Peach, B.N. and Horne, J. 1899. The Silurian rocks of Britain. Volume 1. Scotland. Glasgow. HMSO for Geological Survey. Grid references have been added for GeoGuide. They should be regarded as approximate "in the region of..."
Chapter 13 The Northern Belt — continued. Arenig, Llandeilo, and Caradoc formations in the district between Wrae, Peeblesshire, and the Lammermuir Hills.
A belt of Caradoc strata extending down Tweeddale from Glencotho and Wrae, by Drummelzier and Stobo Castle, to Hamilton Hill and Winkston, north of Peebles (Sheet 24 of the Survey Map), is of special interest, not only on account of the presence of fossiliferous limestone and conglomerate, but also from the occurrence of a remarkable series of interbedded lavas and tuffs, which, as shown in Chapter 4, differ in certain aspects from the earlier volcanic rocks of Arenig time. That these igneous materials were undoubtedly contemporaneous with their associated strata is proved by their relation to the fossiliferous limestones and conglomerates and by the occurrence of fossils in calcareous volcanic tuff. This development of volcanic activity during Caradoc time seems, however, to have been comparatively local, for though the distance between Glencotho and Winkston is only about fifteen miles, the lavas and tuffs have not been traced continuously between these points. Neither have they been found elsewhere throughout the Caradoc strata of the Southern Uplands, save in a few instances in the Sang uhar and Leadhills district.
The fossiliferous limestones, conglomerates, and contemporaneous volcanic rocks are associated with a prominent band of shales and slates, admirably displayed in the Stobo slate quarries. In these excavations a small arch of Hartfell black shales appears and reveals the fossils of Pleurograptus linearis zone. The occurrence there of the highest sub-zone of the Hartfell black shales helps to confirm the correlation of the Stobo Slates and Lowther Shales with the Barren Mudston es of the Moffat region. Hence the boundary marking the northern base-line of the Llandovery Rocks in Sheet 24 has been drawn along the southern limit of this belt of strata.
In the following paragraphs, we shall first describe the development of fossiliferous limestones, conglomerates, and contemporaneous volcanic rocks between Wrae and Winkston, and proceed thereafter to indicate their relations to the Stobo slates and Hartfell black shales.
Wrae Quarries. — On the eastern slope of Wrae Hill
At the 1000-feet contour line the lower limestone quarry has been excavated for a distance of 30 yards along, and about 20 yards across, the strike. The higher portion of the quarry is covered with debris, but in the centre an excellent section shows the relations of the lavas and tuffs to the slates, and the presence of fossiliferous limestone in the tuff. Beginning at the north side, we find blue and grey slates protruding through the turf, and close to the north edge of the quarry, dipping to the N.N.W. at high angles. Southwards these slates are succeeded by 18 feet of grey tuff, in which the fossiliferous limestone nodules are embedded. Part of this tuff is coarse, with recognisable fragments of soda-felsite, while other partslare comparatively fine., composed largely of lapilli of soda-felsite lying in a calcareous matrix. A remarkable feature or, the rock is the mode of occurrence of its included limestone, in the form of nodules, lenticles, and oval masses, which are not cleaved. Many of these are fossiliferous; some being abundantly charged with encrinites, others with trilobites, brachiopods, &c. This tuff is succeeded by grey slates with thin intercalations of fine tuff. In the centre of the quarry two bands of fine-grained vesicular lava are separated by a thin parting of grey slate — the bands measuring two feet and four feet thick respectively. They are followed by grey calcareous tuff. Southwards the section is obscured by debris, but at the southern edge cleaved slaggy lava and tuff appear.
