Stephenson, D., Leslie, A.G., Mendum, J.R., Tanner, P.W.G., Treagus, J.E. (Editors) 2013. The Dalradian of Scotland. "Accepted manuscript" version. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association Vol. 124 Issues 1–2
7 Garva Bridge
S. Robertson
Published in: The Dalradian rocks of the northern Grampian Highlands of Scotland PGA 124 (1–2) 2013 Also on: NORA
7.1 Introduction
The environs of Garva Bridge, in the upper catchment of the River Spey, are the type area for the Glenshirra Subgroup, the oldest part of the Dalradian Supergroup. The sedimentological detail preserved at this GCR site in the lower stretch of the Allt Coire Iain Oig, together with the lithological features observed in the surrounding area, are highly pertinent to interpretations of basin evolution for the lower part of the Grampian Group.
The Glenshirra Subgroup crops out in a near-circular inlier covering approximately 30 km2 and informally referred to as the Glenshirra Dome
The boundary between the Garva Bridge Psammite Formation and the overlying Coire nan Laogh Semipelite Formation of the Corrieyairack Subgroup was recognized as a zone of high strain referred to as the Gairbeinn Slide (Haselock et al., 1982; Okonkwo, 1988). However, recent investigations have concluded that the high strain is focused at the boundary between contrasting lithologies within a conformable succession (Smith et al., 1999). Comparative geochemical studies (Haselock, 1984) and sedimentological analysis (Glover et al., 1995; Glover, 1998; Banks and Winchester, 2004) have emphasized the distinctive immature fluviatile to shallow-marine nature of the Glenshirra Subgroup, which is in sharp contrast to the deeper marine, turbiditic nature of the succeeding Corrieyairack Subgroup. Banks and Winchester (2004) identified this change in sedimentary environment as a sharp sequence boundary, recording a major reorganization of basin architecture. They considered this to be so significant as to warrant elevation of the Glenshirra sequence from subgroup to group status. However, this has not been adopted in this special issue.
7.2 Description
The Garva Bridge Psammite Formation consists mainly of psammite with lesser amounts of micaceous psammite and thin beds of semipelite. The formation is well exposed in the north bank tributaries to the River Spey, including the Allt Coire Iain Oig and Allt a’ Ghamnha, and in hillside exposures around Gairbeinn
The formation comprises two lithological associations; a psammite association that occurs near the base of the succession and a heterolithic association of psammite, micaceous psammite and semipelite. The heterolithic association is dominant and, while it occurs both above and below the psammite association, it broadly overlies the psammite association; the relationships are well exposed in the Allt Coire Iain Oig section [NN 519 979 to]
Rocks of the psammite association are typically pink and range from well bedded with cross-bedding in the Allt a’ Ghamnha section
The heterolithic association in the Allt Coire Iain Oig shows interdigitation of psammite, micaceous psammite and semipelite on centimetre to metre scales
The Gairbeinn Pebbly Psammite Member is restricted to the north-western part of the Glenshirra Dome and is best seen on the slopes of Gairbeinn
The Garva Bridge Psammite Formation thickens markedly towards the north-west. This is largely a result of the much greater thickness of the psammite association and is enhanced by the spatial restriction of the pebbly psammite member referred to above. The heterolithic association generally overlies the psammite association, albeit with some possible interdigitation in the south-east.
The contact between the Gairbeinn Pebbly Psammite Member and the overlying Coire nan Laogh Semipelite Formation is almost continuously exposed along the eastern slopes of Gairbeinn
Deformation and amphibolite-facies metamorphic recrystallization are variably intense. The succession is generally the right way up, although SE-verging small-scale fold structures are present locally, and a SW-closing and SE-verging medium-scale reclined fold-pair in the Creag Mhor area
Structures related to three phases of deformation can be recognized across the area. An intense schistosity is developed parallel to bedding planes in micaceous lithologies during the D1 phase and, although no discrete F1 folds have been recognized, this bedding-parallel schistosity is crenulated in the hinge-zone of F2 folds. The majority of the minor F2 folds have a consistent south-easterly vergence; where abundant as on Creag Mhor, the F2 folding is accompanied by intense crenulation of the S1 schistosity. These crenulations, and a rodding in quartzofeldspathic segregations, give rise to a prominent L2 lineation; the dominant planar schistosity is probably in reality a composite D1-D2 structure and lies parallel to lithological layering. The shape of the Glenshirra Dome is controlled by a major antiformal F3 fold. Minor open folds of probable D3 age occur at
7.3 Interpretation
A combination of lithological associations, bedforms and sedimentary structures, albeit modified by deformation and metamorphic recrystallization, allow an interpretation of the depositional environment of the Glenshirra Subgroup. Cross-bedding within the psammite association demonstrates that these strata were deposited largely from traction-dominated currents. The stacking of sandstone bodies, each comprising thinning upward sets, is consistent with deposition as bedforms and barforms within a fluvial setting. The absence of intervening primary mud deposition suggests little preservation of overbank material. This could have been due either to a braided-river environment or the lack of vegetation available in the Neoproterozoic to bind overbank material.
The variety of sedimentary structures in the heterolithic association, including ripple cross-lamination and cross-bedding, scour and gutter casts, hummocky cross-stratification, convolute laminations and local normally graded bedding point to deposition in a shallow-marine storm-influenced environment. The cleaning and muddying upward cycles are interpreted as having been controlled by changes in relative sea level (Glover, 1998).
The depositional environment of the Gairbeinn Pebbly Psammite Member cannot be well constrained because of the absence of well-preserved sedimentary structures. It is inferred to have been dominantly fluvial, with the muddy pebbly rocks possibly the product of mass flow rather than traction (Glover, 1998).
The overall geometry of the depositional basin
The overall evolution of the Glenshirra Subgroup is interpreted as a gradual north-westwards backstepping of fluvial facies and a concomitant increase in the distribution of shallow-marine sedimentation (Glover, 1998) with a renewed phase of more-extensive fluvial deposition close to the top of the formation.
The abrupt change from psammites that represent fluvial deposits to semipelite derived from muddy sediments at the base of the Coire nan Laogh Semipelite Formation, is interpreted as representing a major basin-flooding event (Banks and Winchester, 2004). This starved the basin of coarse clastic material and led to the deposition of offshore mud. Progressive basin deepening led to the onset of deposition by turbidity currents in the upper part of the formation. Quartz-rich lenses near the base of the semipelite may represent reworking of the underlying originally sandy deposits in an offshore environment.
7.4 Conclusions
The Garva Bridge GCR site represents the original type-area for the Glenshirra Subgroup and preserves evidence relating to the depositional environment and basin geometry of the lowest exposed part of the Dalradian succession. The combination of lithological associations and sedimentary structures in the Garva Bridge Psammite Formation demonstrate that fluvial sediments passed laterally to the south-east into shallow-marine, storm-influenced sediments. Through time, the area of fluvial deposition back-stepped towards the north, to be replaced by more-extensive shallow-marine deposition. A major flooding event marked by an abrupt change of lithology at the base of the Coire nan Laogh Semipelite Formation cut off the sand-grade sediment supply. This was probably related to basin deepening, which resulted in the onset of deposition from turbidity currents.