Lawrence, D.J.D., Vye, C.L. and Young, B. 2004. Durham Geodiversity Audit. Durham: Durham County Council


(Front cover) Front cover.

Title page and preliminaries


List of figures

List of tables

List of photographs



A guide to this audit

Part 1 Geodiversity

Defining geodiversity

The relevance of geodiversity

Aims and objectives of this geodiversity audit

The influence of geology in County Durham

Conserving earth science within County Durham

Part 2 The geodiversity of County Durham

The geological evolution of County Durham

Ordovician rocks

Carboniferous rocks — introduction

Dinantian rocks

Namurian rocks

Westphalian rocks

Permian rocks — introduction

Yellow Sands Formation

Marl Slate Formation

The Magnesian Limestone

Intrusive igneous rocks

Metamorphic rocks

Geological structures

Mineral veins and flats

Quaternary deposits

Karst features



Fossils and palaeontology

Minerals and mineralogy



Use of the resource

Extractive industries

Abandoned quarries

Active quarries

Abandoned underground mines

Active underground mines

Spoil heaps

The built environment

Understanding the resource

County Durham's place in the development of geological science

Archives and materials collections

Documentary sources

Materials collections

Collecting of geological materials

Geological societies

Interpreting earth science within County Durham


Selected bibliography

Figures, photographs and tables