Stephenson, D., Leslie, A.G., Mendum, J.R., Tanner, P.W.G., Treagus, J.E. (Editors) 2013. The Dalradian of Scotland. "Accepted manuscript" version. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association Vol. 124 Issues 1–2
2 An Suidhe, Kincraig
M. Smith
Published in: The Dalradian rocks of the northern Grampian Highlands of Scotland PGA 124 (1–2) 2013 Also on: NORA
2.1 Introduction
The lithological, metamorphic and structural correlation of the lowest Dalradian rocks of the Northern Grampian Highlands with the Moine Supergroup of the Northern Highlands has long been the subject of considerable debate (see reviews by Harris et al., 1994; Stephenson and Gould, 1995). Of particular importance is the evidence for a major orogenic break at or near the base of the Grampian Group (Piasecki and van Breeman, 1979b, 1983). Recent radiometric studies have confirmed the existence of Neoproterozoic (800–750 Ma) tectonothermal events within both the Moine and the oldest rocks of the Northern Grampian Highlands (Noble et al., 1996; Highton et al., 1999), yet in the higher Grampian, Appin and Argyll group rocks of the Dalradian succession, only Palaeozoic (470–450 Ma) Caledonian events are known (e.g. Rogers and Pankhurst, 1993, Smith et al., 1999). Comparable dating studies now recognize discrete tectonothermal events and it remains one of the key issues of Highland geology to define the limits of these events.
The GCR site at An Suidhe, north-west of Kincraig on Speyside
Importantly, the site is also the type area for a distinctive heterogeneous succession of metasedimentary and meta-igneous rocks including semipelite, psammite, quartzite, metalimestone and amphibolite. This succession, termed the Kincraig Formation, forms the local base to the Grampian Group and separates grey micaceous psammite from variably gneissose and sheared psammite, semipelite and quartzite typical of the sub-Grampian Group basement. The Grampian Shear-zone and dated pegmatites lie beneath this sucession, wholly within the sub-Grampian Group basement. These strata and their contacts, which are well exposed on the SE-facing glaciated crags, small quarries and stream sections south of An Suidhe summit, lie in the core and north-eastern limb of a major refolded fold termed the Leault Antiform
The area was mapped and described briefly during the primary geological survey of the Highlands (Hinxman and Anderson, 1915), but the first detailed description of the area was provided by Piasecki (1980). A useful map and brief descriptions of the outcrops are also included in an excursion guide (Piasecki and Temperley, 1988b). Recent mapping at the 1:10 000 scale by the present author is included in the BGS 1:50 000 Sheet 74W (Tomatin, 2004).
2.2 Description
2.2.1 Lithostratigraphy
The three main lithostratigraphical units distinguished in the An Suidhe area are, in upward succession, the Glen Banchor Subgroup of the Badenoch Group, the Kincraig Formation and the Loch Laggan Psammite Formation (Smith et al., 1999)
The Glen Banchor Subgroup, equivalent to the basement rocks of Piasecki (1980), forms a series of low exposures south-west of Kincraig House and in the birch woods around the Leault Burn
The structurally lowest unit, lying within the core of the Leault Antiform
Immediately north of Badden Cottage
The overlying Kincraig Formation forms the lowest strata assigned to the Grampian Group in the area and comprises in upward succession, calcsilicate rock, quartzite, metalimestone and schistose calcareous semipelite
The Loch Laggan Psammite Formation is well exposed on the south-facing flanks and along the north-trending summit ridge of An Suidhe. The basal facies, approximately 20–30 m thick, comprises medium- to locally coarse-grained, schistose to weakly gneissose semipelite with thin ribs (2–7 cm thick) of micaceous and quartzose psammite in a regular alternating sequence. These striped beds (‘rhythmites’ of Piasecki, 1980) are intruded by a swarm of late- to post-tectonic veins of granite and related quartzofeldspathic pegmatite. Upslope, they pass gradationally into thicker bedded biotite-, quartz- and plagioclase-bearing psammite with thin beds and partings of semipelite bearing pods of calcsilicate rock. A repetitive bed-scale variation in grain size and mica content defines original grading cycles. Combined with evidence for lateral bed amalgamation and channelling, these data indicate that the section is right way up and consistently youngs away from the underlying Glen Banchor Subgroup.
2.2.2 Structure and metamorphism
The An Suidhe GCR site lies within the southern part of a large structural window. The oldest rocks (the Glen Banchor Subgroup) are exposed in the core of this window and contain evidence of an early phase of deformation (D1) associated with amphibolite-facies metamorphic conditions (M1). An early gneissosity (S1), formed by solid-state recrystallization and probably mimetic on the original compositional layering, is defined in semipelite and psammite by coarse-grained mica foliae (melanosomes), which enclose lenticular quartzofeldspathic segregations (leucosomes). The original compositional banding (S0) might be represented within rare intrafolial minor folds but in general, recrystallization and deformation has destroyed the primary fabric.