The higher limestone quarry is in reality an excavation of the rocks much in the same line of strike as that of the lower; the tuff with limestone bands and nodules occurs on the south side, while the centre and north side are occupied by slates. An important section is displayed by the side of the old roadway leading from the Old Limekiln to this' quarry. On the west side of the path grey and blue slates, dipping south-eastwards at high angles, are followed by a bed of fine-grained soda-felsite-lava, forming a prominent rib which extends down the slope into the lower quarry and up the slope in a westerly direction. Under the microscope this rock No. (S7199) shows "phenocrysts of felspar, probably anorthoclase. Groundmass spotted in ordinary light, finely crystalline with small microliter of felspar". By the side of the road this lava-flow is from eight to ten feet thick, but it gradually widens when traced up the slope, and becomes more vesicular. Eastwards, on the farther side of a talus of debris, an exposure of tuff with calcareous nodules is visible also on the south side of the quarry. At this point the following fossils were collected during the visit of the Geological Survey in 1896, viz.: Lingula attenuata, Strophomena grandis, Discina perrugata, Illaenus Bowmani, and Sphaerexochus mirus.
Westwards from the limestone quarries, the volcanic tuff can be traced for a distance of about 300 yards to a point near a stone fence, where it has been excavated for dyke-building. Midway between these localities, a section visible in a small quarry-hole shows cleaved slaggy lava and tuff with slates and breccia containing some volcanic material. Nodules of limestone occur in the tuff, one of which yielded an Orthoceras.
The following list of fossils from the limestone and tuff at Wrae and Drummelzier
Glyptocrinus basalis (M'Coy.)
Crinoid stems.
Asaphus sp.
Cheirurus sp.
Illaenus Bowmani (Salt.)
Illaenus Davisi, var. B. involutus (Salt.)
Sphaerexochus mirus (Beyr.)
Discina perrugata (M'Coy.)
Discina sp.
Leptaena (Plectambonites) transversalis (Wahl.)
Lingula attenuata (Sow.)
Lingula longissima (Pand.)
Orthis actoniae (Sow.)
Orthis calligramma (Dalm.)
Orthis sowerbyana (Dav.)
Cyclonema sp.
Cyrtoceras scoticum (Blake.)
Orthoceras arevoliratum (Hall.)
Orthoceras sp.
The volcanic zone has not been observed in place west of the stone fence on Mossfennan Brae, but as blocks of tuff occur on the west slope of that hill the rock may not improbably be in situ somewhere on that hill.
Glencotho. —
The eastmost quarry affords clear evidence of the association of the limestone with volcanic tuff. At the southern edge of the quarry grey calcareous tuff is seen resting on a tolerably solid mass of limestone, underlain by tuff with limestone nodules and at the northern limit of the quarry by tuff. The total thickness of beds, which there dip to the S.S.E. at high angles, is 38 feet. Here the tuff contains blocks and lapilli of soda-felsite, embedded in a calcareous matrix. Not far to the south fine-grained lava protrudes through the turf, followed on the south-east side by tuff with limestone lenticles and nodules. The lapilli in the tuff are highly vesicular and are set in a matrix of crystalline calcite.
About 100 yards to the south of the eastmost quarry, an interesting section is visible in the streamlet that drains into the Glencotho Burn. At the south or upper limit of the volcanic series, grits and shales are faulted against a fine-grained lava (soda-felsite) with phenocrysts of felspar in a grey matrix. Northwards this bed of lava is followed by grey shales and greywackes with thin bands of tuff. Again, the westmost quarry supplies an excellent section of calcareous tuff, which can be followed south-westwards along the slope overlooking the Glencotho Burn, where it appears to occupy two separate folds. The following list of fossils has been obtained from the solid limestone and nodules in the tuff:
Crinoid stems.
Glyptocrinus basalis (M'Coy.)
Illaenus (young of)
Phacops alifrons (Salt.)
Sphoerexochus mirus (Beyr.)
Discina sp.
Lingula attenuata (Sow.)
Leptaena sericea (Sow.)
Leptaena sp.
Orthis actoniae (Sow.)
Orthis biforata (Schl.)
Orthis calligramma (Dalm.)
Meristella (Whitfieldia) tumida (Dalm.)
Triplesia incerta (Dav.)
Modiolopsis orbicularis (?) (Sow.)
Orthonota undata (?) (Sow.)
Cyclonema (?)
