Lawrence, D. J. D. 1990. Limestone Landscapes — a geodiversity audit and action plan for the Durham Magnesian Limestone Plateau. British Geological Survey open report OR/09/007.

Marsden Bay [NT 39950 564850]

Coastal cliff and beach section.

Public ownership?

Concretionary Limestone Formation magnificently displayed in cliffs with excellent examples of collapse breccia pipes (breccia gashes) Classic examples of coastal erosion including stacks, arches and wave-cut platforms. Extensive views from above.

Proposed action Improve interpretation. Incorporate in trail. Training for voluntary wardens/rangers

Existing designations SSSI GCR

Existing on site interpretation None?

Major geodiversity interest Variety of features in Concretionary Limestone including excellent collapse breccia pipes. Coastal features.

Biodiversity interest None

Other heritage links None

Additional comment Access via steps or lift (when working). Refreshments available on beach.

Date of photography 2003 and 2008

(Photo 15) Marsden Bay.

(Plate 10) Collapse breccia in the cliffs at Marsden Bay.
