Stratigraphical summary

A summary of the stratigraphical succession of the region is presented in (Table 0.1), with a simplified geological map in (Figure 0.1); see also the section (Figure 0.2). Relevant detail is given in the excursion accounts. Comprehensive and systematic coverage for the Glasgow area of this guide is mostly provided in the recent (1985) third edition of the British Geological Survey's Regional Geology handbook on 'The Midland Valley' which contains numerous maps and photographs. The companion volume on 'The South of Scotland' (3rd. edition, 1971) covers the Girvan and Ballantrae areas of this guide and has recently been supplemented and updated by B.G.S. booklets on Girvan (Cameron, Stone and Smellie 1986) and Ballantrae (Stone and Smellie 1988). 'The Geology of Scotland' (third edition, Craig 1991) places the geology of the region in its wider context. A concise and simplified account of the succession and palaeography, together with descriptions of excursions at an elementary level, is contained in the book 'Geology Explained  ' by Lawson and Lawson (1976). Although now out of print, this book is available at most public libraries in the Glasgow area.

The above books do not, however, deal adequately with the difficult and controversial subject of the plate tectonic history of the region. It is for this reason that there follows an essay by Professor B.J.Bluck on 'Terrane Accretion in Western Scotland'.


CAMERON, I.B. and STEPHENSON, D. 1985. British Regional Geology: The Midland Valley of Scotland (third edition). British Geological Survey (HMSO, London).

CAMERON, I.B., STONE, P. and SMELLIE, J.1986. Geology of thecountry around Girvan. (Sheet 7). (HMSO, London).

CRAIG, G.Y. (editor), (Third edition), 1991. Geology of Scotland. Scottish Academic Press, Edinburgh.

GREIG, D.C. and others, 1971. British Regional Geology: The South of Scotland. British Geological Survey (HMSO, Edinburgh).

LAWSON, J.A. and LAWSON, J.D. 1976. Geology explained around Glasgow and South West Scotland, including Arran. David and Charles, Newton Abbot.

STONE, P. and SMELLIE, J.L. 1988. Classical areas of British geology: The Ballantrae area (Sheets NX 08, 18 and 19). British Geological Survey. (HMSO, London).