Reproduced in this format with permission from the British Geological Survey, 2024.
British Geological Survey excursion guides
Hyslop, E.K., and Pickett, E.A. 1999. Stratigraphy and magmatism in the uppermost Dalradian of the SW Scottish Highlands: A field excursion to Tayvallich, Loch Avich and Tarbert (Loch Fyne), June 1999 British Geological Survey Technical Report WA/99/73.
Bridge, D. McC. Carney, J.N. Horton, A, Lawley, R.S.L. and Sumbler, M.G. 1992 The geology of the Pleistocene deposits between Coventry, Rugby and Hinckley, English East Midlands British Geological Survey Technical Report WA/92/40
Carney, J N, 2010. Guide to the geology of Bradgate Park and Swithland Wood, Charnwood Forest. British Geological Survey Open Report, OR/10/041.
Allen, P. M., and Jackson, Audrey A. 1985. Geological excursions in the Harlech dome. Classical areas of British geology, British Geological Survey. (London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office.) British Geological Survey Natural Environment Research Council
R.J. Merriman, N.J. Fortey and B. Roberts An excursion guide to areas of very low grade metamorphism in the Lake District and the Rhinns of Galloway British Geological Survey Technical Report WG/91/8
Carney, J N and Pharaoh, T C. 2000. Aspects of Charnian geology. An evening field excursion to: Calvary Rock, Ratchet Hill, Mt. Saint Bernard and Beacon Hill. British Geological Survey Technical Report WA/00/52.
Carney, J.N. The geology of the Lower Cambrian Hartshill Sandstone Formation and Precambrian basement of the Caldecote Volcanic Formation, as exposed in quarries north-west of Nuneaton British Geological Survey Technical Report WA/92/80
Pharaoh, T C, Riley, N J and Carney, J N Trip#5 The influence of geology on scenery, oil and beer in the East Midlands. AAPG Birmingham 99 Field Guide British Geological Survey Onshore Geology Series Technical report WA/99/94
Farrant, A R. 2008.A walkers’ guide to the geology and landscape of eastern Mendip. Book and map at 1:25 000 scale. (Keyworth, Nottingham: British Geological Survey.)
Farrant, A R. 2008. A walkers' guide to the geology and landscape of western Mendip. (Keyworth, Nottingham: British Geological Survey.) ISBN 978 085272576 4
Bibliographical reference: Goodenough,K., Pickett, E., Krabbendam, M. and Bradwell. 2004, 2017 reprint. Exploring the landscape of Assynt. A walkers' guide and map showing the rocks and landscape of Assynt and Inverpolly. Edinburgh : British Geological Survey.
Ambrose, K, Carney, J N, Lott, G K, Weightman, G, And McGrath, A. 2007. Exploring the landscape of Charnwood Forest and Mountsorrel. A walkers’ guide to the rocks and landscape of Charnwood Forest and Mountsorrel. Keyworth, Nottingham: British Geological Survey.
Kokelaar, B P, And Moore, I D. 2006. Glencoe caldera volcano, Scotland. Classical areas of British geology (Keyworth, Nottingham: British Geological Survey.)
Ambrose, K, Mcgrath, A, Weightman, G, Strange, P, Lattaway, S, Lott, G, Barrett, D, Dean, S, and Liddle, P. 2012. Exploring the landscape of The National Forest. A walkers’ guide to the landscape and natural environment of The National Forest. Keyworth, Nottingham: British Geological Survey.
Smith, R.A., Merritt, J.W., Leslie, A.G., Krabbendam, M., and Stephenson, D. 2011. Bedrock and Superficial Geology of the Newtonmore–Ben Macdui district: Description or Sheet 64 (Scotland). British Geological Survey Internal Report, OR/11/055.
Greenly, Edward. 1919. The geology of Anglesey. London HMSO [For Geological Survey] Two volumes
Tyrell, G.W. 1928. The geology of Arran. Edinburgh, HMSO [for the Geological Survey]
Bailey, et al. 1924. Tertiary and Post-Tertiary geology of Mull, Loch Aline, and Oban (a description of parts of sheets 43, 44, 51, and 52 of the geological map). HMSO [for Geological Survey]
Richey, J.E. and Thomas, H.H. 1930. The geology of Ardnamurchan, north-west Mull and Coll. Memoir for geological sheet 51, part 52 (Scotland). Edinburgh: [HMSO for the Geological Survey]
Harker, A. 1904. The Tertiary igneous rocks of Skye. HMSO for the Geological Survey.
Anderson, F.W. and Dunham, K.C. 1966. The geology of Northern Skye
Bailey, E.B. and Maufe, H.B. 1960. The geology of Ben Nevis and Glen Coe and the surrounding country. 2nd. Revised Edition. Edinburgh: HMSO
Peach, B.N., Horne, J. Gunn, W, Clough, C.T., Hinxman, L.W. 1907. The geological structure of the North-West Highlands of Scotland. Glasgow: HMSO [for Geological Survey of Great Britain].
Mykura, W. and Newsier, J. 1976. The Geology of Western Shetland (Explanation of One-inch Geological Sheet Western Shetland; comprising Sheet 127 and parts of 125, 126 and 128). Edinburgh HMSO.
Peach, B.N. and Horne, J. 1899. The Silurian rocks of Britain. Volume 1. Scotland. Glasgow. HMSO for Geological Survey.