Peach, B.N. and Horne, J. 1899. The Silurian rocks of Britain. Volume 1. Scotland. Glasgow. HMSO for Geological Survey. Grid references have been added for GeoGuide. They should be regarded as approximate "in the region of..."

Appendix 1 — Lists of fossils from the Silurian rocks of the south of Scotland

The following lists and comparative tables of fossils from the Silurian rocks of the South of Scotland, with the exception of that of the Girvan district, supplied by Mrs. Gray, have been compiled by B. N. Peach, with the assistance of A. Macconochie.

It has now been demonstrated all the world over, wherever Silurian strata have been studied, that graptolites, where they occur, afford the most reliable means of sub-dividing the formation. List No. 1 has therefore been restricted to the graptolites from the South of Scotland collected by the Geological Survey. With the exception of a few species collected by R. Gibbs in the Lammermuirs, and by James Bennie from the Pentland Hills and the Kirkcudbrightshire shores, and some few gathered by the surveyors while working out their several areas, the great bulk of the specimens, amounting to several thousands, have been collected by A. Macconochie. Part of this collection, gathered prior to 1879, was determined by R. Etheridge, jr., acting as Palaeontologist to the Scottish branch of the Survey, with the assistance of Professor H. A. Nicholson. From that date, B. N. Peach has acted as Palaeontologist, and is mainly responsible for the determinations given in this list. Doubtful cases of identification have from time to time been referred to Professor Lapworth, who has also kindly looked over the Survey Collection displayed in the Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art, and has thus rendered invaluable assistance to the compilers of the list.

List No. 2 comprises all the fossils, with the exception of graptolites, from the Silurian rocks of the Southern Uplands in the collection of the Geological Survey, whether collected directly by the Survey or acquired by presentation or purchase. The greater portion of these fossils has been collected by R. Gibbs, A. Macconochie, James Bennie, some by David Tait, and also by members of the staff.

The early lists were determined by the late J. W. Salter and by R. Etheridge, sen. During his term of office as Acting Palteontologist to the Scottish branch, R. Etheridge, jr., also determined several forms, and subsequently, in conjunction with Professor H. A. Nicholson, named several Survey specimens while preparing their monograph on the Silurian Fossils of Girvan. After the year 1879, B. N. Peach acted as Palaeontologist, and is mainly responsible for the list as presented. In addition to the work of the members of the staff, the assistance of specialists outside the Survey has been freely given. Thus the late Thomas Davidson named the whole collection of Silurian Brachiopods in the possession of the Geological Survey of Scotland a few years prior to his death, and many Survey specimens are figured by him in his monograph. As above mentioned, Professor H. A. Nicholson gave valuable assistance to R. Etheridge, jr., especially with the Silurian Corals and stony Hydrozoa. Dr. G. J. undo determined the Radiolarians, and many of the sponges enumerated in the list. The Entomostraca and Phyllocaridea have, for the most part, been through the hands of Professor T. R. Jones and Dr. H. Woodward, several specimens belonging to the latter group being figured in their monograph. The Merostomata in the Jermyn Street Museum, London, haye been studied by Dr. H. Woodward, and largely made use of by him for his monograph on that group. Mr. Malcolm Laurie has kindly given his assistance in determining the Merostomata from the Pentland Hills and the Downtonian rocks of the Lesmahagow and Hagshaw Hills. To Dr. R. H. Traquair the Survey is indebted for working out the fish remains.

List No. 3 has been prepared and placed at the disposal of the Geological Survey by Mrs. Gray from the unrivalled collection she has made from the Silurian rocks of the Girvan district.

Lists No. 4 and No. 5 have been compiled from the following sources:

  1. Mrs. GRAY'S list (No. 3).
  2. THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY list (Nos. 1 and 2).
  3. SALTER and SEDGWICK. A Catalogue of the Collection of Cambrian and Silurian Fossils in the Woodwardian Museum of Cambridge. 4th. Cambridge. 1873.
  4. NICHOLSON, H. A., and R. ETHERIDGE, jun. A Monograph of the Silurian Fossils of the Girvan District in Ayrshire. 8vo. Edin and London. 1880.
  5. DAVIDSON, Thos. A Monograph of the British Fossil Brachiopoda. (Palaeontograph. Soc.) 4to. London. 1851–1884.
  6. SALTER, J. W. A Monograph of the British Trilobites (Palaeontograph. Soc.) 4th. London. 1864–1883.
  7. LAPWORTH, Prof. CHAS. The Girvan Succession. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Vol. xxxviii., p. 537. 1882.
  8. BLARE, J. F. A Monograph of the British Fossil Cephalopoda. 4to. London. 1882.

List No. 6 has been compiled chiefly from the Geological Survey lists (Nos. 1 and 2), from the papers of Messrs D. J. Brown and J. Henderson on the Upper Silurian Rocks of the Pentland Hills, from Sedgwick's and Salter's Cambridge Catalogue, and from the following sources:

JONES, T. RUPERT, and H. WOODWARD. A Monograph of the British Fossil Phyllopoda,. (Palaeontograph. Soc.) London. 1888.

WOODWARD, Dr. H. A Monograph of the British Fossil Crustacea (Merostomata). (Palaeeontograph. Soc.) 1866–1878.

No. 1 General list of graptolites from the Silurian rocks of the south of Scotland collected by the Geological Survey.

1 Arenig

2 Lower Llandeilo

3 Upper Llandeilo (Glenkiln)

4 Lower Caradoc (L. Hartfell)

5 Upper Caradoc (Upper Hartfell)

6 Lower Birkhill (Llandovery)

7 Upper Birkhill (Llandovery)

8 Tarannons, including the Hawick Rocks Llandovery)

9 Wenlock

10 Ludlow

Tetragraptus (Salter) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Tetragraptus Bigsbyi (Hall) x
Tetragraptus bryonoides (Hall) x
Tetragraptus fruticosus (Hall) x
Tetragraptus Headi (Hall) x
Tetragraptus quadribrachiatus (Hall) x
Tetragraptus sp. x
Dichograptus (Salter)
Dichograptus multiplex (Nich.) x
Dichograptus octobrachiatus (Hall) x
Dichograptus reticulatus (Nich.) x
Loganograptus (Hall)
Loganograptus Logani (Hall) x
Trigonograptus (Nicholson)
Trigonograptus ensiformis (Hall) x
Phyllograptus (Hall)
Phyllograptus typus (Hall) x
Callograptus (Hall)
Callograptus diffusus (Hall) x
Callograptus (?) Salteri (Hall) x
Dendrograptus (Hall)
Dendrograptus gracilis (Hall) x
Dendrograptus sp. x
Didymograptus (M'Coy)
Didymograptus extensus (Hall) x (?)
Didymograptus patulus (Hall) x
Didymograptus serratulus (Hall) x
Didymograptus superstes (Lapw.) x
Caenograptus (Hall)
Caenograptus gracilis (Hall) x
Caenograptus nitidulus (Lapw.) x
Caenograptus pertenuis (Lapw.) x
Caenograptus surcularis (Hall) x
Leptograptus (Lapworth)
Leptograptus capillaris (Carr.) x
Leptograptus flaccidus (Hall) x x
Amphigraptus (Lapworth)
Amphigraptus divergens (Hall) x
Amphigraptus radiatus (Lapw.) x
Pleurograptus (Nicholson)
Pleurograptus linearis (Carr.) x
Dicellograptus (Hopkinson)
Dicellograptus anceps (Nish.) x
Dicellograptus caduceus (Lapw.) x
Dicellograptus complanatus (Lapw.) x
Dicellograptus divaricatus (Hall) x
Dicellograptus elegans (Carr.) x
Dicellograptus flexuosus (Lapw.) x
Dicellograptus Forchhammeri (Geinitz) x
Dicellograptus intortus (Lapw.) x
Dicellograptus moffatensis (Carr.) x x
Dicellograptus Morrisi (Hopk.) x
Dicellograptus patulosus (Lapw.) x
Dicellograptus pumilus (Lapw.) x
Dicellograptus sextans (Hall) x
Dicranograptus (Hall)
Dicranograptus Clingani (Carr.) x
Dicranograptus formosus (Hopk.) x
Dicranograptus Nicholsoni (Hopk.) x x
Dicranograptus ramosus (Hall) x x
Dicranograptus rectus (Hopk.) x
Dicranograptus tardiusculus (Lapw.) x
Dicranograptus zic-zac (Lapw.) x
Dicranograptus minimus (Lapw.) x
Dicranograptus nov. sp. x
Climacograptus (Hall)
Climacograptus bicornis (Hall) x x x
Climacograptus caudatus (Lapw.) x
Climacograptus coelatus (Lapw.) x
Climacograptus coelatus, var. antiquus (Lapw.) x
Climacograptus confertus (Lapw.) x
Climacograptus innotatus (Nick.) x
Climacograptus normalis (Lapw.) x x x
Climacograptus peltifer (Lapw.) x
Climacograptus rectangularis (M'Coy) x
Climacograptus Schärenbergi (Lcvpw.) x x
Climacograptus styloideus (Lapw.) x
Climacograptus tridentatus (Lapw.) x x
Climacograptus tubuliferus (Lapw.) x x
Climacograptus Wilsoni (Lapw.) x
Climacograptus nov. sp. x x
Diplograptus (M'Coy)
Diplograptus aculeatus (Lapw.) x
Diplograptus acuminatus (Nick.) x
Diplograptus angustifolius (Hall) x
Diplograptus (Dimorphograptus) confertus (Nick.) x
Diplograptus euglyphus (Lapw.) x
Diplograptus foliaceus (Murch,.) x x x
Diplograptus Hughesi (Nick.) x x
Diplograptus mucronatus (Hall) x
Diplograptus perexcavatus (Lapw.) x x
Diplograptus physophora (Nick.) x
Diplograptus quadrimucronatus (Hall) x
Diplograptus rugosus (Emm.) x
Diplograptus sinuatus (Nick.) x x
Diplograptus socialis (Lapw.) x
Diplograptus tamariscus (Nich.) x x x
Diplograptus truncatus (Lapw.) x
Diplograptus vesiculosus (Nich.) x
Diplograptus Whitfieldi (Hall) i x
Dimorphograptus (Lapworth)
Dimorphograptus elongatus (Lcupw.) x
Dimorphograptus Swanstoni (Lapov.) x
Petalograptus (Suess)
Petalograptus folium (His.) x x
Petalograptus ovatus (Barr.) x
Petalograptus palmaeus (Barr.) x x
Petalograptus latus (Barr.) x
Petalograptus var. ovato-elongatus (Kurck.) x x x
Cephalograptus (Hopkinson)
Cephalograptus cometa (Geinitz) x
Cryptograptus (Lapworth)
Cryptograptus tricornis (Carr.) x x
Lasiograptus (Lapworth)
Lasiograptus bimucronatus (Nich.) x
Lasiograptus Harknessi (Nich.) x x
Lasiograptus margaritatus (Lapw.) x
Glossograptus (Emmons)
Glossograptus Hincksi (Hopk.) x x
Retiolites (Barrande)
Retiolites (Neurograptus) fibrates (Lapw.) x
Retiolites geinitzianus (Barr.) x x
Retiolites perlatus (Nich.) x
Retiolites var. Daironi (Lapw.) x
Retiolites sp. x
Clathrograptus (Lapworth)
Clathrograptus cuneiformis (Lapw.) x
Monograptus (Geinitz)
Monograptus argutus (Lapw.) x
Monograptus attenuatus (Hopk.) x x x
Monograptus Barrandei (Tullb.) x
Monograptus Becki (Barr.) x x
Monograptus Clingani (Carr.) 1 x
Monograptus colonus (Barr.) 1 x
Monograptus communis (Lapw.) x
Monograptus concinnus (Lapw.) x
Monograptus convolutus (His.) x
Monograptus crenularis (Lapw.) x x
Monograptus crispus (Lapw.) x
Monograptus cyphus (Lapw.) x x
Monograptus exiguus (Nish.), x
Monograptus fimbriatus (Nick.) x
Monograptus Flemingi (Salter) x
Monograptus galaensis (Lapw.) x x
Monograptus gregarius (Lapw.) x
Monograptus Halli (?) (Barr.) (?)
Monograptus Hisingeri (Carr.) x x
Monograptus intermedius (Carr.) x
Monograptus jaculum (Carr.) x
Monograptus leptotheca (Lapw.) x x x
Monograptus lobiferus (<'Coy) x x x
Monograptus ludensis (Murch.) (? priodon (Bronn.) x
Monograptus pandus (Lapw.) x
Monograptus priodon (Bronn.) x x
Monograptus proteus (Barr.) x
Monograptus riccartonensis (Lapw.) x
Monograptus runcinatus (Lapw.) x x
Monograptus Sanderson (Lapw.) x
Monograptus Sedgwicki (Portl.) x x
Monograptus spinigerus (Nick.) x x
Monograptus (Cyrtograptus?) spiralis (Geinitz) x x x
Monograptus tenuis (Portl.) x x x
Monograptus triangulatus (Hark.) x
Monograptus turriculatus (Barr.) x
Monograptus vomerinus (Nick.) x x
Rastrites (Barrande)
Rastrites capillaris (Carr.) x
Rastrites distans (Lapw.) x
Rastrites hybridus (Lapw.) x
Rastrites maximus (Carr.) x x
Rastrites peregrinus (Barr.) x x
Cyrtograptus (Carruthers)
Cyrtograptus Carruthersi (Lapw.) x
Cyrtograptus Grayi (Lapw .) x
Cyrtograptus Murchisoni (Carr.) x
Buthograptus (Hall.)
Buthograptus laxus (Hall) x
Buthograptus sp. x
Corynoides (Nicholson)
Corynoides calycularis (Nick.) x x
Corynoides curtus (Lapw.) x
Corynoides nov. sp. x
Dawsonia (Nicholson)
Dawsonia campanulata (Nick.) x x
Dictyonema (Hall)
Dictyonema delicatulum (Lapw.) x
Dictyonema irregulare ? (Hall) x
Dictyonema moffatense (Lapw.) x
Dictyonema retiforme (Hall) x
Dictyonema sociale (Salt.) x
Dictyonema venustum (Lapw.) x
Thamnograptus (Hall)
Thamnograptus typus (Hall) x
Thamnograptus scoticus (Lapw.)
Ptilograptus (Hall) x
Ptilograptus sp. x

No. 2 General list of fossils, exclusive of graptolites, from the Silurian rocks of the south of Scotland, in the collections of the Geological Survey

