Peach, B.N. and Horne, J. 1899. The Silurian rocks of Britain. Volume 1. Scotland. Glasgow. HMSO for Geological Survey. Grid references have been added for GeoGuide. They should be regarded as approximate "in the region of..."
Chapter 9 The Central Belt — continued. Black shale bands between the Cree and the Mull Of Galloway
In the broad belt of Tarannon Rocks stretching from the mouth of the Cree across the low grounds of Wigtownshire to the shores of Luce Bay, the representatives of the Moffat series come to the surface along various anticlines. Of these, the most important is the series of bands that extend from Drumblair by Glenling and Crailloch to Ballaird. (Sheet 4 of Survey Map.)
Glenling, Crailloch, and Ballaird Black Shale Bands. — This series of outcrops is traceable from Drumblair
Drumblair. —
Garheugh. —
For a short distance there is a blank in the road section, but to the northwards an exposure of black shales yields Diplograptus foliaceus, Dicellograptus, and Climacograptus. Next we find, for about 30 yards, the Barren Mudstones, which are succeeded by the Birkhill Shales. It is probable that the whole sequence of the Lower Birkhill group is here represented, but the only fossils obtained belong to the M. gregariuszone, as given in the following list:
Monograptus gregarius (Lapw.)
Monograptus tenuis (Portl.)
Monograptus leptotheca (Lapw.)
Monograptus Hisingeri (Carr.)
Diplograptus tamariscus (Nich.)
Climacograptus normalis (Lapw.)
Dawsonia campanulata (Nich.)
The Barren Mudstones come to the surface at the roadside for a distance of 30 or 40 yards, while in a quarry at a sharp bend in the road, 200 yards from Garheugh, a thin seam of black shales has yielded Diplograptus foliaceus. This outcrop of Barren Mudstones, after crossing a narrow hollow, is succeeded by grits and greywackes, the latter being probably brought into conjunction with the Moffat series by means of a fault. This hollow runs in a north-east direction by the Black Loch, and is bounded on the north by a line of cliff composed of grits, greywackes, and shales. The probable fault-line is oblique both to the Moffat series and to the greywackes and shales to the north. North-eastwards along the hollow occupied by the fault, within 100 yards of the quarry just described, a cliff of greywacke rises on the north side of the feature and the black shales appear on the south side. These shales here form one limb of an arch, and dip generally to the south about 70°, the lowest zone occurring nearest the fault. The Barren Mudstones are seen at the base of the slope underneath the black shales with a south-east dip, followed by the Diplograptus acuminatus zone. This outcrop of the Moffat series can be traced north-eastwards by the Black Loch for two-thirds of a mile. At a point about 300 yards south-west from the Black Loch
Near Loch Doon, about 300 yards E.S.E. of the Black Loch
The folds of the Moffat series, forming numerous though isolated exposures between Drumblair and the Black Loch, as already described, disappear within half a mile to the north-east of Drumblair, and are succeeded by the overlying greywackes and shales. Along the line of the two most northerly folds (Black Loch and Loch Doon bands) the Moffat Shales have not been observed on the Drumblair Moor to the north-east. To the south-east, however, the Moffat series reappears near Kirwan Plantation
May Farmhouse. —
Crailloch and Low Glenling. —
One of the best exposures in the area is seen on the south of the Water of Malzie, on the by-road to Crailloch Farmhouse,
A few yards to the north, where a cutting has been made in these Moffat Shale beds for the purpose of deepening the river, a search was made in the debris thrown out from the river bed, and the following typical Glenkiln forms were obtained, chiefly from large slabs of a dark coarse-grained shale:
Caenograptus gracilis (Hall.)
Caenograptus pertenuis (Lapw.)
Didymograptus superstes (Lapw.)
Lasiograptus bimucronatus (Nich.)
Diplograptus foliaceus (Murch.)
Thamnograptus scoticus (Lapw.)
Climacograptus bicornis (Hall.)
Climacograptus caelatus var. antiquus (Lapw.)
Dicellograptus sextans (Hall.)
Dicellograptus intortus (Lapw.)
Dicellograptus patulosus (Lapw.)
Dicellograptus moffatensis (Carr.)
Dicranograptus ramosus (Hall.)
Cryptograptus tricornis (Carr.)
Glossograptus Hincksi (Hopk.)
