Goodenough, K. and Krabbendam, M. (Eds.) 2011. A geological excursion guide to the North-west Highlands of Scotland. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Geological Society in association with NMS Enterprises Limited, 2011. ISBN 978-1-905267-53-8. This material was published by the Edinburgh Geological Society and Geological Society of Glasgow in association with National Museums Scotland, and they have kindly made the text available for publishing on the Web. Copies of the geological excursion guides can be purchased on the EGS website: purchase excursion guides.
Excursion 10 Cam Loch, Ledmore and the Loch Borralan Pluton
Kathryn Goodenough and Ian Parsons
Purpose: To study the Loch Borralan Pluton and its contact relationships with the structures of the Moine Thrust Zone.
Aspects covered: The Cam Loch Klippe, syenites of the Loch Borralan Pluton, contact relationships of the pluton, and the Loch Urigill carbonatite.
Maps: OS: 1:50,000 Landranger sheet 15 Loch Assynt; 1:25,000 Explorer sheet 439 Coigach and Summer Isles. BGS: 1:50,000 special sheet, Assynt.
Terrain: The excursion comprises a series of stops linked by short drives. The longest walking distance at any stop is about 5 km, mostly on paths and tracks, although some rough and boggy ground is covered, particularly around Cam Loch and Loch Urigill.
Time: The whole excursion will take a full day, but most of the localities can be visited separately.
Access: Localities 10.1, 10.2, 10.4, 10.5 and 10.6 should have no problems with access at most times of the year; for Locality 10.3 (Ledmore Marble Quarry) the quarry manager (Tel: 01854 666241) should be contacted before visiting. Hard hats and high visibility jackets will be required, and all instructions from the quarry manager should be followed.
Locality 10.1 Cam Loch Klippe. [NC 230 121] to [NC 224 140]
The first stop is a walk over the Cam Loch Klippe, which will take 3–4 hours and involves some steep and rough ground. This klippe comprises two fairly significant thrusts (the Cam Loch and Leathaid Bhuidhe thrusts) that carry Lewisian gneiss and Eriboll Formation over rocks of the Sole Thrust sheet
Park on the A835 about 1.5 km west of Ledmore Junction, at
Follow the path along the loch shore until it ascends a low ridge at
Continue northwards along the foot of the cliffs and ascend a broad heathery gully. At the top of this gully
Continue upwards to the summit of Cnoc an Leathaid Bhig, which is an excellent viewpoint. To the east, the hill of Cnoc na Stròine is formed of quartz syenites of the late suite of the Loch Borralan Pluton; the topography of the hill reflects the stock-like nature of this late suite intrusion
Locality 10.2 Loch Borralan syenites at Ledmore. [NC 247 120]
Drive to the hamlet of Ledmore, turning off on a track on the right (east) just before the road junction, and park near the end of the track at
Slightly downriver, at
Locality 10.3 Ledmore Marble Quarry. [NC 252 137]
From Ledmore, turn left at Ledmore Junction and drive along the road for a little over 1 km to the entrance to the Ledmore Marble Quarry. Access per-mission to visit this quarry should be confirmed with the quarry manager (Tel: 01854 666241); hard hats and high-visibility jackets may be required.
This quarry cuts through a thrust that has carried Basal Quartzite Member over dolostones of the Ghrudaidh Formation, and which may be tentatively correlated with the Cam Loch Thrust. The cross-bedded quartz arenites are exposed in a low cliff just to the left of the quarry entrance. In the main body of the quarry, Ghrudaidh Formation dolostones of the Sole Thrust Sheet have been intruded and metamorphosed by coarse-grained, irregular sheets of melanite-biotite-pseudoleucite nepheline-syenite ('borolanite'). The 'borolanites' are recognisable by their distinctive texture, with white pseudoleucite 'spots' in a dark grey matrix
Locality 10.4 Bad na h'Achlaise. [NC 245 115]
Return to the vehicles and drive eastwards, carrying straight on at Ledmore Junction, to park at the bridge over the Ledmore River at
Just before reaching the stream, on the south side of the track
Most blocks are grey, medium grained, meso- to leucocratic nepheline-syenite (alkali feldspars 1–5 m ), but there are also pink variants which locally occur as veins cutting the grey varieties. There are mafic inclusions with sharp margins, some of which are foliated or layered, and locally veined by nepheline-syenite. In addition, there are diffuse, mafic patches in the syenites. Drilling work south and south-east of Bad na h'Achlaise has shown that rocks of these types are abundant under the now forested Mointeach na Totaig, although there are no exposures.
