Stephenson, D., Leslie, A.G., Mendum, J.R., Tanner, P.W.G., Treagus, J.E. (Editors) 2013. The Dalradian of Scotland. "Accepted manuscript" version. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association Vol. 124 Issues 1–2
8 Bridge of Brown
J.R. Mendum
Published in: The Dalradian rocks of the north-east Grampian Highlands of Scotland. PGA 124 (1–2) 2013 Also on NORA
8.1 Introduction
The river section at Bridge of Brown, on the A939 between Tomintoul and Grantown-on-Spey, provides one of the few coherent sections through the transition from the Grampian Group up into the Appin Group. The section spans the uppermost psammite and quartzite units of the Grampian Group, the interbedded psammites, semipelites and highly calcareous semipelites of the Lochaber Subgroup, and lower Ballachulish Subgroup metalimestone, calcareous semipelite, and graphitic pelite–semipelite units. Within the Lochaber Subgroup is a distinctive gneissose kyanite-garnet-muscovite-biotite semipelite unit that can be traced northwards as far as the Banffshire Coast. The sequence is deformed but no evidence is seen for a major slide, such as occurs at this stratigraphical level in the Schiehallion and Glen Tilt areas of Perthshire to the south-west.
The Bridge of Brown GCR site is complementary to the adjacent Bridge of Avon GCR site in that it extends the stratigraphical section down through the lower part of the Appin Group and into the Grampian Group. It also continues the structural cross-section to a lower level. The bedding dips moderately to the south-south-east throughout the section and, although minor folds are seen locally, there is no evidence for significant fold repetition or inverted bedding. Similarly, although the bedding appears to be somewhat attenuated, lineations and strong planar fabrics are conspicuously absent. The transition from the thick, competent, lithologically relatively uniform, psammite-dominated Grampian Group to the mixed pelite–metalimestone–quartzite Appin Group sequence must act as a focus for enhanced deformation. An early slide is interpreted to lie at or near the base of the Ballachulish Subgroup over much of the Glenlivet district to the south but in the Burn of Brown section only a small part of the stratigraphy appears to be excised. South of the Cairngorm Granite Pluton, ductile sliding is focussed along the Grampian–Appin group boundary (see the Glen Ey Gorge and Gilbert’s Bridge GCR site reports) and farther north around Ben Rinnes mylonitic rocks are also developed at this level. On the Banffshire Coast section, west of Sandend a stratigraphical transition is well seen (see the Cullen to Troup Head GCR site report), but there the Lochaber Subgroup is abnormally thick.
The Bridge of Brown area was originally mapped by L.W. Hinxman during the primary geological survey but was not deemed worthy of particular mention in the Sheet 75 memoir (Hinxman, 1896). The area was remapped by the Geological Survey as part of the revision of the bedrock geology of the Glenlivet district (1:50 000 Sheet 75W, Glenlivet, 1996) and that work forms the basis for this account.
8.2 Description
The Burn of Brown flows through a narrow incised gorge, where the original, General Wade road crossed the burn; the more-recent road bridges occur a few hundred metres downstream
8.2.1 Stratigraphy
The Grampian Group rocks are seen near the ruin of Blàr an Lochain
Just below Bridge of Brown, flaggy, thinly bedded to laminated semipelite and micaceous psammite become dominant and constitute the basal Lochaber Subgroup unit, the Dalvrecht Slate Formation. These rocks have a strong penetrative planar fabric and a slaty parting. In thin section they contain quartz, plagioclase feldspar, muscovite and biotite, with garnet common in parts. The abundant micas define three separate cleavages in some of the specimens. Thin bands of calcsilicate rock are also present. Between the present bridge and the Wade bridge greenish grey micaceous and highly micaceous psammites with minor calcsilicate-rock bands crop out. They pass upstream into flaggy, sparsely garnetiferous, micaceous psammites with thin siliceous psammite interbeds. Calcsilicate-rock bands are common and quartz veins are present. The Dalvrecht Slate Formation is some 120 m thick here.
Upstream the beds become grey-green in colour and consist of thinly bedded but lithologically more-uniform, calcareous semipelite and highly micaceous psammite with abundant lenses of white and green calcareous quartzite. Locally the calcsilicate-rock lenses overgrow bedding features showing that they were formed during diagenesis or perhaps even later. In parts darker green amphibolitic beds (originally marls) are seen. These calcareous units constitute the Fodderletter Calcareous Flag Formation. In thin section the calcsilicate rocks contain much tremolite but relict diopside is present locally. At
8.2.2 Structure
The Grampian and Appin group units form an ordered succession that dips between 20 and 45° to the south-east. Although minor folding has duplicated the succession locally, the sequence is essentially right way up and youngs to the south-east
Although minor folds are rare in the Lochaber Subgroup rocks, several cleavage generations can be recognized in hand specimen and in thin section these show discordant relationships. In the laminated psammite-semipelite units of the Dalvrecht Slate Formation, an early fine-scale mica cleavage, S1, is preserved locally in the 0.5 to 2 mm microlithons between the dominant spaced muscovite-rich lamellae that form the main S2 spaced/crenulation cleavage. In some specimens a later cleavage, defined by muscovite laths, lies markedly discordant to the earlier fabrics. This S3 cleavage can relate to open to close minor folds. Generally all three cleavages dip more steeply than bedding. Garnets, where present, contain inclusion trails of the S1 cleavage and apparently pre-date the S2 cleavage. In the more-slaty units, by Bridge of Brown, minor F4 kink folds are also sparsely developed. Recorded F4 axes plunge gently east and south-west.
