Stephenson, D., Leslie, A.G., Mendum, J.R., Tanner, P.W.G., Treagus, J.E. (Editors) 2013. The Dalradian of Scotland. "Accepted manuscript" version. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association Vol. 124 Issues 1–2
8 Rubha na Magach
C.J. Banks
Published in: The Dalradian rocks of the northern Grampian Highlands of Scotland PGA 124 (1–2) 2013 Also on: NORA
8.1 Introduction
The Grampian Group rocks that underlie much of the Northern Grampian Highlands have been divided by Harris et al. (1994) into the Glenshirra (oldest), Corrieyairack and Glen Spean (youngest) subgroups. The Corrieyairack Subgroup attains its greatest thickness (c. 5.5 km) in the area surrounding Loch Laggan
Clean water-washed sections on the north shore of Loch Laggan at Rubha na Magach, provide some of the most informative exposures of the Loch Laggan Psammite Formation, which account for some 3.6 km thickness of the Corrieyairack Subgroup. Details of primary sedimentological features are commonly preserved in the micaceous psammites and semipelites of this formation, despite simple upright F2 folding and the effects of metamorphic recrystallization under amphibolite-facies conditions (c. 500–600°C, 5–8 kbar, Phillips et al., 1999). Sedimentological analysis of excellent exposures in an area of low tectonic strain at Rubha na Magach allows characterization of the depositional systems for the postulated basin depocentre.
The exposures at Rubha na Magach
8.2 Description
The Loch Laggan Psammite Formation comprises grey psammite and micaceous psammite with subordinate thin semipelite. These lithologies occur in the form of massive and graded beds. The graded bedding and several observation of cross-lamination indicate that the formation is the right way up.
The most-informative localities can be seen on the Rubha na Magach promontory
The most-common sedimentary structure is normal grading. Recrystallization during metamorphism has affected the mineralogy and grain size so that original grading is defined by an upward increase in mica content. Psammitic beds consequently have a pseudo-coarsening-upward appearance as they grade into semipelite. Most psammitic beds have graded tops but some massive psammite does occur. A discontinuous planar lamination is also very common and is usually confined to the micaceous psammites.
Climbing ripple (ripple-drift) cross-lamination is beautifully preserved in the micaceous psammites at Rubha na Magach
Convolute lamination can be viewed where thick psammite beds overlie originally planar-laminated micaceous psammite
Low-angle scours that cut off the underlying sedimentary structures occur in a number of places and many beds have a very sharp base. The scours are also marked in places by lines of rip-up clasts. Small rip-up clasts, 5-10 cm long and several centimetres thick, have been found at
Okonkwo (1985) noted a common repetitive sequence of sedimentary structures, similar to that reported by Bouma (1962) for the deposits of turbidity currents. Okonkwo (1985) described a basal massive sandy layer overlain in turn by a lower planar laminated horizon, then a cross-laminated horizon, then an upper planar laminated horizon and finally by a mud corresponding respectively to the Ta, Tb, Tc, Td and Te divisions of the Bouma sequence (Bouma, 1962).
Two principal lithofacies associations are present at Rubha na Magach and are shown in the sedimentary logs of
These localities have several other notable features. Prominent white calcsilicate pods, originally diagenetic calcareous concretions, have the assemblage garnet-hornblende-clinozoisite-andesine-quartz, thus indicating that amphibolite-facies conditions were attained during regional metamorphism (Winchester, 1974). The metasedimentary rocks are cut by several suites of pegmatitic veins and felsic dykes (the Loch Laggan Vein-complex), some of which are quite spectacular, as in the road cuttings at
8.3 Interpretation
The abundant sedimentary structures in the psammites and micaceous psammites suggest deposition by high-energy, fast-flowing and turbulent currents. In contrast, the semipelitic lithologies suggest a quieter environment of deposition dominated by the settling out of suspended fine sediment. These interpretations, along with the identification of Bouma sequences, support the interpretation of Okonkwo (1985), that these sediments were deposited by turbidity currents.
The grain size of the original sediment (sand to mud grade) and the sedimentary structures present are consistent with a turbidity current origin. The thicker bedded, coarser grained lithofacies association represents relatively high-density, sand-laden turbidity currents and possible tractional processes. As these high-density turbidity currents could scour the existing substrate and deposit sand on top of it, the resultant beds are sharp based and commonly show amalgamation with the underlying sand beds. Rapid deposition is suggested at Rubha na Magach by scouring, rip-up clasts and convoluted lamination. The overlying, thinner bedded and muddier lithofacies association was deposited by much less-dense turbidity flows. Between periods of turbidity flow, periods of quiescence allowed sediment to fall out of suspension and form a silt or mud layer (now semipelite).
Glover (1989) and Glover et al. (1995) assigned these metasedimentary rocks to more-specific turbidite elements (sensu Mutti and Normark, 1987) and concluded that the Loch Laggan Psammite Formation represents an inner fan channel system. Mutti and Normark (1987), comparing multiple examples of ancient and modern turbidite successions, decribed similar lithofacies associations to the Loch Laggan Psammite Formation in channel systems where erosional and depositional processes took place. Such channels acted as conduits for powerful high-density turbidity currents, such as those inferred here for the thicker lithofacies association in the Loch Laggan Psammite Formation. More-dilute and less-powerful flows dominated the inter-channel areas. Inter-flow times were marked by a laterally persistent mud blanket (semipelite). Thus, in broad agreement with Glover et al. (1995), the lithofacies associations observed at Rubha na Magach are interpreted here as inner fan in-channel- and channel-related deposition. The complex channel systems were of mixed erosional–depositional type.
8.4 Conclusions
Rubha na Magach is a nationally important site for its excellent exposures of Neoproterozoic turbiditic sequences in the Grampian Group. These are the most-instructive exposures of the Loch Laggan Formation, the dominant formation of the Corrieyairack Subgroup and are particularly important in developing an understanding of the overall palaeo-environment of the basin depocentre, which was situated in the Loch Laggan area. The more-typical complex deformation and metamorphism of the Northern Grampian Highlands are less well developed here, enabling the application of sedimentological techniques that are more readily applied to undeformed Phanerozoic successions.
A vertical sequence of sedimentary structures, comparable with that of Bouma (1962), is well preserved. This consists of a basal massive division (Ta) overlain in turn by a lower planar-laminated division (Tb), a cross-laminated division (Tc), an upper planar-laminated division (Td) and is capped by semipelite (mud, Te). The preservation of rip-up clasts, scours and the sharp-based nature of the beds indicate that these turbiity currents were of very high density and it is concluded that the Loch Laggan Psammite Formation was deposited by turbidity currents in a sub-marine channel system.