1. Arenig

2. Llandeilo

3. Caradoc

4. Llandovery

5. Wenlock-Ludlow

Page 667 1 2 3 4 5
Chondrites (Sternberg)
Chondrites verisimilis (Salt.) x x 8, 32
Chondrites sp x 32
Girvanella (Nicholson and Etheridge)
Girvanella problematica (N. and E.) x 8, 32
Land plants (?) x 10, 11, 17, 32
Pachytheca sp . x 23
Cyclocrinus (Eichwald)
Cyclocrinus sp. x 15
Nidulites (Salter)
Nidulites favus (Salt.) x x x 8, 14, 15, 24
Saccammina (Sars)
Carteri (Brady) x 7, 8.
Styotosphtera (Haeckel)
Styptosphaera antiqua (Hinde) x x
Spongoplegma (Haeckel)
Spongoplegma priscum (Hinde) x x
Diploplegma (Hinde)
Diploplegma cinctum (Hinde) x x
Staurodorus (Hackel)
Staurodorus gracilis (Hinde) x x
Stauroplegma (Hinde)
Stauroplegma brevispina (Hinde) x x
Stauroplegma compressum (Hinde) x x
Stauroplegma barbatum (Hinde) x x
Stauroplegma diffusum (Hinde) x x
Acanthosphaera (Ehrenberg)
Acanthosphaera antiqua (Hinde) x x
Page 668
RA DIOLARIA—continued.
Haliomma (Ehrenberg)
Haliomma cornutum (Hinde) x x
Haliomma vetustum (Hinde) x x
Dorysphra (Hinde)
Dorysphra laxa (Hinde) x x
Dorysphra reticulate (Hinde) x x
Doryplegma (Hinde)
Doryplegma gracile (Hinde) x x
Doryplegma nasutum (Hinde) x x
Dorydictyum (Hinde)
Dorydictyum simplex (Hinde) x x
Triposphaera (Hinde)
Triposphaera armata (Hinde) x x
Triposphaera densa (Hinde) x x
Triposphaera hastata (Hinde) x x
Triposphaera Peachi (Hinde) x x
Sphaerozoum (Meyen)
Sphaerozoum patulum (Hinde) x x
Sphaerozoum priscum (Hinde) x x
Amphispongia (Salter)
Amphispongia oblonga (Salt.) x 32
Hyalostelia (Zittel)
Hyalostelia (Hyalonema) fasciculus (<'Coy) x x x 8, 15, 16, 24
Hyalostelia sp. x 7
Ischadites (Murchison) 8
Ischadites antiquus (Salt.) x 8
Ischadites Koenigi (Murch.) x 8, 32
Ischadites sp. x
Protospongia (Salter)
Protospongia sp. x 10
Sponge, x x x 3, 7, 8, 15, 32, 33
Alveolites (Lamarck)
Alveolites repens (Fougt.) x 32
Alveolites sp. x x 15, 32
Aulacophyllum (Edwards and Haime)
Aulacophyllum mitratum (His.) x 14
Calostylis (Lindström)
Calostylis Lindstromi (N. and Eth.) x 8
Chaetetes (Fischer)
Chaetetes sp. x 14
Favosites (Lamarck)
Favosites alveolaris (Goldf.) x 32
Favosites asper (?) D'Orb.) x x 14, 15
Favosites cristatus (Blum.) x 24
Favosites gothlandicus (Fougt.) x x x 3, 11, 14, 24
Page 669
ACTINOZOA — continued.
Favosites mullochensis (N. and Eth.) x 7, 14
Favosites sp. x x x
Halysites (Fischer)
Halysites catenulatus (Linn.) x 8
Heliolites (Dana)
Heliolites interstinctus (Linn.) x 14, 32
Heliolites parasiticus (N. and Eth.) x 14.
Heliolites tubulatus, (Lolled.) x 14.
Heliolites sp. x x x 2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 14, 32.
Lindströmia (Nicholson and Thomson)
Lindströmia (Petraia) subduplicat (M'Coy) x x 14, 15, 24.
Lindströmia (Petraia) var. crenulata (M'Coy) x 14, 24.
Lyopora (Nicholson and Etheridge)
Lyopora favosa (<'Coy). x x 14, 24.
Monticulipora (D'Orbigny)
Monticulipora lens (M'Coy) x 15.
Palaeocyclus (Edwards and Haime)
Palaeocyclus sp. x x 14, 15, 24, 25.
Petraia (Münster)
Petraia bina (Lonsd.) x x x 5, 8, 14, 15, 24, 25.
Petraia elongata (Phil.) x x x x 5, 14, 15.
Petraia uniserialis (M'Coy) x 15, 24.
Petraia zic-zac (M'Coy) x 15.
Petraia sp. x x x 4, 8, 32.
Pinacopora (Nicholson and Etheridge)
Pinacopora Andersoni (N. and Eth) x 7.
Pinacopora Grayi (N. and Eth) x 14.
Prasopora (Nicholson and Etheridge)
Prasopora Grayae (N. and Eth.) x 14.
Stenopora (Lonsdale)
Stenopora (Favosites) fibrosa (Goldf) x x x 5, 14, 15, 24, 32.
Streptelasma (Hall)
Streptelasma aequisulcum (M'Coy) x x 14.
Streptelasma craigense (M'Coy) x 14.
Syringophyllum (Edwards and Haime)
Syringophyllum (Sarcinula) sp. x 15.
Syringopora (Goldfuss)
Syringopora sp. x 5.
Page 670
Tetradium (Dana)
Tetradium Peachi (N. and Eth.) x 7.
Tetradium sp. x 15, 32.
Protaster (Forbes)
Protaster Sedgwicki (Forbes) x 32.
Echinosphaerites (Wahlenberg)
Echinosphaerites (Spheronites) granulatus (M'Coy) x 8.
Glyptocrinus (Hall)
Glyptocrinus basalis (M'Coy) x x x 4, 11, 14, 15, 24.
Periechocrinus (Austen)
Periechocrinus moniliformis (Mill.) x 32.
Periechocrinus sp. x 32.
Crinoid stems. x x x 2, 4, 5, 8, 11, 14, 24, 25, 32
Arabellites (Hinde)
Arabellites sp. x 15, 24.
Cornulites (Schlotheim)
Cornulites serpularis (Sch.) x 15.
Cornulites sp. x 5, 14, 32.
Serpulites (M' Leay)
Serpulites longissimus (Murch.) x x x 8, 14, 15, 32.
Serpulites sp. x x 15, 32.
Spirorbis (Lamarck)
Spirorbis Lewisi (Sow.) x 17, 23, 32.
Tentaculites (Schlotheim)
Tentaculites anglicus (Salt.) x 14.
Tentaculites ornatus (Sow.) x 8.
Turrilepas (Woodward)
Turrilepas Peachi (N. and Eth.) x 7.
Turrilepas scotica (N. and Eth.) x 7.
Turrilepas Wrighti (Woodw.) 32.
Turrilepas sp x x x 8, 24, 32.
Beyrichia (M'Coy)
Beyrichia impendens (Jones) x 8, 14, 32.
Beyrichia Kloedeni (M'Coy) x x 8, 14, 23, 32.
Beyrichia Kloedeni var. torosa (Jones) x 23.
Cythere (Cytheropsis) (Midler)
Cythere aldensis (M'Coy) x 7.
Entomis (Jones)
Entomis globulosa (Jones) x 8.
Page 671
Entomis sp. x 32.
Primitia (Jones and Holl)
Primitia sp. x 14.
Aptychopsis (Barrande)
Aptychopsis angulata (Baily) x 9.
Aptychopsis barrandiana (Jones and Woodw.) x 16.
Aptychopsis glabra (Woodw.) x 25.
Aptychopsis Lapworthi (Woodw.) x 16.
Aptychopsis lata (Jones) x 17
Aptychopsis minor (Barr.) x 5
Aptychopsis oblata (Jones) x 5, 17.
Aptychopsis ovata (Jones) x x 2, 17.
Aptychopsis Wilsoni (Woodw.) x 10, 17.
Aptychopsis sp. x 2
Ceratiocaris (M'Coy)
Ceratiocaris inequalis (Barr.) x 10
Ceratiocaris inornatus (M'Coy) x 23
Ceratiocaris laxa (Jones and Woodw.)
Ceratiocaris leptodactylus (M'Coy) x 24, 32.
Ceratiocaris longa (Jones and Woodw.) x 23
Ceratiocaris ludensis (Woodw.) x 17.
Ceratiocaris Murchisoni (M'Coy) x 24, 32.
Ceratiocaris papilio (Salter) x 10, 15, 17, 23.
Ceratiocaris stygius (Salt.) x 15, 23.
Ceratiocaris tyrannus (Salt.) x 10.
Ceratiocaris sp. x x 5, 10, 17, 24, 25, 32.
Discinocaris (Woodward)
Discinocaris browniana (Woodw.) x 1, 5, 9, 10, 16, 25.
Discinocaris gigas. (Woodw.) x 10.
Discinocaris sp. x 5, 10, 17.
Dithyrocaris (Scouter)
Dithyrocaris striata (Eth jnr.) x 23.
Peltocaris (Salter)
Peltocaris anatina (Salt.) x 9.
Peltocaris aptyc1oides (Salt.) x 1, 9, 10, 16, 25.
Peltocaris sp. x x x 2, 4, 8
Pinnocaris (Etheridge, jnr.)
Pinnocaris Lapworthi (Eth., jnr.) x 8.
Caryocaris (Salter)
Caryocaris Wrighti (Salt.) x 7, 15.
Acidaspis (Murchison)
Acidaspis Grayae (Eth., jnr.) x 8.
Page 672
TRILOBITA — continued.
Acidaspis hystrix (Wyv.-Thom.) x 8.
Acidaspis sp x x 8, 14, 32.
Agnostus (Brongniart)
Agnostus agnostiformis (M'Coy) x 8.
Agnostus perrugatus (Barr.) x 7.
Ampyx (Dalman)
Ampyx Hornei (Eth. and N.) x 8.
Ampyx Maccallumi (Salt.) x 7, 8.
Ampyx mammillatus (Sars.) x 8.
Ampyx nasutus (Dalm.) x 8.
Ampyx nudus (Murch.) x 8.
Ampyx rostratus (Sars.) x 8, 14.
Ampyx sp. x 8.
Asaphus (Brongniart)
Asaphus (Isotelus) gigas (Dekay) x 7, 8.
Asaphus (Isotelus) rectifrons (Portl.) x (?) 7.
Asaphus sp. x 8, 24.
Barrandia (M'Coy)
Barrandia sp. x 8.
Bronteopsis (Wyv.-Thomson)
Bronteopsis scotica (Salter) x 8.
Bronteus (Goldfuss)
Bronteus Andersoni (Eth. and N.) x x 7, 8.
Bronteus hibernicus (Portl.) (?) 7, 8.
Calymene (Brongniart)
Calymene Blumenbachi (Brong.) x x x x 7, 8, 14.
Calymene tuberculosa (Salt) x 14.
Calymene sp. x x 7, 15, 32.
Cheirurus (Beyrich)
Cheirurus bimucronatus (Murch.) x x x 7, 8, 14, 24.
Cheirurus clavifrons (Dalm.) x 14, 24.
Cheirurus gelasinosus (Portl.) x 8, 24.
Cheirurus trispinosus (Young) x 8.
Cheirurus sp. x x 8, 15, 24.
Cybele (Lovett)
Cybele rugosa (Portl.) x 8, 14.
Cybele verrucosa (Dalm.) x 8.
Cyclopyge (Hawle and Corda)
Cyclopyge armata (Barr.) x 7.
Cyclopyge rediviva (Barr.) x 7.
Dindymene (Corda)
Dindymene Cordai (Eth. and N.) x 14.
Dionide (Barrande)
Dionide Lapworthi (Eth. and N.) x 7, 14 (?).
Dionide sp. x 7, 14.
Encrinurus (Emmrich)
Encrinurus punctatus (Brün.) x x x x 7, 8, 14, 32.
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TRILOBITA — continued.
Eucrinurus punctatus, var. arenaceus (Salt.) x x x 8, 14.
Eucrinurus var. calcareus (Salt.) x 7.
Eucrinurus sp. x 32.
Harpes (Goldfuss)
Harpes sp. x x 7, 8.
Homalonotus (Koenig)
Homalonotus sp. x 15.
Illaenus (Dalman)
Illaenus (Dysplanus) aemulus (Salt.) x 8.
Illaenus (Dysplanus) Thomsoni (Salt.) x x 8, 14.
Illaenus (Bumastus) Barriensis (Murch.) x 8.
Illaenus (Bumastus) Bowmani (Salt.) x x x 7, 8, 14, 21.
Illaenus (Bumastus) Macallumi (Salt.) x 14.
Illaenus Davisi (Salt.) x 24.
Illaenus var. B. involutus (Salt.) x 24.
Illaenus latus (?) (M'Coy) x x 8, 15.
Illaenus nexilis (Salt.) x x 14.
Illaenus sp. x x x
Lichas (Dalman)
Lichas Barrandei (Flet.) x 14.
Lichas Geikiei (Eth. and N.) x 14.
Lichas hibernicus (Ford.) x x 8, 14.
Ogygia (Brongniart)
Ogygia sp. x 15.
Phacops (Emmrich)
Phacops (Acaste) alifrons (Salt.) x 24.
Phacops (Acaste) Brongniarti (Portl.) x x 7, 8, 14, 15, 24.
Phacops (Acaste) Downingae (Murch.) x x 7, 14, 32.
Phacops (Dalmanites) caudatus (Brün.) (?) 5, 15, 24.
Phacops Dalmani (Portl.) x 7.
Phacops Macconochiei (Eth. and N.) x 9.
Phacops Stokesi (M. Edw.) x 14.
Phacops sp. x x x 8, 14, 25, 32.
Proetus (Steininger)
Proetus irvanensis (E. and N.) x (?) 8. 14.
Proetus latifrons (M'Coy) x 14.
Proetus procerus (E. and N.) x 14.
Proetus Stokesi (Murch.) x 14.
Proetus sp. x 8.
Remopleurides (Portlock)
Remopleurides Barrandei (Eth. and N.) x x 7, 8.
Page 674
Remopleurides Colbii (Portl.) x x 7, 8, 15.
Remopleurides laterispinifer (Portl.) x x 7, 8, 15.
Remopleurides nov. sp. x 15.
Remopleurides sp. x x 7.
Salteria (Wyv.-Thomson )
Salteria primaeva (Wyv.-Thom.) x 8.
Sphaerexochus (Beyrich)
Sphaerexochus mirus (Beyr.) x 24.
Staurocephalus (Barrande)
Staurocephalus globiceps (Portl.) x 7, 8, 14.
Staurocephalus unicus (Wyv.-Thom.) x x 7, 8.
Stygina (Salter)
Stygina latifrons (Portl.) x 7.
Trinucleus (Lhwyd)
Trinucleus (?) Benniei (Eth. jnr.) x 5.
Trinucleus Bucklandi (Barr.) x 14.
Trinucleus concentricus (Eaton) x 7.
Trinucleus fimbriatus (Murch.) x 15.
Trinucleus Macconochiei (Eth. and N.) x 8.
Trinucleus ornatus (Stern.) x 8.
Trinucleus seticornis (His.) x 14.
Trinucleus sp. x 7, 8, 14, 24.
Neolimulus (Woodward)
Neolimulus falcatus (Woodw.) x 23.
Neolimulus sp. x 23.
Drepanopterus (Laurie)
Drepanopterus pentlandicus (Laurie) x 32.
Eurypterus (Delcay)
Eurypterus lanceolatus (Salt.) x 23.
Eurypterus punctatus(?) (Salt.) x 17.
Eurypterus scorpioides (Woodw.) x 23.
Eurypterus sp. x x 11, 14, 23, 25.
Pterygotus (Agassiz)
Pterygotus bilobus (Salt.) x 23, 32.
Pterygotus sp. x 23.
Slimonia (Page)
acuminata (Salt.) x 23, 32.
Stylonurus (Page)
Stylonurus Logan (Woodw.) x 23.
Stylonurus ornatus (Laurie) x 23, 32.
Page 675
Ceriopora (Goldfuss)
Ceriopora granulosa (Goldf.) x 32.
Ceriopora oculata (Goldf.) x 24.
Ceriopora sp. x 32.
Diastopora (Lamouroux)
Diastopora sp. x 32.
Fenestella (Lonsdale)
Fenestella sp. x x 7, 14, 15.
Ptilodictya (Lonsdale)
Ptilodictya costellata (M'Coy) x x 14, 24.
Ptilodictya dichotoma (Portl.) x 8, 15.
Ptilodictya lanceolata (Goldf.) x 14.
Ptilodictya sp. x x x 4, 5, 8, 14, 25, 32.
Sulcoretepora (D'Orbigny)
Sulcoretepora sp. x 15.
Acrothele (Linnarsson)
Acrothele granulata (Linnr.) x x 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 24.
Acrothele sp. x 15.
Acrotreta (Kutorga)
Acrotreta Nicholsoni (Dav.) x x x 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 24.
Acrotreta sp. x x 7, 15.
Athyris (M'Coy)
Athyris (Glassia) compressa (Sow.) x 32.
Athyris sp. x 5.
Atrypa (Dalman)
Atrypa (Leptoccelia) hemispherica (Sow.) x x x 5, 8, 14.
Atrypa imbricata (Sow.) x 7.
Atrypa marginalia (Dalm.) x 8.
Atrypa reticularis (Linn.) x x x 7, 8, 14, 32.
Atrypa scotica, (M'Coy) x 8.
Chonetes (Fischer)
Chonetes striatella (Dalm.) x 32.
Chonetes sp. x 32.
Crania (Retzius)
Crania (Pholidops) implicata (Sow.) x 32.
Crania siluriana (Dav.) x x 7, 14.
Crania sp. x 14.
Cyrtia (Dalman)
Cyrtia exporrecta (Wahl.) x x 8, 32.
Discina (Lamarck)
Discina oblongata (Portl.) x 7, 8, 14, 16.
Discina perrugata (M'Coy) x x x 8. 14, 24.
Discina Portlocki (Geinitz) x 4, 15, 24, 33.
Discina rugata (Sow.) x x x 7, 8, 14, 24.
Discina sp. x x x x 3, 7, 10, 15, 16, 24.
Page 676
Glassia (Davidson)
Glassia (Athyris) obovata (Sow.) x 8.
Kutorgina (Billings)
Kutorgina Labradorica (Bill.) x 15.
Kutorgina sp. x 7, 15, 24.
Leptaena (Daimon)
Leptaena Etheridgei (Dav.) x 14.
Leptaena (Plectambonites) quinque costata (M'Coy) x x x 7, 8, 24.
Leptaena scissa (Salt.) x 7, 8, 24.
Leptaena segmentum (Angelin.) x 7.
Leptaena sericea (Sow.) x x x x 5, 7, 8, 14, 15, 24, 25, 32.
Leptaena sericea var. rhombica (M'Coy) x x 8, 14, 15.
Leptaena sericea (Christiania) tenuicincta (M'Coy) x x x 7, 8, 14, 15, 24.
Leptaena (Plectambonites) transversalis (Wahl.) x x x x 5, 7, 8, 14, 15, 24, 32.
Leptaena var. x 7.
Leptaena youngiana x 14.
Leptaena sp. x 24.
Lingula (Bruguière)
Lingula attenuata (Sow.) x 7, 8, 14, 15, 24.
Lingula brevis (Portl.) x x 7, 8, 15.
Lingula crumena (Phill.) x 8.
Lingula lata (Sow.) x 32.
Lingula Lewisi (Sow.) x 32.
Lingula longissima (Pared.) x 24.
Lingula minima (Sow.) x 23.
Lingula ovata (M'Coy) x x 8, 14.
Lingula quadrata (Eichw.) x 14.
Lingula Ramsayi (Salt.) x x 8, 14, 24.
Lingula striata (Sow.) x 5.
Lingula Symondsi (Salt.) x x 7, 8, 14.
Lingula sp. x x x x x 3, 7, 10, 14, 15, 32.
Lingulella (Salter)
Lingulella Davisii (?) (M'Coy) x 8.
Lingulella lepis (Salt.) x x 7, 15.
Lingulella quebeccensis (Bill.) x 15.
Lingulella sp. x 15.
Linnarssonia (Walcot)
Linnarssonia (Obolella) sagittalis (Salt.) x x 7, 15, 24.
Linnarssonia sp. x 15.
Merista (Hall)
Merista cymbula (Dav.) x 14.
Meristella (Hall)
Meristella angustifrons (M'Coy) x 14.
Meristella MacLareni (Hasw.) x 32.
Meristella (Whitfieldia) tumida (Dalm.) x x 24, 32.
Page 677
BRACHIOPODA — continued.
Nucleospira (Hall)
Nucleospira pisum (Sow.) ? x 7, 32.
Nucleospira sp. x 32.
Obolella (Billings)
Obolella Sabrinae (Callaw.) x 15.
Obolella sp. x x 7, 15, 24.
Orbiculoidea (D'Orbigny)
Orbiculoidea Forbesi (Dav.) x x 7, 32.
Orthis (Dalman)
Orthis Actoniae (Sow.) x 24.
Orthis alternata (Sow.) x 8.
Orthis (Platystrophia) biforata (Schl.) x x x 8, 14, 15.
Orthis (Bilobites) biloba (Linn.) x x x 7, 8, 24, 32.
Orthis Bouchardi (Dav.) x 5, 14.
Orthis Bouchardi var. Balcletchiensis (Dav.) x x 7, 8, 14.
Orthis calligramma (Dalm.) x x x x 5, 7, 8, 14, 15, 24.
Orthis calligramma var. plicata (Sow.) x 7.
Orthis calligramma var. virgata (Sow.) x 7.
Orthis confinis (Salt.) x ? ? 7, 8, 14.
Orthis crispa (M'Coy) x x 8, 15, 24.
Orthis (Dalmanella) elegantula (Dalm.) x x x x 7, 8, 14, 15, 32.
Orthis (Dinorthis) flabellulum (Sow.) x x x 8, 10, 14, 24.
Orthis girvanensis (Dav.) x x 8, 14, 24 (?).
Orthis intercostata (Portl.) x 8.
Orthis (Strophomena) kilbuchoensis (Dav.) x 15, 24.
Orthis (Skenidium) Lewisi (Dow.) x 32.
Orthis mullockiensis (Dav.) x 14.
Orthis nina (Dav.) x 7.
Orthis polygramma (Sow.) x x 8, 32.
Orthis polygramma var. pentlandica (Dav.) x 15.
Orthis protensa (Sow.) x 15, 24.
Orthis Rankini (Dav.) x 7.
Orthis reversa (Salt.) x x 10, 14, 32.
Orthis rustica (Sow.) x x x 7, 14, 24.
Orthis var. rigida (Dav.) x x 7, 14.
Orthis sagittifera (M'Coy) x 14.
Orthis sowerbyana (Dav.) x x 8, 14, 24.
Orthis (Dalmanella) testudinaria (Dahn.) x x 7, 14, 15.
Orthis tricenaria (Conr.) x 8.
Orthis unguis (Sow.) x 24.
Orthis vespertilio (Sow.) x x 8, 14, 15, 24.
Orthis sp. x x x 5, 7, 14, 24, 25 (?), 32.
Page 678
BRACHIOPODA — continued.
Paterala (Davidson)
Paterala (Discina) Balcletchiensis (Dav.) x 8.
Pentamerus (Sowerby)
Pentamerus globosus (Sow.) x 8.
Pentamerus oblongus (Sow.) x 8.
Pentamerus var.
Pentamerus laevis (?) (Sow.) x 8.
Pentamerus rotundus (Sow.) x 8.
Pentamerus undatus (Sow.) x 7, 8, 14.
Pentamerus sp. x 14.
Porambonites (Pander)
Porambonites intercedens (Pond.) x 7, 24.
Retzia (King.)
Retzia Barrandei (Dav.) x 14.
Retzia sp. ? x 14.
Rhynchonella (Fischer)
Rhynchonella aemula (Salt.) x 14.
Rhynchonella balcletchiensis (Dav.) x 8.
Rhynchonella borealis (?) (Schl.) ? 15.
Rhynchonella cuneata (Dalm.) x x 7, 14.
Rhynchonella var. ardmillanensis (Dav.) x 7.
Rhynchonella Jacki (Dav.) x 15.
Rhynchonella Lapworthi (Dav.) x 14.
Rhynchonella llandoveriana (Dav.) x 8, 14.
Rhynchonella maccoyana (Dav.) x 24.
Rhynchonella nasuta (<'Coy) x x 8, 14.
Rhynchonella nucula (Sow.) x x 8, 32.
Rhynchonella Peachi (Dav.) x 14.
Rhynchonella pentlandica (Hasw.) x 32.
Rhynchonella (Hyattella) portlockiana (Dav.) x 14.
Rhynchonella Salteri (Dav.) x 8.
Rhynchonella Stricklandi (Sow.) x 15.
Rhynchonella Thomsoni (Dav.) x 14.
Rhynchonella Weaveri (Salt.) x 14.
Rhynchonella Wilsoni (Sow.) x 32.
Rhynchonella sp. x x 5, 8, 15, 24, 32.
Siphonotreta (De Verneuil)
Siphonotreta anglica (Morris) (?) x 8, 14.
Siphonotreta micula (M'Coy) x x 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 24, 25, 33.
Siphonotreta scotica (Dav.) x 8, 14.
Skenidium (Hall)
Skenidium shallochiensis (Dav.) x 7.
Page 679
BRACHIOPODA — continued.
Skenidium woodlandiensis (Dav.) x 7.
Spirifera (Sowerby)
Spirifera crispa (His.) x x 8, 14.
Spirifera plicatella (Linn.) x 8.
Spirifera plicatella var. radiata (Sow.) x 8.
Spirifera sulcata (His.) x 14, 17.
Stricklandinia (Billings)
Stricklandinia lens (Sow.) x 7, 8.
Stricklandinia lirata (Sow.) x 7.
Strophomena (Rafinesque)
Strophomena antiquata (Sow.) x x 7, 8, 32.
Strophomena applanata (Salt.) x x 8, 14, 32.
Strophomena arenacea (Salt.) x 7, 15.
Strophomena compressa (Sow.) x 14.
Strophomena corrugatella (Dav.) x x x 7, 8, 14, 15.
Strophomena (Rafinesquina) deltoidea (Conr.) x x x 7, 8, 14, 24.
Strophomena (Rafinesquina) var. rotundata (Conr.) x 15.
Strophomena (Rafinesquina) expansa (Sow.) x x x 7, 8, 14, 15.
Strophomena filosa (Sow.) (?) 14.
Strophomena grandis (Sow.) x 15.
Strophomena Grayae (Dav.) x 14.
Strophomena Hendersoni (Dav.) x 32.
Strophomena imbrex (Panel.) x 8.
Strophomena var. semiglobosa (Dav.) x 14.
Strophomena (Orthis) Kilbuchoensis (Dav.) x 15, 24.
Strophomena pecten (Linn.) x x 7, 14, 32.
Strophomena retroflexa (Salt.) x 14.
Strophomena (Leptaena) rhomboidalis (Wilck.) x x x 7, 8, 14, 15, 23, 24, 32.
Strophomena shallockiensis (Dav.) (?) 24.
Strophomena undata (M'Coy) x 8.
Strophomena Walmstedti (Linds.) x 32.
Strophomena sp x x 5, 8, 24, 32.
Triplesia (Hall)
Triplesia Grayae (Dav.) x 14.
Triplesia incerta (Dav.) x 8
Triplesia sp. (?) 24.
Page 680
Ambonychia (Hall)
Ambonychia sp. x 7, 8.
Anodontopsis (M'Coy)
Anodontopsis bulla. (M'Coy) x 23 (?), 32.
Anodontopsis lucina (Salt.) x 23, 32.
Anodontopsis (Orthonota) Salteri (Eth., jnr., M.S.) x 32.
Anodontopsis sp. x 32
Arca (Linnaeus)
Arca edmondiaeformis (M'Coy) x 7.
Avicula (Klein)
Avicula Danbyi (M'Coy) x 14
Cardiola (Broderip)
Cardiola fibrosa (Sow.) x 14, 32 (?).
Cardiola striata (Sow.) x 14.
Cardiola sp. x 32.
Cleidophorus (Hall)
Cleidophorus sp. x 8.
Ctenodonta (Salter)
Ctenodonta anglica (D'Orb.) x 8.
Ctenodonta laevis (Sow.) x 7.
Ctenodonta levata (Hall) x 15.
Ctenodonta obesa (Salt.) x 23, 32.
Ctenodonta thracioides (Salt.) x 32.
Ctenodonta sp. x x x 5, 7, 8, 14, 15.
Cucullella (M'Coy)
Cucullella sp. x x 5, 7, 15, 32.
Goniophora (Phillips)
Goniophora cymbaeformis (Sow.) x 23, 32.
Grammysia (De Verneuil)
Grammysia rotundata (Sow.) x 24, 32.
Grammysia sp. x 14.
Lunulicardium (Münster)
Lunulicardium elegans (Salt.) x 32.
Modiolopsis (Hall)
Modiolopsis complanata (Sow.) x 23.
Modiolopsis modiolaris (Conr.) x 7.
Modiolopsis Nilssoni (His.) x 23.
Modiolopsis orbicularis (Sow.) x 15, 24.
Modiolopsis sp. x 7, 14, 32.
Mytilus (Linné)
Mytilus mytilimeris (Conr.) x 23, 24, 32.
Orthonota (Conrad)
Orthonota amygdalina (Sow.) x 23, 32.
Orthonota amygdalina var. gentilis (Salt.) x 32.
Orthonota bulla (Salt.) x 32.
Orthonota impressa (Sow.) x 23.
Orthonota rotundata (Sow.) x 23
Orthonota simplex (Portl.) x x 14.
Orthonota solenoides (Sow.) x 23, 24
Orthonota truncata (M'Coy) x 14.
Page 681
Orthonota undata (Sow.) (?) 24.
Orthonota sp. x 14, 23, 32.
Pleurorhynchus (Phillips)
Pleurorhynchus (Conocardium) dipterus (Salt.) x 7, 8.
Pleurorhynchus sp. x 8.
Pterinea (Goldfus)
Pterinea hyans (M'Coy) x 14.
Pterinea pleuroptera (Conr.) x 14, 23.
Pterinea retroflexa (Wahl.) x 23.
Pterinea var. naviformis (Corr.) x 23.
Pterinea sowerbyana (M'Coy) x 14.
Pterinea tenuistriata (M'Coy) x 14.
Pterinea sp. x x x 5, 8, 32.
Acroculia (Phillips) (vide Platyceras)
Bellerophon (Montfort)
Bellerophon acutus (Sow.) x x 5, 7, 8, 14, 15.
Bellerophon bilobatus (Sow.) x x 8, 14.
Bellerophon carinatus (Sow.) x x 7, 14, 32.
Bellerophon dilatatus (Sow.) x x x 8, 14, 15, 32.
Bellerophon fastigiatus (Lindet.) x (?) 7, 14.
Bellerophon perturbatus (Sow.) x 14.
Bellerophon (Euomphalus) sculptus (Sow.) x 24.
Bellerophon squamosus (Lindst.) x 8.
Bellerophon subdecussatus (M'Coy) x 14.
Bellerophon trilobatus (Sow.) x x 5, 8, 14, 15.
Bellerophon sp. x x x 7, 8, 14, 32.
Chelodes (Davidson and King)
Chelodes sp. x x 15, 24, 32.
Cyolonema (Hall)
Cyolonema crebristria (M'Coy) x 7.
Cyolonema sp. x x 7, 15, 24, 32.
Ecculiomphalus (Portlock)
Ecculiomphalus Bucklandi (Portl.) x 8.
Ecculiomphalus laevis (Sow.) x 8.
Ecculiomphalus minor (Portl.) x 7.
Ecculiomphalus scoticus (M'Coy) x 7.
Ecculiomphalus sp. x 24.
Euomphalus (Sowerby)
Euomphalus funatus (Sow.) x 32.
Euomphalus sp. x x 15, 32.
Holopea (Hall)
Holopea conoinna (M'Coy) x 24.
Holopea sp. x 8.
Page 682
GASTERORODA — continued
Holopella (M'Coy)
Holopella obsoleta (Sow.) x x 14, 23.
Holopella sp. x x 15, 32.
Loxonema (Phillips)
Loxonema sinuosum (Sow.) x 14.
Loxonema sp. x x 5, 14, 24.
Maclurea (Lesueur)
Maclurea Logani (Salt.) x (?) 7, 8.
Maclurea Maccoyi (Salt.) x S.
Maclurea (Ophileta) macromphala (M'Coy) x x 8, 15.
Maclurea magna (Lesu.) x 7, 8.
Maclurea matutina (Hall) x 8.
Maclurea sp. x 14, 15.
Macrochilina (Bayle)
Macrochilina elongata (Portl.) x 14.
Macrochilina sp. x 15.
Macrochilina sp. x x 8, 15.
Metoptoma (Phillips)
Metoptoma (Tryblidium) sp. x x 8, 14.
Murchisonia (D'Archiac et De Verneuil)
Murchisonia angulata (Sow.) x 24.
Murchisonia (Pleurotomaria) bicincta (Hall) x 7, 8.
Murchisonia cancellatula (M'Coy) x x 14.
Murchisonia elongata(?) (Portl.) x 14.
Murchisonia gracilis (Hall) x 8.
Murchisonia gyrogonia (<'Coy) x x 7, 8, 15.
Murchisonia obscura (Portl.) x 5.
Murchisonia pulchra (M'Coy) x 14.
Murchisonia (Pleurotomaria) turrita (Portl.) x 14.
Murchisonia vitellia (Bill.) x 8.
Murchisonia sp. x x 5, 14, 15, 23, 24.
Ophileta (Vanuxem)
Ophileta compacta (Salt.) x 7, 8.
Platyceras (Conrad)
Platyceras (Acroculia) antiquatum (Salt.) x 24, 32.
Platyceras cornutum (His.) x x 8, 24, 32.
Platyceras Gibbsi (Eth., jnr., M.S.) x 32.
Platyschisma (M'Coy)
Platyschisma (Trochus) hellcites (Sow.) (?) x 23, 24, 32.
Platyschisma simulans (Salt.) x 24, 32.
Platyschisma sp. x 32.
Pleurotomaria (Defrance)
Pleurotomaria alata (Wahl.) x 14, 15.
Pleurotomaria aequilatera (Wahl.) x 14, 15.
Pleurotomaria elliptica (His.) x 15, 24.
Page 683
GASTEROPODA — continued.
Pleurotomaria helicina (Linde.) x 24, 32.
Pleurotomaria (Raphistoma) lenticularis (Sow.) x x 7, 8, 14, 15, 24.
Pleurotomaria Moorei (Salt.) x 14.
Pleurotomaria (Euomphalus) qualteriata (Schl.) x x 8.
Pleurotomaria sp. x x x 8, 14, 24, 32.
Raphistoma (Hall)
Raphistoma aequalis (Salt.) x 8.
Tremanotus (Hall)
Tremanotus longitudinalis (Lindst.) x 24, 32.
Trochus (Linnaeus)
Trochus sp. x 8.
Trochus Turbo (Linnaeus)
Trochus sp. x 15.
Conularia (Miller)
Conularia elongata (Portl.) x 14, 15.
Conularia Sowerbyi (Defr.) x x x 14, 32.
Conularia sp. x x 24, 32.
Hyolithes (Eichwald)
Hyolithes aduncus (Barr.) x 5.
Hyolithes (Theca) corrugatus (Salt.) x 14.
Hyolithes (Theca) Forbesi (Sharpe) x 23.
Hyolithes (Theca) reversus (Salt.) x x 7, 10.
Hyolithes (Theca) triangularis (Portl.) x 7, 14.
Hyolithes (Theca) vaginulus (Salt.) x 7, 14.
Hyolithes sp. x x x x 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 24, 32.
Pterotheca (Salter)
Pterotheca corrugata (Salt.) x 15.
Cyrtoceras (Goldfuss)
Cyrtoceras (?) inaequiseptum (Portl.) x 8.
Cyrtoceras scoticum (Blake) x 24.
Cyrtoceras sp. x x 8, 17.
Gomphoceras (Sowerby)

