MacAdam, A. D., Clarkson, E. N. K., and Stone, P. (Eds.) 1993. Scottish Borders geology: an excursion guide. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press


General geology

Principles of Physical Geology (third edition revised by Doris L. Holmes). A. Holmes. 1978. 730 pp. Van Nostrand Reinhold (UK).

The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Earth Sciences. D.C. Smith (Editor). 1981. 496 pp. Cambridge University Press.

A Dynamic Stratigraphy of the British Isles. R. Anderton, P.H. Bridges, M.R. Leeder and B.W. Sellwood. 1979. 301 pp. George Allen & Un win.

Sedimentology: Process and Product. M.R. Leeder. 1982. 344pp. George Allen & Unwin.

Sedimentary Environments and Facies. H.G. Reading (Editor). 1978. 569 pp. Blackwell.

Ancient Sedimentary Environments. R.C. Selly. 1970. 237 pp. Chapman and Hall.

Volcanoes. P. Francis. 1978. 368 pp. Penguin. Guide to the practical study of crystals, minerals and rocks (revised first edition). K.G. Cox, N.B. Price and B. Harte. 1972. 245 pp. McGraw Hill. The Country Life Guide to Minerals, Rocks and Fossils. W.R. Hamilton, A.R. Wooley and A.C. Bishop. 1974. 280 pp. Country Life.

Invertebrate palaeontology and evolution (third edition). E.N.K. Clarkson. 1992. 424pp Chapman & Hall.

Atlas of Invertebrate Macrofossils. J.W. Murray (Editor). 1985. 241 pp. Longman / The Palaeontological Association.

British Museum Handbooks. British Museum (Natural History). H.M.S.O.

British Caenozoic Fossils (fifth edition). 1975. 132pp.

British Mesozoic Fossils (sixth edition). 1983. 209pp.

British Palaeozoic Fossils (fourth edition). 1975. 203pp.

Geological Museum Booklets. British Geological Survey. H.M.S.O.

Britain before Man. F.W. Dunning et al. 1978. 36 pp.

British Fossils. J. Thackray. 1984. 36 pp.

Earthquakes. S.Van Rose. 1983. 36 pp.

The Age of the Earth. J. Thackray. 1980. 36 pp.

The Geological Map: an anatomy of a Landscape. E. Edmonds. 1984. 36 pp. The Origin and Evolution of Coal. P. J. Adams. 1983 16 pp.

The Story of the Earth (second edition). F.W. Dunning et al. 1981. 36 pp. Volcanoes (second edition). S. Van Rose and I. Mercer. 1991.60 pp.

Borders geology

Geology and Scenery in Scotland. J.B. Whittow. 1977. 362 pp. Penguin.

Lothian Geology – An Excursion Guide. A.D. McAdam and E.N.K. Clarkson (Editors). 1986. 221 pp. Scottish Academic Press.

The Geology of Scotland (third edition). G.Y. Craig (Editor). 1991. 472 pp. Scottish Academic Press.

The South of Scotland (third edition), British Regional Geology. D.C. Greig. 1971. 125 pp. British Geological Survey . H.M.S.O.

Northern England (fourth edition), British Regional Geology. B.J. Taylor et al. 1971. 125pp. British Geological Survey. H.M.S.O.

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