Farrant, A R. 2008. A walkers' guide to the geology and landscape of western Mendip. (Keyworth, Nottingham: British Geological Survey.) ISBN 978 085272576 4

The guide is available to purchase from the British Geological Survey https://shop.bgs.ac.uk/Shop/Product/BSP_BWMEND

Further reading


Atthill, R. 1984. Old Mendip. Bran’s Head Books. ISBN 0 905220 55 2.

Firth, H. 2007. Mendip from the air. A changing landscape. The Lavenham Press. ISBN 978 0861 833900.

Hanwell, J D, and Newson, M D. 1970. The great storms and floods of July 1968 on Mendip. Occasional Publications of the Wessex Cave Club, 1 (2). ISBN 0 950043 31 1.

Geology and geomorphology

Andrews, P. 1990. Owls, Caves and Fossils. Natural History Museum, London. ISBN 978 022602 0372.

Duff, K L, McKirdy, A P, and Harley, M J. 1985. New sites for old. A students guide to the geology of the East Mendips. Nature Conservancy Council. ISBN 0 86139 319 8.

Farrant A R, and Smart, P L. 1997. The geomorphic evolution of the Mendip Hills. Chapter in Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists’ Society, 55, Special Issue: The Mendips. p. 135–155.

Findlay, D C. 1965. The soils of the Mendip District of Somerset. Agricultural Research Council, Memoir of the Soil Survey of Great Britain, England and Wales, Harpenden.

Ford, D C, and Stanton, W I. 1968. The geomorphology of the south- central Mendip Hills. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, Vol. 79, 26–427.

Green, G W, and Welch, F B A. 1965. Geology of the country around Wells and Cheddar. Memoir of the British Geological Survey.

Hardy, P. 2002. The Geology of Somerset. Ex Libris Press. ISBN 0 948578 42 4.

Savage, R J S (editor). 1977. Geological Excursions in the Bristol District.

University of Bristol, Bristol. ISBN 0 901239 22 4.

Simms, M J. 1997. The geological history of The Mendip Hills and, their margins. Chapter in Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists’ Society, 55, Special Issue: The Mendips. p. 113–114.

Natural history

Bristol Naturalists’ Society. 1997. The Mendips. Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists’ Society. Vol. 55. Green, P R, Green, I P, and Crouch, G A. 1997. The Atlas Flora of Somerset. ISBN 0 953132 404. Lousley, J E. 1969. Wild flowers of Chalk and Limestone. Collins. ISBN 1870630548.


Barrington, N, and Stanton, W I. 1977. Mendip. The complete caves and a view of the hills.

Cheddar Valley Press, Cheddar. ISBN 0 9501459 2 0.

Farrant, A R. 1999. Walks around the caves and karst of the Mendip Hills. Cave Studies Series, British Cave Research Association, London. ISBN 0 900265 21 3.

Irwin, D J, and Jarrett, A R. 1999. Mendip Underground. A Caver’s Guide. 4th Edition. Castle Cary, Mendip Publishing. ISBN 0 95361 0 303.

Smith, D I (editor). 1975. Limestones and Caves of the Mendip Hills. David and Charles, Newton Abbott. ISBN 0 71536 572X.

Waltham, A C, Simms, M J, Farrant, A R, and Goldie, H. 1997. Karst and Caves of Great Britain: Geological Conservation Review. Chapman and Hall. ISBN 0 0412 7888608.

Quarrying and mining

Alabastor, C. 1982. The Minerals of Mendip. Somerset Mines Research Group, Vol. 1, No 4. Gough, J W. 1967. The Mines of Mendip. David and Charles.

Raymond, F (editor). 1994. Mendip Limestone Quarrying — A Conflict of Interest. Somerset Books. ISBN 0 86183 266 3.

Useful websites

The website to accompany this guidebook can be found at:


British Geological Survey https://www.bgs.ac.uk/

Mendip Hills AONB www.mendiphills.org.uk/

Somerset County Council https://www.somerset.gov.uk/

Sedgemoor District Council https://www.somerset.gov.uk/

Bath and NE Somerset Council https://beta.bathnes.gov.uk/

Mendip District Council https://www.somerset.gov.uk/

Mendip Society https://www.themendipsociety.org.uk/

Wells and Mendip Museum https://www.wellsmuseum.org.uk/

Cheddar Caves https://www.cheddargorge.co.uk/

Wookey Hole https://www.wookey.co.uk/

Mineral Industry Research

Aggregate Industries https://www.aggregate.com/

Somerset Wildlife Trust https://www.somersetwildlife.org/

Natural England https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/natural-england

The Mendip Times https://mendiptimes.co.uk/

British Caving Association https://british-caving.org.uk/


(Figure 117) Humps mark the line of a World War II bombing decoy leading up to the summit of Blackdown.

(Figure 118) Priddy Mineries.

(Figure 119) The Railway Tunnel, St Cuthbert’s Swallet, Priddy. © Peter Glanvill.

(Figure 120) Bee orchid. © Sharon Pilkington.

(Figure 121) Common vetch. © Sharon Pilkington.