Gomphoceras ellipticum (<'Coy)

x 32.
Gomphoceras sp. x x 14, 32.
Lituites (Breynaus)
Lituites (Nautilus) sp. x x 8, 15, 32.
Lituites (Trocholites) cornuarietis (Sow.) x 24.
Page 684
Orthoceras (Breynius)
Orthoceras angulatum (Wahl.) x x 14, 15.
Orthoceras annulatum (Sow.) x 5, 10, 11, 17.
Orthoceras arcuoliratum (Hall) x 24.
Orthoceras argus (Barr.) (?) 14.
Orthoceras canaliculatum = (angulatum) (Sow.) x 8.
Orthoceras coralliforme (M'Coy) x 8.
Orthoceras dimidiatum (Sow.) x 23.
Orthoceras Etheridgei (Blake) x 5.
Orthoceras fimbriatum (Sow.) x x 5, 8.
Orthoceras gracile (Portl.) x 15, 23.
Orthoceras Grayi (Blake) x 8.
Orthoceras ibex (Sow.) (?) 7.
Orthoceras imbricatum (Wahl.) x 7.
Orthoceras MacLareni (Salt.) x 14, 15, 32.
Orthoceras nicholianum (Blake) x 10.
Orthoceras pendens (Blake) x x 8, 14, 24.
Orthoceras politum (M'Coy) x x x 5, 8, 14.
Orthoceras pomeroense (Portl.) (?) 15.
Orthoceras semipartitum (Sow.) x 32.
Orthoceras subundulatum (Portl.) x x 5, 8, 14, 32.
Orthoceras tenuicinctum = (elongatocinctum) (Portl.) x 5.
Orthoceras vaginatum (Schl.) x 14 (?).
Orthoceras sp. x x x (2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14,

1 15, 17, 18, 23, 24, 32.

Ateleaspis (Traquair)
Ateleaspis tessellata (Traq.) x 15, 23, 32.
Birkenia (Traquair)
Birkenia elegans (Traq.) x 15, 23, 32.
Lanarkia (Traquair)
Lanarkia horrida (Traq.) x 15, 23.
Lanarkia spinosa (Traq.) x 15, 23.
Lanarkia spinulosa (Traq.) x 15, 23.
Lasanius (Traquair)
Lasanius problematicus (Traq.) x 15, 23, 32.
Thelodus (Agassiz)
Thelodus planus (Traq.) x 23.
Thelodus secticus (Traq.) x 15, 23. "
Dictyocaris (Salter)
Dictyocaris Ramsayi (Salt.) x 11, 24, 32. .
Dictyocaris Slimoni (Salt.) x 23.
Dictyocaris sp. x x 5, 8, 10, 17, 23, 25, 32.
Crossochorda (Schimper)
Crossochorda sp. x 25.
Page 685
INCERTAE SEDIS —continued.
Crossopodia (M'Coy) x
Crossopodia scotica (M'Coy) x 16, 17, 25.
Crossopodia sp. x 25.
Dexolites (Hopkinson)
Dexolites gracilis (Hopk.) x 16, 25.
Dexolites sp. x 25.
Eione (Tate)
Eione sp. x 17.
Myrianites (Mc Leay)
Myrianites tenuis (M'Coy) x 16, 24, 25, 33, 34.
Nemertites (M'Leay)
Nemertites sp. x 8, 24, 33.
Nereites (M'Leay)
Nereites cambrensis (Dfurch.) x 8.
Protovirgularia (M'Coy)
Protovirgularia dichotoma (M'Coy) x 10, 17, 25.
Protovirgularia Harknessi (Lapw.) x 5, 10, 25.
Protovirgularia sp. x 4.
Various tracks x 5, 10, 17, 25, 33.
Branching tracks x 25.
Fucoids (?) x 25.