The overlying Grampian Group strata display evidence for three episodes of deformation (D2, D3 and D4), which also occurred under amphibolite-facies conditions (M2). Bedding (S0), defined by variations in quartz and mica content, is overprinted by the main penetrative schistosity (S2), which in turn forms the second fabric in the Glen Banchor Subgroup rocks. S2, identified by shape-aligned biotite, quartz and plagioclase, varies from parallel to S0 to oblique (locally up to 15°) and is axial planar to a series of gently inclined SW-verging tight minor folds in the Loch Laggan Psammite Formation. On the northern limb of the Leault Anticline, S2 is parallel to or steeper than S0, whereas on the southern limb S2 is consistently shallower than S0 indicating local overturning. S3 is a steeply inclined to asymmetrical SW-verging crenulation cleavage that affects all the strata and is related to the formation of a broad NW-trending antiformal dome structure and sideways-facing minor folds, verging consistently to the south-west. The youngest deformation visible in the area (D4) is expressed as a series of weak open upright antiforms and synforms and associated crenulation fabric that trends north–south and refolds all the earlier structures.
The presence of the Grampian Shear-zone is indicated by a series of narrow zones (a few tens of metres wide) of distributed ductile shear that anastomose throughout the upper parts of the Glen Banchor Subgroup. These zones have gradational boundaries with the enclosing lithologies and are identified by a marked grain-size reduction. The S1gneissosity is reworked into a fine-grained mylonitic and phyllonitic foliation that wraps around subelliptical augen and porphyroblasts of plagioclase and muscovite. A suite of distinctive foliated pegmatitic granite veins (up to 0.5 m thick) are developed impersistently within the zones of most-intense strain.
2.3 Interpretation
Piasecki (1980) originally proposed that the Glen Banchor Subgroup rocks had experienced amphibolite-facies metamorphism and three separate episodes of deformation prior to the deposition of the Grampian Group. He argued that the unconformity subsequently became the focus for ductile shear strain whose effects appear to have decreased with increasing distance from the contact. Both the cover and basement rocks were then deformed by a further three episodes of deformation associated with medium- to low-grade amphibolite- to greenschist-facies metamorphism. This complex history has not been substantiated by subsequent dating studies and the recent survey by the British Geological Survey.
The evidence for an orogenic unconformity can be described in terms of two lines of evidence, stratigraphical omission and tectonometamorphic history. At An Suidhe, the absence of any recognizable strata of the basal Grampian Group (Glenshirra Subgroup), combined with the shallow marine environments represented by the Kincraig Formation, imply a major stratigraphical hiatus, with the development of a shallow marine shelf upon basement. The evidence for an extra phase of deformation (the S1 gneissosity) in the Glen Banchor Subgroup, which is absent from the overlying Grampian Group strata, indicates a structural/metamorphic break and is further supported by two independent radiometric studies.
Firstly, statistical analysis of major- and trace-element data effectively discriminates the An Suidhe metalimestone pods from Appin Group equivalents and establishes their distinctive nature within the Dalradian Supergroup (Thomas and Aitchison, 1998). However, 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios of the carbonate in these metalimestones, which are thought to largely reflect those of the coeval seawater, are consistent with those of younger Appin Group and Islay Subgroup metacarbonate rocks. 87Sr/86Sr in seawater is known to have changed with time and a comparison with published data for limestones of Neoproterozoic age from elsewhere in the world constrains the depositional age of the An Suidhe metalimestones to be less than c. 800 Ma. Hence, on this evidence, the base of the Grampian Group in this area is younger than 800 Ma and possible significantly less (Thomas et al., 2004). Thus the Kincraig Formation was deposited after the Glen Banchor Subgroup rocks were affected by Knoydartian tectonothermal events.
Secondly, elsewhere in the Kincraig area, foliated pegmatitic granite veins and their phyllitic host rock within the Grampian Shear-zone have yielded Rb-Sr muscovite ages in the range 718 ±19 Ma to 573 ± 13 Ma (Piasecki, 1980) and U-Pb ages on monazite of 808 ± 11 Ma (Noble et al., 1996). Reworking of both the earlier mylonitic and gneissose fabrics and the granitic veins by F2folds (e.g. at
Cumulatively, these lines of evidence support the hypothesis of an orogenic unconformity with Precambrian tectonothermal events restricted to the basement.
2.4 Conclusions
The An Suidhe, Kincraig GCR site is a key section in the Northern Grampian Highlands, where the relationships between pre-Dalradian basement rocks (now termed the Glen Banchor Subgroup of the Badenoch Group) and their cover (now assigned to the Corrieyairack Subgroup of the Grampian Group) were first documented. The contact between the two successions is obscured by a basic intrusion and the relationships were controversial for many years. However, recent detailed work on the lithostratigraphy, structure, metamorphism, isotope geochemistry and age dating suggests that the original cover-basement interpretation was correct and that the contact represents not just a stratigraphical and/or structural hiatus, but a major orogenic unconformity of national, if not international importance.
Amphibolite-grade metasedimentary rocks of the ‘basement’ Glen Banchor Subgroup are variably gneissose and locally migmatitic. They preserve at least one phase of deformation that is not seen in the cover rocks and are cut by a major shear-zone that contains syntectonic pegmatitic granites, forming part of a suite whose U-Pb radiometric ages record an 800–750 Ma Precambrian (Knoydartian) tectonothermal event.
The basal part of the Grampian Group records the encroachment over the basement of a distinctive shallow marine sequence with metalimestones, and sedimentary way-up evidence confirms that the succession youngs away from the basement. 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios in the metalimestones are consistent with post c. 800 Ma seawater and hence support the field evidence that deposition of the Grampian Group entirely post-dated the Knoydartian Event.