Bellerophon (Euomphalus) sculptus (Sow.)
Holopea concinna (M'Coy.)
Lituites (Trocholites) coornu-arietes (Sow.)
Loxonema sp.
Orthoceras pendens (Blake.)
Orthoceras sp.
Drummelzier. — The volcanic zone of Wrae and Glencotho is prolonged to the east side of the valley of the Tweed, where, south from the Old Castle of Drummelzier
The calcareous tuff is succeeded southwards by shaly greywackes and shales which dip to the S.S.E. About 45 yards to the south of the quarry, a brecciated grit, resembling that in one of the Wrae quarries, appears. By means of various exposures the volcanic ash can be traced along the hill elope to the north-east for a distance of three-quarters of a mile from the westmost quarry.
The tract along which these contemporaneous volcanic rocks have been followed between Glencotho and Drummelzier is about four and a half miles in length. Beyond it to the north-east, for a distance of about seven miles, no trace of them has been observed, save in certain exposures of grit in the Stobo slate quarries, which contain fragmental volcanic material. They reappear, however, on Hamilton Hill to the north of Peebles.
Hamilton Hill, Peebles. — This locality is situated about a mile and a half to the N.N.W. of Peebles on the west side of the Eddleston Valley. A road skirting the hill about the level of the 1000-feet contour line, leads to a slate quarry on the northeast declivity about 200 yards distant from the gateway bounding the cultivated ground
About 150 yards further to the west, another small excavation has been opened in a band of grit, containing large fragments of black shale — one over a foot across — from which the following fossils were collected: Climacograptus bicornis, C. caelatus var. antiqius, C. Schärenbergi, Dicranograptus ramosus, Diplograptus foliaceus, Obolella.
This part of the hill slope is strewn with fragments of black cherty shales, from which the late Mr. Robert Mathieson obtained specimens of Diplograptus rugosus and Discina Portlocki. These fragments may probably indicate the occurrence of an outcrop of black cherty shales in this portion of Hamilton Hill which is concealed by the turf.
In a W.S.W. direction across Hamilton Hill, slaggy lava, likewise of the type of the soda-felsites, occurs apparently on three separate folds. Of these the most important is that seen on the north-west slope just within the cultivated ground and about a mile and a half S.S.E. from Upper Kidston Farmhouse. Here the outcrop of, lava, about 20 yards broad, is bounded on the south side by grey shales, striking E. 20° N. and nearly vertical, while on the north side oval masses and fragments of fossiliferous limestone are in contact with and even included in the lava. On the latter side also, pebbly grit with small nodules of limestone, occurs close to the soda-felsite. Under the microscope, the volcanic rock, containing angular fragments of white crystalline marbly, shows "phenocrysts of an acid plagioclase and probably also sanidine in a ground-mass of microlitic felspars. The calcareous grit, on the north side, is full of fragments of lava, which, under the microscope, are identical with and closely allied to the adjoining rock in the quarry.
Several blocks of limestone were observed in a stone fence bounding this field, and from these blocks the following; collection of fossils was chiefly obtained:
Crinoid stems.
Cheirurus bimucronatus (Murch.)
Cheirurus gelasinosus (Portl.)
Sphcerexochus mirus (Beyr.)
Discina perrugata (M'Coy.)
Discina sp.
Lingula attenuata (Sow.)
Lingula Ramsayi (Salt.)
Obolella or Kutorgina.
Siphonotreta micula (M'Coy.)
Leptaena sericea (Sow.)
Meristella (Whitfieldia) tuntida (Dalm.)
Orthis actoniae (Sow.)
Orthis calligramma (Dalm.)
Orthis sowerbyana (Dav.)
Orthis vespertilio (Sow.)
Orthis sp.
Orthis like girvanensis (Dav.)
Strophomena deltoidea (Corr.)