No. 3 — List of fossils prepared by Mrs. Gray from the collection made by her from the Silurian rocks of the Girvan district of the south of Scotland

1. U. Llandovery.

2. X. Llandovery.

3. L. Llandovery.

4. Upper Bala.

5. Middle Bala.

6. Lower Bala.

7 Llandello.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Chondrites sp. x Penkill.
Girvanella problematica (N. and E.) x Tramitchell.
Nidulites favus (Salter) x Mulloch Hill.
Nidulites favus (Salter) x Newlands.
Ischadites Königi (Murch.) x Balclatchie.
Ischadites antiquus (Salter) x Penkill.
Ischadites antiquus (Salter) x Woodland Point.
Ischadites sp. x Newlands.
Saccammina Carteri (Brady) x Craighead.
Clathrodietyon vesiculosum (N. and Murie) x Woodland Point.
Calostylis Lindströmi (N. & E.) x Penkill.
Favosites girvanensis (N. & E.) x Craighead.
Favosites mullochensis (N. & E.) x Mulloch Hill.
Favosites mullochensis (N. & E.) x Woodland Point.
Fistulipora favosa (N. and E.) x Balclatchie Conglomerate.
Fistulipora pilula (N. and E.) x Craighead.
Halysites catenularia (Linn.) x Penkill.
Halysites catenularia (Linn.) x Woodland Point, Shalloch Forge, New-lands.
Halysites catenularia (Linn.) Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Halysites catenularia (Linn.) x Starfish Bed.
Halysites catenularia (Linn.) x Shalloch Mill.
Halysites sp. x Craighead.
Halysites sp. x Shalloch Mill.
Halysites sp. x Woodland Point.
Heliolites Grayi (M. Edw. & H.) x Craighead.
Heliolites interstincta (Linn.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Heliolites interstincta (Linn.) x Woodland Point.
Heliolites interstincta (Linn.) x Penkill.
Heliolites foliacea (N. and E.) x Woodland Point.
Heliolites parasitica (N. and E.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk, Craigens Quarry.
Labechia canadensis (N. & Murie) x Aldons.
Lindstromia subduplicata (M'Coy) x Mulloch Hill.
Lindstromia subduplicata (M'Coy) x Craighead.
Lyopora favosa sp. (M'Coy) x Craighead.
Monticulipora girvanensis (Nich.) x Craighead.
Pinacopora Andersoni (N. & E.) x Woodland Point.
Pinacopora Grayi (N. and E.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk, Craigens Quarry.
Pinacopora Grayi (N. and E.) x Newland.
Propora Edwardsi (N. and E.) x Craighead.
Prasopora Grayae (N. and E.) x Craighead.
Plasmopora girvanensis (N. and. E.) x Woodland Point.
Plasmopora girvanensis (N. and. E.) x Penkill.
Streptelasma craigense (M'Coy) x Craighead.
Streptelasma aggragatum (N. and E.) x Craighead.
Streptelasma Europaeum (Röm.) x Craighead.
Streptelasma aequisuleatum (M'Coy) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Tetradium Peachi (N. and E.) x Craighead.
Thecostegites scoticus (N. and E.) x Craighead.
Page 687
Tetraster Wyv.-Thomsoni (E. and N.) x Starfish Bed, Thraive.
Tetraster sp. x Starfish Bed.
Palreaster sp. x Dow Hill.
Glyptocrinus x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk, Crinoid Bed, High Road.
Glyptocrinus sp. x Craighead.
Glyptocrinus sp. x Craighead.
Glyptocrinus sp. x Starfish Bed.
Glyptocrinus sp. x Balclatchie, Ardmillan, Dow Hill.
Glyptocrinus sp. x Shalloch Mill.
Glyptocrinus sp. x Woodland Point, Newlands.
Glyptocrinus sp. x Penkill, Bargany Pond Burn.
Myelodactylus ? x Penkill.
Pleurocystites sp. x Starfish Bed.
Pleurocystites sp. x Starfish Bed.
Serpulites longissimus (Murch.) x Thraive Glen.
Serpulites? x Whitehouse Bay.
Tenaculites ornatus (Sow.) x Woodland Point.
Tenaculites sp. x Dow Hill.
Tenaculites anglicus (Salter) x Shalloch Mill.
Tenaculites anglicus (Salter) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Tenaculites anglicus (Salter) x Woodland Point, Newlands.
Tenaculites anglicus (Salter) x Camregan Wood.
Cornulites sp. x Craighead.
Noreites cambrensis (Murch.) x Penwhapple Glen.
Myrianites tenuis (M'Coy) x Penwhapple Glen.
Myrianites sp. x Penwhapple Glen.
Crossopodia scotica (M'Coy) x Penwhapple Glen.
Crossopodia sp. x I Penwhapple Glen.
Nemertites sp. x Penwhapple Glen.
Eione ? x Penwhapple Glen.
Olnencites sp. (jaws of) x Balclatchie.
Climacograptus normalis (Lapw.) x Woodland Point.
Climacograptus scalaris (Hisinger) x Penwhapple Glen, Waterfall.
Climacograptus bicornis (Hall). x Craighead.
Climacograptus tubuliferus (Lapw.) x Waterfall, Penwhapple Glen.
Climacograptus tubuliferus (Lapw.) x Myoch Burn, Shalloch.
Climacograptus Schärenbergi (Lapw.) x Craighead, Balclatchie Conglomerate,
Cryptograptus tricornis (Carr.) x Craighead.
Cyrtograptus Grayae (Lapw.) x Penwhapple Glen.
Dicellograptus Morris (Hopk.) x Whitehouse Bay, Myoch Burn.
Dicellograptus anceps (Nich.) x Thraive Glen.
Dicellograptus moffatensis (Lapw.) x Ardmillan.
Dicranograptus tardiusculus (Lapw.) x Balclatchie, Ardmillan.
Dicranograptus ramosus (Hall) x Craighead.
Dimorphograptus sp. (?) Whitehouse Bay.
Diplograptus tamanscus (Etch.) x Shalloch Forge.
Diplograptus bullatus (Salter) x Shalloch Forge.
Diplograptus quadrimucronatus (Hall) x Whitehouse Bay.
Diplograptus vesiculosus (Etch.) x Woodland Point.
Diplograptus modestus (Lapw.) (?) Whitehouse Bay, Shalloch Mill.
Diplograptus modestus (Lapw.) x Woodland Point.
Diplograptus truncatus (Lapw.) x Whitehouse Bay, Myoch Burn.
Diplograptus truncatus (Lapw.) x Thraive Glen.
Diplograptus truncatus (Lapw.) x Ardwell.
Diplograptus rugosus (Envin.) x Ardwell, Craighead, Balclatchie.
Diplograptus sp. x Starfish Bed.
Diplograptus foliaceous (Murch.) x LetLetterpin, Craighead; Waterfall, Penwhapple.
Diplograptus foliaceous (Murch.) x Myoch Burn.
Page 688
Diplograptus sp. x Craighead, Pinmore.
Diplograptus sp. x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Diplograptus sp. x Dow Hill, Ardmillan.
Diplograptus socialis (Lapw.) x Whitehouse Bay.
Monograptus galaensis (Lapw.) x Penkill, Penwhapple Glen.
Monograptus Hisingeri (Carr.) x Penkill, Penwhapple.
Monograptus spiralis (Geis.) x Penkill, Penwhapple.
Monograptus concinnus (Lapw.) x Penwhapple Glen.
Monograptus exiguus (Nich.) x Penwhapple Glen.
Monograptus reversus (Kurck.) (?) Whitehouse Bay.
Monograptus tenuis (Partl.) x Woodland Point.
Monograptus gregarius (Lapw.) x Woodland Point.
Monograptus leptotheca (Lapw.) x Woodland Point.
Monograptus colonus (Barr.) x Penwhapple Glen.
Monograptus priodon (Bronn.) x Penwhapple Glen.
Monograptus sp. x Penwhapple Glen.
Ptilograptus sp. x Mulloch Hill, Ptilograptus Bed.
Rastrites peregrinus (Barr.) x Penwhapple Glen.
Retiolites geinitzanus (Barr.) x Penwhapple Glen.
Nematolites Grayi (Lapw.) x Shalloch Mill.
Nematolites Grayi (Lapw.) x Woodland Point.
Leptograptus flaccidus (Lapw.) x Waterfall, Penwhapple Glen.
Dictyonema delicatulum(Lapw.) x Shalloch Forge.
Acidaspis hystrix (Wyo.-Thom.) x Balclatchie.
Acidaspis lalage (Wyv.-Thom.) x Balclatchie.
Acidaspis Grayae (B. Eth., jnr.) x Balclatchie.
Acidaspis Brighti (Murch.) x Woodland Point.
Acidaspis sp. x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Acidaspis bispinosa (<'Coy) x Penkill.
Acidaspis sp. x Newlands.
Agnostus agnostiformis (<'Coy) x Balclatchie, Ardmillan, Dow Hill.
Agnostus perrugatus (Barr.) x Whitehouse Bay.
Ampyx Macallumi (Salter) x Balclatchie, Dow Hill.
Ampyx Hornei (E. and N.) x Balclatchie, Dow Hill, Ardmillan, Craighead.
Ampyx sp. x Whitehouse Bay.
Ampyx sp. x Benan Burn, Balclatchie Conglomerate
Ampyx rostratus (Sars) x Drummock, Starfish Bed, Thraive Glen.
Asaphus gigas (Dekay) x Dow Hill, Balclatchie, Ardrnillan, Minuntion.
Asaphus marginatus (Portl.) x Starfish Bed.
Bohemilla sp x Whitehouse Bay.
Bronteus Andersoni (N. and E.) x Penkill, Bargany Pond Burn.
Bronteus Andersoni (N. and E.) x Woodland Point, Newlands.
Bronteopsis scotica (Salter) x Balclatchie, Ardmillan.
Calymene Blumenbachi (Brong.) x Penkill, Cuddystone Glen.
Calymene Blumenbachi (Brong.) x Woodland Point, Newlands.
Calymene Blumenbachi (Brong.) x Mulloch Hill, all the Quarries.
Calymene Blumenbachi (Brong.) x Shalloch Mill.
Calymene Blumenbachi (Brong.) x Thraive Glen, Starfish Bed.
Calymene Blumenbachi (Brong.) x Craighead.
Cheirurus bimucronatus (Murch.) x Bargany Pond Burn, Penwhapple Glen.
Cheirurus bimucronatus (Murch.) x Woodland Point.
Cheirurus bimucronatus (Murch.) x Thraive Glen.
Cheirurus bimucronatus (Murch.) x Craighead, Minuntion, Balclatchie