Peak metamorphic conditions were attained during the D2 deformation, and in this area they reached temperatures of 620 to 650°C and pressures of 8 to 8.5 kbar (Beddoe-Stephens, 1990). These conditions lie close to the upper limits of the lower amphibolite facies.
8.3 Interpretation
The Grampian Group rocks represent shallow-marine shelf-sands and subsidiary silts with material being repeatedly reworked. The presence of cross-bedding and slump structures attests to the presence of strong currents and at least locally, relatively rapid deposition. The transition to Appin Group rocks is marked by the incoming of more-intermixed psammite and semipelite and calcareous lithologies that make up the Lochaber Subgroup. It signifies basin shallowing and regression in this area with some possible emergent areas, although in the Northern Grampian Highlands, Banks (2005) has suggested that the semipelitic and pelitic elements represented more-distal deposition during a moderate transgression. The quartzitic units are interpreted as a product of reworking of the underlying succession, rather than input of additional sand material. The Fireach Beag Kyanite Gneiss, which forms a marker unit, represents aluminous mud and silt, possibly representing input of tropically weathered material derived from the nearby source area.
Elsewhere in the Dalradian succession, block uplift appears to have created local unconformities in the Lochaber Subgroup succession, and in extreme cases the entire subgroup is absent (see Treagus et al., 2013). Although the presence of gaps in the succession at Bridge of Brown cannot be ruled out, there is no evidence for significant gaps in the lithostratigraphy. The Fodderletter Calcareous Flag Formation occupies a similar position in the stratigraphy to the Leven Schist Formation of Glen Spean and Appin and the Baddoch Burn Striped Pelite of Glen Shee. It presages the incoming of the Ballachulish Subgroup, indicative of a more-widespread transgression that covered most of the upstanding blocks (Banks, 2005).
The Grampian–Appin group boundary throughout much of Perthshire is marked by a zone of very highly attenuated Appin and Argyll group rocks that form a major NNW-verging D2 shear-zone, termed the 'Boundary Slide' (see the Allt Druidhe, Strath Fionan, Gilbert’s Bridge and Glen Ey Gorge GCR site reports). In those areas, the position of the slide might also reflect an original unconformity or a basement lineament. The tectonics of the North-east Grampian Highlands are somewhat different and shear-zones are found within several parts of the Grampian, Appin and Argyll group succession, mostly reflecting thrusting to the north-west during the major Grampian D2 event. Although the Grampian–Appin group boundary does represent a major lithological competence contrast, it is not coincident with a single, laterally continuous major shear-zone and in many places, particularly towards the north coast, there is no shearing or dislocation at all. At Bridge of Brown, although there is evidence of increased strain and even localized shearing in the Lochaber Subgroup rocks, no specific Boundary Slide-type structure is present.
8.4 Conclusions
The Bridge of Brown GCR site demonstrates the transitional nature of the contact between Grampian Group and Appin Group strata in the North-east Grampian Highlands. Here, there is no major shear-zone or dislocation at this junction, in marked contrast to the situation in Perthshire, where the Boundary Slide is recognized.
Structurally the rocks are relatively simple in that the succession dips moderately to the south-east and the beds become younger in that direction. The Grampian Group rocks are psammites and subsidiary semipelites that show cross-bedding and slump structures indicative of shallow-marine shelf deposition. Where lithologies are mixed, two sets of folds and related cleavages are developed. They pass upwards into thinly interbedded psammites and semipelites with thin quartzites that mark the lowest beds of the Lochaber Subgroup. These beds are attenuated and show evidence of three cleavages and increased strain. They are succeeded upwards by calcareous semipelites and micaceous psammites with abundant bands and lenses of calcsilicate rock, minor graphitic pelite and some thin quartzite beds. These lithologies show very little internal structural complication but they do contain a prominent massive gneissose kyanite-muscovite-biotite-garnet semipelite unit that can be recognized as a marker bed in several parts of the North-east Grampian Highlands.
This site is complementary to the Bridge of Avon GCR site, which effectively extends the cross-section to the south-east. It also provides an important reference site between the complex geometry of the Boundary Slide in Perthshire and the enhanced stratigraphical sequence of the Banffshire Coast.