Winkston. —
In the old quarry the calcareous breccia dips to the S.S.E. about 60°. Here, after a careful search for fossils during a recent visit of the Geological Survey, the species were obtained that are given in the following list. The smaller limestone nodules consist mainly of a mass of encrinites, the larger blocks yield forms similar to those at Wrae and Glencotho:
Favosites cristatus (Blum.)
Turrilepas sp.
Cheirurus bimucronatus (Murch.)
Illaenus Bowmani (Salt.)
Discina perrugata (M'Coy.)
Lingula attenuata (Sow.)
Lingula Ramsayi (Salt.)
Lingula sp.
Leptaena (Plectambonites) transversalis (Wahl.)
Leptaena quinquecostata (M'Coy.)
Leptaena (Plectambonites) sericea (Sow.)
Meristella (Whitfieldia) tumida (Dalm.)
Orthis actoniae (Sow.)
Orthis vespertilio (Sow.)
Orthis calligramma, (Dalm.)
Siphonotreta micula (M'Coy.)
Strophomena like shallochensis (Dav.)
Strophomena (Rafinesquina) deltoidea (Conr.)
Strophomena sp.
Triplesia sp.
In an old quarry
Further up the slope, and about 500 yards E.N.E. of Winkston old quarry, the breccia with limestone nodules is well seen. Indeed, it can be traced at intervals, by means of exposures on the slopes and hill-top, as far as Collie Law, where a brown grit with Orthis occurs. On the northern slope of Winkston Hill
About 100 yards to the west of the knob composed of the mottled perlitic felsite, pink fine-grained felsite appears in debris, evidently due to the breaking up of the solid rock underneath. Eastwards at a distance of 250 yards an old quarry near a stone fence furnishes a good section of felsitic lava. To the south of it, fossiliferous crystalline limestone is visible in a small exposure, which, for a distance of 200 yards, can be traced along the southern margin of the felsitic lavas by means of a bright green grassy hollow.
In the stone dykes bounding these fields, large blocks of felsitic lava show beautiful fluxion structure, contortion of the igneous lamin, and brecciation, of the rock. It is highly probable that this structure was produced when the rock was molten and flowing as a viscous mass along the sea floor. Towards the east the felsitic lavas disappear, but south-westwards they can be traced by means of debris on the fields as far as the high road north of Winkston Quarry.
We will now proceed to indicate the relations which the fossiliferous limestone and breccia, with their associated volcanic rocks, between Glencotho and Winkston bear to the-Lowther Shales and Stobo Slates, and to:the black shale zones of the Moffat series.
Stobo Slate Quarries. —
Pleurograptus linearis (Carr.)
Dicellograptus Morrisi (Hopk.)
Dicellograptus elegans (Carr.)
Climacograptus bicornis (large forks.)
Climacograptus tubuliferus (Lapw.)
Cryptograptus tricornis (Carr.)
Lasiograptus margaritatus (Lapw.)
Retiolites (Neurograptus) fibratus (Lapw.)
Diplograptus foliaceus (Murch.)
Diplograptus sp.
Dicranograptus sp.
This assemblage indicates the position of the highest sub-zone of the Hartfell black shales of the Moffat region (Lower Caradoc), and hence the Stobo Slates that overlie this band may naturally be regarded as the equivalents of the Barren Mudstones of Moffat (Upper Caradoc).
Holms Waterhead, Glencotho (Sheet 24 of Survey Map). — Various arches of the Moffat Shales appear not far to the north of the volcanic zone in the Glencotho quarries. In the Hare Burn
On the south side of the valley, in another small tributary of the Holm Burn further to the south-west, grey cherts and black flints and shales appear near the head of the burn, followed northwards by brown shales and decomposing greywackes with dark blue seams. On the south-western side of the watershed between the Holms Water and one of the branches of the Culter Water, near the Holm Nick (N.W. corner of Sheet 16)
Basin of the Eddleston near Winkston. —
About two miles and a half to the north-east of Winkston evidence has been noted of the existence of folds of the Moffat Shales near the fossiliferous grits. On the slopes of the valley formed by the stream named the Black Cleuch
Head Waters of the Leithen, East of Eddleston. — In the higher part of the Leithen Water, west of Bowbeat Hill (2049 feet), several folds of the Moffat series display the radiolarian cherts and some of the members of the overlying black shales. The most important series of arches occurs in the Leithen Water, about 2¼ miles due east of Eddleston Station, and also due east of Hog Knowes
About thirty yards north of the junction of this streamlet, black shales appear in the Leithen Water
The grits just mentioned extend in the water-course for a distance of twenty-three yards northwards, when black sandy shales reappear, yielding specimens of Lasiograptus margaritatus. The grits then once more come to the surface and are followed immediately by another sharp fold of the black sandy shales.