Cheirurus bimucronatus (Murch.) x Balclatchie, Ardmillan.
Cheirurus sp. x Penkill.
Cheirurus Sedgwicki (M'Coy) x Balclatchie.
Cheirurus gelasinosus (Portlock) x Balclatchie.
Cheirurus clavifrons (Dalm.) x Thraive Glen.
Cybele rugosa (Portlock) x Thraive Glen.
Cybele verrucosa (Dalm.) x Ardmillan, Balclatchie, Dow Hill.
Cybele sp. x Shalloch Mill.
Cyclopyge rediviva (Barr.) x Whitehouse Bay.
Cyclopyge armata (Barr.) x Whitehouse Bay.
Deiphon Forbesi (Barr.) x Balclatchie.
Dionide Lapworthi (E. and N.) x Whitehouse Bay.
Dionide sp x Whitehouse Bay.
Dionide sp. x Thraive Glen.
Page 689
Dindymene Cordai (E. and N.) x Drummuck, Thraive.
Dindymene Cordai (E. and N.) x Whitehouse Bay.
Dindymene sp. x Auchensoul.
Encrinurus punctatus, var. calcareus (Salt.) x Penkill.
Encrinurus punctatus, var. calcareus (Salt.) x Woodland Point.
Encrinurus punctatus, var. arenaceus (Salt.) x Penkill, Bargany Pond Burn, Cam-regan Wood.
Encrinurus punctatus, var. arenaceus (Salt.) x Woodland Point, Newlands.
Encrinurus punctatus, var. arenaceus (Salt.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk, High Road.
Encrinurus punctatus, var. arenaceus (Salt.) x Craighead.
Harpes sp. x Balclatchie, Ardmillan, Aldons.
Harpes sp. x Bargany Pond Burn.
Illaenus Bowmani (Salter) x Balclatchie, Ardmillan, Craighead, Minuntion.
Illaenus nexilis (Salter) x Drummuck.
Illaenus nexilis (Salter) x Penkill, Bargany Pond Burn.
Illaenus (Bumastus) harriensis (Murch.) x Woodland Point.
Illaenus sp. x Camregan Wood.
Illaenus sp. x Shalloch Mill.
Illaenus Thomsoni (Salter) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk, Craigens Quarry.
Illaenus Thomsoni (Salter) x Woodland Point.
Illaenus Murchisoni (Salter) x Penkill.
Illaenus aemulus (Salter) x Penkill.
Illaenus Rosenbergi (Eichwald) x Penkill.
Lichas hibernicus (Portlock) x Balclatchie, Craighead.
Lichas Geikiei (E. and N.) x Thraive Glen.
Lichas laxatus (<'Coy)? x Thraive Glen.
Lichas palmatus (Barr.)? x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Lichas ambiguus (Barr.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk, Craigens Quarry.
Lichas ambiguus (Barr.) x Newlands.
Lichas Grayi (Fletcher) x Balclatchie.
Lichas sp. x Dow Hill.
Lichas sp. x Camregan Wood.
Lichas sp. x Woodland Point.
Phacops Brongniarti (Portlock) x Ardmillan, Dow Hill, Minuntion, Bal-clatehie.
Phacops Brongniarti (Portlock) x Starfish Bed.
Phacops Stokesi (M. Edw.) x Mulloch Hill, all the Quarries.
Phacops Stokesi (M. Edw.) x Newlands.
Phacops Stokesi (M. Edw.) x Penkill, Bargany Pond Burn, Cam-regan Wood.
Phacops Downingliae (Murch.) x Woodland Point.
Phacops Downingliae (Murch.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Proetus girvanensis (E. and N.) x Thraive Glen.
Proetus procerus (E. and N.) x Thraive Glen.
Proetus sp. x Mulloch Hill, High Road.
Proetus sp. x Camregan Wood.
Phillipsia parabola (Barr.) x Thraive Glen, Starfish Bed.
Staurocephalus unicus (Portlock) x Balclatchie, Dow Hill.
Staurocephalus unicus (Portlock) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Staurocephalus globiceps (Wyv.-Thom.) x Balclatchie, Dow Hill, Ardmillan.
Staurocephalus globiceps (Wyv.-Thom.) x Shalloch Mill.
Staurocephalus globiceps (Wyv.-Thom.) x Thraive Glen, Starfish Bed.
Staurocephalus globiceps (Wyv.-Thom.) x Woodland Point, Newlands.
Staurocephalus sp. x Bargany Pond Burn.
Sphaerexochus minis (Beyrich) x Craighead, Balclatchie conglomerate.
Stygina latifrons (Partlock) x Ardmillan.
Trinucleus concentricus (Eaton) x Dow Hill.
Trinucleus Macconochiei (E. & N.) x Balclatchie.
Trinucleus seticornis His.,var. Bucklandi (Barr.) x Drummuck, Thraive, Starfish Bed.
Trinucleus sp. x Whitehouse Bay.
Trinucleus sp. x Shalloch Mill.
Trinucleus sp. x Craighead.
Aparchites leperditioides (Jones) x Whitehouse Bay.
Aparchites subovatus (Jones) x Whitehouse Bay.
Primita elongata (Krause) var. nuda (Jones) x Whitehouse Bay.
Page 690
Primitia Krausei (Jones) x Whitehouse Bay.
Primitia girvanensis (Jones) x Whitehouse Bay.
Primitia Grayae (Jones) x Whitehouse Bay.
Primitia mundula, var. fimbriata (Jones). x Whitehouse Bay.
Primitia mundula, var. kloedeniana (Jones). x Whitehouse Bay.
Primitia ulrichiana (Jones) x Whitehouse Bay.
Primitia barrandiana (Jones) x Aldons.
Beyrichia Kloedeni (M Coy) x Thraive Glen, Whitehouse Bay.
Beyrichia var. infecta (Jones) x Whitehouse Bay.
Beyrichia var. Scotica (Jones & Holt.) x Bargany Pond Burn.
Beyrichia impar (Jones) x Whitehouse Bay.
Beyrichia comma (Jones) x Thraive Glen.
Ulrichia girvanensis (Jones) x Whitehouse Bay.
Ulrichia sp. x Whitehouse Bay.
Ulrichia Grayae (Jones). x Bargany Pond Burn.
Sulcuna praeurrens (Jones) x Whitehouse Bay.
Cypridina Grayae (Jones) x Whitehouse Bay.
Cythere aldensis (<'Coy) x Aldons.
Cythere var. major (Jones) x Aldons.
Cythere grayana (Jones) x Aldons.
Cythere wrightiana (Jones and Holt) x Aldons.
Cythere sp. x Newlands.
Cythere sp. x Auchensoul.
Pinnocaris Lapworthi (Eth., jun.) x Balclatchie, Ardmillan.
Pinnocaris sp. x Drummock, Starfish Bed.
Turrilepas Peachi (E. and N.) x Whitehouse Bay.
Turrilepas sp. x Thraive Glen.
Turrilepas scotica (E. and N.) x Balclatchie, Dow Hill, Ardmillan.
Turrilepas sp. x Newlands.
Fenestella assimilis (Lonsd.) x Woodland Point.
Fenestella patula (M'Coy) x Penkill.
Fenestella patula (M'Coy) x Woodland Point.
Fenestella Milleri (Lonsd.) x Woodland Point.
Fenestella subantiqua (D'Orbigny) x Penkill.
Fenestella subantiqua (D'Orbigny) x Woodland Point.
Fenestella sp. x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Fenestella sp. x Mulloch Hill, High Road.
Fenestella sp. x Newlands.
Fenestella sp. x Shalloch Mill.
Glauconome disticha (Goldf.) x Woodland Point.
Gorgonia regularis (Portl.) x Woodland Point.
Hippothoa inflata (Nish.) x Woodland Point.
Rhinopora verrucosa (Hall) x Woodland Point.
Retepora sp. x Balclatchie.
Retepora sp. x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Ptilodictya costellata (M'Coy) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Ptilodictya dichotoma (Portl.) x Balclatchie, Dow Hill, Ardmillan, Craighead.
Ptilodictya dichotoma (Portl.) x Woodland Point.
Ptilodictya dichotoma (Portl.) x Penkill, Bargany Pond Burn.
Ptilodictya sp. x Dow Hill.
Ptilodictya lanceolata (Goldf.) x Woodland Point.
Lingula canadensis (Billings) x Balclatchie conglomerate.
Lingula quadrata (Eichwald) x Shalloch Mill.
Lingula quadrata (Eichwald) x Craighead.
Lingula Ramsayi (Salter) x Craighead, Balclatchie, Minuntion.
Lingula granulata (Phillips) x Ardmillan, Balclatchie, Minuntion.
Lingula attenuata (Sow.) x Drummuck.
Lingula attenuata (Sow.) x Shalloch Mill, Whitehouse Bay.
Lingula attenuata (Sow.) x Balclatehie, Ardmillan, Dow Hill.
Page 691
Lingula ovata (M'Coy) x Craighead.
Lingula ovata (M'Coy) x Drummuck.
Lingula ovata (M'Coy) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Lingula brevis (Portlock) x Ardmillan.
Lingula brevis (Portlock) x Shalloch Mill, Whitehouse Bay.
Lingula Symondsi (Salter) x Penkill, Bargany Pond Burn.
Lingula Symondsi (Salter) x Woodland Point.
Dinobolus Davidson (Salter) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Dinobolus Davidson (Salter) x Woodland Point.
Orbiculoidea Forbesi (Dav.). x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Orbiculoidea Forbesi (Dav.). x Woodland Point.
Discina oblongata (Portl) x Balclatchie, Ardmillan, Dow Hill.
Discina perrugata (M'Coy). x Balclatchie, Ardmillan, Craighead.
Discina perrugata (M'Coy). x Shalloch Mill.
Discina crassa (Hall)? x Penwhapple Glen.
Discina rugata (Sow.) x Bargany Pond Burn.
Paterula balcletchiensis (Dav.) x Balclatchie.
Paterula balcletchiensis (Dav.) x Starfish Bed, Thraive.
Siphonotreta scotica (Dav.) x x Craighead, Minuntion, Starfish Bed.
Siphonotreta micula (M'Coy) x Balclatchie, Ardmillan.
Acrothele granulata (Linnr.) x Dow Hill.
Crania siluriana (Dav.) x Woodland Point.
Crania siluriana (Dav.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk, High Road Quarries.
Crania llandoveriana (Dav.) x Newlands.
Crania sp. x Starfish Bed, Thraive.
Crania sp. x Ardmillan, Craighead.
Crania sp. x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk, High Road Quarries.
Crania sp. x Penkill.
Pholidops implicata (Sow.) x Woodland Point, Newlands.
Pholidops implicata (Sow.) x Shalloch Mill.
Pholidops implicata (Sow.) x Bargany Pond Burn.
Acrotreta Nicholsoni (Dav.) x Craighead, Balclatchie, Ardmillan.
Acrotreta costata (Dav.) x Balclatchie.
Spirifera plicatella, var. radiata (Sow.) x Bargany Pond Burn, Penkill.
Cyrtia exporrecta (Wahl.) x Penkill.
Nucleospira pisum (Sow.) x Bargany Pond Burn.
Meristella (Whitfieldia) tumida (Dalm.) x Bargany Pond Burn.
Meristella angustifrons (M'Coy) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk, High Road.
Meristella angustifrons (M'Coy) x Auldthorns.
Athyris sp. x Whitehouse Bay.
Glassia obovata (Sow.) x Penkill.
Merista cymbula (Dav.) x Thraive, Drummuck.
Atrypa reticularis (Linn.) x Penkill, Penkill Limestone, Penwhapple Glen.
Atrypa reticularis (Linn.) x Woodland. Point.
Atrypa reticularis (Linn.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk, High Road.
Atrypa imbricata (Sow.) x Penkill, Bargany Pond Burn.
Atrypa imbricata (Sow.) x Woodland Point.
Atrypa scotia (M'Coy) ? x Mulloch Hill.
Triplesia Grayae (Dav) x Craighead.
Triplesia spiriferoides (M'Coy) x Starfish Bed, Thraive Glen.
Triplesia spiriferoides (M'Coy) x Ardmillan.
Triplesia monilifera (M'Coy) x Woodland Point.
Triplesia incerta (Dav.) x Penkill, Bargany Pond Burn, Cuddystone Glen.
Triplesia sp. x Craighead.
Porambonites intercedens (Pander) x Shalloch Mill.
Leptoccelia hemispherica (Sow.) x Camregan Wood.
Leptoccelia hemispherica (Sow.) x Auldthorns.
Leptoccelia hemispherica (Sow.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk, High Road.
Pentamerus oblongus (Sow.) x Penkill, Cuddystone Glen.
Pentamerus oblongus (Sow.) x Newlands.
Pentamerus globosus (Sow.) x Penkill.
Pentamerus undatus (Sow.) x x Woodland Point, Newlands, Ptilograptus Bed, Craigens Quarry.
Pentamerus undatus (Sow.) x Penkill, Cuddystone Glen.
Pentamerus galeatus (Sow.) x Penkill.
Pentamerus rotundus (Sow.) x Penkill, Penkill Reds, Penwhapple Glen.
Page 692
Pentamerus shallockiensis (Dav.)? x Shalloch Mill.
Stricklandinia lens (Sow.). x x Woodland Point, Newlands, Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Stricklandinia lirata (Sow.). x Woodland Point.
Stricklandinia balcletchiensis (Dav.) x Balclatchie conglomerate,
Rhynchonella aemula (Salter). x Craighead.
Rhynchonella Salteri (Dav.). x Craighead.
Rhynchonella nasuta (M'Coy). x Craighead, Balclatchie, Minuntion.
Rhynchonella Thomsoni (Dav.). x Craighead.
Rhynchonella portlockiana (Dav.) x Craighead, Balclatchie.
Rhynchonella Lapworthi (Dav.). x Craighead.
Rhynchonella sub-borealis (Dav.) x Craighead.
Rhynchonella cuneata (Dalm.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk, High Road.
Rhynchonella cuneata (Dalm.) x Auldthorns.
Rhynchonella cuneata (Dalm.) x Camregan Wood.
Rhynchonella cuneata, var. ardmillanensis (Dav.) x Ardmillan.
Rhynchonella cuneatella (Dav.) x Balclatchie conglomerate.
Rhynchonella Peachi (Dav.) x Craighead.
Rhynchonella Weaveri (Salter) Craighead.
Rhynchonella llandoveriana (Dav.) x Camregan Wood.
Rhynchonella nucula (Sow.)? x Balclatchie conglomerate.
Rhynchonella shallockiensis (Dav.) x Shalloch Mill.
Rhynchonella scotica (Dav.) x Craighead.
Rhynchonella girvanensis (Dav.) x Balclatchie conglomerate.
Rhynchonella Wilsoni (Sow.). x Camregan Wood.
Rhynchonella balclatchiensis (Dav.) x Balclatchie, Craighead, Minuntion.
Rhynchonella decemplicata (Sow.) x Mulloch Hill.
Rhynchonella sp. x Craighead, Balclatchie conglomerate.
Rhynchonella sp. x Newlands.
Rhynchonella sp. x Dow Hill, Ardmillan.
Rhynchonella sp. x Starfish Bed, Thraive Glen.
Skenidium Lewisi var. woodlandensis (Dav.) x Woodland Point.
Skenidium Grayi (Dav.) x Starfish Bed, Thraive Glen.
Skenidium shallockiensis (Dav.) x Shalloch Mill.
Orthis biloba (Linn.) x Shalloch Mill.
Orthis biloba (Linn.) x Woodland Point.
Orthis biloba (Linn.) x Bargany Pond Burn.
Orthis polygramma, var. pentlandica (Dav.) x Penkill.
Orthis polygramma, var. pentlandica (Dav.) x Woodland Point.
Orthis turgida (M'Coy) x Penkill Limestone, Penwhapple Glen.
Orthis turgida (M'Coy) x Craighead, Balclatchie conglomerate.
Orthis Bouchardi, var. balclatchiensis (Dav.). x Craighead, Balclatchie conglomerate.
Orthis biforata (Schloth) x Craighead.
Orthis calligramma (Dalm.) x Penkill Limestone, Penwhapple Glen.
Orthis calligramma (Dalm.) x Shalloch Mill.
Orthis calligramma (Dalm.) x Craighead, Aldons, Tramitchell.
Orthis calligramma (Dalm.) x Ardmillan, Minuntion.
Orthis calligramma (Dalm.) x Shalloch Forge.
Orthis var. scotica (Dav.) x Craighead.
Orthis var. virgata (Salter) x Balclatchie Beds, Doularg.
Orthis var. plicata (Sow.) x Balclatchie Beds, Ardmillan.
Orthis var. plicata (Sow.) x Woodland Point.
Orthis mullockensis (Dav.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk, High Road.
Orthis mullockensis (Dav.) x Auldthorns, Starfish Bed, Thraive Glen.
Orthis confinis (Salter) x Minuntion, Benan Burn, Doularg, Tramitchell.
Orthis vespertillio (Sow.) x Craighead.
Orthis vespertillio (Sow.) x Shalloch Mill.
Orthis girvanensis (Daro.) x Craighead.
Orthis intercostata (Portl.) x Aldons.
Orthis Lapworthi (Dav.) x Shalloch Mill.
Orthis Lapworthi (Dav.) x Balclatchie conglomerate.
Orthis testudinaria (Dal.) x Shalloch Mill.
Orthis testudinaria (Dal.) x Craighead, Balclatchie, Dow Hill, Ardmillan.
Page 693
Orthis flabellulum (Sow.) x Starfish Bed, Thraive Glen.
Orthis flabellulum (Sow.) x Craighead, Ardmillan.
Orthis crispa (M'Coy) x Starfish Bed.
Orthis crispa (M'Coy) x Ardmillan.
Orthis kilbuchoensis (Dav.) x Ardmillan.
Orthis sagittitera (M'Coy) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Orthis sowerbyana (Dav.) x Starfish Bed.
Orthis sowerbyana (Dav.) x Shalloch Mill.
Orthis sowerbyana (Dav.) x Craighead, Balclatchie conglomerate.
Orthis elegantula (Dal.) x Penkill, Bargany Pond Burn.
Orthis elegantula (Dal.) x Newlands, Woodland Point.
Orthis elegantula (Dal.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk, Ptilograptus Bed.
Orthis elegantula (Dal.) x Thraive Glen.
Orthis elegantula (Dal.) x Shalloch Mill.
Orthis elegantula (Dal.) x Craighead, Balclatchie.
Orthis nina (Dav.) x Whitehouse Bay.
Orthis rustica (Sow.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk, and in Wood.
Orthis rustica (Sow.) x Cuddystone Glen, Penkill Beds, Penwhapple Glen.
Orthis rustica var. rigida (Dav.) x Woodland Point.
Orthis rustica var. rigida (Dav.) x Penkill Beds, Penwhapple Glen.
Orthis Actoniae (Sow.) Starfish Bed.
Orthis reversa (Salter) x Penkill Beds, Penwhapple Glen.
Orthis protensa (Sow.) x Benan Crag.
Orthis Rankini (Dav.) x Starfish Bed.
Orthis Rankini (Dav.) x Ardmillan.
Orthis Carausii (Salter) x Ardmillan.
Orthis sp. x Shalloch Mill.
Orthis sp. x Balclatchie Beds.
Orthis sp. x Ardmillan.
Orthis sp. x Starfish Bed.
Strophomena Walmstedti (Linde.) x Cuddystone Glen.
Strophomena rhomboidalis (Wilck.) x Penkill, Penwhapple Glen.
Strophomena rhomboidalis (Wilck.) x Newlands, Woodland Point.
Strophomena rhomboidalis (Wilck.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk, Craigens, Ptilograptus Bed.x
Strophomena rhomboidalis (Wilck.) x Starfish Bed, Thraive Glen, Auldthorns.
Strophomena rhomboidalis (Wilck.) x Shalloch Mill.
Strophomena rhomboidalis (Wilck.) x Craighead.
Strophomena applanata (Salter) x Penkill, Bargany Pond Burn, Cuddy-stone Glen.
Strophomena applanata (Salter) x Newlands.
Strophomena pecten (Linn.) x Newlands, Woodland Point.
Strophomena antiquata (Sow.) x Bargany Pond Burn, Penkill.
Strophomena antiquata (Sow.) x Woodland Point.
Strophomena antiquata (Sow.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Strophomena imbrex, var. semiglobosina (Dav.) x Craighead, Balclatchie conglomerate.
Strophomena compressa (Sow.) x Camregan Wood.
Strophomena compressa (Sow.) x Ardmillan.
Strophomena simulans (M'Coy) x Shalloch Mill.
Strophomena insculpta (Hall) x Ardmillan.
Strophomena llandeiloensis (Dav.) x Craighead, Ardmillan.
Strophomena deltoidea (Conrad.) x Balclatchie conglomerate, Craighead, Dow Hill, Ardmillan.
Strophomena deltoidea (Conrad.) x Woodland Point.
Strophomena retroflexa (Salter) x Craighead, Dow Hill, Ardmillan, Balclatchie conglomerate.
Strophomena corrugatella (Dav.) x Balclatchie, Benan Crag, Dow Hill, Ardmillan.
Strophomena corrugatella (Dav.) x x Woodland Point, Newlands, Rough Neuk.
Strophomena corrugatella (Dav.) x Shalloch Mill.
Strophomena expansa (Sow.) x Craighead, Minuntion, Doularg, Ard-millan.
Strophomena expansa (Sow.) x Auldthoms.
Strophomena expansa (Sow.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk, High Road.
Strophomena grandis (Sow.) x Thraive Glen.
Strophomena arenacea (Salter) x Camregan Wood.
Strophomena arenacea (Salter) x Woodland Point.
Page 694
Strophomena Waltoni (Dav.) x Cuddystone Glen.
Strophomena shallockiensis (Dav.) x Shalloch Mill.
Strophomena sp. x Dow Hill, Ardmillan, Craighead.
Strophomena sp. x Shalloch Mill.
Leptaena sericea (Sow.) x Penkill, Camregan Wood.
Leptaena sericea (Sow.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Leptaena sericea (Sow.) Shalloch Mill.
Leptaena sericea (Sow.) x Starfish Bed, Auldthorns.
Leptaena sericea (Sow.) x Craighead, Minuntion, Balclatchie.
Leptaena var. rhombica (M'Coy) x Craighead, Balclatchie conglomerate.
Leptaena transversalis (Wahl.) x Camregan Wood, Penkill, Bargany Pond Burn.
Leptaena transversalis (Wahl.) x Woodland Point, Newlands, Ptilograptus Bed.
Leptaena transversalis (Wahl.) x Auldthorns, Starfish Bed.
Leptaena transversalis (Wahl.) x Craighead, Balclatchie conglomerate.
Leptaena quinquecostata (M'Coy) x Woodland Point.
Leptaena quinquecostata (M'Coy) x Shalloch Mill.
Leptaena quinquecostata (M'Coy) x Ardmillan, Balclatchie.
Leptaena tenuicincta (M'Coy) x Shalloch Mill.
Leptaena tenuicincta (M'Coy) x Balclatchie, Ardmillan.
Leptaena tenuicincta (M'Coy) x Balclatchie conglomerate.
Leptaena segmentum (Angelin) x Woodland Point.
Leptaena segmentum (Angelin) x Cuddystone Glen.
Leptaena segmentum (Angelin) x Shalloch Mill.
Leptaena youngiana (Dav.) x Craighead, Balclatchie conglomerate.
Leptaena Etheridgei (Dav.) x Craighead.
Leptaena llandeiloensis (Dav.) x Craighead Ardmillan.
Leptaena Grayii (Dav.) x Craighead.
Leptaena scissa (Salt.) x Woodland Point.
Leptaena scissa (Salt.) x Balclatchie, Ardmillan.
Ambonychia radiata (Emmons) x Ardmillan.
Ambonychia radiata (Emmons) x Shalloch Mill.
Ambonychia radiata (Emmons) x Craighead.
Ambonychia orbicularis (Conrad.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk,
Ambonychia orbicularis (Conrad.) x Woodland Point.
Ambonychia amygdalina (Hall) x Woodland Point.
Ambonychia amygdalina (Hall) x Craighead.
Ambonychia bellistriata (Hall) x Penkill.
Ambonychia sp. x Ardmillan, Dow Hill.
Ambonychia sp. x Penkill.
Avicula elliptica (Hall) x Woodland Point.
Avicula elliptica (Hall) x Ardmillan.
Avicula elliptica (Hall) x Penkill.
Cardiola striata (Sow.) x Penkill.
Cardiola sp. x Woodland Point.
Cardiola fibrosa (Sow.) x Penwhapple Glen.
Ctenodonta astartaeformis (Salter) x Ardmillan, Dow Hill.
Ctenodonta varicosa (Salter) x Ardmillan.
Ctenodonta Eastnori (Murch.) x Thraive Glen.
Ctenodonta levata (Hall) x Balclatchie.
Ctenodonta sp. x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Nueda subacuta (M'Coy) x Balclatchie.
Goniophora cymbaeformis (Sow.) x Penkill.
Goniophora cymbaeformis (Sow.) x Woodland Point.
Goniophora sp. x Ardmillan.
Mytilus semirugatus (Portl.) x Penkill, Bargany Pond Burn.
Mytilus gradatus (Salter) x Shalloch Mill.
Mytilus mytilimeris (Conrad.) x Woodland Point.
Mytilus mytilimeris (Conrad.) x Penkill.
Lunulicardium elegans (Salter) x Penwhapple Glen.
Orthonota undata (Sow.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk, and in Wood.
Orthonota undata (Sow.) x Newlands.
Orthonota contracta (Hall) x Craighead.
Orthonota prora (Salter) x Starfish Bed.
Orthonota semisulcata (Sow.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Orthonota rigida (Sow.) x Camregan Wood.
Orthonota x Penkill, Cuddystone Glen,
Page 695
Palaearca quadrata (Salter) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Palaearca modiolaris (Salter) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Pterinea Sowerbyi (M'Coy) x Starfish Bed.
Pterinea tenuistriata (M'Coy) x Camregan Wood.
Pleurorhynchus dipterus (Salter) x Craighead, Balclatchie conglomera Minuntion.
Pleurorhynchus pristis (Salt.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Acroculia haliotis (Sow.) x Thraive Glen.
Acroculia sp. x Mulloch Hill, High Road Quarries.
Bucania profunda (Hall) x Craighead.
Bucania sp. x Ardmillan, Balclatchie, Dow Hill.
Bucania sp. x Shalloch Mill.
Cyclonema carinatum x Shalloch Mill.
Cyclonema sp. x Cuddystone Glen, Penkill.
Cyclonema sp. x Shalloch Mill.
Cyrtolites euryomphalus (Linds.)? x Newlands.
Cyrtolites orbiculus (Linds)? x Balclatchie conglomerate.
Cyrtolites sp. x Balclatchie, Craighead.
Enomphalus funatus (Sow.) x Shalloch Mill.
Enomphalus sp. x Whitehouse Bay.
Enomphalus granulatus (Portl.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Enomphalus qualteriatus (Schl.) x Newlands.
Enomphalus sp. x Thraive Glen.
Enomphalus sp. x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk, Ptilograptus Bed.
Enomphalus sp. x Cuddystone Glen, Penkill.
Fusispira elongata (Hall)? x Woodland Point.
Fusispira sp. x Woodland Point.
Holopella obsoleta (Sow.) x Thraive Glen.
Holopella obsoleta (Sow.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Holopella sp. x Woodland Point.
Holopella tenuicincta (M'Coy) . x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk, Ptilograptus Bed.
Holopea paludiniformis (Hall) x Craighead.
Holopea lymnaioides (Forbes) x Thraive Glen.
Loxonema elegans (M'Coy) x Thraive Glen.
Murchisonia obscura (Portl.) x Thraive Glen.
Murchisonia (Pleurotomaria) bicincta (Hall) x Shalloch Mill.
Murchisonia (Pleurotomaria) simplex (M'Coy) x Balclatchie.
Murchisonia cancellatula (M'Coy) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Murchisonia sp. x Shalloch Mill.
Murchisonia sp. x Woodland Point.
Oriostoma discors (Sow.) x Woodland Point.
Oriostoma discors (Sow.) x Shalloch Mill.
Oriostoma angulatum (Linds.) ? x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Ophileta nerine (Billings) x Shalloch Mill.
Ophileta compacta (Salter) x Shalloch Mill.
Ophileta compacta (Salter) x Threave Glen.
Ophileta sp. x Craighead.
Pleurotomaria turrita (Portlock) x Threave Glen.
Pleurotomaria alata (Sow.) x Woodland Point.
Pleurotomaria scutulata (Linde.) x Woodland Point.
Pleurotomaria trochiformis (Portl.) x Ardmillan.
Pleurotomaria claustrata (Linde.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Pleurotomaria sp. x Craighead.
Pleurotomaria sp. x Shalloch Mill.
Pleurotomaria sp. x Penkill, Bargany Pond Bum
Platyceras cornutum (Hisinger) x Newlands.
Platyceras cornutum (Hisinger) x Camregan li ood.
Platyschisma helicites (Sow.) x Craighead.
Platyschisma sp. x Thraive Glen.
Raphistoma sp. x Ardmillan, Dow Hill, Balelatch's.
Raphistoma planistria, var. parva (Hall.) ? x Thraive Glen.
Raphistoma aequalis (Salter)? x Balclatchie conglomerate.
Trochus Moorei (M'Coy) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Trochonema sp. x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Page 696
Metoptoma sp. x Craighead.
Metoptoma sp. x Shalloch Mill.
Metoptoma sp. x Thraive Glen.
Metoptoma sp. x Newlands.
Helminthochiton (Chelodes) Grayae (H. (Woodward) x Thraive Glen.
Helminthochiton sp. x Balclatchie.
Helminthochiton sp. x Ardmillan, Dow Hill.
Conularia elongata (Portl.) x Balclatchie, Dow Hill, Ardmillan,