In the back left corner of the quarry there are exposures of jointed, fine-grained more melanocratic syenite similar in appearance to the Ledmore nepheline-syenites. This type is also cut by pink, leucocratic syenite veins.
Leave the forestry track at the culvert
During the 1980s, the Nature Conservancy Council opened up a series of excavations running along the top of the slope to the west of the stream, to investigate the relationships between the igneous rocks and the rocks of the Cam Loch Klippe (Parsons and McKirdy, 1983). These exposures are becoming overgrown, but are still worthy of investigation. The smallest of the new exposures, some 12 m west of the stream in Bad na h'Achlaise at
Some 40 m due west at
Continue west for 60 m along a conspicuous excavated terrace to a large (20 m long) excavated exposure at [NC 24411 11514 to NC 24432 11513] (Parsons and McKirdy, 1983, loc. 3). This is an important exposure which shows unequivocally that igneous rocks of the Loch Borralan Pluton were intruded into the Basal Quartzite Member, considered to be part of the Cam Loch Klippe. Since intrusions belonging to this pluton also cut rocks of the Sole Thrust sheet in Ledmore Marble Quarry, it is clear that the pluton cuts across the Cam Loch Thrust. It also shows that the pyroxenites are intrusive rocks, not metasomatic skarn rocks at the contact of intrusion with dolomite.
The pyroxenite occurs at the extreme west of the exposure, near the base. It is now more restricted in exposure than shown by Parsons and McKirdy (1983), and is very soft, but has clearly been injected into quartzite. The quartzite is fenitised, with rosettes of pale blue amphibole. The main face of the exposure is now cleaner than in 1983, and a number of pink syenite veins, typically around 30 cm. wide, are visible, forming a network in quartzite. There is a 10 cm. vug in the quartzite close to one of these veins, lined by euhedral quartz. The eastern end of the exposure is entirely pink, fine to coarse grained nepheline-syenite, with tight angular jointing.
Locality 10.5 The Loch Urigill carbonatite. [NC 247 104]
Return to the forest road above Bad na h'Achlaise and follow it westwards until a Y-junction; take the left-hand (uphill) fork and continue to the end of the track. From here a path continues downhill to the shores of Loch Urigill. Do not cross the deer fence, but follow it round the east side of the small bay to
Locality 10.6 Allt a'Mhuillin Quarry. [NC 287 096]
Return to the cars; drive south-east along the A837, past the Altnacealgach Motel, to where the road crosses the Allt a'Mhuillin stream at
This quarry is the type locality for the Allt a'Mhuilinn pseudoleucite-syenite ('borolanite'), part of the early suite of the Loch Borralan Pluton. These rocks are melanite-biotite-pyroxene nepheline-syenites which contain white spots that are pseudomorphs after leucite, now made up of an aggregate of K-feldspar, white mica and nepheline. These pseudoleucites show varying degrees of flattening, from near-spherical to highly flattened white streaks, but other minerals in the rock appear euhedral. The pseudo-leucite-syenites contain numerous xenoliths of darker-coloured rock types, including a more mafic melanite-pyroxene-biotite syenite. Many fresh samples can be found among the fallen blocks that litter the quarry floor.
The pseudoleucite-syenites in the quarry are cut by a set of undeformed pegmatite veins that contain an unusual mineral assemblage: feldspar, nepheline, biotite, melanite, magnetite, titanite, allanite, zeolite and blue cancrinite. Later shear zones cut all the rock-types.
The earliest workers interpreted the relationships in this quarry as proof that the intrusion of the Loch Borralan Pluton must have overlapped movements on the Ben More Thrust, with the 'borolanites' being deformed by thrusting prior to the intrusion of the pegmatites. The flattening of the pseudoleucites has been interpreted as of igneous origin (Elliott and Johnson, 1980) or as a tectonic fabric (Searle, et al., 2010), with different implications for the relative timing of intrusion and thrusting. This controversy has not yet been fully resolved; it is most likely that intrusion of the rocks of the early suite was broadly contemporaneous with thrusting, and that the late suite syenites were intruded after thrust movement had ceased (Woolley, 1970; Goodenough et al., 2011).