The evidence supplied by this Leithen. Water section shows that the beds are repeated by a series of compound folds.
Bowbeat Rig, Leithen Water. —
Leithen Water South of Bowbeat Rig. —
An important band of conglomerate is visible in the Leithen Water at a point about a quarter of a mile north-east of the top of Cardon. Law
This band of coarse conglomerate lies a little to the north of the line of strike of the band of fossiliferous conglomerate on Winkston Hill, believed to be of Caradoc age. It is unfossiliferous, but as the Pleurograptus linearis zone (the highest sub-zone of the Hartfell black shales, Lower Caradoc) occurs in black shales not far to the north, on Bowbeat Rig, it may be of Upper Caradoc age. A probable continuation of it is exposed on the hill slope, from 400 to 500 yards to the south-west, near the watershed between the Leithen and Eddleston Waters.
Bowbeat Burn. —
On the eastern slope of the valley the black shales and cherts make their appearance along the line of strike. Their outcrop can be traced by means of debris to the Leithen Water, near to the point where the coarse conglomerate is visible.
To the south of this band of cherts and black shales two additional exposures of the black shales may be seen on the east slope of Cardon Law one at the head of a small gully on the north-east face of that hill, the other about 300 yards further to the south at a height of 1750 feet
Excellent sections of rusty brown Lowther Shales are visible in the streams that drain the col between Cardon Law and Lamb Law
Gladhouse Water (Bowbeat Shepherd's House). —
Similar outcrops of cherts and black shales are seen in the small tributary on the west side of the valley. These anticlines lie much in the same line of strike as, and are probably continuous with, the bands of black shale at the head of the Leithen Water, which can be traced across Bowbeat Rig by means of debris underneath the peat.
Black shales and cherts are again visible in two small burns close to the county boundary. In the stream that drains the north slope of the Emly Bank (1980 feet)
Basin of the Heriot Water
In the various streams which unite to form the Heriot Water (in the north-east corner of Sheet 24) several anticlines reveal representatives of the Moffat Shales, with, in some instances, the radiolarian cherts, accompanied at one locality by vesicular lava. The tributary streams that drain the watershed of the Moorfoot Hills between Mauldslie Hill and Blackhope Scar display numerous folds of the black shale series, which unfortunately, however, yield few fossils, owing to the shattered condition of the strata.
Blackhope Water. —
On the west side of a small tributary of the Blackhope Water, named the Fernie Syke
In a small scar (in the line of strike of the outcrop of the cherts and black shales near Bowbeat in the Gladhouse Water), at the head of one of the tributaries of the Blackhope Water, the cherts and black shales are visible.
Hope Burn. —
Down the stream grey shales appear for a few yards to the north of the band of black shales.
About 100 yards to the E.N.E. of the last exposure of black shales, a gully, which indents the east side of the Hope Burn, and the lower part of which is occupied by a cone of debris, displays an arch of cherts and black shales, followed by decomposing brown-weathering shales and greywackes. A few yards up from this point a very small arch of black shales may be observed with the greywackes folding over them
At the road-side between Edinburgh and Innerleithen, on the watershed of the Moorfoots
Garvald Farmhouse. —
About 200 yards north of the mouth of this burn
Eastwards, in the direction of the mouth of the Crookmill Burn, the black shales may be seen at intervals on different anticlines.
