Peach, B.N. and Horne, J. 1899. The Silurian rocks of Britain. Volume 1. Scotland. Glasgow. HMSO for Geological Survey. Grid references have been added for GeoGuide. They should be regarded as approximate "in the region of..."
Chapter 23 IV. The Southern Belt. Wenlock and Ludlow
Along the southern margin of the Silurian Tableland a narrow belt of territory is occupied by rocks of Wenlock and Ludlow age, which rest conformably on the underlying Tarannon sediments to the north, and pass underneath the Upper Old Red Sandstone and Carboniferous strata to the south. A small development of these rocks is to be found on the promontory of Burrow Head, Jest of Wigtown Bay, their extreme south-westerly limit. From where they reappear on the shores of Kirkcudbright Bay, eastwards to the granite mass of Bengairn, they occupy a strip of ground about two miles and a half broad. From the margin of the Red Sandstone basin at Dumfries, they can be traced as stn irregular belt, about five miles wide, north-eastwards by Gockerbie to Mosspaul, and thence to the Slitrig Water, which joins the Teviot at Hawick. Beyond these limits they appear on the northern slopes, and even on the crest of the Cheviots as inliers among younger Palaeozoic rocks, ranging from the Lower Old Red Sandstone to the Carboniferous systems.
Burrow Head, Wigtownshire. —
The shore section from the Isle of Whithorn southwards, affords a typical development of the Hawick Rocks, which there consist of alternations of greenish greywackes, mudstones, and green and grey shales, with zones of purple shales. The greywackes become more massive, till near. Morrach Farmhouse flaggy greywackes alternate with zones of mudstones and shales, the whole series being repeated by normal and isoclinal folds. The general dip of the strata and of the tidal planes of the flexures is towards the south-east.
Immediately to the south of Morrach Farmhouse
The best place for collecting graptolites will be found on the shore about 400 yards west from Burrow Head, and about 100 yards west from an old fort, now in ruins
Cyrtograptus Murchisoni (Carr.)
Cyrtograptus Carruthersi (Lapw.)
Monograptus Flemingi (Salter.)
Monograptus priodon (Bronn.)
Monograptus vomerinus (Nich.)
Monograptus sp.
Retiolites geinitzianus (Barr.)
Heliolites (?)
Crinoid stems.
Aptychopsis elongata (Jones.)
Ceratiocaris sp.
Orthoceras sp.
District between the Dee and the Nith. — From the Geological Map of the Silurian Tableland, which accompanies this volume, it will be seen that the representatives of the Wenlock and Ludlow rocks of the Silurian system occur on both sides of Kirkcudbright Bay, whence they stretch eastwards by Dundrennan
The strata may be grouped in two sub-divisions, given here in descending order:
(b) Green and olive shales with limestone nodules, grey sandy flags, and thin-bedded greywackes, with occasional bands of fossiliferous grit and conglomerate.
(a) Yellow and brown-crusted greywackes and grits, with flags and shales. The chief characteristic of this group is the constant occurrence in it of dark shales charged with graptolites.
The members of the lower group (a) occur on both sides of Kirkcudbright Bay. On the eastern shore they extend from the base-line at Long Robin
This lower sub-division of the Wenlock beds is repeated by rapid folds, as was long ago pointed out by Professor Harkness.<ref>Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., vol. ix., p. 183.</ref> The plications are so numerous that no well-marked axis can be traced inland from the shore. Indeed, from the frequent changes of dip, it is evident that the various outcrops of graptolite-shale are merely repetitions of a few bands. Towards the south, in the broader synclinal folds, the members of the overlying subdivision are to be found. The exposures of the graptolite-shale group on the cliff at Clinking Cove, west of Raeberry Castle
Few species of graptolites occur in the graptolitic bands. They include Monograptus vomerinus, M. priodon, M. riccartonensis, M. colonus (?), M. Flemingi, Cyrtograptus Murchisoni, and Retiolites geinitzianus. Fragments of crustaceans and orthoceratites are associated with the graptolites. The carapace of a crustacean — Aptychopsis oblata (Jones) — was found in one of the graptolite-bands immediately to the south of Torr's Cove Bay. Many of the orthoceratite remains are so fragmentary that the species are hardly determinable. The best specimens have been obtained near the Witchwife's Haven, Torr's Point, and Balmae Haven. The strata associated with the graptolite-bands have hitherto yielded no organic remains.