Conularia Sowerbyi (Defrance) x Craighead.
Conularia bilineata (Linds.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Conularia bilineata (Linds.) x Thraive Glen, Starfish Bed.
Conularia subtilis (Salter) x Woodland Point.
Conularia asperse x Woodland Point.
Hyolithes elegens (Barr.) x Thraive Glen.
Hyolithes (Theca) operculatus (Salter) x Balclatchie.
Hyolithes (Theca) triangularis (Portl).) x Whitehouse Bay.
Hyolithes (Theca) triangularis (Portl).) x Thraive Glen.
Hyolithes (Theca) triangularis (Portl).) x Ardmillan.
Hyolithes acutus (Eichwald) x Balclatchie.
Hyolithes reversus (Salt.) x Thraive Glen.
Hyolithes reversus (Salt.) x Shalloch Mill, Whitehouse Bay.
Hyolithes reversus (Salt.) x Balclatchie, Dow Hill, Ardmillan.
Hyolithes sp. x Craighead.
Hyolithes sp. x Ardmillan.
Hyolithes sp. x Penkill.
Hyolithes sp. x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Pterotheca corrugata (Salter) x Balclatchie.
Pterotheca transversa (Salter) x Ardmillan.
Pterotheca sp x Thraive Glen.
Pterotheca sp. x Newlands.
Pterotheca sp x Penkill.
Pterotheca sp. x Shalloch Mill.
Ecculiomphalus Bucklandi (Portl.) x Shalloch Mill.
Ecculiomphalus Bucklandi (Portl.) x Ardmillan, Dow Hill, Craighead.
Ecculiomphalus laevis (Sow.) x Shalloch Mill.
Ecculiomphalus laevis (Sow.) x Craighead, Balclatchie.
Ecculiomphalus sp. x Woodland Point.
Ecculiomphalus sp. x Craighead.
Bellerophon wenlockensis (Sow.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Bellerophon carinatus (Sow.) x Shalloch Mill.
Bellerophon carinatus (Sow.) x Thraive Glen.
Bellerophon dilatatus (Sow.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk, Craigens Quarry, and in Wood.
Bellerophon dilatatus (Sow.) x Woodland Point.
Bellerophon sphaera (Linds.)? x Woodland Point.
Bellerophon bilobatus (Sow.) x Thraive Glen, Starfish Bed.
Bellerophon bilobatus (Sow.) x Ardmillan, Dow Hill, Balclatchie.
Bellerophon trilobatus (Sow.) x Thraive Glen.
Bellerophon trilobatus (Sow.) x Ardmillan.
Bellerophon expansus (Sow.) x Penkill.
Bellerophon expansus (Sow.) x Woodland Point.
Bellerophon expansus (Sow.) x Mulloch Hill, High Road.
Bellerophon expansus (Sow.) x Drummuck.
Bellerophon expansus (Sow.) x Ardmillan, Balclatchie.
Bellerophon punctifrons (Emmons) x Craighead.
Bellerophon subdecussatus (M'Coy) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Bellerophon subdecussatus (M'Coy) x Drummuck.
Bellerophon Urei (Fleming) x Drummuck.
Bellerophon squamous (Linds.) x Mulloch Hill.
Bellerophon elongatus (Portloch) x Thraive Glen.
Bellerophon Argo (Billings)? x Thraive Glen.
Bellerophon Argo (Billings)? x Shalloch Mill.
Bellerophon sp. x Penkill.
Bellerophon sp. x Newlands, Woodland Point.
Page 697
Bellerophon sp. x Shalloch Mill.
Bellerophon sp. x Balclatchie conglomerate.
Bellerophon sp. x Craighead, Ardmillan, Balclatchil Dow Hill.
Maclurea magna (Lesueur) x Aldons, Tmmitchell, Minuntion.
Maclurea matutina (Hall)? x Balclatchie conglomerate.
Maclurea Logani (Salter) x Craighead.
Maclurea macromphala (M'Coy) x Craighead.
Orthoceras politum (M'C'oy) x Pinmore, Waterfall Penwhapple Glen,
Orthoceras Avelini (S'alter) x Ardmillan.
Orthoceras bilineatum (Hall) x Craighead.
Orthoceras bilineatum (Hall) x Shalloch Mill.
Orthoceras arcuoliratum (Hall) x Shalloch Mill.
Orthoceras ludense (Sow.) x Shalloch Mill.
Orthoceras ludense (Sow.) x Thraive Glen.
Orthoceras vagans (Salter.) x Shalloch Mill.
Orthoceras vagans (Salter.) x Thraive Glen.
Orthoceras tenuicinctum (Portl.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Orthoceras tenuicinctum (Portl.) x Woodland Point.
Orthoceras distans (Sow.) x Woodland Point.
Orthoceras imbricatum (Wahl.) x Starfish Bed.
Orthoceras imbricatum (Wahl.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk, High Rom uarry.
Orthoceras imbricatum (Wahl.) x Woodland Point.
Orthoceras imbricatum (Wahl.) x Penkill, Cuddystone Glen.
Orthoceras tracheale (Sow.) x Woodland Point.
Orthoceras mocktreense (Sow.) x Woodland Point.
Orthoceras bullatum (Sow.) x Whitehouse Bay.
Orthoceras bullatum (Sow.) x Woodland Point.
Orthoceras primaevum (Forbes) x Penkill.
Orthoceras angulatum (Wahl.) x Thraive Glen.
Orthoceras angulatum (Wahl.) x Mulloch Hill, Ptilograptus Bed.
Orthoceras angulatum (Wahl.) x Woodland Point, Newlands.
Orthoceras angulatum (Wahl.) x Penkill.
Orthoceras Bacchus (Barr.) x Penkill, Bargany Pond Burn.
Orthoceras Bacchus (Barr.) x Penwhapple Glen, Penkill Beds.
Orthoceras annulatum (Sow.) x Penwhapple Glen.
Orthoceras Grindrodi (Blake) x Penkill Beds, Penwhapple Glen.
Orthoceras fusiforme (Hall)? x Penkill, Penwhapple Glen.
Orthoceras multicinctum (Hall) x Penkill.
Orthoceras sp. x Camregan Wood.
Orthoceras gracile (Portlock) x Shalloeh Mill.
Orthoceras subundulatum (Portl.) x Dow Hill.
Orthoceras sp. x Thraive Glen.
Phragmoceras arcuatum (Sow.) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Phragmoceras sp. x Woodland Point.
Phragmoceras sp. x Balclatchie conglomerate.
Endoceras proteiforme, var. strangulatum (Hall). x Thraive Glen.
Endoceras proteiforme, var. strangulatum (Hall). x Balclatchie, Dow Hill.
Gomphoceras sp. x Penkill.
Gomphoceras crater (Blake) x Woodland Point.
Gomphoceras cinctum (Blake) x Camregan Wood.
Poterioceras sp. x Penkill.
Cyrtoceras victor (Barr.)? x Starfish Bed.
Cyrtoceras arcuatum (Hall) x Woodland Point.
Cyrtoceras sp. x Craighead.
Cyrtoceras sp. x Balclatchie conglomerate.
Cyrtoceras compressum (Sow.) x Penkill.
Cyrtoceras scoticum (Blake) x Craighead, Minuntion.
Cyrtoceras annulatum (Hall) x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Cyrtoceras sp. x Minuntion.
Oncoceras sp. x Mulloch Hill.
Oncoceras sp. x Woodland Point.
Oncoceras sp. x Newlands.
Trociolites planorbiformis (Conrad) x Craighead
Trociolites cornuarietis x Mulloch Hill, Rough Neuk.
Trochoceras aspersum (Barr.)? x Woodland Point.

No. 4 — Complete list of fossils from the Stinchar Limestone Series (Upper Llandeilo) of the Girvan district of the south of Scotland

ALGA (?)

Girvanella problematica (Nick. & Eth.)


Nidulites favus (Salter)


Saccammina Carteri (Brady)


Cryptograptus tricornis (Carr.)

Clathrograptus cuneiformis (Lapw.)

Climacograptus bicornis (Hall)

Climacograptus nanus

Climacograptus Scharenbergi (Lapw.)

Dicellograptus sextans (Hall)

Dicellograptus sp.

Dicranograptus ramosus (Hall)

Dicranograptus sp.

Didymograptus superstes (Lapw.)

Didymograptus sp.

Diplograptus foliaceus (Murch.)

Diplograptus rugosus (Emm.)

Diplograptus sp.

Glossograptus Hincksi (Hopk.)



Chwtetes (Fischer)

Favosites girvanensis (Nich. and Eth.)

Fistulipora pilula (Nick. and Eth.)

Halysites sp.

Heliolites Grayi (Edw. and Hahne)

Labechia canadensis (N. and Murie).

Lindstromia subduplioata (M'Coy).

Lyopora favosa (M'Coy).

Monticulipora girvanensis (Nich.)

Petraia elongata (Phil.)

Prasopora Gray (Nich. and Eth.)

Propora Edwardsi (Nich. and Etk.)

Stenopora fibrosa (Goldf.)

Streptelasma aequisulcatum (M'Coy)

Streptelasma aggregatum (N. and E.)

Streptelasma craigense (M'Coy).

Streptelasma europaeum (Röm.)

Stylaraea occidentalis (Nick. and Elk.)

Tetradium Peachi (Nich. and Eth.)

Thecostegites scoticum (Nick. and Eth.)


Glyptocrinus (Hall) sp.


Cornulites (Schl.) sp.

Serpulites longissimus (Murch.)


Turrilepas (Woodw.) sp.


Cythere aldensis (M'Coy).

Cythere aldensis var. major (Jones)

Cythere grayana (Jones).

Cythere wrightiana (Jones and Holl.)

Primitia barrandiana (Jones)


Ampyx (Dalm.) sp.

Asaphus (Isotelus) gigas (Dekay)

Asaphus (Isotelus) rectifrons (Portl.)

Bronteus (Goldf.) sp.

Calymene Blumenbachi (Brong.)

Cheirurus himucronatus (Murch.)

Cheirurus gelasinosus (Portl.)

Dind mene (Cords.) sp.

Encrinurus punctatus (Brün.)

Encrinurus var. arenaceus (Salt.)

Encrinurus var. calcareus (Salt.)

Harpes (Goldf) sp.

Illaenus (Dysplanus) wmulus (Salt.)

Illaenus (Dysplanus) Bowmani (Salt.)

Illaenus (Dysplanus) latus (M'Coy).

Illaenus Portlocki (Salt.)

Illaenus sp.

Lichas hebernicus (Portl.)

Phacops Brongniarti (Portl.)

Remopleurides Barrandei (Eth. & Nick.)

Remopleurides Colbii (Portl.)

Remopleurides laterispinifer (Portl.)

Remopleurides sp.

Remopleurides Sphierexochus mirus (Beyr.)

Trinucleus (Lhwyd). sp.


Acrotreta Nicholsoni (Dav.)

Crania siluriana (Dav.)

Discina perrugata (M'Coy).

Leptaena Etheridgei (Dav.)

Leptaena Grayi (Dav.)

Leptaena Ilandeiloensis (Dav.)

Leptaena (Plectambonites) quinquecos.

Leptaena tata (M'Coy).

Leptaena sericea (Sow.)

Leptaena sericea var. rhombica (M'Coy).

Leptaena (Christiania) tenuicincta (M'Coy).

Leptaena (Plectambonites) transversalis (Wahl.)

Leptaena youngiana (Dav.)

Lingula attenuata (Sow.)

Lingula granulata (Phil.)

Lingula ovata (M'Coy).

Lingula quadrata (Eichw.)

Lingula Ramsayi (Salt.)

Meristella angustifrons ? (M'Coy).

Nucleospira pisum (Sow.)

Orthis balcletchiensis (Dav.)

Orthis (Platystrophia) biforata (Schl.)

Orthis calligramma (Dalm.)

Orthis calligramma var. virgata (Salt.)

Orthis calligramma var. scotica (Dav.)

Orthis confinis (Salt.)

Orthis crispa (<'Coy).

Orthis (Dalmanella) elegantula (Dalm.)

Orthis (Dinorthis) flabellulum (Sow.)

Orthis girvanensis (Dav.)

Orthis intercostata (Portl.)

Orthis protensa (Sow.)

Orthis sowerbyana (Dav.)

Orthis (Dalmanella) testudinaria (Dalm.)

Orthis turgida (<'Coy).

Orthis unguis (Sow.)

Orthis vespertilio (Sow.)

Rhynchonella aemula (Salt.)

Rhynchonella balcletchiensis (Dav.)

Rhynchonella Lapworthi (Dav.)

Rhynchonella nasuta (<'Coy).

Rhynchonella Peachi (Dav.)