At the northern edge of the alluvium of the Heriot Water north of Little Dod
Raeshaw Wood, Ladyside. —
Further down the valley of the Heriot Water, opposite the mouth of Ladyside Burn
Gala Water
Among the head-waters of the Gala, several exposures of the Moffat series may be observed, but few of importance. At the extreme north-west corner of Sheet 25 of the Survey Map, some of these outcrops are recognisable merely by their debris on the surface. They occur on the cultivated ground west of Sandyknowe
Corsehope. —
Not improbably these mudstones may be the equivalents of the shelly mudstones of Arenig age in the Abington district. Debris of flinty black shales met with to the north on the ridge yielded the following fossils: Diplograptus foliaceus, Cryptograptus tricornis, Dicellograptus sextans, Diplograptus euglyphus, Climacograptus Schärenbergi, C. bicornis.
Again, to the east of the valley, on the mossy ground between the Armet Water and the tributaries of the Leader, debris of chert and much crushed and shattered black shales may be found. These local accumulations of detritus doubtless indicate the positions of separate anticlines, for they appear on different lines of strike, and the materials cannot be traced for any distance. The sediments above these black shales consist of grits, greywackes, and shales. Among them one prominent band of conglomerate of special interest has been traced from the county boundary near the Armet Water, by the Clints Farmhouse
Basin of the Leader Water
Still further to the north-east, in the basin of the Leader Water, evidence occurs of the existence of the Pleurograptus linearis zone in certain outcrops of the Moffat Shales, as previously recorded by Professor Lapworth.
About a mile to the north of New Channelkirk (Sheet 33) the Headshaw Burn is joined by the Windycleuch Burn
Dicellograptus sp.
Corynoides curtus (Lapw.)
Corynoides sp.
Climacograptus bicornis (Hall.)
Diplograptus foliaceus (Murch.)
Retiolites sp.
Above this outcrop the fossiliferous black shales graduate upwards into flaggy shales with dark seams, followed by grits and mudstones all much reddened. Below it a blank occurs in the section, till, at a point 70 yards above the culvert, the grey worm-piped ribs with black shale partings axe again laid bare and contain Diplograptus foliaceus, Climacograptus bicornis, and Corynoides.
Headshaw Burn (Head of Lauderdale). —
Pleurograptus linearis (Carr.)
Climacograptus bicornis (Hall.)
Diplograptus foliaceus (Murch.)
Dicellograptus sp.
Retiolites sp.
Corynoides calycularis (Nich.)
Higher in the valley these beds pass outwards into more sandy bands with dark strains, which are succeeded by stained grits and shales. Where the burn takes a bend to the north, and where a stone fence crosses the stream, the Hartfell Shales are repeated along another arch composed of two minor compound folds, the more northerly of which has afforded the following forms:
Pleurograptus linearis (Carr.)
Diplograptus foliaceus (Murch.)
Climacograptus bicornis (Hall.)
Corynoides calycularis (Nich.)
Dicellograptus sp.
Reddened shales intervene between these two folds, while for a further distance of 400 yards up stream an alternation of grits, flags, and shales contains three exposures of the higher bands of the Hartfell black shales, which consist of the sandy bands separated by the dark seams.