In certain seams the Caenograpti occur in great abundance; Didymograptus superstes is very plentiful, and the specimens of Lasiograptus bimucronatus are remarkably well preserved. Though the road-cutting does not expose the black shales on the north limb of the fold of radiolarian cherts, yet by following the river course westwards, debris of Glenkiln–Hartfell Shales may be observed, which may be regarded as evidence that the sequence on the north limb extends to the horizon of the Lower Hartfell group.
South from the road-cutting, the Barren Mudstones are observable at intervals at the roadside. Near the main road there is a small exposure of black shales in a quarry, and debris of black shales occurs along a footpath running west from the road. These strata are followed southwards by greywackes.
To the east of the artificial cuttings in the Water of Malzie and adjoining road, the lower members of the Moffat series extend along the river as far as a point north of Low Glenling, a distance of three-quarters of a mile. The same shales and overlying Barren Mudstones are likewise exposed in the knolls that rise out of the peaty flat through which the stream flows. In a knoll 600 yards north of Low Glenling, the Barren Mudstones are succeeded on their northern edge by a black shale containing Rastrites peregrinus, Monograptus spiralis, M. Sandenoni, Climacograptus normalis, and Diplograptus sp. This assemblage indicates the occurrence of the Monograptus gregarius zone, and perhaps a part also of a higher zone.
In the fields to the south of Crailloch, and in quarries by the side of the road from Crailloch eastwards to the Water of Malzie, the Barren Mudstones and black shales belonging to the Glenkiln–Hartfell divisions are exposed. Round Crailloch Farmhouse, and for some distance along the strike to the N.E. and S.W., the Birkhill Shales appear. At a point 300 yards E.N.E. from Crailloch, where a ditch has been cut through one of these outcrops, the following forms were obtained from the debris — an assemblage which suggests that the various sub-zones of the Lower Birkhill group are here represented:
Diplograptus acuminatus (Nich.)
Dtmorphograptus Swanstoni (Lapw.)
Diplograptus vesiculosus (Nich.)
Climacograptus normalis (Lapw.)
Climacograptus rectangularis (M'Coy.)
Climacograptus nov. sp.
Monograptus gregarius (Lapw.)
Monograptus tenuis (Portl.)
Monograptus attenuatus (Hopk.)
Monograptus leptotheca (Lapw.)
Dawsonia campanulata (Nich.)
One feature which characterises the system of folding in the area just described between Garheugh and Low (ilenling is worthy of note, viz.: that the sharpest folds, revealing the lowest strata, occur along the southern margin of the, area, even though these folds do not run along the same axial line. They are arranged in echelon, the long axis of each successive deep fold being a little to the south of the preceding one as we pass towards the north-east.
Crows Burn, Ballaird.
This area, about a mile long and about 200 yards broad, stretches from the feature just mentioned to the road a little to the north-east of Ballaird Farmhouse
Eldrig Loch. —
Culroy. —
On the north side of this exposure of the Hartfell Shales a small development of Barren Mudstones is succeeded by a thin band of blue-black shales, containing Climacograptus normalis, Diplograptus, and siculae of graptolites, belonging to the Birkhill group. These strata are followed by greywackes and shales, with a thin black shale containing fragments of graptolites.
On the south side of the main exposure of Hartfell Shales the stream flows across Barren Mudstones. The Hartfell black shales reappear at two localities — one 50 yards (Locality B in ground-plan,
Descending the burn, the observer notes the radiolarian cherts and black shales on the right bank a few yards back from the stream. North-east of the stream, the red mudstones and black shales are visible in the cultivated fields, and are traceable for a distance of 700 yards from the burn section. To the north of the arch of red mudstones, the cherts appear on another fold, probably on the line of strike of the band B in the Gillespie Burn (see
Proceeding to the north-east, we find that the fault already described truncates these three folds in succession. At a distance of three-quarters of a mile north-east of Gillespie Burn, the Hartfell Shales on the northmost anticline are seen crossing the road leading to Barhaskine; a little further north, on the same road, dark shales in greywackes yielded the following forms: Diplograptus acuminatus, D. tamariscus, Monograptus tenuis, M. attenuatus, M. gregarius, Climacograptus normalis. A little further to the north-east, on the footpath, in blue-black shales in greywackes, the fossils obtained were Monograptus gregarius and Climacograptus normalis. Here, then, it is clear that the representatives of the Birkhill Shales are enclosed in other sediments. A little over a mile and a half east-north-east of Gillespie Burn, the Birkhill Shales appear in a little quarry, beside a footpath about 100 yards W.S.W. of a small loch in peat. Here in a blue-black platy iron-stained shale, fine specimens of Diplograptus acuminatus have been got, together with specimens of Climacograptus normalis and Monograptus attenuatus. The fault just mentioned gives rise to a prominent feature traceable eastwards to the little loch in the peat, and even beyond that point. At a point in the high road, about 300 yards N.N.W. from that loch, two folds of black shales appear, of which the most northerly yielded Diplograptus acuminatus and Climacograptus normalis.