The members of the lower sub-division also occur on the west side of Kirkcudbright Bay, round the shores of Balmangan
The graptolite-bearing group has been traced from the east shore of Kirkcudbright Bay to the contact zone round the granite of Bengairn. At various places throughout this belt of ground, graptolites have been obtained from the dark bands. No fossils have been exhumed from the strip of altered Upper Silurian strata along the Colvend shore; but graptolites and orthoceratites have been found in the Wenlock beds in the Kirkbean Burn to the south-east of Criffel.
The members of the higher group (b) are admirably seen on the shore between the mouth of Balmae Burn and Howell Bay, along the Raeberry cliffs, and between Mulloch Bay and White Port. The most prominent among them are green and olive shales, with fossiliferous limestone-nodules and ripple-marked sandy flags. These are occasionally associated with sandstones, grits, and bands of fossiliferous conglomerate. They seem to have been deposited in shallow water on a shelving platform, subject to gentle earth-movements. The fossiliferous brecciated conglomerates, intercalated with the olive shales, are evidently old beach-deposits. The gradual thinning out of the sandstones and grits, and the overlapping of the flags and shales, point to repeated changes in the distribution of the materials by currents along the shore.
From the small trough north of Gipsy Point
Southwards, this conglomerate is overlain by olive shales and flags, intersected with veins of calcite, which, within a short distance, have a return dip to the north-west at high angles. Here a zone of finely laminated olive shales, with limestone-nodules, is exposed on the shore, succeeded by ripple-marked greywackes, flags, and shales, graduating into the coarse grits and conglomerates at Gipsy Point. At this locality some excellent examples of the gradual thinning out of bands of grit are visible on the beach and on the cliff. Two outcrops of conglomerate at this headland lie about 70 yards distant from each other. The matrix of the rock is a grey grit, in which are embedded pebbles of greywacke and grit, with angular pieces of shale and rounded grains of quartz. The north band of conglomerate has yielded casts of Pterinea and Petraia; and the south band Petraia elongata, Favosites, casts of Heliolites, Spirifera, Ptilodictya, Cornulites, and a fragment of a trilobite.
Between these outcrops of fossiliferous conglomerate lies a zone of gnarled green shales containing lenticular patches of coarse grit and numerous nodules of limestone, which measure from a few inches to a foot across, and have yielded some of the best-preserved fossils. Similar shales reappear on the south side of the southern outcrop of conglomerate at Gipsy Head, veined abundantly with carbonate of lime. They dip to the north-west at angles of from 83° to 88°, and can be traced along the shore to the centre of Howell Bay. Among the fossils obtained from the limestone-nodules may be mentioned Orthonota, Murchisonia obscura, Ctenodonta, Cucullella, and Bellerophon trilobatus.
In the centre of Howell Bay this group of olive shales, with limestone-nodules and fossiliferous conglomerates, is brought into conjunction with the underlying graptolite-bearing group by means of a fault with a down-throw to the west. Here the strata are traversed by several small faults which have interfered with the natural stratigraphical sequence. On the cliff on the east side of the bay, the graptolite-bearing beds are inclined to the north-west; while east of the headland, towards Clinking Cove
In the centre of the bay, west of Raeberry, the graptolite-bearing group is much disturbed by faults, and has been thrown into a series of sharp folds. It is traversed by a number of intrusive dykes, of which only a few could be engraved on the one-inch map. On the east side of the bay, the strata have a persistent dip to the south-east, in the direction of Raeberry Point, where they consist of ripple-marked micaceous sandstones, flags, and olive shales. The thinning out of the gritty sandstones is well displayed on the beach at this locality, and occasionally small seams and pockets of sand may be observed in the shales. At Raeberry Point a beautiful specimen of Orthoceras Etheridgei (Blake) was found in the flaggy shales with limestone-nodules; indeed, upwards of fourteen examples of this species were here obtained. Professor Harkness also found specimens of Terebratula lacunosa and T. semisulcata.
From Raeberry Point eastwards to the mouth of Dunrod Burn
The strata just referred to are not prolonged eastwards into Mulloch Bay
The section exposed on the beach from the mouth of the Quartercake Burn on the side of Mulloch Bay, south to Nether-law Point and onwards to White Port, closely resembles that between the mouth of the Balmae Burn and Howell Bay already described. The beds are inclined to the west of north, and there is a similar descending series from the olive shales with limestone-nodules at the mouth of the Quartercake Burn
The members of the upper sub-division are also exposed at Abbey Burnfoot
Petraia elongata
Petraia bina (Lons.)
Favosites sp.
Stenopora (Favosites) fibrosa (Goldf.)
Heliolites sp.
Encrinite stems.
Cornulites sp.
Ptilodictya sp.
Phacops caudatus (Brun.)
Spirifera sp.
