Lawrence, D. J. D. 1990. Limestone Landscapes — a geodiversity audit and action plan for the Durham Magnesian Limestone Plateau. British Geological Survey open report OR/09/007.

Lizard Point & Mardsen Limekiln [NZ 4103 6424]

Coastal cliff section

National Trust?

Excellent viewpoint for coastal features and Concretionary Limestone Formation. Industrial archaeology links.

Proposed action Incorporate in trail. Consider additional methods of interpretation.

Existing designations SSSI GCR

Existing on site interpretation non-geological

Major geodiversity interest Good coastal features and cliff exposures.

Biodiversity interest

Other heritage links Industrial and archaeological link with limekiln

Additional comment The Working Marsden Quarry is nearby.

Date of photography 2003 and 2008

(Photo 16) Lizard Point and Marsden Limekiln.

(Plate 9) Coastal stacks in the Roker Dolomite Formation seen from Lizard Point.

(Plate 23) 'Walking Works Wonders' board south of Lizard point.