In a little tributary of the Gillespie Burn east of Culroy
The evidence given in the foregoing paragraphs indicates that in the Culroy band of Moffat Shales the representatives of the Birkhill division have to a large extent disappeared, and that the graptolites of the D. acuminatus zone occur in dark seams, interleaved in coarser sediments. This change becomes still more apparent as we approach the northern margin of the Llandovery and Tarannon area near Glenluce. A section exhibiting these features stretches along the east shore of Luce Bay, about a mile south of Glenluce, between the Fish-house and the Crow's Nest. Beginning near the Fish-house and advancing southwards, the observer finds rusty mudstones resembling the Barren Mudstones, and calcareous bands with beds of greywacke, several feet in thickness. These are followed by greywackes and blue micaceous shales and mudstones, with dark bands and streaks sometimes calcareous. All the beds are nearly vertical or dip at high angles to the south. At a point about 200 yards south of the Fish-house two thin dark seams, ten yards distant from each other, yield graptolites sparingly. The more northerly layer encloses fine specimens of Climacograptus normalis, together with Diplograptus acuminatus, Climacograptus sp., and the siculae and the young stages of a Dimorphograptus. The southerly one yields siculae of graptolites and the same attenuated form of Climacograptus. These are followed by massive grey greywackes with thin bands of blue shales.
About 250 yards south of the foregoing fossiliferous localities certain thin bands in the greywackes yielded Climacograptus abundantly. About half a mile south of the Fish-house, beyond a series of massive greywackes with thin shales, dipping sometimes to the north and sometimes to the south, fossiliferous shales occur on the shore which closely resemble the D. acuminatus band already described near the Fish-house. Similar graptolites are obtained in great abundance in certain layers. These strata are followed southwards by mudstones, resembling lithologically the Barren Mudstones, and dip to the N.N.W. at high angles. About 100 yards south of the latter exposure, after traversing massive greywackes, we come again upon the blue shales with Lower Birkhill graptolites, which are followed southwards to the Crow's Nest by greywackes, grits, and thin shaly partings. About nine miles to the E.N.E. of the section here referred to, in the Tarf Water at Waulk Mill, about one quarter of a mile south of Kirkcowan
In the long narrow tongue of land which stretches south from the sands of Luce Bay to the Mull of Galloway, various folds of the Moffat series appear in the midst of the overlying Llandovery strata. (Sheets 1 and 3 of Survey Map.)
Clanyard Bay, West Coast of Rhinns of Galloway. —
Beginning with the section at the north end of the bay, the observer finds, as he proceeds northwards, that an excellent exposure of Barren Mudstones occupies the shore for a distance of 20 yards across the strike. These are the first rocks met with, and are apparently the lowest visible beds in this section. They consist of red, green, and grey mudstones with nodules of manganese or pisolitic ironstone, which lie along the bedding planes, and measure from one to three, and in some instances six, inches across. The variation in colour of the mudstonas from red to green and grey is purely local, and is not confined to separate bands. The strike of the beds is a few degrees to the north of east, the dip being sometimes to the north and sometimes to the south.
At their northern limit alternations of dark and green mudstones may be observed. The junction line between the top of the Barren Mudstones and the overlying Birkhill Shales is traceable along a ridge of rock through the gravel of the beach. About a foot below the base of the Birkhill Shales a seam of dark or black shales about half an inch thick furnishes good specimens of Diplograptus truncatus and Dicellograptus anceps. In the band of black shales in contact with the Barren Mudstones specimens of Monograptus tenuis and M. attenuatus were obtained. This zone is succeeded by black shales containing the following forms:
Diplograptus acuminatus (Nich.)
Dimorphograptus elongatus (Lapw.)
Diplograptus vesiculosus (Nich.)
Monograptus tenuis (Portl.)
Monograptus attenuatus (Hopk.)
gregarius (Lapw.)
Climacograptus normalis (Lapw.)
Climacograptus nov. sp.
To the north of these shales the Barren Mudstones reappear with a north-west dip. They here show a blue colour in fresh fracture, but weather brown or yellow. They are pierced on the north side by an intrusive dyke 29 feet broad. This dyke is succeeded by a mass of the Lower Birkhill Shales, visible at low tide. A few feet from the junction with the igneous rock the following forms were obtained from these shales:
Diplograptus vesiculosus (Nich.) in abundance and in excellent preservation.