Leptaena sericea (Sow.)
Orthis calligramma (Dalm.)
Orthis Bouchardi (Dav.)
Pterinea sp.
Murchisonia sp.
In a review of the palaeontological evidence obtained from the strata overlying the Tarannon Rocks in Kirkcudbright Bay, it is clear that the graptolites, though numbering few species, are of great service for purposes of correlation. The fossils collected by Mr. Fleming and the Rev. Mr. Underwood, and forwarded to the Geological Society of London by the Earl of Selkirk, led Mr. Salter to the conclusion that the strata are of Wenlock age — a view which was confirmed by the evidence obtained by Professor Harkness. There can be no doubt that the graptolite-bearing group belongs to this division of the Silurian system. As already indicated, the lowest graptolite-band on the west side of Kirkcudbright Bay yields Cyrtograptus Murchisoni, and the highest bands in contact with the olive shales with limestone-nodules, Monograptus vomerinus. But from some of the fossils obtained from the limestone-nodules, it is probable that the upper group (b), comprising the olive shales, may be of Ludlow age.
District between Dumfries and Langholm. — Throughout the area which stretches from the Red Sandstone basin of Dumfries north-eastwards by Lockerbie to the pastoral district north of Langholm, a zone of massive grits has been traced at the base of the Wenlock formation that indicate a slight change in physical conditions from those which prevailed during the deposition of the Hawick type of rocks. The dominant members of this zone are brown-crusted greywackes, flags, and shales with dark-brown graptolitic shales. Indeed, the presence of these constantly recurring fossiliferous shales is the characteristic feature of the group.
The lowest band of graptolite shale above the base of the formation, about a foot in thickness, has been traced for several miles along the southern slope of the valley of the Stennies Water
Cyrtograptus Muirchisoni (Carr.)
Monograptus vomerinus (Nich.)
Aptychopsis Wilsoni (Woodw.)
Orthis reversa (Salter.)
Hyolithes (Theca) reversus? (Salter.)
Orthoceras Nicholianum (Blake.)
Heliolites interstinctus (Linn.)
Owing to the plication of the strata this fossiliferous band is again brought to the surface upwards of a mile to the south-east of the outcrop just referred to, near the head of Rig Burn
Cyrtograptus Murchisoni (Carr.)
Monograptus vomerinus (Nich.)
Monograptus priodon (Bronn.)
Monograptus Barrandei (TuUb.)
Monograptus exiguus (Nich.)
Retiolites geinitzianus (Barr.)
Aptychopsis ovata (Jones & Woodward.)
Ceratiocaris sp.
Orthis reversa (Salter.)
Again, near the head of Woolfhope Burn,
Cyrtograptus Murchisoni (Carr.)
Cyrtograptus sp.
Monograptus vomerinus (Nich.)
Retiolites geinitzianus (Barr.)
Orthis reversa (Salter.)
Aptychopsis ovata (Jones & Woodward.)
Orthoceras annulatum (Sow.)
Orthoceras sp.
Far to the south-west, on the west bank of the Corrie Water
Higher up in the series, other bands of graptolite-shale occur, which individually sometimes reach a thickness of 50 feet, but they are not so fossiliferous as the band just referred to. From an exposure of one of these higher bands in the course of the Annan, at Linkmill
Monograptus priodon (Bronn.)
Monograptus riccartonensis (Lapw.)
Ceratiocaris inaequalis? (Barr.)
Orthis (Dinorthis) flabellulum (Sow.)
Orthoceras sp.
Yet again, another exposure, in the Gimmenbie Burn, Milk Water, near Gimmenbie Mains
Cyrtograptus sp.
Monograptus priodon (Bronn.)
Monograptus riccartonensis (Lapw.)
Ceratiocaris papilio (Salter.)
Orthoceras with central siphuncle.
Orthoceras sp.
Owing to the intense tolding of the strata, it has not been possible to fix the exact number of the bands of graptolitic shale in the district now under description. As yet the fine olive shales with limestone nodules overlying this series in the share section south of Kirkcudbright have not been detected between Dumfries and the valley of the Esk. On the hill slope, however, above Langholm Lodge
District between Langholm and the River Jed. — The Wenlock and Ludlow Rocks of the Border territory naturally fall into three sub-divisions, which are here given in descending order.
(c) Green mudstones and marly beds, with nodular calcareous bands, similar to the Raeberry Castle group on the Kirkcudbright shore.