In the Headshaw Burn below the foot of Windycleuch, reddened grits and shales dip at high angles and are repeated by folds. At a point about 800 yards down the stream, black shales, much crushed and veined with quartz and carbonate of lime, appear on the west bank, followed on the south side by the grey radiolarian cherts
On the slope of the hill to the east, black shales with radiolarian cherts in the centre are traceable on the surface by means of debris. Grey shales appear on the south side this exposure, followed by grit. Southwards, beyond, a constant repetition of shales (Lowther type) by folding, the large quarries on the hill slopes E.N.E. of New Channelkirk Farmhouse have been opened along a band of conglomerate and grit. The conglomerate, only a few feet thick; forms a ridge in the quarry, bounded north and south by a coarse grit which has been excavated as building stone for dykes. The conglomerate is what peculiar in character, the matrix being a grit in which small fragments of chert, black shale, grey shale, abundant quartz grains, &c., occur. In fresh fracture the rock has a greenish tint.. Perhaps its most notable feature is the occurrence in it of lenticular masses of grey shale, which are bent and folded with the conglomerate, and, so far, have yielded no fossils. The black shale fragments, however, furnish specimens of Climacograptus caudatus in excellent preservation, Diplograptus foliaceus, Corynoides, Dicellograptus. The blocks containing these forms must have been derived from the Climacograptus caudatus zone. Another piece of black shale, probably from the Glenkiln horizon, was found to contain Climacograptus caelatus, Diplograptus foliaceus, Glossograptus Hincksi, Climacograptus Schärenbergi. Numerous arms of Dicellograptus were also found on another slab. Several pebbles have likewise been recorded, one of gabbro and others of fine-grained felsitic rock with porphyritic felspars, the latter being well rounded, and averaging from three to four inches across. On the north side of the quarry, the junction between the shales and the grit is visible. It is obvious that this conglomerate points to local elevation and erosion of the Arenig.Volcanic rocks, radiolarian chert, black shales, and other sediments. Northwards the beds consist of grey shales or mudstones, containing small flattened nodules of limestone, which differ in character from the limestone of Wrae and Winkston.
Kelphope Burn. —
An interesting section of the Glenkiln black shales may be seen in a tributary of the Kelphope Burn which joins the main stream from the west, about half a mile north from Kelphope shepherd's house. About 600 yards up this tributary,
Didymograptus superstes (Lapw.)
Caenograptus gracilis (Hall.)
Caenograptus pertenuis (Lapw.)
Dicellograptus sextans (Hall.)
Dicellograptus moffatensis (Carr.)
Glossograptus Hincksi (Hopk.)
Diplograptus foliaceus (Murch.)
Lasiograptus bimucronatus (Nich.)
Climacograptus bicornis (Hall.)
Climacograptus caelatus var. antiquus (Lapw.)
Climacograptus Schärenbergi (Lapw.)
Dicranograptus ramosus (Hall.)
Cryptograptus tricornis (Carr.)
The specimens of D. superstes are especially abundant and well preserved.
A few yards further up the stream, on the same bank, a small exposure of black shales has furnished specimens of Climacograptus caudatus in fine preservation, together with Diplograptus foliaceus and Corynoides in the same seam, belonging to the Lower Hartfell group (3II,
On the opposite bank, the black shales have afforded Diplograptus foliaceus, Corynoides calycularis, and fragments of Climacograptus. Grey barren shales succeed, which are truncated by a fault, followed by much smashed black shales veined with quartz. About ten yards further up some black shales have yielded:
Glossograptus Hincksi (Hopk.)
Climacograptus bicornis (Hall.)
Climacograptus peltifer (Lapw.)
Climacograptus Schärenbergi (Lapw.)
Cryptograptus tricornis (Carr.)
Dicranograptus ramosus (Hall.)
Diplograptus foliaceus (Murch.)
These shales are succeeded by grey shales with dark strains, and after a blank in the section, black shales with the grey cherts occur, while in a side rivulet, which joins the Kelphope Burn from the west, the black shales again appear.
Friar's Nose, Lammer-Law Burn. —
Leptograptus flaccidus (Hall.)
Leptograptus capillaris (Carr.)
Diplograptus foliaceus (Murch.)
Diplograptus quadrimucronatus (Hall.)
Dicellograptus Forchhammeri (Gein.)
Dicellograptus elegans (Carr.)
Dicellograptus pumilus (Lapw.)
Dicellograptus Morrisi (Hopk.)
Neurograptus fibratus (Lapw.)
Pleurograptus linearis (Carr.)
Climacograptus sp.
A peculiar feature of this section is the abundance of Leptograptidae in certain seams close to the grey shales.
On the south-east bank, a few yards further up, Climacograptus, Diplograptus foliaceus, arms of Dicellograptus and Dicranograptus have been found.