Monograptus triangutatus (Hark.)
Monograptus tenuis (Ports.)
Diplograptus confertus (Nich.)
Diplograptus tamariscus (Nich.)
Measured from the north edge of the dyke there are 26 feet of black shales. Northwards a change takes place in the character of the sediments, for the succeeding 16 feet of strata consist of alternations of blue and black shales and clays, with nodules of ironstone and limestone. From, the following assemblage of graptolites obtained from them, there can be little doubt that these strata represent the M. gregarius zone.
Monograptus gregarius (Lapw.)
Monograptus tenuis (Portl.)
Monograptus attenuatus (Hopk.)
Monograptus leptotheca (Lapw.)
Diplograptus tamariscus (Nich.)
Climacograptus normalis (Lapw.)
Monograptus cyphus (Lapw.)
Monograptus triangulatus (Hark.)
Petalograptus palmaeus (Barr.)
Rastrites peregrinus (Barr.)
Dimophograptus Swanstoni (Lapw.)
Diplograptus confertus (Nich.)
A fault occurs along the northern margin of the M. gregarius zone.
To the north of the outcrop just described, a succession of blue-black shales and clays represents a portion of the Upper Birkhill division. The Diplograptus comets zone has not been noted, but a rich assemblage of forms occurs here in the M. spinigerus zone, those obtained being in excellent preservation:
Monograptus spinigerus (Nich.) in great abundance.
Monograptus spiralis (Geinitz.)
Monograptus attenuatus (Hopk.)
Monograptus leptotheca (Lapw.)
Monograptus Hisingeri (Carr.)
Rastrites maximus (Carr.)
Rastrites distans (Lapw.)
Petelograptus folium (His.)
The distance of the M. spinigerus zone from the fault is 10 feet, so that the dislocation is evidently of no great magnitude. To the north of this zone two dykes make their appearance. East of the northmost dyke jointed greywackes and shales occur, with a thin dark seam about a quarter of an inch thick, yielding fragments of graptolites.
At the south side of Clanyard Bay
To the south of this compound arch of Barren Mudstones the shales of the D. vesiculosuszone succeed, followed by the black shales and clays of the M. gregarius zone, which in turn give place to blue-black shales, mudstones, and clays of the Upper Birkhill division, that graduate outwards into greywackes and shales. The general dip of the strata is to the north-west, so that the Moffat beds here form an isoclinal fold inclined to the N.N.W.
Drumbreddan Bay. —
The ridge of rock that runs seawards in the centre of the bay is bounded to the north and south by a broad expanse of sand. On the south side of the rocky promontory at low tide a small arch of black shales occurs in a series of blue-black shales, with seams of clay, peering through the sand. From the black shales Monograptus gregarius, M. triangulatus, Rastrites peregrinus, Climacograptus normalis, and Diplograptus have been collected.
These strata are succeeded on the north side by grey clayey shales, dipping south at about 80°, with dark seams in thin leaves, from which the following forms were obtained: Rastrites peregrinus, Monograptus tenuis, M. attenuatus, M. Hisingeri, Climacograptus, and Diplograptus. They are followed northwards by grey shales, which enclose grey limestone nodules varying in size from a few inches to a foot across, and alternate with bands of flaggy greywackes that become thicker and more gritty as they are traced outwards from the Birkhill Shales. The section is interrupted by small faults.
South of the promontory an expanse of sand stretches for a distance of 80 yards. At the southern limit of the bay grey shales with dark seams occur, containing limestone nodules varying in size from a few inches to a foot or two across. These shales are interleaved with greywacke bands, the series graduating southwards into massive grits and shales. The grits enclose limestone nodules which weather out. The beds dip to the S.S.E. at angles of about 80°.
Proceeding now to the section north of the central promontory, where alternations of grits and shales form the last visible rock-exposures, the observer, after crossing a belt of 50 yards of gravel on the beach, finds another fold of the Moffat Shales at the north limit of the bay. Here, at low tide, at the base of the rocky cliff, black shales in grey clayey bands have yielded the following forms belonzina to the M. gregarius zone:
Monograptus gregarius (Lapw.)
Monograptus tenuis(Portl.)
Monograptus leptotheca (Lapw.)
Monograptus fimbriatus (Nich.)
Monograptus triangulatus (Hark.)
Rastrites peregrinus (Barr.)