Rhynchonella (Hyattella) portlockiana (Dav.)

Rhynchonella Salteri (Dav.)

Rhynchonella scotica (Dav.)

Rhynchonella sub-borealis (Dav.)

Rhynchonella Thomsoni (Dav.)

Rhynchonella Weaveri (Salt.)

Siphonotreta anglica (Morris)

Siphonotreta micula (M'Coy).

Siphonotreta scotica (Dav.)

Strophomena corrugatella (Dav.)

Strophomena (Rafinesquina) deltoidea (Conr.)

Strophomena (Rafinesquina) expansa (Sow.)

Strophomena Grayi (Dav.)

Strophomena imbrex (Pand.), var. semi-globosa (Dav.)

Strophomena llandeiloensis (Dav.)

Strophomena retroflexa (Salt.)

Strophomena (Leptaena) rhomboidalis (Wilck.)

Strophomena sp.

Triplesia Grayae (Dav.)

Triplesia sp.


Ambonychia amygdalina (Hall).

Ambonychiaradiata (Emm.)

Orthonota contracta (Hall).

Pleurorhynchus dipterus (Salt.)


Bellerophon acutus (Sow.)

Bellerophon punctifrons (Emm.)

Bellerophon sp.

Bellerophon (Bucania) ?rotunda (Hall).

Chelodes (Dav. and King).

Chelodes (Helminthochiton) sp.

Cyrtolites (Conrad) sp.

Ecculiomphalus Bucklandi (Portl.)

Ecculiomphalus laevis (Sow.)

Holopea paludiniformis (Hall).

Maclurea Logani (Salt.)

Maclurea (Ophileta) macromphala (M'Coy).

Maclurea Maccoyi (Salt.)

Maclurea magna (Lesu.)

Maclurea matutina (Hall).

Macrocheilus (Phillips) sp.

Metoptoma (Phil.) sp.

Metoptoma (Tryblidium) sp.

Murchisonia angulata (Sow.)

Murchisonia (Pleurotomaria) bicincta (Hall)

Murchisonia gracilis (Hall).

Murchisonia gyrogonia (M 'Coy).

Murchisonia vitellia (Bill.)

Ophileta (Vanux) sp.

Pleurotomaria (Defr.)

Pleurotomaria (Raphistoma) lenticularis (Sow.)

Pleurotomaria qualteriata (Schl.)

Platyceras (Conr.) sp.


Conularia elongata (Portl.)

Conularia Sowerbyi (Defr.)

Hyolithes (Eichw.) sp.

Theca (Sow.) sp.


Cyrtoceras inaequiseptum (Portl.)

Cyrtoceras multicamaratum (Hall)

Cyrtoceras scoticum (Blake)

Cyrtoceras sp.

Orthoceras bilineatum (Hall)

Orthoceras pendens (Blake)

Orthoceras politum (M'Coy)

Orthoceras sp.

Trocholites planorbiformis (Conrad.)

No. 5 Comparative tables of fossils from the Caradoc rocks of Balclatchie, leadhills, Wallace's Cast, Kilbucho, Glencotho, Wrae and Winkston

Balclatchie Leadhills Wallace's cast Kilbucho Glencotho Wrae and Drummelzieer Winkston and Hamilton Hill
Cyclocrinus (Eichwald)
Cyclocrinus sp
Nidulites (Salter) x
Nidulites favus (Salt.) x x x x
Ischadites (Murchison)
Ischadites Koenigi (Nich. and Eth.) x
Dicranograptus (Hall)
Dicranograptus tardiusculus (Lapw.) x
Dicellograptus (Hopkinson)
Dicellograptus moffatensis (Carr.) x
Diplograptus (M'Coy)
Diplograptus rugosus (Emm.) x
Climacograptus (Hall)
Climacograptus Schärenbergi (Lapw.) x
Alveolites (Lamarck)
Alveolites sp. x
Favosites (Lamarck)
Favosites asper (D'Orb.) x
Favosites cristatus (Blum.) x
Favosites gothlandicus (Fougt) x
Favosites sp. x
Fistulipora (MCoy)
Fistulipora favosa (Nich. and Eth.) x
Heliolites (Dana)
Heliolites sp. x
Lindstromia (Nicholson and Thomson)
Lindstromia subduplicata (M'Coy) x x
Lindstromia var. erenulata (M'Coy) x
Lyopora (Nicholson and Etheridge)
Lyopora favosa (M'Coy) x
Monticulipora (D' Orbsgny)
Monticulipora lens (M'Coy) x
Palaeocyclus (Edwards and Haime)
Palaeocyclus sp. x x
Page 701
ACTINOZOA — continued
Petraia (Münster)
Petraia bina (Lonsel.) x x x
Petraia elongata (Phil.) x
Petraia uniserialis (M'Coy) x x
Petraia zic-zac (M' Coy) x
Stenopora (Lonsdale)
Stenopora (Favosites) fibrosa (Goldf.) x x x
Syringophyllum (Edwards and Haime)
Syringophyllum (Sarcinula) sp. x
Tetradium (Dana)
Tetradium sp. x
Glyptocrinus (Hall)
Glyptocrinus basalis (M'Coy) x x x x x x
Glyptocrinus sp. x x x x x x
Myelodactylus (Hall)
Myelodactylus sp. x
Crinoid stems. x x x x x x
Serpulites (M'Leay)
Serpulites longissimus (Murch.) x
Tentaculites (Schlotheim)
Tentaculites sp. x
Turrilepas (Woodward)
Turrilepas scotica (Nich. and Eth.) x
Turrilepas sp. x
Pinnocaris (Etheridge, jnr.)
Pinnocaris Lapworthi (Eth., jnr.) x
Peltocaris (Salter)
Peltocaris sp. x
Acidaspis (Murchison)
Acidaspis Grayle (Eth., jnr.) x
Acidaspis hystrix ( Wyv.- Thom.) x
Acidaspis Lalage ( Wyv.- Thom.) x
Agnostus (Brongniartl
Agnostus agnostiformis (M'Coy) x
Ampyx (Dalman)
Ampyx Hornei (Eth. and Nich.) x
Ampyx Maccallumi (Salt.) x
Ampyx mammilaris (Sars) x
Ampyx rostratus (Sars) x
Ampyx sp. x
Asaphus (Brongniart)
Asaphus (Isotelus) gigas (Dekay) x
Asaphus rectifrons (Portl.) x
Asaphus sp. x
Page 702
TRILOBITA — continued
Barrandia (M'Coy)
Barrandia sp. x
Bronteopsis (Wyville-Thommr)
Bronteopsis scotica (Salt.) x
Bronteus (Goldfuss)
Bronteus Andersoni (Eth. and Vick.) x
Calymene (Brongniart)
Calymene sp.
Cheirurus (Beyrich) x
Cheirurus bimucronatus (Murch.) x x
Cheirurus clavifrons (Dalm.) x
Cheirurus gelasinosus (Portl.) x x
Cheirurus Sedgwicki (M'Coy) x
Cheirurus sp. x x x x
Cybele (Lovén)
Cybele verrucosa (Dalm.) x
Cybele sp. x
Deiphon (Barrande)
Deiphon Forbesi (Barr.) x
Harpes (Goldfuss)
Harpes parvulus (M'Coy) x
Harpes sp. x
Homalonotus ? (Koenig)
Homalonotus ? sp. x
Illaenus (Dalman)
Illaenus (Dysplanus) Bowmani (Salt.) x x x
Illaenus Davisi, var. B. involutus (Salt.)
Illaenus (Dysplanus) latus ? (M'Coy) x
Illaenus Thomsoni (Salt.) x
Illaenus young of x
Illaenus sp.
Lichas (Dalman)
Lichas Grayi (Fletch.) x
Lichas hibernicus (Portl.) x
Lichas sp. x
Ogygia (Brongitiart)
Ogygia sp. x
Phacops (Emmrich)
Phacops (Acaste) alifrons (Salt.) x x
Phacops Brongniarti (Portl.) x x x
Phacops (Dalmanites) caudatus ? (Brünn.) x x
Proetus (Steininger)
Proetus girvanensis (Eth. and Nich.) x
Remopleurides (Forelock)
Remopleurides Barrandei (Eth. and Nich.) x
Remopleurides Colbii (Portl.) x
Remopleurides laterispinifer (Portl.) x x
Remopleurides nov. sp. x
Salteria (Wyville-Thomson)
Salteria primeva (Wyv.-Thom.) x
Sphaerexochus (Beyrich)
Sphaerexochus mirus (Beyr.) x x x x
Staurocephalus (Barrande)
Staurocephalus globiceps (Portl.) x
Page 703
TRILOBITA — continued
Staurocephalus unicus (Wyv.-Thom.) x
Stygina (Salter)
Stygina latifrons (Portl.) x
Trinucleus (Lhywd)
Trinucleus concentricus (Eaton) x
Trinucleus fimbriatus (Murch.) x
Trinucleus Macconochiei (Eth. and Nich.) x
Trinucleus ornatus (Sternb.) x
Trinucleus sp. x
Ceriopora (Goldfuss)
Ceriopora oculata (Goldf.) x
Fenestella (Lonedale)
Fenestella sp. x
Ptilodictya (Lonsdale)
Ptilodictya costellata (M'Coy) x
Ptilodictya dichotoma (Portl.) x x x
Ptilodictya sp. x
Retepora (Lamarck)
Retepora sp. x x
Sulcoretepora (D'Orbigay)
Sulcoretepora sp. x
Acrotreta (Kutorga)
Acrotreta costata ? (Dav.) x
Acrotreta Nicholsoni (Dav.) x
Crania (Retzius)
Crania sp. x
Discina (Lamarck)
Discina oblongata (Portl.) x
Discina perrugata, (M'Coy) x x x
Discina sp. x x
Leptaena (Dalman)
Leptaena (Plectambonites) quinquerostata (M'Coy) x x
Leptaena scissa = llandeiloensis (Dav.) x x
Leptaena sericea (Sow.) x x x x x x
Leptaena var. rhombica (M'Coy) x x x
Leptaena (Christiania) tenuicincta (M'Coy) x x x x
Leptaena (Plectambonites) transversalis (Wahl.) x x x x
Leptaena youngiana (Dav.) x
Leptaena sp. x
Lingula (ruguiere)
Lingula attenuata (Sow.) x x x x x
Lingula brevis (Portl.) x
Lingula canadensis (Bill.) x
Lingula granulata (Phil.) x
Lingula longissima (Pand.) x
Lingula ovata (M'Coy) x
Lingula Ramsayi (Salt.) x x
Meristella (Hall)
Meristella (Whitfieldia) tumida (Dal.) x x
Page 704
BRACHIOPODA — continued
Meristina (Hall)
Meristina (= Whitfieldia (Sow.)
Meristina (Meristella) tumida (Dalm.) x x
Obolella or Kutorgina (Billings)
Obolella or Kutorgina sp. x
Orthis (Dolman)
Orthis Actoniae (Sow.) x x x
Orthis (Platystrophia) biforata (Schl.) x x
Orthis (Bilobites) biloba (Linn.)
Orthis Bouchardi, var. balcletchiensis (Dav.) x
Orthis calligramma (Dalm.) x x x x x x
Orthis calligramma var. plicata (Sow.) x
Orthis calligramma var. virgata (Salt.) x
Orthis Carausii (Salt.) x
Orthis crispa (M'Coy) x x x x
Orthis (Dalmanella) elegantula (Dalm.) x x
Orthis (Dinorthis) flabellulum (Sow.) x
Orthis girvanensis T (Dav.) x x
Orthis Lapworthi (Dav.) x
Orthis polygramma (Sow.)
Orthis var. pentlandica (Dav.) x x
Orthis protensa (Sow.) x
Orthis Rankini (Dav.) x
Orthis rustica (Sow.) x
Orthis sowerbyana (Dav.) x x x x
Orthis (Dalmanella) testudinaria (Dalm.) x x x
Orthis turgida (M'Coy) x
Orthis unguis (Sow.) x
Orthis vespertilio (Sow.) x
Orthis sp. x x
Paterula (Davidson)
Paterula (Discina) balcletchiensis (Dav.) x
Porambonites (Pander)
Porambonites intercedens (Pand.) x
Porambonites sp. x
Rhynchonella (Fischer)
Rhynchonella ardmillanensis x
Rhynchonella balcletchiensis (Dav.) x
Rhynchonella borealis (Schl.) x
Rhynchonella cuneatella (Dav.) x
Rhynchonella girvanensis (Dav.) x
Rhynchonella jacki (Dav.) x
Rhynchonella maccoyana (Dav.) x
Rhynchonella nasuta (M'Coy). . x
Rhynchonella nucula (Sow.) x
Rhynchonella Stricklandi (Sow.) x
Rhynchonella sp. x x
Siphonotreta (De Vernenil)
Siphonotreta micula (M'Coy) x
Stricklandinia (Billings)
Stricklandinia balcletchiensis (Dav.) x
Stricklandinia trophomena (Rafinesque)
Stricklandinia arenacea (Salt.) x
Stricklandinia compressa (Sow.) x
Page 705
BRACHIOPODA — continued
Strophomena corrugatella (Dav.) x x x
Strophomena (Rafinesquina) deltoidea (Corr.) x x
Strophomena (Rafinesquina) var. rotundata (Conr.) x
Strophomena (Rafinesquina) var. expansa (Sow.) x x
Strophomena grandis (Sow.) x x
Strophomena imbrex (Pand.) x
Strophomena (Orthis) kilbuchoensis (Dav.) x x x
Strophomena llandeiloensis (Dav.) x
Strophomena retroflexa (Salt.) x
Strophomena (Leptaena) rhomboidalis (Wilek.) x x x
Strophomena semiglobosina (Dav.) x
Strophomena shallockiensis (Dav.) x
Strophomena sp. x x x
Triplesia (Hall)
Triplesia spiriferoides ? (M'Coy) x
Triplesia sp. x
Ambonychia (Hall)
Ambonychia radiata (Emmons) x
Ambonychia sp. x
Area (Linnaeus)
Area edmondiaeformis (M'Coy) x
Avicula (Klein)
Avicula sp. x
Ctenodonta (Salter)
Ctenodonta anglica (D'Orb.) x
Ctenodonta astarteformis (Salt.) x
Ctenodonta levata (Hall) x x
Ctenodonta (Nucula) subacuta (M'Coy) x
Ctenodonta varicosa (Salt) x
Ctenodonta sp. x x x
Cucullella (M'Coy)
Cucullella sp. x
Goniophora (Phillips)
Goniophora sp. x
Modiolopsis (Hall)
Modiolopsis modiolaris (Conrad) x
Modiolopsis orbicularis (Sow.) x x
Modiolopsis sp x x
Orthonota (Conrad)
Orthonota undata ? (Sow.) x
Pleurorhynchus (Phillips)
Pleurorhynchus (Conocardium) dipterus (Salt.) x
Bellerophon (Montfort)
Bellerophon acutus (Sow.) x x x
Bellerophon bilobatus (Sow.) x
Bellerophon dilatatus (Sow.) x
Bellerophon expansus (Sow.) x
Bellerophon trilobatus (Sow.) x x
Page 706
GASTEROPODA — continued
Bellerophon sp. x x
Bellerophon (Bucania) sp. x
Chelodes (Davidson and King)
Chelodes (Helminthochiton) sp. x x
Cyrtolites (Conrad)
Cyrtolites (Ecculiomphalus) orbiculus (Lindst.) x
Cyrtolites sp. x
Cyclonema (Hall)
Cyclonema crebristria (M'Coy) x
Cyclonema sp. x x x
Ecculiomphalus (Portlock)
Ecculiomphalus (Bucklandi (Portl.) x
Ecculiomphalus (hevis (Sow.) x
Ecculiomphalus (minor (Portl.) x
Ecculiomphalus scoticus (M'Coy) x
Ecculiomphalus sp. x
Euomphalus (Sowerby)
Euomphalus (Bellerophon) sculptus (Sow.) x x
Euomphalus sp. x
Holopea (Hall)
Holopea concinna (M'Coy) x x
Holopella (M'Coy)
Holopella sp. x
Loxonema (Phillips)
Loxonema sp. x x
Maclurea (Lesueur)
Maclurea (Opheileta) macromphala (M'Coy) x
Maclurea matutina (Hall) x
Maclurea Macrochilina (Bayle)
Maclurea sp. x
Murchisonia (De Verneuil et D' Archiac)
Murchisonia angulata (Sow.) x
Murchisonia gyrogonia (M'Coy) x x
Murchisonia simplex (M'Coy) x
Murchisonia sp. x x x
Ophileta (Vanuxem)
Ophileta compacta (Salt.) x
Pleurotomaria (Defrance)
Pleurotomaria alata ( Wahl.) x
Pleurotomaria elliptica (His.) x x x
Pleurotomaria (Raphistoma) lenticularis (Sow. ) x x x
Pleurotomaria trochiformis (Portl.) x
Pleurotomaria sp. x x x
Raphistoma (Hall)
Raphistoma sequalis (Salt.) x
Raphistoma sp x
Turbo (Linnaeus)
Turbo sp. x
Conularia (Miller)
Conularia elongata (Portl.) x x
Conularia sp. x
Page 707
PTEROPODA ? — continued
Hyolithes (Eichwald)
Hyolithes (Theca) acutus (Eichw.) x
Hyolithes operculatus (Salt.) x
Hyolithes reversus (Salt.) x
Hyolithes triangularis (Portl.) x
Hyolithes sp. x x x
Pterotheca (Salter)
Pterotheca corrugata (Salt.) x x
Pterotheca transversa (Salt.) x
Cyrtoceras (Goldfuss)
Cyrtoceras scoticum (Blake) x x
Cyrtoceras sp. x
Endoceras (Hall)
Endoceras strangulatum (Hall) x
Endoceras sp. x
Lituites (Breynius)
Lituites (Nautilus) sp. x
Orthoceras (Breynius)
Orthoceras arcuoliratum (Hall) x x
Orthoceras Avelini (Salt.) x x
Orthoceras pendens (Blake) x x
Orthoceras politum ( DP Coy) x
Orthoceras subundulatum (Portl.) x
Orthoceras sp. x x x
Phragmoceras (Broderip)
Phragmoceras sp. x
Trocholites (Conrad)
Trocholites (Lituites) cornuarietis (Sow.) x
Trocholites sp. x