In a small tributary which drains the Red Scar Rig,
Having described the various exposures of the Moffat series which lie to the north of the central Llandovery and Tarannon area, on the southern slopes of the extreme western end of the Lammermuir Hills, we will now proceed to indicate certain outcrops on the northern declivity of that chain.
Lammermuir Hills
Soutra Hill. —
Lammer Law (1733 feet). —
Again, on the scar at the head of the western tributary of the Kidlaw Burn, on the north-west slope of the Lammer Law, black shales appear, with a strike to north and south, and in one instance to N.N.W. and S.S.E. These strata form small arches surrounded by brown decomposing shales. They have as yet furnished no fossils. Some of these black shale outcrops may belong to the same system of folds as those already described in the tributaries of the Kelphope Water, though the beds cannot be traced continuously between the two areas. At least one of the black shale bands on the south slope of the Lammer Law appears to be traceable by means of debris across the moory watershed at the head of the Hope's Water, where the Arenig cherts and black shales appear in a crushed and shattered condition among brown sandy shales, pierced by dykes of acid igneous rock. The chief point of interest in the Hope's Water section is the remarkable system of folding, for although the black shales are exposed at a great height on the slope, they rapidly disappear under brown sandy shales, owing to the pitch of the folds being steeper than the declivity of the ground.
That these sandy shales in all probability represent, in part at least, the Barren Mudstones of the Moffat region is rendered highly probable, if not certain, by the fact that, in the Blinkie Burn — which rises from the north side of Lammer Law
Further down the same stream, the Moffat series appears twice about half a mile to the S.S.E. of the Castles
Papana Water. — Further to the north-east, in that portion of the Lammermuirs drained by the streams south of the village of Garvald, evidence is obtainable of the occurrence of the Arenig cherts and Glenkiln black shales. By far the best section of these zones is to be found in Papana Water
Didymograptus superstes (Lapw.)
Caenograptus pertenuis (Lapw.)
Caenograptus surcularis (Lapw.)
Caenograptus gracilis (Hall.)
Thamnograptus typus (Hall.)
Thamnograptus scoticus (Lapw.)
Climacograptus caelatus var. antiquus (Lapw.)
Climacograptus bicornis (Hall.)
Climacograptus Schärenbergi (Lapw.)
Dicranograptus ramosus (Hall.)
Dicellograptus sextans (Hall.)
Dicellograptus patulosus (Lapw.)
Diplograptus euglyphus (Lapw.)
Diplograptus foliaceus (Murch.)
Lasiograptus bimucronatus (Nich.)
Cryptograptus tricornis (Carr.)
Discina Portlocki (Gein.)
It is probable that the Lower Hartfell black shales are also represented in this section, though too much crushed to yield fossils.
For the next 300 yards, beyond an exposure of shattered grits near the black shales, the strata consist of grey and brown sandy shales repeated by constant folds. At a point where the stream divides, black flinty shales occur, from which no fossils were collected owing to their shattered condition. Grey shales of the Lowther type again succeed, and are traceable southwards for a distance of 500 yards. Here grey grits supervene, which are provisionally regarded as marking the northern base line of the Llandovery Rocks, while the grey and brown shales are viewed as the equivalents of the Barren Mudstones of Moffat.
Proceeding eastwards, the observer finds several folds of the Moffat black shales and Arenig cherts in a tributary of the Papana Water about half a mile to the east. One exposure yielded the following Glenkiln assemblage:
Didymograptus superstes (Lapw.)
Caenograptus gracilis (Hall.)
Lasiograptus bimucronatus (Nich.)
Dicranograptus ramosus (Hall.)
Corynoides curtus (Lapw.)
Climacograptus caelatus var. antiquus (Lapw.)
Climacograptus bicornis (Hall.)
Cryptograptus tricornis (Carr.)
Dicellograptus sextans (Hall.)
Dicellograptus moffatensis (Carr.)
Discina Portlocki (Gein.)
Thorter Burn (near Garvald). —
Sauchet Water, South of Stenton. —