Petalograptus palmaeus (Barr.)
Climacograptus normalis (Lapw.)
Climacograptus innotatus (Nich.)
Dawsonia campanulata (Nich.)
Siculae of graptolites.
These beds are succeeded at the base of the cliff by grey shales with dark films, like those on the south side of the central promontory, and then by sandy greywackes and shales.
Grennan Bay. —
Monograptus gregarius (Lapw.)
Monograptus tenuis (Portl.
Monograptus attenuatus (Hopk.)
Monograptus leptotheca (Lapw.)
Monograptus triangulatus (Hark.)
Monograptus lobiferus (M'Coy.)
Rastrites peregrinus (Barr.)
Climacograptus normalis (Lapw.)
Dawsonia campanulata (Nich.)
These strata contain limestone nodules from three inches to a foot across, and are traversed by a fault with a downthrow to the south. The black shales with limestone nodules yield Diplograptus confertus and a form like Monograptus runcinatus. Further north, black shales of the Diplograptus vesiculosus: zone contains D. vesiculosus, Monograptus gregarius, M. attenuatus, M. tenuis, Climacograptus normalis, Dimorphograptus elongatus, and Diplograptus tamariscus.
A constant repetition of the Lower Birkhill black shales, chiefly of the D. vesiculosus zone, may be traced northwards till an arch of Barren Mudstones is reached with flinty bands from seven to eight yards broad. On the north side of this arch there is a seam of black shale about one inch thick, followed by the Birkhill black shales. From the flaggy black shales the following forms were collected: Climacograptus normalis, Monograptus tenuis, and Diplograptus tamariscus. The next strata are black shales alternating with grey clays, succeeded by greywackes and shales. There seems, however, to be a line of fault at the north edge of the black shale series. This fine exposure of the Birkhill Shales occupies the coast line for a distance of about 70 yards.
Section near Float Bay. —
At A, on the cliff section, a zone of dark sandy shales contains Monograptus tenuis, M. attenuatus, Diplograptus tamariscus, Climacograptus normalis, and siculae of graptolites. These beds seem to be thrown by a fault to the south side of the bay, for at B they have yielded Monograptus gregarius, M. tenuis, M. attenuatus, Climacograptus normalis. They contain limestone nodules from a few inches to a foot thick. In the centre of the shales at B a synclinal fold of grit maybe observed to be marked with holes formed by the weathering out of calcareous nodules. Another exposure of shales with limestone nodules, probably on the same horizon, is seen on the shore a short distance to the north (White Laird's Loup, &c.).
Slunkrainy. —
Immediately to the north of Slunkrainy Point
At a point where a burn falls over the cliff into the sea
From the evidence supplied by the various exposures of the Moffat series on the shore between the Mull of Galloway and Money Head, we may deduce the following conclusions. The lowest visible beds are the Barren Mudstones, and the highest belong to the M. spinigerus zone of the Upper Birkhill division. The type of mudstones representing the Upper Hartfell group closely resembles that in the Moffat area; while the dark band near the top, with Dicellograptus anceps and Diplograptus truncatus, is still met with. The lower division of the Birkhill group, with its subordinate zones of Diplograptus acuminatus, Diplograptus vesiculosus, and Monograptus gregarius, is clearly recognisable, resembling closely the Moffat equivalents both in lithological characters and fossil contents. Further, it seems clear that in Clanyard Bay at least, and probably in the Grennan Bay arch, representatives of the Upper Birkhill division occur, including the Cephalograptus cometa and M. spinigerus zones. No trace, however, of the M. spinigerus zone has been recorded to the north of the Grennan Bay anticline in Sheet 3.
It is further observable that a marked change has supervened in the lithological characters of the strata between Clanyard Bay and Drumbreddan Bay to the north. The beds representing the M. spinigerus zone in Clanyard Bay, as already indicated, consist of blue-black shales, mudstones, and clays; while in Drumbreddan Bay this zone seems to be represented by grey shales with dark seams containing limestone nodules, followed immediately by flaggy greywackes and shales. In like manner the beds included under the M. gregarius zone consist in Clanyard Bay of black shales and clays; while several miles to the north, near Slunkrainy, the fossils of this zone appear in dark sandy shales interleaved in greywackes.
This gradual change in the character of the sedimentation of the Birkhill group, as we proceed northwards, is a feature which, as already indicated, is characteristic of the whole Silurian Tableland. It is one which has occasioned considerable difficulty in drawing a base line for the northern limit of the Llandovery and Tarannon Rocks.