(b) Grey, green, and brown, often purple-stained mudstones and shales, frequently occurring in thick zones, with greywackes and grit bands, some of which are massive and pebbly. The characteristic feature of this sub-division is the occurrence of dark-brown flaggy shales charged with graptolites, orthoceratites, phyllopod crustaceans, and sometimes Eurypterids. These brown bands vary in thickness from seams interleaved in grey shales to zones fifty feet in thickness. The pebbly grits usually contain fragments of brachiopods, corals, crinoids, &c.
(a) Greenish grey flaggy grits, separated by grey shale bands, some of which are crowded with Crossopodia, Nemertites, and other tracks, resembling those found in the Hawick Rocks. The members of this group pass conformably downwards into the Tarannon strata of Hawick.
Beginning with the lowest sub-division (a), we find the grits along the northern margin of the Wenlock area, where they form a belt of high ground about a mile broad, rising to a height of upwards of 1950 feet. They probably reappear as inliers on the crests of the anticlines among the members of the overlying subdivision (b) as, for instance, along the northern slopes of Cauldcleuch Head
With the exception of the tracts just referred to, nearly the whole of the remainder of the Wenlock and Ludlow areas between Langholm and Oxnam is floored by the members of the middle sub-division (b). The graptolitic shales constantly reappear throughout this region and yield some, if not all, of the characteristic forms. Though the localities from which the fossils have been obtained are now many miles distant from each other across the strike of the beds, yet it is highly probable that the various outcrops are merely repetitions by folding of two or three bands. There is abundant evidence of isoclinal folding. Along the northern edge of the Wenlock series the members of the lowest sub-division (a), together with the underlying Tarannon strata, are isoclinally folded, the dip of the axial planes being towards the south-east at angles varying from 30°–80 South of this belt lies a broad area where the axial planes of the flexures are nearly vertical, while still further south, as, for instance, near Langholm, they have a persistent dip to the south- east.
Of the numerous fossiliferous localities between Langholm and Oxnam, a few may suffice for special reference, in order to show the persistent similarity of the assemblage of organic remains. One of the best is certainly that at Stobs Castle Gate, at the junction of a small tributary with the Slitrig Water, four miles south of Hawick, where the graptolitic shale has yielded the following forms:
Cyrtograptus Murchisoni (Carr.)
Cyrtograptus Carruthersi (Lapw.)
Monograptus priodon (Bronn.)
Monograptus vomerinus (Nich.)
Monograptus sp.
Retiolites geinitzianus (Barr.)
Aptychopsis ovata (Jones & Woodward.)
Ceratiocaris papilio (Salt.)
Eurypterus sp.
About a mile south of Stobs Castle, the Slitrig Water is joined from the west by the Penchrise Burn
Cyrtograptus Murchisoni (Carr.)
Cyrtograptus Carruthersi (Lapw.)
Monograptus priodon (Bronn.)
Monograptus riccartonensis (Lapw.)
Monograptus vomerinus (Nich.)
Aptychopsis ovata (Jones & Woodw.)
Orthoceras annulatum (Sow.)
Orthoceras smooth variety.
Orthoceras sp. (1)
Orthoceras sp. (2)
In a streamlet at the head of Skelfhill Burn
Plant remains.
Cyrtograptus Murchisoni (Carr.)
Cyrtograptus Carruthersi (Lapw.)
Monograptus priodon (Bronn.)
Monograptus riccartonensis (Lapw.)
Monograptus vomerinus (Nich.)
Dictyonema sp.
Aptychopsis sp.
Ceratiocaris sp.
Discinocaris sp.
Orthoceras sp.
Again, from an exposure of graptolitic shale in the Priesthaugh Burn
Cyrtograptus Murchisoni (Carr.)
Cyrtograptus sp.
Monograptus priodon (Bronn.)
Monograptus riccartonensis (Lapw.)
Monograptus sp.
Aptychopsis ovata (Jones & Woodw.)
Linguloid shell.
Cyrtoceras sp.
Orthoceras sp.
Similar lists might be quoted from many other localities over this belt of country.
