rare examples of F1 minor folds are seen, such as the isoclinal folds in the finely banded amphibolites of the Farragon Formation, which are clearly refolded by F2 minor folds
It has been confirmed that the Ruskich Fold has a similar geometry and position in the structural pile to the Ben Lui Fold, which has also now been established as a D2 structure by Roberts and Treagus (1975). Although separated by several major, cross-strike faults (Treagus, 1991) the axial traces of the Ruskich and Ben Lui folds have been correlated on the ground (Roberts and Treagus, 1979). The Ruskich Fold can be shown to have been superimposed on major F1 folds related to the early, F1 Tay Nappe, which can be identified in Glen Lyon to the north of this GCR site (Nell, 1984; Treagus, 1987). The fold is seen as a major component of the zone of D2 complication in the Schiehallion area, which marks the northern limit of the dominantly inverted rocks of the Flat Belt to the south.
A further feature of this GCR site, not seen in the Ben Lui area, is the superimposition on the Ruskich Fold of a later fold-set, both intermediate and small scale, with an associated crenulation cleavage. These structures belong to the regional F4 set, related to the major Ben Lawers Fold to the south (Treagus, 1964b) (see the Ben Lawers GCR site report).
20.4 Conclusions
The Slatich GCR site provides a rare example of almost continuous exposure across the hinge-zone of a major fold, the Ruskich Antiform. The fold hinge can be traced from the detailed mapping of three of the principal formations of the Argyll Group in easily accessible exposures on either side of Glen Lyon. Observations of small-scale folds and cleavages have revealed that the major fold belongs to the second (D2) phase of the four important episodes of deformation that affect the Dalradian rocks. Unusually, small-scale folds of the first generation (F1) can also be identified, clearly pre-dating those of the second generation. The second-generation folds themselves have small-scale structures of a still later generation (the regional F4 phase) superimposed upon them. Thus the small-scale structures can be used not only to establish the sequence of deformation events but also to identify the relative age of a major fold. The Ruskich Antiform is equated with the Ben Lui Fold of the Dalmally area (see the Ben Oss GCR site report), and can be followed for several tens of kilometres across the Central Grampian Highlands. It is one of the most significant structures involved in the building of the Grampian Fold Belt.