Barron, H. F., Browne, M. A. E. and Finlayson, A. 2005. West Lothian Geodiversity. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/06/008N. 190pp.
WLGS 30 Hillhouse Quarry and Mine (Proposed RIGS) [NT 0040 7487] (Figure 102) , (Figure 103) , (Figure 104) , (Figure 105) , (Figure 106)
Part of the Clackmannan Group sites
Other designations: AGLV; CP (adjacent to Beecraigs Wood)
This site is located within the Beecraigs Country Park three km south of Linlithgow. The Hillhouse Limestone (Lower Limestone Formation) has been worked by both underground and surface methods. The 9 to 12 m thick massive and fossiliferous limestone dips to the west at 30–400 with consequent steep stoop and room workings, some of which have collapsed recently leading to subsidence in the overlying road. The limestone is overlain by a sill of basalt with columnar jointing — this is the type locality of the Hillhouse type of olivine-basalt in the 1928 MacGregor basalt classification.