No. 6 — Comparative table of fossils from the Wenlock–Ludlow rocks of the south of Scotland

Pentlands Hagshaws Lesmahagow Kirkcudbright and Riccarton &c. Straiton
Land plants x
Amphispongia (Salter)
Amphispongia oblonga (Salt.) x
Plectoderma (Hinde)
Plectoderma citulum (Hinde) x
Protospongia (Salter) x
Sponge x
Ischadites (Murchison)
Ischadites Koenigi (Murch.). x
Cyrtograptus (Carruthers)
Cyrtograptus Carruthersi (Lapw.) ? x
Cyrtograptus Murchisoni (Carr.) x
Cyrtograptus scoticus (Lapw., M.S.) x
Monograptus (Geinitz)
Monograptus colonus (Barr.) x x
Monograptus Flemingi (Salt.) = priodon (Bronn.) x x
Monograptus galaensis (Lapw.) x
Monograptus ludensis (Murch.) = priodon (Bronn.) x
Monograptus priodon (Bronn.) x x
Monograptus riccartonensis (Lapw.) x
Monograptus vomerinus (Nick.) x x
Monograptus sp. x x x
Retiolites (Barrande)
Retiolites geinitzianus (Barr.) x x x
Dictyonema (Hall)
Dictyonema (Fenestella) assimile (Lonsd.) x
Dictyonema (Gorgonio) regulare (Portl.) x
Dictyonema retiforme (Hall) x
Dictyonema (Chondrites) verisimile (Salt.) x
Dictyonema sp. x
Alveolites (Lamarck)
Alveolites repens (Fougt) x
Alveolites sp. x
Favosites (Lamarck.)
Favosites alveolaris (Goldf), asper (D' Orb.) x x
Favosites gothlandicus (Fougt) x
Page 709
ACTINOZOA — continued
Favosites multipora (Lonsd.) x
Favosites sp. x x
Heliolites (Dana)
Heliolites interstinctus (Linn.) x
Heliolites sp. x x x
Lindstromia (Nich.Thom.)
Lindstromia sp. x
Monticulipora (D'Orbigny)
Monticulipora (Cluetetes) Fletcheri (M. Edw.) x
Petraia (Münster)
Petraia bina (Lonsd.) x x
Petraia (Streptelasma) elongata (Phil.) x x
Petraia (Streptelasma) subduplicata (M'Coy) x
Petraia uniserialis (M'Coy) x
Petraia sp. x
Ptychophyllum (Milne Edwards)
Ptychophyllum (Strombodes) patellatum (Schloth.) x
Stenopora (Lansdale)
Stenopora (Favosites) fibrosa (Goldf.) x ?
Syringopora (Goldfuss)
Syringopora sp. x
Protaster (Forbes)
Protaster Sedgwicki (Forbes) x
Protaster sp. x
Palaeaster (Hall)
Palaeaster sp. x
Palasterina (M'Coy)
Palasterina sp. x
Perischoechinus (M'Coy)
Perischoechinus sp x
Periechocrinus (Austin)
Periechocrinus sp. x
Crinoid stems x x x
Cornulites (Schlotheim)
Cornulites sp. x x x x
Serpulites (M'Leay)
Serpulites longissimus (Murch.) x
Serpulites sp. x
Spirorbis (Lamarck)
Spirorbis Lewisi (Sow.) x x
Anatifopsis (Brady)
Anatifopsis sp. x
Turrilepas (Woodward)
Turrilepas Haswelli (Edgell, M.S.) x
Turrilepas Wrighti (Woodw.) x
Turrilepas sp. x
Page 710
Beyrichia (M'Coy)
Beyrichia (Entomis) impendens (Jones) x x x
Beyrichia Klaedeni (M'Coy) x x x
Beyrichia Klaedeni var. x
Beyrichia (Entomis) tuberosa (Jones) x x
Beyrichia sp. x x
Cythere (Muller)
Cythere umbilicata (Jones) x
Entomis (M'Coy)
Entomis sp. x x
Aptychopsis (Barrande)
Aptychopsis oblata (Jones) x
Aptychopsis ovota (Jones) x
Aptychopsis Wilsoni (Woodw.) x
Aptychopsis sp. x
Ceratiocaris (M'Coy)
Ceratiocaris angusta (Jones and Woodw.) x
Ceratiocaris inequalis (Barr.) x
Ceratiocaris inornata (M'Coy) x
Ceratiocaris laxa (Jones and Woodw.) x
Ceratiocaris ludensis ( Woodw.) x
Ceratiocaris Murchisoni (M'Coy) x
Ceratiocaris papilio (Salt.) x x
Ceratiocaris patula (Jones and Woodw.) x
Ceratiocaris robusta (Salt.) x
Ceratiocaris stygia (Salt.) x
Ceratiocaris tyrannus (Salt.) x
Ceratiocaris sp x x x x
Discinocaris (Woodward)
Discinocaris sp. x
Peltocaris (Salter)
Peltocaris aptychoides (Salt.) x
Acidaspis (Murchison)
Acidaspis Brighti (Murch.) x
Acidaspis sp. x x
Calymene (Bronyniart)
Calymene Blumenbachi (Brong.) x x x
Calymene sp. x
Cheirurus (Beyrich)
Cheirurus bimucronatus (Murch.) x
Encrinurus (Emmrich)
Encrinurus punctatus (Brün.) x x
Encrinurus var. arenaceus (Salt.) x
Encrinurus sp. x x
Ilaenus (Dalman)
Ilaenus sp. x
Phacops (Emmrich)
Phacops candatus ? ( Brünn.) x
Phacops Downingae (Murch.) x x
Phacops Stokesi (M. Edw.) x x
Phacops sp. x x
Page 711
TRILOBITA — continued
Proetus (Steininger)
Proetus Stokesi (Murch.) x x
Trinucleus (Lhwyd)
Trinucleus (?) Benniei (Eth., jnr.) x
Neolimulus (Woodward)
Neolimulus falcatus (Woodw.) x
Bembycosoma (Laurie)
Bembycosoma pomphicus (Laurie) x
Drepanopterus (Laurie)
Drepanopterus bembycoides (Laurie) x
Drepanopterus lobatus (Laurie) x
pentlandicus (Laurie) x
Eurypterus (Dekay)
Eurypterus conicus (Laurie) x
Eurypterus cyclophthalmus (Laurie) x
Eurypterus lanceolatus (Salt.) x
Eurypterus minor (Laurie) x
Eurypterus obesus (Woodw.) x
Eurypterus punctatus ? (Salt.) x
Eurypterus scorpioides (Woodw.) x x
Eurypterus scoticus (Laurie) x
Eurypterus dolichoscelus (Laurie) x
Eurypterus sp. x x
Eurypterus sp. x
Eurypterus sp. x
Pterygotus (Agassiz)
Pterygotus bilobus (Salt.) x x
Pterygotus var. accidens (Woodw.) x
Pterygotus var. inornatus (Woodw.) x
Pterygotus var. perornatus (Salt.) x
Pterygotus raniceps (Woodw.) x
Slimonia (Page)
Slimonia aeuminata (Salt.) x x x x
Slimonia dubia (Laurie) x
Stylonurus (Page)
Stylonurus elegans (Laurie) x
Stylonurus Logani (Woodw.) x
Stylonurus macrophthalmus (Laurie) x
Stylonurus ornatus (Laurie) x x
Palmophonus (Thorell and Lindström)
Palmophonus caledonicus (Hunter) x x
Palmophonus loudonensis (Laurie) x
Archidesmus (Peach)
Archidesmus loganensis (Peach) x
Archidesmus sp. x x
Page 712
Ceriopora (Goldfuss)
Ceriopora granulosa (Goldf.). x
Ceriopora sp. x x
Diastopora (Lamouroux)
Diastopora irregularis (Emmet.) x
Diastopora sp. x
Glauconome (Lonsdale)
Glauconome disticha (Goldf.) x
Glauconome sp. x x x
Ptilodictya (Lonsdale)
Ptilodictya dichotoma (Portl.) x
Ptilodictya fucoides (McCoy) x
Ptilodictya lanceolata (Gold.) x
Ptilodictya (Fenestella) scalpellum (Lonsd.) x
Ptilodictya sp. x x
Athyris (M'Coy)
Athyris (Glassia) compressa (Sow.) x x
Athyris sp. x
Atrypa (Dalman)
Atrypa (Leptocaelia) hemispherica (Sow.) x
Atrypa reticularis (Linn.) x x
Atrypa sp. x
Chonetes (Fischer)
Chonetes striatella (Dalm.) x
Chonetes sp. x
Crania (Retzius)
Crania (Pholidops) implicata (Sow.) x
Cyrtia (Dalman) x
Cyrtia (Spirifera) exporrecta ( Wahl.) x
Discina (Lamarck)
Discina rugata (Sow.) x
Discina striata (Sow.) x
Glassia (Davidson)
Glassia (Athyris) compressa (Sow.) x
Glassia obovata (Sow.) x
Leptaena (Dalman)
Leptaena sericea (Sow.) x ?
Leptaena (Plectambonites) transversalis (Wahl.) x ? x
Lingula (Bruguiere)
Lingula lata (Sow.) x
Lingula Lewisi (Sow.) x
Lingula minima (Sow.) x
Lingula Symondsi (Salt.) x x
Lingula sp. x x
Meristella (Nall)
Meristella MacLareni (Hasw.) x
Meristella (Whitfieldia) tumida (Dalm.) x
Nucleospira (Hall)
Nucleospira pisum (Sow.) x
Nucleospira sp. x
Orbiculoidea (D'Orbigny)
Orbiculoidea Forbesi (Dam) x
Orbiculoidea var. x
Page 713
BRACHIOPODA — continued
Orthis (Dalman)
Orthis basalis (Dalm.) x
Orthis biforata (Schl.) x
Orthis (Bilobites) biloba (Linn.) x x
Orthis Bouchardi (Dav.) x x x
Orthis calligramma (Dalm.) x
Orthis (Dalmanella) elegantula (Dalm.) x x x
Orthis var. x
Orthis (Dinorthis) flabellulum (Sow.) x x
Orthis (Skenidium) Lewisi (Dav.) . x
Orthis min uta (Haswell) (young of Strophomena pecten) x
Orthis polygramma (Sow.) x x x
Orthis reversa (Salt.) x x
Orthis rustica (Sow.) x
Orthis sp. x x x x
Pholidops (Hall)
Pholidops (Crania) implicata (Sow.) x
Retzia (King)
Retzia Barrandei (Dav.) x
Rhynchonella (Fischer)
Rhynchonella borealis (Schl.) x
Rhynchonella diodonta (Dalm.) (= Orthis borealis) x
Rhynchonella nucula (Sow.) x
Rhynchonella pentlandica (Hayes.) x
Rhynchonella Wilsoni (Sow.) x
Rhynchonella sp. x x
Siphonotreta (De Verneuil)
Siphonotreta anglica (Morris) x
Spirifera (Sowerby)
Spirifera crispa (His.) x
Spirifera sulcata (His.) x
Strophomena (Rafinesque)
Strophomena antiquata (Sow.) x
Strophomena applanata (Salt.) x
Strophomena compressa (Sow.) x
Strophomena Hendersoni (Dav.) x
Strophomena imbrex (Pander) x
Strophomena pecten (Linn.) x
Strophomena (Leptaena) rhomboidalis ( Wilck.) x x
Strophomena Walmstedti (Linds.) x
Strophomena sp. x x
Ambonychia (Hall)
Ambonychia Hendersoni (Eth. jnr.) x
Anodontopsis (M'Coy)
Anodontopsis bulla (M'Coy) x x
Anodontopsis lucina (Salt.) x x
Anodontopsis Salteri (Eth. jnr) x
Anodontopsis sp. x
Cardiola (Broderzp)
Cardiola fibrosa (Sow.) x
Cardiola interrupta (Brod.) x
Cardiola sp. x
Ctenodonta (Salter)
Ctenodonta obesa (Salt.) x x
Page 714
Ctenodonta pentlandica (Eth. jnr.) x
Ctenodonta quadrata (M'Coy) x
Ctenodonta (Orthonota) thracioides (Salt.) x
Ctenodonta sp. x x x x
Cucullella (M'Coy)
Cucullella antiqua (Sow.) x
Cucullella sp. x x
Goniophora (Phillips)
Goniophora cymbaeformis (Sow.) x x
Lunulicardium (Munster)
Lunulicardium elegans (Salt.) x
Modiolopsis (Hall)
Modiolopsis (Mytilus) chemungensis (Corr.) x
Modiolopsis complanata (Sow.) x
Modiolopsis Nilssoni (His.) x
Modiolopsis platyphyllus (Salt.) x
Modiolopsis sp. x x
Mytilus (Linrceus)
Mytilus mytilimeris (Corr.) x x
Orthonota (Conrad)
Orthonota amygdalina (Sow.) x x
Orthonota var. gentilis (Salt.) x
Orthonota bulla (Salt.) x
Orthonota decipiens (M'Coy) x
Orthonota impressa (Sow.) x x
Orthonota rigida (Sow.) x
Orthonota rotundata (Sow.) x x
Orthonota Salteri (Eth. jnr.) x
Orthonota solenoides (Sow.) x x
Orthonota (Ctenodonta) thracioides (Salt.) x
Orthonota truncata (M'Coy) x x
Orthonota sp. x x x x
Pterinea (Goldfus)
Pterinea asperula (M'Coy) x
Pterinea pleuroptera (Corr.) x x
Pterinea retroflexa (Wahl.) x x
Pterinea var. squamosa (M'Coy) x
Pterinea sowerbyana (M'Coy) x
Pterinea tenuistriata (M'Coy) x
Pterinea sp. x
Tellmomya (Hall)
Tellmomya (Ctenodonta) sp. x
Acroculia (Phillips)
Acroculia (Platyceras) antiquata (Salter) x
Acroculia sp. x
Bellerophon (Montfort)
Bellerophon acutus (Sow.) ?
Bellerophon carinatus (Sow.) x
Bellerophon dilatatus (Sow.) x
Bellerophon expansus (Sow.) x
Bellerophon sphtera (Lindst.) x
Bellerophon trilobatus (Sow.) x
Cyrtolites (Conrad)
Cyrtolites nov. sp. x
Page 715
GASTEROPODA — continued
Cyclonema (Hall)
Cyclonema carinatum (Sow.) x
Cyclonema sp. x
Ecculiomphalus (Portlock)
Ecculiomphalus (Cyrtolites) sp. x
Euomphalus (Sowerby)
Euomphalus alatus (His.) x
Euomphalus funatus (Sow.) x
Euomphalus rugosus (Sow.) x
Euomphalus sculptus (Sow.) x
Holopea (Hall)
Holopea sp. x
Holopella (M'Coy) x
Holopella minuta (Lindst.). x
Holopella obsoleta (Sow.) x x
Holopella tenuicincta (M'Coy) x
Holopella sp.. x
Loxonema (Phillips)
Loxonema elegans ? (M'Coy) x
Loxonema sp. x
Platyceras (Conrad)
Platyceras (Acroculia) antiquate (Salt.) x
Platyceras Gibbsi (Eth. jnr.) ? x
Platyschisma (M'Coy)
Platyschisma (Trochus) helicites (Sow.) x x
Platyschisma simulans (Salt.) x
Platyschisma sp. x
Pleurotomaria (Defrance)
Pleurotomaria helicina (Lindst.) x
Pleurotomaria sp x
Tremanotus (Hall)
Tremanotus longitudinalis (Lindst.) x
Conularia (Miller)
Conularia monile (Linda.) x
Conularia Sowerbyi (Defr.) x
Conularia nov. sp. x
Conularia sp. x x
Hyolithes (Eichwald)
Hyolithes aduncus ? (Barr.) x
Hyolithes sp. x
Theca (Sowerby)
Theca (Hyolithes) Forbesi (Sharpe) x x
Cyrtoceras (Goldfuss)
Cyrtoceras sp. ?
Gomphoceras (Sow.)
Gomphoceras ellipticum (M'Coy) x
Gomphoceras sp. x
Lituites (Breynius)
Lituites sp. x
Orthoceras (Breynius)
Orthoceras angulatum ( Wahl.) x x
Page 716
CEPHALOPODA — continued
Orthoceras annulatum (Sow.) x
Orthoceras dimidiatum (Sow.) x x
Orthoceras elongatocinctum (Portl.) (= tenuicinctum, (Portl.) x
Orthoceras Etheridgei (Blake) x
Orthoceras excentricum (Sow.) x
Orthoceras fimbriatum (Sow.) x
Orthoceras gracile (Portl.) x
Orthoceras gregarium (Sow.) x
Orthoceras MacLareni (Salt.) x x x x x
Orthoceras politum (M'Coy) x x
Orthoceras semipartitum (Sow.) x
Orthoceras subundulatum (Portl.) x x x
Orthoceras tenuiannulatum (M'Coy) x
Orthoceras sp. x x x
Phragmoceras (Broderip)
Phragmoceras compressum (Sow.) x
Phragmoceras sp. x
Ateleaspis (Traquair)
Ateleaspis tessellata (Traq.) x x x
Birkenia ( Traquair)
Birkenia elegans (Traq.) x x x
Lanarkia (Traquair)
Lanarkia horrida (Traq.) x x
Lanarkia spinosa (Traq.) x x
Lanarkia spinulosa (Traq.) x x
Lasanius (Traquair)
Lasanius problematicus (Traq.) x x x
Thelodus (Agassiz)
Thelodus planus ( Traq.) x
Thelodus scoticus ( Traq.) x x
Dictyocaris (Salt.)
Dictyocaris Ramsayi (Salt.) x x x
Dictyocaris Slimoni (Salt.) x x