Reference has already been made to the occasional presence of fossiliferous grits in this sub-division, of which the band near Langholm Lodge is an example. Another instance occurs at a waterfall at Caulkerton Grain
Inlier of Riccarton and Wolfelee, — The strata included in this inlier (Sheet 17), form a belt rather more than two miles in width, extending from Doorpool, about a mile and a half east of Hobkirk on the Rule Water to Arnton Fell two miles south-west of Riccarton. Junction. In the north, the strata are bounded by the unconformable Upper Old Red Sandstone, with which they form a most irregular junction. Their south-east and north-west boundaries are defined chiefly by two large faults, between which and the Silurian strata patches of Old Red Sandstone rocks make their appearance as overlying masses.<ref>The Silurian inliers on the slopes of the Cheviots were mainly surveyed by Professor James Geikie, whose descriptive notes are incorporated in the account here given of the strata.</ref> The best exposures occur in Wolfelee Burn and Peden's Cleuch. In the former they consist chiefly of thin bedded blue and grey greywackes and grey shales; in the latter similar beds are laid open, some of the finer-grained shales and greywackes showing obscure cleavage. Some of the greywackes are coarse-grained, and pass into conglomerates. The coarse grits contain rounded pebbles of white and brown quartz, many of which measure three and six inches across, and they likewise pass into conglomerates with water-worn fragments of quartz, mudstone, shale. Here and there the greywackes are purplish in colour, while the shales are now and again green. The beds are frequently vertical, but have a general inclination to south and south-east.
Various bands of graptolitic shale appear in several burns to the south of Hyndlee, where they yield fossils similar to those in the graptolitic shale to the north. One example may here be quoted, from the Kirn Cleuch, Hyndlee Burn, about four miles south of Hobkirk, where Cyrtograptus Carruthersi, Monograptus riccartonensis, Retiolites geinitzianus, and Orthoceras subundulatum were obtained,
In the south-western portion of this inlier near Riccarton Junction, similar evidence is obtained of the intercalation of graptolitic shales with greenish greywacke, grits, and mudstones, which are isoclinally folded, the general inclination of the axial planes being to the south-east. From a band of graptolitic shale in the railway cutting at Riccarton Junction the following forms were collected, viz.: Cyrtograptus, Monograptus vomerinus, M. riccartonensis, M. priodon, Dictyocaris Ramsayi, and Orthoceras. From an exposure in the burn at Riccarton Junction, Monograptus vomerinus, M. Riccartonensis, M. priodon, and Orthoceras were gathered, and in the Riccarton Burn, a little below where the railway crosses the stream, Monograptus riccartonensis, M. vomerinus, and Orthoceras were obtained.
Nearly the whole of the Wolfelee and Riccarton inlier is occupied by strata belonging to subdivision (b) (p. 558). There is one small patch, however, of the overlying group (c). It consists of green mudstones and manly beds with calcareous nodular bands, similar to the beds near Raeberry Castle, on the Kirkcudbright shore. These strata are exposed in the railway cutting about half a mile W.N.W. of Riccarton Station, where they form a strip about 100 yards broad. Their actual thickness probably does not exceed from 30 to 40 feet, for they are repeated by gently undulating folds.
Inliers on the northern slopes of the Cheviot Hills. — The Upper Silurian strata included within these limits occur in more or less interrupted patches. One of the largest is that traversed by the Jed Water and the Edgerston Burn
Another large area occurs high up on the slopes of the Cheviots, stretching eastwards to the Hindhope Burn
The strata in the various areas now mentioned are evidently prolongations of the beds which occupy the districts already described. They show a pretty constant dip towards the southeast, although now and again the beds roll over and dip in the opposite direction. In many places the strata are on end or nearly so, but more commonly the dip does not exceed 50° or 60°, the inclination being occasionally as low as 15° or 20°. The strata consist generally of thin-bedded blue and grey greywackes and shales, with occasional thicker zones of shale, in which bands and ribs of greywacke are intercalated. The greywackes sometimes become coarse-grained and pebbly, and now and again display ripple-marks on their surfaces. Frequently the greywackes weather with an ochreous crust. Here and there thin seams and zones of graptolite-shale are intercalated in the other sediments, thus linking these strata with the members of subdivision (b). Approaching the crest of the Cheviots, the observer finds that the beds continue as usual to show more or less rapid alternations of greywacke and shale; the latter, however, become more common, and the associated greywackes more fine-grained, as the strata, are traversed towards the south-east.
In order to show that the graptolitic shale of these inliers yields forms identical with those found in the regions already described, we may quote the following examples. From an exposure on the Jed Water at Doresford
Monograptus Flemingi (Salt.)
Monograptus priodon (Bronn.)
Monograptus riccartonensis (Lapw.)
Monograptus vomerinus (Nich.)
Retiolites geinitziamus (Barr.)
Ceratiocaris ludensis (Woodw.)
At the road-side at Camphouse
Still another instance is to be found about ten miles south of Morebattle, near the crest of the Cheviots, in the Hindhope Burn
Monograptus priodon (Bronn.)
Monograptus riccartonensis (Lapw.)
Monograptus sp.
Retiolites geinitzianus (Barr.)
Cyrtograptus sp.
Orthoceras sp.
Aptychopsis Wilsoni (Woodw.)