Barron, H. F., Browne, M. A. E. and Finlayson, A. 2005. West Lothian Geodiversity. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/06/008N. 190pp.

WLGS 13 Hopetoun Obelisk Quarry [NT 0942 7859] (Figure 39), (Figure 40), (Figure 41), (Figure 42)

WLC site description

Part of the Strathclyde Group sites

Other designations: HGDL (Hopetoun House); LWS (adjacent to Hopetoun Estate); adjacent to AWI woods

This disused quarry in the Dunnet Sandstone (Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil-shale Formation) was worked to provide the building stone for Hopetoun House. At the south-west corner of the quarry [NT 0942 7859] there is good face approximately 5–6 m high displaying (Figure 40) grey to pale brown, fine grained sandstone, with interbeds of very fine grained sandstone and laminated carbonaceous siltstone ("tiger-stripe") Cross bedding and cross laminations are also evident at this locality. Since the audit visit in November 2005, large quantities of soil have been tipped into the southern part of the quarry. The largest worked faces can be seen at the north-east corner of the quarry, though at the present time (March 2006) are inaccessible due to waterlogging at the base. The most accessible face is located at the north- west corner of the quarry beside some small stables [NT 0942 7871].

(Figure 39) Obelisk Quarry, Hopetoun [NT 0942 7859] (WLGS 13). Quarry face in Dunnet Sandstone (Hopetoun Member, West Lothian Oil Shale Formation).

(Figure 40) Obelisk Quarry, Hopetoun [NT 0942 7859] (WLGS 13). Close-up of (Figure 39). Fine grained sandstone with interbeds of very fine grained sandstone and laminated carbonaceous siltstone ("tiger-stripe").

(Figure 41) Obelisk Quarry, Hopetoun [NT 0942 7862] (WLGS 13). Fluvial channel features in Dunnet Sandstone.

(Figure 42) Entrance to Obelisk Quarry, Hopetoun [NT 0942 7862] (WLGS 13).